Deception Part 12 Actions Don't Have Consequences

A/N: Hey everyone time for a new update, sorry it's taken so long, anyway I hope you like this chapter now I'm not sure what will happen yet, there will be some things that stay the same but not everything this will also see Naruto meet a future lover. The title of the chapter may seem confusing but read the chapter and you will understand it concerns Sasuke of course lol.

Kurama Talking/Jutsu's

'Naruto Talking to Kurama/Sakura Talking to Inner Self'

'Inner Thoughts'

Inner Sakura

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto just this story

It should have taken a day to return to Konoha but they wasn't in any hurry, after Sakura and Sasuke went to sleep Naruto, Anko, and Kakashi, started talking about the mission.

Kakashi was surprised about Naruto letting Zabuza just leave like he did along with Haku knowing how dangerous the both of them were, but Naruto just said it was his call, and it puts them in there debt.

After that Anko brought up Sasuke, none of them happy about what he was planning, Naruto and Anko didn't like him at all.

Naruto has said all along to just kill him and be done with it and with Sasuke's plot to sacrifice Sakura to save his own skin lets just say it didn't sit well with any of them, Naruto because well he would much prefer he was dead.

Anko's never been keen on the Uchiha's she's not met an Uchiha she actually got on with to her they were all arrogant, arseholes, who thought they were better than everyone else and to her Sasuke's acting just like the rest of them.

Unlike Naruto though she knows that he's the last Uchiha and the village worship him like a prince, it pisses her off, that even if they inform the Hokage the little shit will probably get away with it.

That just infuriates her even more, now she has no interest in Sakura, to her she's not really that talented other than her perfect Chakra control, she's not much of a Kunoichi, still what Sasuke planned didn't sit well with her at all.

For Kakashi, well things are different, he knows how obsessed Sasuke is with killing Itachi, and obsessed with gaining power, he wants to help Sasuke he really does knowing that he failed Obito he doesn't want to fail Sasuke.

The thing that's different from Obito is Sasuke's attitude, Obito was a carefree ninja, to be perfectly honest he wasn't a typical Uchiha.

Sasuke is nothing like Obito he's a typical arrogant, Uchiha with a superiority complex, who sees himself as an elite just because he's an Uchiha, he also has no respect for anyone but himself, to him everyone is expendable.

Well maybe not everyone, himself and Anko are key figures in Konoha and Naruto although not liked by the general population of Konoha is well respected by most of the Shinobi, and Sasuke knows that Naruto is better than him.

Then there's Sakura, in a way he understands why he was going to pick her not that he was OK with it but Sakura's not from a Clan.

Her family are all civilians, other than being Kunoichi of the year, she's not that important but it doesn't give Sasuke the right to play god on who lives and dies.

Anko doesn't know what Naruto's true mission is but Kakashi does, Kakashi also knows of Naruto's outright hatred of the Uchiha and especially Sasuke Uchiha.

He just hopes Naruto won't do something stupid but he also knows that Naruto is ANBU through and through so him losing his cool is unlikely.

Kakashi looks at the both of them "So realistically speaking what do you expect will happen to Sasuke."

Naruto scoffs "Well going by the fact of what happened last time he was involved in something bad I'm sure you'll remember when he outright attacked Sakura he got away scot free only because Sakura lied he cloud's her judgement."

"So the fact he's tried using her as a way to escape death he'll more than likely get away with it again."

Anko shakes her head in annoyance "I fucking hate the Uchiha's and the council are so far up that emo's ass he could probably kill her and they would do nothing, this isn't right."

Kakashi who's leaning against a tree and not reading his book nods "I have to agree with the both of you he's getting to much freedom."

"There is so much hate in Sasuke's eyes and the council see nothing they probably see him as a scared little boy who lost everything and not someone who thinks his teammate is expendable."

Naruto shakes his head and clenches his fist, "Sometimes I just feel like killing the shit right in front of them and say I dare you to try anything, of course I'd be hated but I'd kill anyone who gets in my way."

Anko looks at the man she likes "And you'd be no better than his brother or him, you'd be executed and what good would that do, even if it would be a laugh seeing you do that in front of them."

Kakashi looks at both of them before answering "Naruto your far to important to give up your life for Sasuke, I know you hate Sasuke, and would much prefer him dead but he is the Last Uchiha loyal to Konoha and the council love him."

