Oh, boy! Here comes my first Pokemon story! Let's hope I don't screw up when writing the battles! But on a serious note I have been planing this for a while and I hope you all like it! Takes place 2 years after Sun and Moon's main story.


It was a sunny day in a Alola. It had been over two years since Sun was crowned champion of the region. After meeting the last of the Ultra Beasts and the mysterious Necrozma not much happened. He was challenged by many trainers. He met and caught many Pokémon. But things stayed relatively the same and he was happy about it.

Well, there was one thing that kept them from being completely happy. There was someone he hadn't seen for a long time. Things just weren't the same without her. Was she doing well? Had she become a trainer like she said she would? What kind of Pokémon did she meet? How strong has she gotten?

Sun pondered this as he stood on the porch, looking into the sky. He felt a poke ball on his belt vibrate. He took it out and looked at it. It was a Master Ball.

Sun stared at the Pokémon inside and smiled sadly. "You miss her, don't you?"

The Pokemon nodded.

"Me too. I hope we see her again someday." He looked back at the sky when he heard his mother's voice.

"Sun! You have a visitor!"


He put the Pokeball away and walked back inside and looked at the front door.

"Hey Sun!"

The trainer smiled to see his friend. "Hey Hau, what's up?"

"Let's go have a battle at Hau'oli City!"

"Huh? Why Hau'oli?"

"Uh…so…so we can grab some molasadas after!"

"Why not battle at Iki town first since there's a stadium we can use and then get molasada afterwards?"

"No, no, no! We can't go there!" Hau said waving his hands.


"Well you see…uh…well…"

"They need to fix the stadium Sun. You can't use it." Sun's mother said before winking at Hau.

"That's right! That's right! They need to fix the stadium! It's…uh…got a crack in it!" The boy said with a nervous smile.

Sun stated at his friend for a minute. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah sure! Actually no, I'm not! I need to battle you real bad!"


"Do I need a reason? Now come on!"

Before Sun could say anything Hau grabbed his arm and ran out.

Sun's mother smiled as they left. "That should keep him busy. Now then. Let's get started, shall we?" She asked turning to Meowth.


Gladion sat down at a table. He had a guest siting across from him drinking Moomoo milk.

"Mother is still in bed?"

"Yeah. She's still recovering. But thanks to Bill she'll get better soon."

"That's good. I'm proud of you by the way. For not giving up on her when I did long ago."

"Stop, Gladion. Your embarrassing me." The girl blushed.

"I guess some things never change."

"Speaking of that…how are the others?"

"I thought Hau wrote to you. Didn't he say?"

"He told me that he was doing well…so is the professor…Sun is still upholding his title as champion…"

"A lot of people have challenged him while you were gone. Including me…" Gladion smiled thinking back at that battle. "But no matter how strong we get he just gets even stronger. There's no stopping him. You were right. He really is the greatest trainer out there."

"Heh, heh! I knew it! Say…does he…um…"


"Does he…talk about me?"

"A lot. When we meet up time from time no matter what we're talking about he always asked if I heard from you. Kind of gets on my nerves after a while. I don't know why he doesn't just write a letter or something."

"I…I thought of writing to him but…I don't know what to tell him. Sometimes I wonder if he's forgotten about me…"

"Give me a break. Maybe the day the moon falls out of the sky." Gladion said rolling his eyes.




Suddenly a Lunatone dropped down from above startling them. It then left slowly as if it were just passing by.

"What the-How long were you hiding up there waiting for me to say that?!"

"That can't be a good sign." The girl thought.

"Ugh…Well anyway…You can say as much as you want to him later today."

"Yeah. I can't wait."

"I bet he'll be surprised. By the way, how's that Pokémon mother gave you?"

The girl took out a Pokeball. "I evolved it. It's gotten really strong. I can't wait to show Sun."

Just then Wicke came up to them with a phone. "Phone for you, master Gladion."

"Thanks. Hello?"

"The Wishiwashi is out of the schooling." Hau said in a serious tone.


The trainer sighed.

"I lured Sun away! Hurry and get over here!"

"Ah. Right."

"Hau? I thought you said you were making a quick call."

The boy turned to see Sun just ahead of the path.

"Coming! Just hold on!"

He then whispered into the phone.

"See ya soon!"

"I swear that dope gets too exited way too easily." Gladion sighed hanging up the phone.

"I take it you two are going now?" Wicke asked.

"Yup. Don't want to be late." Gladion said as he and his visitor stood up.

"I'm surprised you want to come. You didn't show up when we first celebrated him becoming champion." His companion said.

"I did. I just went to see how you were doing then left."

"Really? So why come out in the open now?"

"To challenge the champion again. Sivally and I learn something with every battle. And well…having the champion for a rival comes with responsibilities of its own. Speaking of which…have you though of challenging him?"

The girl shook her head. " learned a lot as well from becoming a trainer. I had many battles. Some I won. Some I lost. But I learned where I currently stand. I can't beat him as I am now. But…Maybe someday…"

Gladion smiled. "Heh. I don't even need to battle you to see that you've become strong. Sun better which his back."

