"Allen~ Wake up~" A cheery voice sung.

Allen whimpered in pain. Bloody hell did his head hurt.


He opened one silver eye. "What?" He snapped.

Road waved. "Good Morning!" She greeted.

He opened his other eye and looked around. He was in an inn from the looks of it.

"Did you kidnap me?"

She giggled and floated into the air. "I guess you could call it that! Though you seem pretty calm for someone who was just kidnapped."

"That's because I'm unfortunately certain you would be against hurting me for any reason."

The door to the room opened revealing Tyki Mikk with a tray of pastries. "Ah Shounen! You're awake!"

Allen groaned. "You wouldn't happen to have some painkillers on that tray would you?"

Tyki pointed at the bedside table. "Top drawer."

Allen nodded in thanks and stood to walk over and take the bottle from the drawer; popping two pills into his mouth and swallowing them.

Road sat on the side of the bed as Tyki placed his tray on a nearby table. "Sorry for the headache! But when we heard that you'd started to talk again, we had to see you! Even if it meant taking you away from the Order."

Allen hummed in agreement, drinking a glass of water that Tyki handed him. "How far exactly from the Order are we?"

"Not far," Tyki said, motioning for Allen to sit at the table, "We never left London."

Allen sat down and grabbed a chocolate croissant. "What inn? Do I know it by chance?"

"Probably not. It's quite new."


An awkward silence passed between them.

Road cleared her throat. "So. . . We're here to take you on a date!"

Allen paused mid-chew. "If you know that I've started talking again then you should know—"

She cut him off. "Yeah we know! It's not anything romantic. Just a date between friends!"

". . .right." He finished off his croissant and moved on to try the red velvet cake.

There was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Tyki mumbled, reaching out to open the door. . . only for it to be slammed against the wall before he even touched the doorknob.


Allen sighed and plunged a fork into his cake. "Bakanda. Calm the hell down."

"Yeah Kandi! Don't be so uptight! " Road said with a smile.

"That nickname is even worse than 'Yuu-chan'. Never fucking call me that again." Kanda growled, slowly lowering Mugen to the ground.

"Agreed. Now come on in! Sit down! Eat some cake— okay never mind sorry Allen. It's yours don't worry. Anyway! Have any other pastry! Not the cake!"

"I don't like sweets."

The awkward silence creeped back into the room.

Tyki closed what remained of the door. "Let's just all. . . Have a nice chat hm?"

Kanda sat down across from his Moyashi. "Fine."

Allen raised an eyebrow at him.


"Since when were you so agreeable?"

"Che. I've never been agreeable. "

"I know. That's why I'm asking Bakanda.

Road held up her hands in a 'stop' motion. "Alright. I'm going to stop you there."

Tyki nodded. "It really wouldn't be wise of you to continue that conversation.

Kanda scowled. "And why should I listen to you?"

Road wrapped her arms around Allen's neck from behind, causing him to stiffen. "Because I'll kiss him if you don't~" She giggled.

"Don't you fucking dare."

"Listen to us then Kandi!"

"What did I fucking say about that nickname?!"

Allen chuckled nervously while trying to silently ask Tyki to save him. "N-now now. Let's calm down you two."

"Hm? What was that Ally? You want to be kissed by me~?"

Kanda stood up. "I swear if you fucking kiss him I'll—"

"You'll do what? Kandi~"

Kanda growled and grabbed Allen's face, bringing him over the table to kiss him roughly.

Allen whimpered. 'Whhhhhhyyyyyyy' He screeched in his thoughts, blushing enough to be mistaken for an apple.

Road screeched out loud. "OH MY GOODNESS ALLEN IS SO CUUUTE. AHHHHH" She proceeded to then faint.

Allen broke away, flustered. "K-kanda! L-look what you d-did! You m-made her faint!"

"That was the point." Kanda deadpanned.

Allen groaned. "Kanda!" He whined.

Tyki chuckled. "Well I suppose we'll have to postpone that date for another time." He gathered up Road and threw the room keys on the table. "Have fun you two~" He teased, then disappeared.

Kanda blinked. "Date? What date?"

Allen fidgeted. "Something I promised a while ago. Nothing romantic don't worry."

Kanda stood up and walked around the table, wrapping his arms around the Moyashi. "It better not be."

Allen nuzzled into Kanda's shirt. "You're acting weird today. "

"So are you. Are you just going to forget the fact that you avoided us all day yesterday?"

"Yesterday . . . So I've been out for longer than I thought."

"Moyashi . . ."

"It's Allen. Bakanda."

"Fine. Allen. Why were you avoiding us? All you said was that you didn't like Christmas—"

"Did you really need to reiterate that? I feel stupid enough already."

Kanda tilted the whitette's head up to look at him. "Then why did you act that way over it?"

Allen turned his eyes away from Kanda. "I wasn't thinking straight. I had had a nightmare and I just wasn't thinking straight is all. "

"You haven't really answered the question."

