EPISODE V: Hanayo's Hour

A dramatic shift in the wind blows across a modest gathering in front of a makeshift stage in front of the school. The felt backdrop of rice stalks and grains adorn the floor on which a certain school idol will perform alone. More of the papier-mâché stalks sway with the wind from the eaves of the stage. The mixed crowd of students and office workers heading home anticipate a show worth their time. Some show their reservations about an impromptu live show that revolves around rice, which they immediately associate with said school idol.

The curtain on the side briefly parts, enough to glimpse the reception. "That's…not a lot of people out there," Honoka's gaze darts left and right.

"It's no surprise," Umi said. "This show was just put together at the last minute. The people out there may just be passing by, intrigued by the sight of a rice-themed stage."

"Don't forget the text, nya!" Rin added. "Hanayo's Happy Rice Show! It's gonna knock some socks out of the park."

"Says the girl who forgot to put 'Rice' in the title," Nico smirked.

The cat balks at the twin tails. "I told you, it was an honest mistake!" The two continue to squabble, the rest leaving them to their own devices. If anything, they'll grow tired of each other's faces soon.

And they do sooner than expected as all eyes turn to the school idol of the hour, Hanayo, in Kotori's latest couture. If the stage doesn't speak rice then, the relative motif of the costume probably will. "Sorry for the wait," Maki accompanied the star of the show backstage. "The costume's a pain in the neck to fit."

"I guess I got too carried away in designing this," giggled Kotori.

"Good job, everyone," the manager called the girls for one last briefing. "All that's left is for our star to step into the limelight." Soon, all eyes are on a trembling Hanayo. "Ready to do this, Hanayo?"

Stage fright creeps up to her vulnerable spirit. But with the helping hands of her friends, she manages to let out a sigh of relief. "You can do this, Kayo-chin," Rin said. "We believe in you, µ's Rice Idol." Everyone's smiles speak to that effect.

Not a word is spoken in reply. Hanayo steps out of the darkness, into the skeptical eyes and judgment to be passed. But already, the words she doesn't want to hear are reaching her. A child in the crowd even spells it out inadvertently: she's fat. And the child cannot be blamed for such behavior, even with her mother's slap of her wrist.

I can't do it, doubt speaks on her distressed behalf. The show might end as fast as it started, to the girls' chagrin.

But as they prepare to spring into action, they witness Hanayo face the crowd again. The manager's wisdom echoes as many times as necessary until the point gets across. Don't believe in a world of hate. Amidst misgivings, she puts on the brightest smile she can make. "W-Welcome everyone…to my solo live show."

The rest of µ's hang back, watching the show unfold with tense looks.

"I…love rice," Hanayo began. "I have it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It goes well with just about everything—even natto!" Some in the audience grunt at the mere mention of their least favorite dish, if not the fact that their rice idol actually likes fermented soybeans. "I can't imagine a day without a bowl of rice on the dinner table."

Backstage, Eli raises some concerns. "I thought this isn't going to be about rice."

"Easy, Eli," the manager replied. "Have faith in our rice idol."

Soon, the pre-program speech reaches the meat of the matter. "Some like rice, and that's okay. Others don't like rice, and that's okay too. I think we all deserve to love the way we live life. That's how I stay happy."

"Where's she getting all this confidence?" Umi asked.

"Locked away in the depths of her heart," the manager answered. "And only Hanayo has the key to release it."

"So this is what you meant by 'believing in a world of love,' huh?" Eli smirked.

The crowd is more or less aware of the impetus for such a speech. They've spent enough hours on the Internet to know about the implications of having rice as one's image. They see these firsthand: the tight fit of the costume. Regardless, Hanayo keeps the show alive and starts dancing to the tune of her short number. Immediately, it captures the hearts of those anticipating a blatant response to all the bullying on the Internet. They all fell in love with this version of Hanayo.

"You destroy your enemies when you make friends with them," the manager quotes from a man of sheer influence in history. And for the record, nobody knows what Hanayo will do amidst the turmoil. µ's can't be any prouder of their Rice Idol, who finds the moniker to be more endearing than insulting.

"Thank you, everyone! This is your Rice Idol, peace out!"


A peaceful afterschool is broken by the distinct meows of a certain cat girl racing along the hallway. The student council marshals on her tail come nowhere near capturing her for the blatant disregard for the No Running policy in effect. Bystanders quickly get out of the way as she blitzes past them. Even total strangers can tell that she's peppier than usual.

Within minutes, she reaches her destination, her classroom, where star of the rice-inspired live show has just finished putting away the last of her things. "Kayo-chin! Kayo-chin! Come on to the club room! Hurry!"

"R-Rin?" replied a startled Hanayo. "H-Hold on. Where's the fire?"

Rin constantly tugs her best friend's arm. "There's no fire, silly. Now come on! Honoka and the others are already there." And the tugging eventually gives way to dragging a classmate against her will.

"R-Rin, wait! S-Someone help meeeeee!"

Alas, not one lifts a finger to help her at all. Not when the one being dragged is matching the dragger's pace. The return trip to the club room, due in no small part of shortcuts, becomes much faster. And with sheer enthusiasm, Rin shoves Hanayo inside.

"I'm baaaack, nya! And here's the star of the show, nya!" Perhaps she put a bit too much. Otherwise, she might have never sent Hanayo slamming against the edge of the table.

"You idiot!" Nico hits Rin on the head. "Careful with the merchandise!"

The quarrel aside, everyone trains their smiles and undivided attention toward Hanayo with a bit of a red nose. Feeling for the mood, she guesses that the unexpected agenda in the club room has something to do with the recent live show. After all, the student body hasn't been able to stop talking about it for days.

For good measure, however, she asks anyway. "Uh…what's going on?"

"See for yourself," the manager gets up from the computer seat, an invitation for Hanayo to satisfy her curiosity. Whatever the club wants her to see lies on the other end of the screen. As she sits down, the club gathers behind her.



[date and time redacted] by KayoLove55

Not too long ago, I posted on my blog my apprehensions for Hanayo Koizumi's insatiable love for rice. I discussed about how such a trait was affecting her performance in the past several live shows. I even urged her to stop loving rice altogether.

That post has since been deleted (although the Internet may still have a copy).

Despite my overwhelming adoration for µ's, I realized after her solo live that I'm in no position to tell anyone how to do things. I never wished ill of µ's, just thought of what I believed was best for the group. As fans, it's still our duty to call out on whatever that may affect the group, be it bad decisions or scandals. I think all of us still want µ's to continue no matter the odds.

In this case, however, I take fault. Telling Hanayo to quit rice may as well be telling her to quit life in general. Rice is more than just food for her. It's her persona.

And for this, I offer my sincerest apology. The image below is actually me bowing down to a bowl of premium rice, just to get my point across.

I won't ask for forgiveness from the fans or Hanayo herself (if she's reading this). I know it'll take a while before everything returns to normal. Still, this apology is genuine.


"You did it, Kayo-chin!" Rin shook her stunned friend. "You showed that no-good blogger who's boss, nya! You're the talk of the town!"

But as much as Rin bursts in elation, Hanayo responds with a deep breath. Soon, she scrolls down to the bottom, where one has yet to comment on the post. As the club is her witness, she enters her simple response.

Apology accepted.

