Chapter fourteen

Once the news hit the papers about James and Lily Potter being alive, reporters constantly sent requests for interviews, all were denied. The Minister for Magic also tried to get the Potters to talk to him, again, they refused. They sent out a small statement via Amelia saying the family were spending time alone, to get to know each other and they wanted some privacy.

James, Lily, Sirius, Remus and Harry stayed at the house, but Harry wrote to his friends to explain. Because of what was going on he wouldn't be on the train, he was going to arrive after the students arrived at Hogwarts.

Hermione and Neville both agreed with Harry, if he was seen he would not get any peace, not from reporters or the students. They said they would keep a seat ready for him at the Gryffindor table.

No one had heard anything from Albus Dumbledore, the only information they got via Minerva, was he hadn't left the castle, and hardly left his office.

'He knows he's in trouble,' James said.

'You mean he worked out you'll have him arrested?' Harry asked.

'Maybe, but I was talking about us, he knows we won't let him get away with this.'

'I won't give him a chance,' Lily said calmly but the three men and Harry saw a glint in her eyes.

Harry had been hearing a lot about his parents, he also heard that you do not want to get Lily Potter angry. Looking at his mother now he knew what he had been told is right.

The day the students were to return after the Christmas and New Year break Harry couldn't sit still. He never admitted it, but he was nervous, he kept wondering what was going to happen when his parents confronted Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape. No matter how many times he had asked his parents, they refused to say, the only thing they would say was they didn't want to spoil the surprise.

Harry allowed his father to take him by side-along apparition to Hogsmeade where they were going to meet up with Amelia Bones and a couple of aurors. Harry knew why they were here but he wasn't sure exactly what was going to happen.

They walked up the long drive in silence, Hedwig flew overhead making Harry laugh at his familiar. When they got close to the castle the white owl flew straight inside.

Everyone inside the great hall all looked up when Harry Potter's owl flew into the room then landed between Hermione and Neville.

'Does this mean he's here Hedwig?' Neville asked giving the owl a pat then smiled when she nodded her head, 'Show time.'

'Oh Neville,' Hermione grinned.

'Why is Harry's owl here?' Lavender asked.

'She wanted to be here for when Harry returned,' Neville said.

Everyone turned when James, Lily, Harry, Sirius and Remus walked into the room. But what surprised everyone was Amelia Bones, the head of the DMLE along with four aurors had walked in behind them.

They stopped at the Gryffindor table, all four adults hugging their son, 'We'll see you soon.'

'Okay,' Harry smiled at his parents then sat down, 'Hi.'

'Hi, what's going on Harry?' Hermione asked.

'I don't know, they said they didn't want to spoil the surprise. So let's watch,' Harry shrugged.

All eyes stayed on the Potters, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, four aurors and Amelia bones. Shocked gasps were heard or shouts when Lily Potter, first cursed Albus Dumbledore which made him break out in large red boils. But when she punched Albus Dumbledore in the face that's when the hall fell silent. Not many people would go after Albus, he was known as the greatest wizard of the age. At the same time as Lily dealt with Albus, James Potter levitated Severus Snape up by his ankles.

'Now James, is that really how a grown man should act,' Minerva said but she was trying to hide her amusement.

'Maybe I will do to Snivellius what I did to him in school. He deserves it for the way he treated not only my son but all the students from Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw,' James sneered at Snape, 'What do you say Snivellius, ready to relive your fifth year?'

'Put me down Potter.'

'You really think I'm going to do that before I pay you back for the way you treat my son. We could duel but if you remember correctly I beat you ever time us aurors and you death eaters went up against each other.'

That comment made the entire student population gasps, 'I think you got everyone's attention Prongs,' Sirius smirked, then flicked his wand, making Snape spin, 'I wonder if he will throw up like he did before.'

'Really, you two are supposed to be grown men, you are acting like teenagers,' Minerva said.

'I decided they could have a bit of fun, for the way he treated Harry and all the other students who were not in Slytherin. My niece often wrote me about his behaviour and how the headmaster ignored the complaints from students. I should say former headmaster.'

'Damn right former headmaster,' Lily glared, 'In case you wonder what is going on Albus, we filed charges against you for kidnapping. You witnessed our wills, you knew exactly where Harry was supposed to go if we died, Sirius first, Alice, Amelia then Minerva.'