Anko scoffs "Him loyal, ha, he's only loyal to himself, he cares about nobody but himself, he's a joke to all the loyal Ninjas and Kunoichi's in Konoha who actually have loyalty to each other."

Kakashi sighs "Sad as it is I agree, but we have to steer him away from temptations."

Naruto just rolls his eyes "That's you job not mine, I have no intention of befriending him, helping him or anything else, the only thing I intend to do is end his life if he even thinks of betraying Konoha."

Kakashi looks at Naruto and knows nothing will change with him, his loyalty is to Konoha not to his fake teammates because that is pretty much all they are to him.

This is a mission for him, to monitor Sasuke, the fact he's even attempted to help Sakura was only because she bugged him to.

Anko just curses "Damn Uchiha, it would be so easy to just kill him before we return accidents happen after all, the only ones who would miss him is his lame ass fangirls."

Naruto nods at her as does Kakashi but he once again has to be the voice of reason "Not to be the voice of reason here, but killing him because you hate him will make you no better than a murderer, he can still be changed, don't do something you'd regret."

Naruto just scoffs "I wouldn't regret killing him I'd sleep perfectly fine, his death means nothing to me, the only thing it would do would end my mission and that's it."

Anko strangely didn't even notice that Naruto just mentioned his mission in front of her Kakashi just shakes his head "Let's get some sleep shall we and cool our heads."

Naruto doesn't reply he just walks away with Anko following, Kakashi sighs 'How would this make you feel seeing your son like this Sensei, Lady Kushina.'

A few hours later everyone's up and on the move Naruto and Anko are up front with Kakashi staying with his two students, Breakfast was an interesting experience well Naruto and Anko stuck to themselves.

While Sasuke was as Naruto would put it talking out of his ass saying that now he has the Sharingan that nobody could stop him and it's only a matter of time before Itachi dies.

Naruto and Anko who heard this just scoffed when Sasuke looked at them they both gave him the finger kind of funny they timed it perfectly with each other.

Sakura was just smiling and saying how cool her precious Sasuke-kun is, of course she never said that out loud but everyone could see the stars in her eyes and Anko looked at Naruto and did a gag motion and Naruto smirked.

Now there almost at Konoha, once they reach Konoha, Naruto and Anko quickly sign in then leave surprising the others and makes Sakura mad that he left with that slut Anko.

When the rest of them get to the Hokage tower Naruto and Anko are already there but say nothing upon the rest of them arriving they just step off the wall and knock on the door before getting the OK to enter.

Once they step inside Hiruzen can already sense the tension in the room, Naruto and Anko are not even stood with the rest of the team there leaning against a wall letting Kakashi do all the talking.

Once Kakashi's given the report Hiruzen looks at them all, again he's not happy with that little shit Uchiha, of course from what Kakashi said it shouldn't provide why there's tension in the room so Kakashi's left something out.

He tells them they can all go and they do but he gives a secret message for Naruto, Anko and Kakashi to return once letting the other two go on there way.

It's not long before the three return once they come back in the room he tells his secretary he's not to be disturbed until he's done that includes the elders, nobody and he means nobody is allowed to interrupt the meeting.

Once that's done the only ones in the room is Hiruzen, Kakashi, Naruto, Anko and Yūgao to guard the Hokage not that she's really needed to guard him but none of the others have a problem with her being there.

Once there's that sorted he places up a barrier seal so nobody can hear into what's being discussed.

Hiruzen doesn't even need to ask as soon as the barriers up Naruto informs Hiruzen what happened. Hiruzen sighs as yet again it's that Uchiha brat, once again he's causing problems and yet again it involves his other teammate Sakura Haruno.

Yūgao who heard what Naruto said shakes her head knowing how Naruto's feeling, she knows he just wants to kill Sasuke and be done with it, and going by what he's doing it may be better if he was gone, but he's still only a boy, maybe he can change she doubts it though.

Hiruzen rubs the top of his nose and sighs "Sasuke yet again is causing problems, again I'll have to cause a council meeting."

Naruto nods "Yes Hokage-sama, and everyone in this room knows he'll get off scot free, just like he did last time."

