Warning- I'm messing up the timelines a bit. Victoria (Fem!Harry) was born in 1984 instead of 1980 and I have a perfectly reasonable explanation for it! Just read on and find out!

Chapter 1

The End To An Era...

Little Whinging, Surrey, England

2 August 1999

Victoria Dorea Potter was in a very bad mood. There was a saying among the Evans' that the women of the family, when enraged, were as ruthless as a fire and as cold as ice. Petunia noticed the signs after Victoria received her first letters from her friends and, in a shocking move, warned her husband and son to stay away from Victoria that summer. She had never been more thankful to her aunt before.

Victoria was never a hero. She never wanted to be one. First year, her friends had dragged her into the whole Philosopher's Stone debacle. Next year, she felt obligated to point out that, no, she was not the heir of Slytherin. Honestly, how can a girl be an heir? Wizards and their lack of common bloody sense!

Then third year, all she wanted to do was stay as far away as possible from Sirius Black. Finding out he was her father's best friend was an unwelcome surprise, but for some reason she had found the case a bit fishy, especially after the break-in in the boy's dormitory. Seriously, Azkaban couldn't have addled with someone's brains so much that they forget their godchild's gender!

But last year... last year took the cake. Not only did Dumbledore trick her into verbally agreeing with the magical contract, thus making it binding, but Voldemort came back in all his noseless glory.

Oh yes, she knew what Dumbledore had done. Victoria had researched magical contracts and was horrified to know that she could have very easily declined without facing any consequences. But of course, the Great and Almighty Albus Too-Many-Names Dumbledore needed someone who could bring the extra publicity and who better, than the Girl-Who-Lived?

Stupid old coot.

And this time, Cedric, poor, sweet and heart-warmingly romantic Cedric, the guy she had rejected twice before agreeing for a date on his last day alive...

'Stop. Stop that train of thought right there' Victoria ordered herself. Taking a deep breath, she resumed her walk done Magnolia Crescent.

And now, no news. No letters. Nothing. Just 'hey's and 'hello's and 'lie low's. Victoria would bet her whole Gringotts fortune that this was all on the orders of Dumbledore.

The past four years had taught her something really important. The Wizarding World was full of morons. They would rather follow an idiot than actually open their eyes and look. This world was no longer amazing or beautiful. It was ugly and hypocritical, and she wanted out, which was why she was heading towards the library.

In her third year, Victoria met a fairly interesting girl by the name of Luna Lovegood. Realising the girl shared her gift of seeing some different things, the two bonded over what Hermione had disdainfully labelled 'imaginary creatures'.

After a lot of research, especially in Muggle folklore, they came across stories of fairies, angels and demons. Luna recognised a few fairies as 'wrackspurts' and 'nargles', while Victoria realised that the scary faces she sometimes saw on the streets were actually demons.

After a discussion with Xeno, Luna's father, the girls realised they both had different kinds of Sight. Luna was capable of Seeing the Fae while Victoria Saw the residents of Hell.

While Luna's Ravenclaw side was satisfied with the answer, Victoria still refused to give this issue up. After tricking Remus into revealing a known hotspot for the supernatural, it didn't take much time until she had a demon on call.

A snarky Scott, his name was Fergus McLeod, but he was known as 'Crowley', the self-proclaimed King of Crossroads. A squib by birth, he was quite interested in the fact that the Golden Girl of Gryffindor was willingly talking to a demon.

Crowley and Victoria had a mutually beneficial relationship. She scouted people willing to make deals, he helped her get obscure tomes from all over the world.

However this summer was special. After hearing that Voldemort was back, Crowley was pissed. Apparently cheating death causes a lot of paperwork, both for the reaper and for the demons below. Especially when the cheater in question is due for a mauling, courtesy of hellhounds.

Victoria agreed to help Crowley take down Voldemort, on the condition that he help her disappear. Crowley was too happy to oblige.

The librarian was Crowley himself in a different meatsuit. After the doors of the library were closed (and she knew for a fact that Mundungus Fletcher would never come even six feet near a book, so him entering was out of the question), their preparations began.

Raising her eyebrow, she nodded. "Perfect copy" she said crisply. Standing in front of her was an exact copy of herself. The librarian smirked, her eyes flashing red, before red smoke began to pour out of her mouth and entered the Victoria clone.

The Victoria clone smirked. "Well, look at that. I'm a Gryffindor!" she cackled.

Victoria winced. "Please don't make that sound". Victoria clone just grinned before handing over a bag to her. "Your new identity and passport. The portkey's in there, password's 'Snake in Lion's Fur'. Thought it would be appropriate for you" clone Victoria said in a business-like tone.

Victoria nodded. "Are you sure the Dementors will come tonight?" she asked once again.

Clone-Victoria rolled her eyes. "Yes. Yes they will. My contact in the Ministry informed me that Umbridge has already ordered the administration of the Kiss on you"

Victoria smiled. "Thanks Crowley. I'll talk to the goblins, negotiate for help on the hunt. Meanwhile, you can handle things here in good old England"

Clone-Victoria gave a shark-like grin. "It'll be my pleasure love. These upstarts have it coming"

Crowley felt the tell-tale shiver that clearly meant the arrival of Dementors. Grinning internally, he raised Victoria's wand (which was disgustingly light in its nature and completely unsuited to Victoria, she was a holly and thunderbird girl, not phoenix. Dumbledore and Ollivander had obviously been conspiring) and raised it. Of course it was all a show. He didn't know squat about wand magic.

Catching sight of a fainted Mrs. Figg in the corner of his eye (or would it be her eye? He was wearing Clone-Victoria after all), he tried to cast the Patronus Charm and failed. He tried once again and failed again when the Dementor drew closer. Grinning maniacally, he tried one last time, silver vapour coming out of the wand and, waving the Dementor goodbye, he exited the body. If anyone does the Priori Incantatem Charm, they'll notice that he did try to cast the Patronus.

Everyone will assume that the Dementor consumed Victoria's soul. It was, frankly, the perfect fake death.

And, by the year's end, these pure-blooded bastards will get their just desserts, starting with the ever elusive Tom Marvolo Riddle...

Maybe Loki would be interested?