Hey guys. Sorry for the long wait, been busy with life but now I'm back!

Anyway, this chapter is about the Guardians finding out about Kylie's past.

So relax and enjoy the story!

"Mommy! Daddy!"

7-year-old Kylie was looking for her parents. The explosion came out of nowhere. The explosion destroyed her home and right now she was looking for her family. There was too much rubble and fire. She actually got away with minor injuries, but she kept on trying to look for her family.

"Seth! Joey! Anybody!"

Then she saw something, and it looked something similar to a spaceship. She saw these robots coming out and a blue man wearing black robes and holding what look like a large hammer. Kylie was afraid and wanted to keep looking for her parents.

Ronan - "The name is Ronan young one. Your family is exterminated."

Kylie eyes widen and realized that word means "gone forever". Feeling anger, she went to punched Ronan, but he grabbed her wrist tightly. He smiled and chuckled.

Ronan - "For a Terrain, you got guts and strength. But I'm pretty sure we can improve that."

He began to carry her toward his ship.

Little Kylie - "No! Let go of me! I don't want to go! No!"





Kylie felt like somebody was shaking her and that when she woke up. She was panting and sweating and saw Peter who was at her bedside. He looked worried about her.

Peter - *concerned* "Kylie it's okay. It's me. Are you alright?"

Kylie - *panting* "Y-Yeah. I'm okay."

Peter - "We gotta do something about these nightmares of yours. It been happening to you a lot lately."

Kylie - "Don't worry about its dude. I think it's stress because of how we been fighting a lot of bad guys lately."

Peter - "Yeah most likely. Just try to get some sleep and we will see how you are in the morning."

Kylie - "Alright."


The next morning everybody was up, and Kylie came in. However, she still looked stressed and tired.

Peter - "Kid you are okay?"

Kylie - "Yeah I'm alright…"

Rocket - "You're lying."

Kylie - "No I'm not! Beside how do you know that I'm lying."

Rocket - "Oh please you are talking to the expert of liars. I can be easily telling a lie, and nobody can know the difference."

Baby Groot - "I am Groot." (It is true.)

Kylie - *sighs* "Whatever man."

Kylie just went back to her room. This make Peter concern about her.

Peter - "I'm worried about her I mean she's acting like you Rocket."

Baby Groot - "I am Groot?" (What Should we do?)

Rocket - "Well we could take her out on like a little vacation."

Peter - "Yeah but where? Beside we can't go to certain planets cause of what Gamora said."

Rocket - "Come on Quill, you're the leader you can basically do whatever the hell you want."

Baby Groot - "I am Groot." (Yeah, he's Right)

Peter - "Alright. We can take one of the emergency pods to take Kylie to a planet to relax. What about Gamora and Drax?"

Rocket - "Just lie to them or sneak out."

Peter - "Well I guess we can try to sneak out late at night. They would be asleep anyway."


At night Peter, Rocket, and Baby Groot was awake and they met in the hallway.

Peter - "Alright Gamora and Drax are knocked out. We need to make sure Kylie is awake."

They went to her room and Peter knocked on the door. They heard footsteps and Kylie opened the door still wearing her clothes.

Kylie - "What are you guys doing here?"

Baby Groot - "I am Groot! (We're going on vacation!)"

Rocket - "He's right. Not sure where, but we're going on vacation."

Kylie - "How come?"

Peter - "We just felt like you needed it."

Rocket - "Yeah I mean you been acting weird lately. We figured the vacation can do us from good."

Kylie - "What about Gamora and Drax?"

Peter - "They won't know. It only us."

Rocket - "We don't need those killjoys ruining our fun. Beside it's only for a few hours and then we will come back."

Kylie - "Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a little time off."

Baby Groot - "I am Groot!" (Come on let's go!)

Then then packed a few things like food, clothes, and weapons just in case they run into an enemy or monsters. They took one of the spare escape pods which was enough room for all of them and took off.

As they were going off Kylie was just quiet, listening to music and looking at the window. Baby

Groot was looking out another window while Rocket and Peter talked about what to do next.

Rocket - "So where do you think we should go Quill?"

Quill - "I don't know I guess that's up too Kylie."

However, Kylie wasn't even paying attention as she was just looking out the window listening to music. She had a face that you can tell she was just daydreaming since her eyes was half close.