Hiruzen knows how Naruto feels and can tell just by everyone's body language that they all know it to be true even he feels that the same result will apply as last time, but he has to let them know.

He tells them that they can go and once there gone he informs his secretary to summon a council meeting.

A few hours later Naruto, Anko and Kakashi are once again summoned to the Hokage's office.

As soon as they enter they can tell just by the Hokage's posture that what they knew would happen happened. He informs them of what was discussed and can feel the killing intent coming from Naruto and Anko.

Hiruzen takes a puff of his pipe "The council, were not completely convinced but with your testimony, Kakashi and yours Anko the council had to think of something."

"Unfortunately they still see him as the last Uchiha, I don't think the Shinobi council were happy with what he did, Sakura's own mother was shocked but I think she's in denial."

Hiruzen stands up and faces the window "She said it was probably a mistake on Sasuke's end but even the Ninja council knows that's just not true a Substitution Jutsu is what it was he intended to save his own ass by killing someone he sees as less important and as you say expendable."

Naruto scoffs "How can you let this go, this is twice now, what is it going to take for them to get there heads out of his ass Sakura's death, Now I don't have any attachment to her but she doesn't deserve to be used as a scapegoat for his own cowardice."

"Even if she was killed they would probably say she was less important and get Sakura's own mum to believe that."

Anko joins in "This isn't right Lord Hokage-sama, why should he get special treatment he cares about nothing but revenge everyone is expendable to him damn he'd probably sacrifice you to save his own worthless ass."

Kakashi who's remained quiet all this time finally speaks "I have to agree with Naruto and Anko Hokage-sama, what kind of example is this setting letting someone who cares about nothing but revenge, and thinks everyone's beneath him can get away with doing whatever he wants, he has them wrapped around his little finger."

Hiruzen snaps "ENOUGH!, don't you think I know that, but he's important to this village, he's the last Loyal Uchiha and the council thinks he has certain liberties."

Naruto scoffs "We all know that's a load of crap, nobody will trust him, nobody will want to work with someone who at any moment could use them as pawns to save his own worthless life."

"He's not and never will be a leader of men, the council would demand he's become a Chūnin and then Jōnin to boost his own ego, and he's already a worthless piece of trash already, how can you allow this to continue."

Naruto bangs his fist against the wall "He should never have become a Ninja to begin with after what Itachi did to him, Itachi's made him this way and the council sucking his cock makes him think that he can do whatever the hell he wants."

Hiruzen sighs "Don't you think I know that, do you think I want him to sacrifice people to save his own life, I'll answer that I don't it sickens me how irresponsible he is, and I agree he's not Chūnin material, but my hands are tied."

Naruto cusses "Is that all Hokage-sama." When Hiruzen nods Naruto vanishes via Shunshin with Anko bowing to Hiruzen before using Shunshin herself, leaving just Hiruzen and Kakashi.

Hiruzen looks at Kakashi "I wonder what Minato would think of me right now, and what would he think of his son."

Kakashi who was thinking the same thing last night speaks, "In regards to Sensei's thoughts on his son, I'd think he might be disappointed in him, but I also think he would agree with something's."

"I think Kushina would more than likely want her son to get rid of Sasuke, before he causes more problems, even though Sasuke is Mikoto's son and they were best friends, Kushina knows that nobody was above the law."

Hiruzen nods "You may be right on that."

Kakashi then says "What would Sensei say about you, I'd think he'd say your in a bad position to begin with, and that you let the council get to full of themselves."

"He'd say your giving to much free reign to Sasuke, last Uchiha be damned he's not more important that any other person, that Is just Minato-sensei, I'm sure you know what Tobirama-sensei would have said."

Hiruzen shakes his head "Yes Tobirama-sensei would have had Sasuke executed as an example, consequences be damned but I can't do that."

Kakashi nods his head also knowing how bad this situation is, "Naruto refuses to befriend him to train him or anything the only thing he's guaranteed me is when the time comes Sasuke will die by his hands."

Hiruzen sighs "I'm getting to old for this shit, that will be all Kakashi, try and get through to the boy you know which one I mean, Naruto's views on the Uchiha's mirror Tobirama-sensei's."

"Naruto-kun, will not change his views on someone he's stubborn like his mother was, god rest her soul, first impressions to him are important he very rarely gives someone a second chance if you fuck up once you don't get a chance to prove him wrong."