'What?! Minerva shouted then glared at her old friend, 'I warned you what those muggles were like, I offered to take Harry and keep my home under the fidelius charm, you ignored me. You always believed you knew best.'

'He might be powerful but he is not very smart,' Remus said.

'Albus Dumbledore, you are hereby placed under arrest for the kidnap of Harry James Potter, aurors, do you duty.'

Lily glared at Albus as his hand twitched, 'Don't think about it Dumby or I'll give you another black eye.'

'You tell him my flower. But Sirius, I think you should stop Snivellius spinning, he looks like his going to pass out, or hurl.'

'Oh, alright, hey Harry, did you like this?'

'It was great, but I wished you let me do that,' Harry yelled back.

'Next time Prongslet,' Sirius smirked knowing Harry hated their pet names being used in front of others.

'Next, Severus Snape, you are hereby relieved of your duties as potions master at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. This auror will be escorting you to your rooms to watch you pack and make sure you leave immediately.'

The moment the aurors took Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape away, some students yelled out, who would be headmaster and who would be teaching potions.

Minerva stood up, 'I have been given the job of headmistress of this school and I have found a new potions teacher already, along with a new defence against the dark arts teacher, a new transfiguration teacher and a new history of magic teacher.'

Minerva smiled at the three houses that liked what she said, all look happy, but the Slytherin's all looked miserable. She knew it was because they will not get away with anything, not anymore.

'Our new potions Professor is Lily Potter, who had the highest score ever during her test for masters degree in potions.'

All but the Slytherin's applauded, Harry just sat there gaping at his mother, they never told him his mother was going to be a teacher.

'The new history of magic teacher is Remus Lupin,' the students all cheered and applauded, most hated history of magic, Binns put them to sleep.

'Now to the defence against the dark arts teacher, that will be taken by…James Potter,' again the students applauded, all but the Slytherin's, 'And I would say most of you have guessed who will be taking my old position, yes, Sirius Black is now the transfiguration teacher. Now I just hope I can control the Marauders better than I could when they were students.'

'The Marauders,' the twins yelled out.

'James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew were known as the Marauders, Mr Weasley and Mr Weasley.'

They are our heroes,' Fred and George yelled together.

'Oh dear merlin, that is all I need, for the mayhem causing Weasley twins to team up with the Marauders.'

'So which one was your dad Harry?' Fred asked.

'Um, Prongs.'

'So what name was Sirius Black?' George asked.


'And Remus Lupin?' Fred asked.


'So Pettigrew was Wormtail, you have to tell us what they turned into,' George said.

'Come on Prongs, let's show Hogwarts who we are, you too Moony,' Sirius said.

James concentrated and changed into Prongs, Sirius concentrated and turned into Padfoot, Remus concentrated and turned into a werewolf. The three Marauders knew the students would believe Remus wished to look like a werewolf, they would not believe he was a real one, not until he disappeared during the next full moon.

Harry waited until his family were human again, 'Why didn't you tell me you were going to be working here?'

'We said we wanted to surprise you pup, well, surprise,' Sirius grinned.

'You don't mind, do you son?'

'No, I love it dad, you, Remus and Sirius are great teachers, we know mum is brilliant now everyone else will see how good she is. But you aren't going to keep using those names are you?'

'We might,' Sirius said.

'Padfoot,' Harry growled, 'Do that and I might just hex your motorbike.'

'You would do that when you bought it for me for Christmas?'

'Yes, he would, I've been teaching my son a lot of hexes so he could keep you three in line,' Lily hugged Harry, 'So how about we leave Harry to his friends and we join the staff of Hogwarts for dinner.'

'Alright,' James hugged his son, kissing his head, Sirius and Remus did the same before Lily stared into her son's eyes, 'Two down, three to go.'

'Just let me know exactly what you do.'

'We will sweetheart, now eat,' Lily kissed Harry's forehead before heading up to the staff table. Harry couldn't stop smiling as he watched his family join the staff, his family were going to be with him at Hogwarts. Most kids would hate that but Harry loved it. He sat down between his two friends then dished himself up some dinner.

Harry finally felt the ache from the pain he suffered was easing. He got his Christmas wish when he asked for a family. Now he had his a family, one that loved him, and family that cared was all Harry Potter ever wanted.

The end:

I wish to thank everyone for reading, and hope I can continue to bring interesting stories for the fans of fanfiction.