An 9-year-old Kylie was in a fighting arena fighting another prisoner who looked mean vicious. Even though she was scared because she knows that if she loses, the punishment would be either hard labor, losing a body part and it get replaced, or death. Kylie was pushed down by the prisoner with his sword as it was getting closed to her throat. The prisoner was smiling sadistically at her.

Prisoner - "Maybe a new pelt would look great for my jail cell!"

Kylie then used all of her strength and managed to push the prisoner off her. She grabbed a spear and stabbed him lots of time in his head and his chest. The crowd went wild, and Kylie was panting in exhausted but was actually surprised and proud that she won. Then Ronan came down smiling at her.

Ronan - "Good job Subject 525E98. You did a splendid job."

Kylie - "My name isn't-"

Kylie ended up getting shocked by the collar she was wearing. She fell on the ground holding her throat in pain.

Ronan - "Still rebellious. Don't worry we can fix that soon. I can see the new fluid and metals we added in you work like a charm. You are even stronger and faster but it's not enough."

Kylie - "What do you mean?"

Ronan - "I got something special for you my dear warrior."

Ronan took out a purple stone from his pocket.

Kylie - "What is that?"

Ronan - "It's a rare stone known as the Charoite Stone. It can summon any weapons a person can think of. It only works with organic beings. I was thinking of using it on myself, but I already have enough power. You on the other hand…"

Kylie's eyes widen in fear and tried to run away but Ronan slammed her to the wall. Ronan lifted her shirt half way up and put the gem on her back saying:

Ronan - "This shall help you with getting weapons. You will be the ultimate warrior! My ultimate warrior!"

Ronan used his powers and force the gem to fuse to Kylie's back and she screamed in pain.

Flashback ends

Kylie shot up and by accident, she accidentally knocked down Baby Groot off her arm. Luckily, he landed on his bottom and on the seats.

Kylie - "Oh I'm sorry Groot."

Baby Groot - "I am Groot." (It's okay. I'm not hurt.)

Peter - "You Okay? You dazed out there. Looking like if you were dead or something."

Kylie - "Yeah...I'm Fine."

Peter - "Come on you need lighten up a little Kai."

Rocket - *mad* "Hey! Only Groot and I are allowed to call her Kai!"

Baby Groot - "I am Groot! *It's true!*

Peter - "Okay dude just chill out. *checks on his screen* Hey there's an abandon planet we can go to. It not far from here."

Rocket - "I say we should go there. *turning to Kylie and Groot* What do you guys think?"

Kylie - "I guess."

Baby Groot - "I am Groot!" *yeah!*

Peter - "Alright let's go."

Peter set the ship on the abandon planet. They got out of the planet ad saw that it was old, abandon technology, but it was slowly starting to grow into a forest.

Baby Groot - "I am Groot. *Wow.*"

Baby Groot, Rocket, and Peter saw in wonder as they are observing the vegetation that began to grow around. Normally Kylie loves plant life, but for some reason she was looking with suspicious but didn't want the others to noticed.

Peter - "What happened here?"

Rocket - "Something tell me that this planet was abandoned for years but now it's turning into a forest."

Peter - "Makes sense to me. But what could've made the population abandon the planet?"

Rocket - "Not sure we better check this place out."

As they were walking Kylie was starting to look around. She noticed some of the broken technology static a little but was still broken.

Kylie - *to herself* "This place...It's so familiar…"

Kylie has this strange feeling in her gut. She didn't know what it was, but she knows it wasn't something good. Baby Groot began to look around and play with some of the remaining building pieces and plant lives. Rocket and Peter was looking at an old abandon building like place.
Peter picked up a piece of a building and look at it.

Peter - "Fascinating."

Rocket - "Yeah I mean this place isn't half bad."

Baby Groot was still playing with the plant life until he saw a hole that was full of a blue lava pool.

Baby Groot - "I am Groot!" *Rocket! Come look at this!*

They all saw the blue lava pool. They look at it in amazement and wonder. However it rumbled a little and some lava splash out.

Peter - "Get back!"

Peter, Rocket and Groot stood back but for strange reason, Kylie stood on the same spot as if she was frozen. Then some of the lava splashed out and it covered Kylie. However Kylie felt no pain and just wiped it off her beside her skin having some burn marks.

