Summary: Kuroko stopped playing basketball in Teiko's third year because of the hurt he suffered and vowed to defeat GoM. Big brother Nijimura is not amused with what GoM had done and joins Kuroko in Seirin. Now we have an overprotective big brother on loose.

Disclaimer: I don't own it. I'm an Indian foe god's sake, how'll I own it which is Japanese show.

Kuroko really hated to love basketball.

It did not really made sense but to him it was a perfect dilemma. He loved this sport, from the feel of the ball to the way it bounced to the sound it produced. It all excited him. He could get lost in it if given the chance.

It had been his life at one point but now? Now he hated how it made him feel. Every time he heard the ball bounce he was reminded of the sry of distress and loss the opposite team had suffered. Ever touch made him relive the haunting expression of his opponents.

The same expression haunted him now for the fear had made a home in him. There was a tine when the work basketball made him feel joy. Now the only thing he could feel was loneliness. Deep seated loneliness.

It would not have been so bad if he had a confidante. Someone to share his pain. His loneliness with. His team, his best friend had abandoned him. Oh sure Kise still hung out with him and Aomini still went with him to have fun but it was not the same.

The conversation once dominated by basketball was now just hollow words. No more likely than anything a stranger might have spoken to him. There was no familiarity to them.

He had tried again and again to hold on tl the bonds that were fast fading but he could no longer hold on. Even Ogiwara-kun had given up on their friendship.

Oh, how he wished he had someone to confide in.

Well, he had. It was not like he was alone. There was still that one person who had not changed. Who supported him. But he was hesitant to contact him. He had managed to keep him in dark all this time and he did not want to burden him.

So, he did not know how to continue.


His phone ringing was a foreign concept to him, especially in the school hours. He had never in his whole life gotten a call in the school hours. He rarely ever got a call. After all who would call a phantom, people generally forgot him.

The number was unknown to him. And foreign. The number was clearly not Japanese. Maybe a wrong number then?

"Moshi moshi"

He thought not to pick up but that would be petty of him. What if the call was important. What if it was someone he knew?


The voice was familiar to him. Very much so.


Why was he calling with this number? Last time he checked Nijimura-senpai had a totally different number. Did something happen? Something which caused him to change numbers?

"I told you call me Shuzo-nii. But Tetsuya, I heard what happened with others from Satsuki. I'm coming back and we'll deal with them together. Just hold on"

He wanted to cry. He could not even look at basketball without flinching and Nijimura-senpai wanted to deal with others.

"S-sorry Senpai habit, but I don't think it's possible. The others are too strong. They've changed too much and I can't even look at the ball now. It's too difficult. I can't"

He was crying at this point. Tears freely falling from the two blue pools. His voice even had cracked at some point in there but for the life of him he could not care. Now even Nijimura-senpai knew he was a weakling.

"Tetsuya. Tetsuya hold on. Don't cry. You're not alone in this. I'll be with you all the way. I even have friends willing to help"

It made him feel better. He was not alone. He had Nijimura-senpai with him.

The last part registered in his brain after some time.

"Someone willing to help? Is this person suicidal? He'll be crushed instantly"

His voice lacked emotions and even cracked at a part. His mind had apparently decided to omit some part or he had missed some kind of joke because the next thing he knew was that his senpai was cracking up.

"They are not someone Kuroko, they are a team. Basketball is not a one person sport. It's a team sport. I once thought this to Teiko, and we'll teach this to them again"

Apparently happiness is contagious for it brought a smile to Kuroko's face. It was a team sport. He really longed to see Generation of Miracles play like they enjoyed it bit more so he wanted then to play like a team. Then his brain caught up with him.

"Wait senapi? They? As in more than one?"

His senpai was quite amused at his slow reaction for he chuckled again.

"You remember my friend Kyoshi Tetsuya? He's aiming to win along with Seirin. They'll be more than willing to help or at least they will be after I'm through with their training."

Seirin? He had heard about it. Apparently despite being a new team they had reached finals before the three kings crushed them. Even after that they were gunning for the win? He really commended their spirit.

It really sounded like a strong team and the more he thought the better it sounded.

"You should go see one of their match Tetsuya. Maybe you'll get your love for the game back"

It turned out Nijimura-senpai was right for the next match of Seirin really lifted his spirits.

It really made him want to play again.


Nijimura really had no idea how it turned out like this. As for as he had remembered Generation of miracles were a good bunch. A bunch full of brats but a good bunch non-the-less, if you if ore Haizaki and even he was not that bad.

Akashi was a brilliant person with a mind unlike other. He was a born captain and Nijimura had no doubt that he'll take the team to a new level but never in his wildest though he had thought this would have happened.

It had really went out of control. And Tetsuya had taken the backlash.

He had known the child since he was a child, their family was pretty close. They used to paly quite frequently. More like they lived together six out of seven days. Their family was that close. Tetsuya was his little brother in all but blood more so after the child was left all alone in the world after his parents death ten years ago.

He was the one who had introduced Tetsuya to basketball and never in his life had he ever regretted his decision so much before.

Tetsuya had the biggest heartbreak of his life. His life had all but collapsed and what hurt was that Tetsuya had not even said anything to him. He knew that Tetsuya was trying to protect him bit his heart was still hurt that he was not trusted.

It heart to hear from Satsuki what he should have heard from Tetsuya.

But now was not the time to worry about it. What he had do now was help Tetsuya to bring the rainbow team back to their senses.

And once he'll be through with them they'll better apologise to Tetsuya or god help them or god help them.

"Father, I'm going to Japan to help Tetsuya"

Telling his father was just a formality. His father loved Tetsuya like his own. He even had adoption papers ready but never was able to ask him.

"How long would you be gone?"

And he had never been more thankful that his father had recovered than this moment.

"Whole year. I'll bring Tetsuya back too when I return"

Yeah, Japan and Tetsuya here he come.

And that's that.

Kindly read and review. And I'll recommend for you all to read rimfire by Nightmare-Taichou