Chapter eleven, Epilogue

Five days later, the four turtles made their way through the tunnel Empusae had led Leo down to get to her city. On their shells, they had their climbing equipment along with their turtle gliders and grappling hooks to assist them in getting down and back up the cliff of the Undercity.

Since hearing about Leo's adventure, his brothers had insisted they be brought to see this city Empusae had brought him to. As they trudge through the sewer, his brothers couldn't help but question him about what had happened.

"So all that time she wanted you, or us," Donnie questioned, rubbing his finger along his chin as he followed his brothers. "To help her just so she could keep this guy Kidemonas busy while she drained the stone?"

"That," Leo agreed. "As well as keep us down here for the rest of our lives while she killed every human and Kraang on the face of the planet so she could have what was taken from her." Leo took a deep breath as he remembered how close that came to almost happening.

"She sure didn't expect you to destroy that gem stone, huh Leo?" Mikey said chuckling.

"No," Leo nodded. "I guess she underestimated us."

"Yeah," Raph gave Leo a playful punch. "Like they all do."

"Whaddaya mean us?" Mikey asked looking at him sideways. "We didn't do anything." He pointed to Leo. "So you mean she underestimated you."

"No…I mean us." Leo said smiling. He turned to look at his brothers. "We're a team after all and it's because of you guys I did what I did." His smile faltered and he looked down feeling both guilty and sad. "I knew there was no way I could get back to you before the time was up. And if you were going to die," He shrugged. "I couldn't go on without you." He turned and continued walking. "I figured it was just as easy to destroy Empusae and let my end come then go home and find you all…." Leo stopped talking and swallowed hard.

Donnie put his hand on Leo's shoulder. "We know Leo." He said. "We probably would have done the same thing if we had been in your shoes."

"Uhhh, dude," Mikey blinked in confusion at Donnie. "We don't wear shoes."

The others laughed and continued down the tunnel. A few minutes later, Leo led them to the end of the tunnel and pointed. "That's where the 'city' used to be." He said. They looked out of the tunnel and across a large body of water that surrounded the rocky mountain with what appeared to be a structure made of stone that had crumbled to the ground.

"Wow!" Donnie exclaimed, his eyes roaming over the grand scene. "This is incredible!"

The four turtles carefully made their way down the rocky slope and over to where the large black obelisk stood. While Donnie inspected the writing on it, the other three carefully walked toward the edge of the cliff.

"Whoa…" Mikey breathe, carefully looking down the black void. "That looks really, really deep."

"Yeah, be careful Mikey." Leo warned.

"And there's supposed to be a bridge of some sort fearless?" Raph questioned.

Leo nodded. "Right here," He told him. He looked back at Donnie and the obelisk. "According to the writing on that pillar," He said watching as Donnie took his t-phone out and began snapping pictures. "If you have a child like view, you can cross the chasm."

"Well, I don't know about you bros." Mikey nervously stepped away from the edge, "Bridge or no bridge, I don't feel like crossing it."

"The bridge was probably destroyed anyway Mikey." Leo told him.

The three turtles joined the fourth back at the column. Donnie turned to them rather excitedly. "Let's get back to the lair." He told them urgently. "There's something about these hieroglyphics that look really familiar."

"Really Don." Leo looked at him questioningly. "How is that?" They began making their way back up the rocky slope to where the tunnel's entrance was.

"I've been studying a lot of ancient writings and if I'm right about these symbols," Donnie said as they all walked into the tunnel. "They're part of what appear to be from the lost city of Atlantis!"

Leo looked at Donnie in dismay. He turned back to the entrance and looked out over the vastness to the mountain where Empusae's and Kidemonas's city once lay as a deep feeling of sadness overcame him.

"Hey Leo?" Raph looked at him in concern. "Are you okay bro?"

Leo shook his head. "They were the last of their kind." He whispered sadly. "And all they ever wanted to do was to just live in peace." He turned back to his brothers. "What's going to happen to us if the Kraang succeed in their plans to take over the earth?" He questioned. "Will we end up like them?"

Raph put his arm around Leo's shoulders and coaxed him to continue to walk. "No Leo." He told him. "We won't end up like them."

"Yeah Leo," Donnie agreed. "It's like you said…we're a team after all."

Mikey put his hand in front of his brothers and they formed a small circle. "And together, we're gonna take those creepy Kraang freaks down!"

His brothers smiled and one by one, put their hands one on top of the other. "Okay team." Leo smiled. "Let's get home."

Leo let his brothers get ahead of him; he then took one last look back at the 'city' and smiled.

~The End~

So I will not be continuing this since we all know what happens with them and the Kraang. I have some more stories to write so keep a look out and for those of you who have begun to read some of my old stories, please don't hesitate to leave a review. I hope you all enjoyed my story and as always, please Read and Review. Peace and Love. J