Peter - "Holy shit dude! Didn't that hurt you?"

Kylie - *deadpan and shrugged* "I felt worst."

Kylie just continued walking while Peter, Rocket and Baby Groot look shock and concerned.

Rocket - "Quill, are Terrans flame proof?"

Peter - "N-No not exactly."

Rocket - "Well that is some weird shit."

Baby Groot - "I am Groot." (Agreed)


The gang kept exploring the planet. Peter, Rocket and especially Baby Groot like it because of how peaceful it is, and they think the forest look beautiful. Right now, they were setting up camp, and Kylie, Baby Groot, Rocket and Peter was looking for some woods to make a fire. They noticed Kylie been quiet for some time now and they were worried about her. Then Rocket noticed something in the ground that look like a metal plate.

Rocket - "Huh? What is this?"

Rocket dug it out and saw it was a broken collar and it said something.

Rocket - "What is this? *wipes it off* 525E98? What the hell is this? Hey Kai! Come check this out."

Kylie walked to Rocket and saw the collar in Rocket's hands. Kylie eyes widen in shock and horror and she quickly snatched it from his hands and threw it in the air. Then she took out her gun and shot it and it broke into pieces.

Rocket - *mad* "Kai What the hell man?! It could of cost us some money!"

Kylie - "Who cares?! It could have been a worthless piece of junk anyway."

Peter - "Hey hey what's going on here?"

Rocket - "Kai blew up a thing for no stupid reason and it could've been valuable."

Kylie - "It was worthless!"

Peter - "That's Enough! For now on, if you something, just bring it to the ship to see if it valuable or not."

Rocket - "We Should also add not letting brats destroy things!"

Kylie - "Shut up you raccoon!"

Rocket - "Don't call me a raccoon!"

Peter - "Time out! Kylie excuse me."

Peter dragged Rocket by the arm a few feet away from Kylie. Baby Groot was even with Peter.

Rocket - "Quill she was being a jerk for no reason!"

Peter - "Well so are you."

Rocket - "How come you are taking her side?!"

Peter - "I'm taking nobody's side. But we came here for making Kylie better, not worst. You better get your shit together."

Rocket - *scoff* "Whatever Quill."

Baby Groot - "I am Groot." (I'm hungry)


After starting a fire, Peter, Rocket, Kylie and Baby Groot began to eat some soup they packed for their trip. However they noticed Kylie was slowly eating and still keeping quiet. This was starting to annoy Rocket.

Rocket - *annoyed* "Alright Kai What is wrong with you?"

Peter - "Dude!"

Rocket - "Come on we took you here to make you feel better but instead you are acting like a huge lump."

Baby Groot - "I am Groot." (Please tell us Kylie)

Peter - "Yeah man I mean we are your friends and we wanna help you."

Kylie - *sighs* "Do you guys really wanna know?"

Rocket - "Uh Yeah that's why we asked."

Kylie sighs and before she can say anything, they felt the wind getting stronger. Then they saw bright lights coming toward them. Peter, Baby Groot, Rocket, and Kylie got out their weapons preparing to fight. However, the bright light turns out to be the Milano and it landed which Gamora and Drax coming of the ship. Gamora doesn't look happy at all. She walked up to Peter and slapped him.

Peter - *in pain* "Ow! What the hell Gamora?"

Gamora - "Peter! Not only you guys took off and has us worried sick-"

Drax - "I wasn't feeling any illness about it Gamora. However I was worried about them."

Gamora - *sighs* "What were you thinking coming too...Otherworld?!"

Peter - *confused* "Otherworld?"

Kylie - *sighs* "Will you relax Gamora, we were just in the neighborhood strolling down memory lane."

Kylie looked away and kick a small rock. Gamora can see Peter, Rocket, and Baby Groot honestly did not know about the horror about Otherworld. However, she noticed how strange Kylie is acting and realized she must of know about Otherworld. Gamora said:

Gamora - "Kylie. What do you tell them?"

Baby Groot - "I am Groot?" *Tell us what?*

Kylie - *sarcastically* "Oh nothing. I didn't tell them about how this planet use to be a bad place where Ronan make bad people do bad things!"

Drax - "Oh that's good."