"I thought I had said too much. That I'd ruined a friendship or something. I don't know. . . It doesn't make sense to even me now."

Kanda sighed. "If nightmares make you act so distant then I guess I'm just going to have to stay with you. "

Allen furrowed his eyebrows. "What's that supposed to mean?"

The samurai pecked Allen on the mouth. "It means I'm gonna start sleeping with you dumbass."

Allen was confused. "And how would that help my nightmares?"

"You're an idiot."

"Am I really? I personally think I'm being the logical one here. "

"Just try it. And if you don't get nightmares, then we'll continue the arrangement. "

Allen's head dropped. "This seems pretty forced . . . Doesn't it . . .?" He mumbled, burying his face into his lover's chest.

Kanda looked down. "Something wrong Moyashi?"

Allen shook his head. "I'm . . . I'm fine."

"You're not. I can tell that much."

"You're not swearing that much today are you Kanda?"

"Moyashi . . ."

Allen forced a laugh. "How weird!" He pulled away from Kanda, quickly turning to grab the room keys and moving towards the broken door. "We'll have to check out, and apologize for the broken door."


"I do wonder if they prepaid for the room. I really do hope so."

"Moyashi stop rambling and listen to me."

Allen opened the door, already practicing his lines for when he would talk to the front desk. "I wonder if I could still get some cake still. That red velvet was bloody good."


Allen froze.

Kanda sighed. "Finally. Moyashi we're not leaving until you tell me what the fuck is wrong."



"You said 'we'. As if you really think I'd just go along with whatever you said."

"Moyashi that isn't—"

Allen's voice shook. "I'm going to check out and leave. You're welcome to follow. I don't care really if you do or don't."

Allen slammed the already destroyed door behind him; somberly treading to the front desk and apologizing for the door while handing the lady the keys to the room.

He sharply turned and left the inn; leaving into a dreary London morning. He scoffed. Ironic. London seemed to be reflecting his mood today, as usual. He stomped off in the direction of the Order; knowing he wouldn't get lost due to his familiar knowledge of the city's streets.

He was already nearly at the back road that would take him to the Order when Kanda caught up to him.

"Oi Moyashi! Wait!"

He slipped onto the road, not caring to look back.

Soon a hand was on his shoulder; stopping him from moving.

"Moyashi. What did I do wrong? Did I say something wrong? How can I fix it?" Kanda asked in a worried tone much unlike him.

"It doesn't matter anymore Kanda," Allen sounded miserable, "Let's just go back."

Kanda growled and pushed the younger up against one of the narrow walls. "I'm fucking tired of this bullshit Allen. Tell me what's wrong or I'll force it out of you. "

Allen stared at his own feet; silent.

Kanda internally panicked. "Allen please answer me."

Allen just pushed Kanda off of him. He wanted to go back. Up to his room. Never to come out. He shouldn't of let anyone in. What an idiot he was!

Allen started walking again. Trying not to look up when possible.

They finished the trip to the Order in silence; Allen automatically working his way back up to his room.

Kanda followed him as quietly as possible, determined to fix whatever he did wrong.

Allen opened his door and was immediately pushed inside; yelping in surprise.

Kanda shut the door behind them and locked it.

Allen glared up at Kanda, screwing his mouth shut.


Allen was silent.

Kanda sighed. "I said something wrong. That's what I've concluded. But what exactly did I say wrong? I don't remember saying anything that could hurt you? Unless you really don't want to sleep with me."

Allen got up off the floor and sat on his bed.

Kanda frowned. "But knowing you; I doubt that's the case."

Allen took off his boots and plopped them next to his bed.

Meanwhile, Kanda replayed their conversation in his head. Was he being dense . . .? Maybe the Moyashi took something the wrong way? What could he have taken the wrong way though?

Allen threw a pillow at Kanda. "Get out."

"Oh so now you say something."

"What? I thought you wanted me to talk. I guess not. " Allen said coldly, moving to grab another pillow.

Kanda moved to grab Allen's wrists. "What's wrong with you?! I said I'd sleep with you to ease the nightmares!"

"Yeah but I don't want you sleeping with me if you're only going to force yourself to!" Allen snapped, struggling in Kanda's grip.

Force? Oh. . . Kanda understood now. "You misunderstood."

"What the hell did I misunderstand Kanda?! That you were forcing yourself? That you don't really love m—mph!"

Kanda cut him off with a kiss; pushing the boy gently down onto the bed and climbing on top of him. "Don't be so sure Allen."

Allen: 'Don't be so sure Allen' he said. 'Let's just have sex' he said.

Kanda: I know you want me but stop putting words in my mouth.


Kanda: Someone's huffy.

Allen: YOU—

Okay okay you two. Don't give me a headache please. Let's just get this over with okay? I don't own anything but the story, and I really hope you enjoyed!