Kakashi bows his head "It's as you say Lord Hokage-sama, good day to you Lord Hokage."

Once Kakashi leaves Hiruzen slumps in his chair "What do I do with that Uchiha, I won't allow this to continue but what can I do, talking to the elders about it won't do any good I already know how they see the Uchiha."

The next day Team 7 has met up Sakura is stood beside Sasuke but Naruto is sat in a tree not even attempting to interact with his so-called teammates he's just sharpening his sword.

When Kakashi arrives he notices Naruto's not with his team but quickly hears the sound of metal so looks into the trees "Naruto, come down here and join your teammates."

When Naruto does appear beside them he quickly leans against a tree not even attempting to act like a teammate, Kakashi just sighs but continues "Because we have just returned from that C-Rank turned A-Rank mission we have been given a week off, in that time I expect you to train, but also have some fun, I'll see you in a week."

He quickly vanishes via Shunshin and before Sakura can turn around to ask what her teammates are planning on doing she finds that Naruto has already left and Sasuke is also leaving.

She asks Sasuke that because they have a week off does he want to go on a date when he just looks at her and calls her annoying he doesn't even wait for a reply he just walks away.

Sakura is saddened by Sasuke's rejection once again and realising that Naruto's also gone has nothing better to do then head home, it will be nice to see her mum after that long mission.

After leaving his so-called Teammates he appears on the Hokage monument within moments he's joined by two people Anko and Yūgao, Yūgao looks at Naruto and smirks "No team bonding Naruto."

Naruto and Anko both look at Yūgao like she's an idiot and she chuckles then her smile drops "I heard that Uchiha brat got away with what he did."

She crosses her arms under her breasts and shakes her head "The council are a bunch of fools, not even doing anything about his actions, he probably thinks he can get away with anything even murder and they probably wouldn't even do a thing."

Naruto scoffs "There's no probability about it he could probably kill children and the council would do nothing and blame it on what happened to him, but I'd kill him before he tried it."

Anko then shakes her head "With the Chūnin exams coming up everyone will come to see him making his arrogance even worse, I bet even if he never even got to the finals the council would still demand he's promoted to Chūnin."

Naruto sniggers "Your forgetting the second stage Anko people die in the Chūnin exams, I could easily take him out and blame it on someone else, it's not as if I really care, I'm not a Genin anyway."

"Sakura, is nowhere near ready if she ever will be, maybe by the next Chūnin exams she may be competent enough to progress."

Anko scoffs "Please, it would take her years and she'd still never be good enough she only cares about her precious Sasuke-kun, not on becoming a promising Kunoichi, she shows promise she has amazing Chakra Control for someone of her age."

She shakes her head before continuing "If she wanted to could become something great but she has no drive to do it, she's got a one track mind Sasuke the loser Uchiha, it's all she thinks about."

Yūgao looks at them "So she shows promise huh, she just needs a good teacher that will get her to focus on her career instead of Sasuke, who's twice tried to get her killed, it's a shame."

Naruto nods "From what I've seen none of the recent batch of Kunoichi's shows much promise, Sakura we already know Ino Yamanaka is also a fangirl who cares more about her looks."

"We have Hinata Hyūga who's to shy, has no backbone, doesn't like fighting this is what Konoha's next generation of Kunoichi's is exactly, and that's just the Kunoichi."

He then continues "We have Shikamaru Nara, a lazy genius who would rather watch clouds then do anything who doesn't have any drive to do anything."

"Then we have Chōji Akimichi, who takes offence to anyone calling him fat, yes he may be strong but he's not fit."

"We have Kiba Inuzuka, a boy who calls himself an Alpha and thinks he's gods gift to women, but is headstrong, reckless, and cocky."

He shakes his head "Shino seems to be different but all Aburame's are like him he's quiet, he's intelligent and skilled, he's someone who can blend into the background and be easily ignored, I don't have anything against him."

Anko grins "What about the year above."

Naruto raises and eyebrow "Well there's only one team of note Team 9 led by Maito Gai, the Kunoichi on the team at least takes her training seriously the only problem is her focus is based around weapons, Her Taijutsu isn't that good her Ninjutsu I don't know say she faced off against a Wind User she's be destroyed."

