Prologue: What's Goodbye?

Natsu held out his arms as his older brother, Zeref placed a black and red backpack on his back. Zeref patted his brother's fluffy pink head with a smile.

"Now go find some friends little bro." Natsu raced up to the brick building, quickly forgetting his seven year old brother.

The building itself was remarkable, partially above the ground with the first floor windows covered in vines. The brick was checkered with dark, almost black reds and bright blood reds. The name, "Fairy Tail Pre-School" was written in black 3D letters on a blue and red background hanging over the front door. There were concrete steps, three to be exact, that elevated the smooth concrete under the black awning. Green rose bushes dotted the side of the building. Natsu could also see part of the playground from the front left side.

Meanwhile, a young white haired girl was also walking up to the pre-school with her two older siblings. The oldest Strauss child, Mirajane, had long white hair pulled back in two ponytails. She was six years old. The second child, a boy with short, perfectly cut white hair, pulled out a pink backpack and handed it to the smallest of the three. The youngest, a tiny girl with perfectly cut white hair jumped up and hugged her siblings.

"Thanks Mira," she whispered into her sister's ear. The girl raced off to the door of the building, rushing inside and finding her teacher.

"Hey brats. Sit down." Lisanna felt strong arms on her back pushing her into a light blue classroom. The young girl was confused. Was she already doing something wrong?

As if reading her thoughts, a young boy with pink hair yelled out, "What did we do to make you mad?" Lisanna turned around and glanced into the eyes of the tall man who pushed her. His eyes were filled with happiness and pride, not the anger she thought.

"Hello guys!" Lisanna whisked around quickly, catching sight of another young boy with raven-black hair. The girl whimpered as she saw that his shirt was off.

"Don't worry, we'll get him under control." Lisanna felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at a man with light brown hair. He smiled brightly and she too felt compelled to smile. "My name is Gildarts Clive. But you can call me Mr. Gildarts."

Lisanna held out her hand to Gildarts. He shook it. "My name is Lisanna Strauss. Hi!"

"Well Lisanna, I'm very glad to meet you. You seem like a fantastic young lady. I would like to get to know you more over the next two years." Lisanna tapped on the man's shoulder.

"What does fantastic mean?" She was still stuck on that long word.

"It means very, very interesting." He tapped his bristly chin for a second, thinking. "Or, in your case, very pretty." He bopped her nose.

Lisanna giggled for a second before following her teacher to her new spot.

"Lisanna, this is your name tag. You don't know what the letters are, but I'm sure you will learn very quickly." Her felt something brush her left arm. The pink-haired boy was next to her, already picking a fight with the boy across from him. A small girl sat across from Lisanna. She had her feet up on the table; smirk danced across her face.

The dark-haired boy suddenly turned to her. "My name is Gray, if your wondering. This idiot is Natsu." He pointed to the pink-haired kid. "And the brown-haired girl is Cana." Lisanna was confused. What is an idiot? She shook her head, I'll find that out later.

"My name is Lisanna. Nice to meet all of you." Gray rolled his eyes. Cana grunted a hello. Natsu said "hi" distractedly.

"I hope we can all be friends."

"Yeah! We are friends already, right?" Natsu said. Lisanna tilted her head.

"Okay! Can we play on the swing sets later?"

"Yeah! But what are swing sets?" Lisanna pointed out the window behind them. The swings with a sliver-gray with blue plastic chain coverings. The set itself was red and silver. It was relatively small compared to the older kid swings Lisanna had see at the park near her home.

"Shut up you guys!" Gray smacked Natsu's hand. "Gildarts is going to talk." Natsu turned to the teacher, sticking his tongue out at Gray.

Lisanna and Cana couldn't help but laugh.



"WEEEEEEE!" Natsu screamed, kicking his legs toward the sky again. Lisanna rolled her eyes. Her and Natsu had become instant friends over the last few years. Their personalities just... clicked.

She had taught him how to swing. And he looked as though he had never had that much fun in his whole life. Apparently, Natsu lived in a very poor neighborhood not far from Lisanna's own home. He and his older brother Zeref lived together in a house by themselves. His parents had died soon after he was born, leaving him and his brother little money.

"COME ON LISANNA HIGHER!" Natsu yelled, his seat parallel to the overhanging bar.

"Be careful Natsu. You don't want to die." Lisanna heard a snicker from the bench near the swings. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "What's your problem?" She asked.

"Look! You guys are swinging the same. Your married!" The voice taunted. Lisanna recognized her friend Cana's voice. Cana was held back a year, so she was older than most of the other kids at the school.

Sure enough, they were swinging the same. Lisanna blushed and averted her eyes quickly. Natsu, however, held the brunette's gaze. Suddenly, a body was flying through the air. Lisanna and Cana screamed. A cry of pain came from a lump of skin and bone laying on the wood-chips.

"Natsu!" Lisanna yelled anxiously. "You idiot!" The girl rushed over to her best friend's broken body, towering over him protectively. The other kids ran off to find Gildarts.

She suddenly realized that she knew what the word idiot meant. Natsu was not smart. He did something he shouldn't have done. Now he was here on the ground hurt. Natsu groaned softly. Lisanna took his hand in her own.

"Your going to be okay. I'm right here," she cooed in his ear. Gildarts came rushing over and scooped up Natsu. Then he took out his phone and dialed 911. Despite all that had just transpired, Lisanna knew he was going to be fine. She wasn't worried, too much.

Little did she know, as the ambulance carried off his broken body, that that would be the last time he saw her. And she saw him.


Wahh! Poor Lisanna and Natsu! Don't worry, this is a NaLu story. Lucy just didn't go to Fairy Tail Pre-K. Is Natsu dead?!

Thank you for reading! Love you all! May the Lord be with you!