Peter - *shocked* "Ronan did what?!"

Rocket - "You telling me that Ronan use to own this rock?! And he owned parasites?"

Baby Groot - "I am Groot?!" (And monsters?!)

Drax - "That's Right. Ronan wanted his own army and use this planet to train them."

Kylie - "And would torture them daily."

Peter - "Torture them?!"

Gamora - *to Kylie* "Kylie! They aren't supposed to know about this!"

Kylie - *getting mad* "Oh don't worry dudes, this place was nothing now since it was shut down! So it can be safe from freaky mutant parasites!"


Peter and the other looked shocked on what they were hearing. Ronan owning a planet to make people his army slaves and killing them? They also never seen Kylie and argue like that.

Peter - "Gamora…"

Gamora - *sighs* "I'm sorry Peter. But you should never come to this horrible place."

Kylie - *angry* "Then why don't you just LEAVE!?"

Kylie angrily punched Gamora in the stomach knocking her down on the ground. The others look shocked and horrified on what they witnessed.

Baby Groot - "I am Groot!" (Kai!)

Peter - "Gamora! *to Kylie* What the hell Kylie?!"

Kylie - "Admit it! I'm just an embarrassment to you guys!"

Kylie summoned a laser gun weapon and began to shoot at the team. They all ducked and hide behind some logs. Peter took out his taser gun and began to shoot at Kylie, but she dodges and duck them. Rocket even took out his gun and tried to shoot Kylie a tranquilizer but he missed to Kylie running.

Peter - "Kylie would you Stop this?!"

Peter managed to shoot the gun out of Kylie's hand. However, Kylie just summons a sword and began to run toward Gamora. Gamora took out her sword and began to sword fight with Kylie while trying to make sure she doesn't really hurt Kylie. Then Gamora kicked Kylie in the stomach, causing her to drop her sword and fall on the ground.

Gamora - "Kylie Stop this now! You can't beat all of us."

Kylie - *angry* "I... don't... CARE!"

Kylie let out a roar and summons two whips from her back and began to use it at Peter and Gamora who got hit. However, Drax grabbed the two wipes and began a tug of war with Kylie who was struggling to get her wipes back.

Drax - "That's Enough child!"

Kylie - "I'm not gonna let you stand there and remind me of everything I hate about myself!"

Kylie sends violet beams of energy down the whips, which cause a huge explosion that slams Drax to an old metal wall. Rocket and Baby Groot was watching behind the log. Kylie walked toward and said:

Kylie - *whimpers* I never asked for it to be this way. *tears fall down her face* I never asked to be made!"

Those words struck Rocket's head and heart. He remembers saying that at the bar fight he had with Drax. He also remembers how he saw Kylie's past when she was used as "fuel". Looking sick and sad while having anger...It all made sense why she didn't want to come here!

Baby Groot - *scared* "I AM GROOT!" (Kai stop please!)

Before Peter can say anything, he noticed a big rock was about to crush Kylie during the fight.

Peter - "Kylie look out!"

Kylie looked up and saw the big rock. Peter shoot it with his gun, and it broke into pebbles, but Kylie ran into a broken cage. She began to curl up into a ball crying. Peter and the others follow her to the cage and up they saw an old scratch up sign that said "Experiment 525E98".

Peter - "Kylie!"

Kylie - "Go away...You guys shouldn't be around me…"

Peter - "Dude come on."

Kylie - "It's true! Ronan made into this! I was made to be a monster!"

Kylie began to cry and tear up. That's when Rocket came up inside her and said:

Rocket - "Kai do you honestly believe that you are the only one who is a made a freak? I'm a freak too!"

Kylie - *crying* "W-What?"

Rocket took a deep breath, turned around, and took off the top part of his jumpsuit. He showed Kylie his back which have the cybernetic implants in him. Kylie and the other eyes widen in shock because Rocket never showed anyone but Groot the implants. He would also hate it when people stare at his back or try to touch it. This is actually the first time Rocket willingly show somebody his back.

Rocket - "I wasn't actually born like this you know. I too was raised on a planet where they do horrible experiments. Groot was one of them."

Baby Groot - *sadly* "I am Groot." (It's true.)

Rocket - *put back his jumpsuit* "So you see? Everybody is raised a freak but that's no excuse for you to act like a bratty asshole!"