He then smirks "Rock Lee is a carbon copy of Maito Gai, same lame ass hairstyle, jumpsuit and freaky eyebrows all he can do is Taijutsu, I admit he's be a tough opponent but other than that what can he really do."

"Lastly is Neji Hyūga, from the lower Branch of the Hyūga, a monster in Taijutsu, and one of if not the strongest Genin in Konoha not including me because I'm not even a Genin other than on paper, Team 9 are probably the most talented team we have they would destroy any team from this graduating class."

Yūgao grins "Are you saying that Team 9 can beat your team Naruto-kun."

Naruto looks at her "Your attempt at humour failed miserable, I could take out Team, 7, 8, 9 and 10 single handedly with little effort."

Anko chuckles "Yea, because Naruto-kun, is awesome right Naruto-kun, your not afraid of Team Weirdos."

Naruto just rolls his eyes at her humour and Yūgao chuckles "The academy is to soft, they think because there's no war that they can lower the standards, I know the meddling council have made it easier so the clanless kids can become Genin also but there poorly trained."

Yūgao nods "On that I have to agree with you Naruto-kun, they don't teach Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, or anything other than Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, it makes us look weak, compared to other villages."

Naruto nods "Your forgetting Fūinjutsu and Iryō, even learning the basics of Fūinjutsu would be advantageous, as for Iryō well, it's always good to have a trained medic on your team, I heard that Tsunade before she went on her journey into the bottle called for it and was overruled, it's like you said Yūgao it makes us look week."

Anko chuckles "You know it's quite funny us talking about them but your a kid yourself Naruto-kun, although I admit you never were anything like the brats from this year, I don't expect them to get far that's if there Sensei's even let them participate."

Naruto nods "True but you know the council will pretty much demand there precious Uchiha participates, and if Kakashi nominates his team then Gai will nominate his team which will get Asuma to nominate his which will get Kurenai to nominate hers."

None of them say anything until Yūgao does "So because of Kakashi's rivalry with Gai or should I say the other way around every Sensei will nominate there team to prove they can do it also."

"Then they face Genin with actual talent and It will make us look like laughing stocks in front of everyone when they all get there asses kicked."

Naruto thinks on that "I wouldn't say they all will do badly as I said Team 9 will do well, Shikamaru although Lazy is a Nara and we know how smart there are, there never to be underestimated."

"Shino is in the same boat the others won't go far, the fangirls will be eliminated first, and we don't even know who will be coming to the Chūnin exams egos will play a key part in this, everyone will expect big things from not only that loser Uchiha but the Clan Heirs, but there not ready in my opinion."

Yūgao and Anko both agree on that after a while they all split up as Anko and Yūgao both have missions, so they leave to prepare Just before Naruto leaves he sees four ninjas arrive in Konoha.

With Kurama's enhanced senses he knows who they are 'Ninjas from Suna huh, here for the Chūnin exams no doubt.'

Two days later Sakura ended up bumping into Naruto and even though he really didn't want to socialise with her she wouldn't leave him alone.

"So Naruto, did you do anything interesting yesterday."

"I trained like we were asked to did you."

Sakura remains quiet "I spent time with my mum, were on a weeks break why do we need to train anyway."

Naruto looks at her and his look makes Sakura shut up before she continues talking "We train to keep up our skills and continue to grow stronger, your a Kunoichi Sakura, your supposed to train."

Sakura then looks around "Have you noticed it's more crowded than usual."

Naruto rolls his eyes he hates having to socialise he could imagine Yūgao watching this and grinning behind her mask, he then thinks about her question there is no reason why he can't tell her about the up and coming Chūnin exams.

"The Village is more crowded because the Chūnin exams are less than a week and a half away."

Sakura looks surprised "The Chūnin exams, I didn't know."

Naruto sighs "You had no reason to know until this year as you were in the academy."

As there talking they hear a sound of a boy shouting there about to ignore it before Naruto recognizes the voice and sighs 'What is Komohamaru up to now.'

Naruto follows the sound of the voice and Sakura follows and the come upon the scene of Komohamaru being hauled in front of a ninja wearing all black kind of like a cat suit he's also wearing face paint.

Naruto then looks at the person beside him and sees a girl maybe two years older than himself she's quite attractive seems to take her training seriously also she has her hair in four ponytails he notices the Hitai-ate 'Sunagakure, ninjas the same ones I saw enter two days ago huh here for the Chūnin exams'

He grins 'Well I think I should introduce myself and scare the shit out of them.'

Sakura looks at what's going on then looks where Naruto was but he's gone she then sees him appear behind the guy in black.

Seconds Earlier

Temari sighs. "Leave him be Kankurō."

The one now known as Kankurō grins "This kid needs to learn some respe..."

Before he can finish he hears a voice in his ear "Drop Konohamaru Sarutobi, grandson of the Hokage, or I will be forced to cut you down like a pig. Ally or not, you have five seconds to comply. A second longer your head will meet the floor."

Kankurō then feels a sharp pain in his neck and sees blood dripping down his neck and a Katana placed across his neck.

Temari looks at Kankurō. "Let him go you idiot, do it now, he's serious."

By this time they can all feel the KI used by Naruto, Sakura now shows true fear of Naruto and she's on her knees, not believing that this is her teammate.

He's changed from what he was like before not that he's been a cheerful person before but this is a different scarier Naruto.

By this time Konohamaru's passed out while Kankurō's holding him up, Konohamaru doesn't need to see this, he's to young.

While this is happening, Kankurō slowly looks to Temari and see the worry in her eyes before dropping Konohamaru then tries to cover it up by raising his hands "It was a misunderstanding."

Naruto scoffs "You may be here for the Chūnin exams but try anything like that again and you won't make it to the exams at all do you understand me Genin of Suna."

Sakura, Kankurō, and Temari hears the authority in his voice and they all feel he's not a Genin although to Sakura this once again confuses her, Kankurō will slowly nod and say "Yes Konoha-nin, I won't cause trouble again."

Naruto then turn away and says. "See that you don't." He picks up Konohamaru and starts to walk off.

Gaara then lands beside them and say "Kankurō, do that again and I'll kill you."

He then turns to Naruto to ask for his name but he Sakura and Kanohamaru have already left. "That man is dangerous so beware of him." Shukaku warns.

Gaara's shocked as Shukakau or his mother, has never warned him of anyone before, he then turns to Kankurō and Temari "We're leaving."

After the Suna team leave, the Sound-nins that were watching are all frozen in fear. Zaku the normal cocky one finally broke the silence. "What the fuck was, that I couldn't move that blond one is dangerous."

They all agree and then leave

Sasuke who was in the tree was too scared to even move and doesn't even realise when everyone's gone trying to act like himself he finally breaths 'What the hell was that, the KI was so evil, he was really going to kill that idiot, just who is Naruto Uzumaki.'

After Sasuke leaves, three other onlookers breathe a sigh of relief they stayed in the shadows but before this happened Yūgao, Kakashi, and Anko were all talking when they felt Kurama's KI so they rushed here.

They were all ready to jump in if they were needed but they wasn't Anko and Kakashi had Kunai's ready and Yūgao had her Katana, what Naruto did strangely enough turned on Anko.

After Sasuke left Anko turns to the others "Man when Naruto-kun spoke with such authority I think I had an orgasm, so hot."

Kakashi and Yūgao look at Anko and shake their heads before leaving. Kakashi goes off to do whatever he was planning to door before and Anko heads off to get some dango which leaves Yūgao who heads to the Hokage to inform him about the situation.

She smirks. "Naruto-kun, I pity you, 13 and your already making Anko turn to mush."

After leaving Naruto turns to Sakura, I'll take him home you go also, this is only a taste of what to expect now your a ninja."

Before Sakura can say anything Naruto had used Shunshin and left, Sakura who's still shaking looks back at where Naruto was 'Just what was that hatred you showed, just who are you really Naruto-san, you never went to the academy you just show up with these skills that far surpass anything we learned in the academy it's like you were already a ninja.'

She then shivers 'That KI was so evil, was he really going to kill him, I can understand if he did that kid was going to attack that little kid it could have been much worse, maybe it was just a threat and Naruto, wouldn't have really killed that boy.'

After just standing there she remembers something else that Naruto said "The Chūnin exams they were here for them, I wonder what will happen now, I kind of pity anyone that gets on the wrong side of Naruto."