Peter - "Dude!"

Kylie - "No Peter...he's right. I shouldn't of acting like that and just talk to you guys about it. It was just too painful and was afraid that you guys wouldn't accept me."

Drax - "It's not too late to come out now Child."

Gamora - "Yeah. Just come on out and tell us everything on the ship."


On the ship, Kylie sat on the table and the others was around her. Kylie took a deep breath and said:

Kylie - "Like Peter, I was raised on Terra with my family my parents and my older brother Joey and younger brother Seth. It was in Austin Texas, and on a barn. I had a great and happy life. But when I turn 7, Ronan and his crew came and attacked my home. My family was killed, and I was taken to his planet which was "Otherworld." Where he wanted to creature perfect Soldiers for him and Thanos. A bunch of kids and I tortured and trained daily to the point I actually stop feeling pain. Ronan would either sell the kids who stronger or weaker to other people. Or he would even kill them when they are no longer useful to him. Ronan said I was his favorite soldier so he put these metals, fluids and even the stone in my back to make stronger but reality, he just wanted me to be his soldier toy so I can do all the dirty work."

Peter - *glumly* "Oh Kylie…"

Kylie - "When I was 12, me along with Nova and a bunch of other kids finally rebelled and fought back against Ronan and the other people who had pleasure torturing us. I managed to escape with Nova and our new friends in the ship we stole from Ronan. The hat, the scarf, and the flannel, and even the sneakers, they were from my family. It's all I have left of them…"

Peter - "I'm so sorry Kylie...We had no idea."

Drax - "None of us did. But why did Otherworld look so...plant-y and lively."

Gamora - "Because after those children escape, Ronan destroyed it because it's no longer useful to him."

Rocket - "So basically he destroyed it so he wouldn't get his ass kicked by Thanos. *realized something* Wait a second, if you knew about this why didn't you rescue those kids and Kai?!"

Gamora - "Don't you think I tried?! I keep telling Ronan to stop it because I thought it was horrible and inhumane. But I was forced to keep my mouth shut because if I told Thanos or even tried to stop it, I would get killed along with the kids."

Peter - "Well all that matters is that Kylie is safe now and that planet is gone for good."

Kylie - "I guess I was having nightmares about it because we were close to Otherworld and it brought up horrible memories. I was afraid that you guys wouldn't accept me after I told you and I'm not much of a gut spiller."

Rocket - "Well neither are we sometimes but we gotta suck it up and do it."

Drax - "Because we are family."

Baby Groot - "I am Groot!" (And you are one of use now)

Kylie smiles and hugged Peter and the others. She even hugged Rocket who was shocked but slowly hugged her back. He was secretly happy that he finally found somebody beside Groot who understood his pain. But of course, Rocket still need to keep his "tough guy" persona."

Rocket - "Okay okay break it up! It is making me sick."

Kylie smiles and went off to bed. She began to dream again but this time it was different:

12-year-old Kylie - "You no longer control me or my friends!"

Ronan - "How dare you talk back to me?! As your leader, I order you surrender!"

12-year-old Kylie - "SURRENDER MY ASS! You been torturing me for years and I had it! I'm nobody property or anything?! Since you like torturing so much, let's see you liking it!"

Kylie summoned an electrical whip and wrapped it around Ronan shocking him badly to the point he fell unconscious. Kylie even broke the collar on her neck with her new strength and threw it on the ground.

Nova - "Let's go Ninja Star!"

Kylie ran with Nova and their new friends to the stolen ship and Mercury began to pilot it. Kylie looked at the planet...She was free….She was finally free.

Nova - "What should we do now?"

The other kids look at each other not sure what to do. Kylie spoke up:

Kylie - "Maybe we can go around helping others to make sure they don't suffer what we went through."

Nova - "Hey I like that idea! Why don't you and I be co-leaders?"

Kylie - "Really? You mean that?"

Nova - "Of course! You did help lead the rebellion like a true star and ninja! No wonder Ninja Star fits you."

Kylie smiles with her new friend and goals to make sure to make the galaxy a better place for everyone.

Kylie smiles in her sleep because for the first time, she has new friends and family to keep her safe and care about her. She finally feels whole again.

She finally feels as peace.

Hope you all like it!