Back in Iki town Professor Kukui finished blowing a balloon. "Alright, is everything ready?"

"Just about." Sun's mother said. "All that's left is our man of the hour."

"Hey guys!" Hau ran up to the group. "He's coming! Is everything ready?"

"You know it!" the professor smiled.

"Good! He still doesn't suspect a thing!"

"Hau, wait up!"

"Here he comes! Everyone get in position!"

Sun came up running out of breath. "W-what's up with you? First you don't want to come here then suddenly you tell me you want to race-


Sun stared into shock to see everyone in town gathered around throwing confetti into the air. All the Kahunas and Captains were there along with Molayne, Pofessor Kukui and his wife. The area was filled with balloons and decorations.

"Happy birthday Sun." the Champion's mother smiled.


"Hah! Went and forgot about your own birthday? Being champ must have kept you busy." Hapu smiled.

"Oh, man! It slipped my mind!" Sun smiled. "And all of you came here?"

"I wouldn't miss this for anything!" Llima smile.

"Come on Sun! This party won't throw itself! Let's party like we never partied before!" Hau cheered.

"Slow down there, fella! First things first!" Professor Kukui smiled.

Sun's mother took the champion over to a table. The largest cake Sun ever saw sat there. It was a white rectangular shape with a Pokeball outlined in black and filled in with red and white.

"Your mother, Mallow and I chipped in to make it." Professor Burnet said. "What do you think?"

"It looks amazing!" Sun replied.

"Wait, MALLOW helped?" Lana asked.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Don't worry, we didn't let her add anything spicy." Sun's mom smiled.

"What's wrong with spicy?" Mallow pouted.

"It does not mix with cake. And it never should." Kiawe said.

"Oh, come on…"

"Well, enough of that. Go on Sun! Blow out those candles with Gust!" Professor Kukui smirked. "And don't forget to use Wish!"


Everyone watched as Sun walked up to the cake. He stared at it and thought about his wish. He knew what he wanted more than anything else. But odds are he wouldn't get it. He was so happy that everyone was here. But there were two people missing. One of which he wanted to see very badly. Thinking he didn't have much to lose he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I wish she were here."

He blew out all the candles in one blow. Everyone cheered after the last candle went out.

"So? What did ya wish for?" Hau asked.

Sun smiled sadly. "Nothing much…just wanted all my friends here…"

"Is that so?"

Sun immediately turned around, recognizing the voice. "Gladion?"

The trainer stood a short distance from the rest of the party.

"Sheesh. I know you're not the happiest guy around but do you have to sound so moody?" Hau asked. "It's bad enough that you're late!"

Gladion shrugged. "A certain someone who came with me was slow. She was so anxious and nervous about coming and she was practically inching down the road."

"Certain someone? Who?" Sun asked.

Everyone else smiled. Mrs Wicke told all of them who was coming but they all decided to keep it a secret from Sun. Now they were all exited to see him react.

"You want everyone to be here? Is that what I heard?"


Gladion then gave a rare smile. "I think I just might be able to grant you that wish."


He then turned to a bush. "Are you going to come out now or what?" Sun was really getting confused. Everyone watched in silence. Gladion sighed and took out a Pokeball. "Alright, fun's fun, but everyone has been waiting long enough. You can come out on your own or I can have Sivally drag you out like how it had to drag you down the road when you were constantly pausing. Your call."

After a few seconds of silence the bush sighed. Sun watched as a girl his age stepped out. His eyes widened in shock. Blond hair tied into a ponytail. A while shirt and matching girl nervously smiled at Sun.

Her face was slightly pink in the cheeks. "Hello Sun. Happy birthday."

Sun could not believe it. He just got exactly what he wished for.

"Lillie?" The boy stood there in shock.

There she was. Still in her full powered Z form.

Lillie smiled at Sun. "Surprised?"

"She showed up yesterday." Gladion said. "Our mother is starting to recover. She just needs to rest until she's back to normal. But she can do that on her own. Lillie is here to stay."

After some awkward silence, Lillie started to get worried. "Sun? Is something wrong?"

Rotom flew out of Sun's bag. "Bzzzt! Good to zee ya Lillie! Don't worry, I know how to kick start him!" The Pokemon then gave Sun a small shock.

"Ow! Hey! What was that for?!"

"Come on man, say something to her!"

Sun turned back to Lillie. He slowly walked up to her. "Is it really you?"

The girl nodded. "Know anyone else with this full powered Z form?" Lillie then did her signature pose.

Sun smiled. It really was her. On instinct, the first thing he did was hug her. The gesture caught her off guard but once the shock was over she hugged him back. "I can't believe it's you…I…I missed you so much…" Sun said. Tears fell from his eyes yet his smile could light up the world. Lillie was the exact same.

"I missed you too…"

Everyone smiled at the reunion in front of them. After a minute, Sun and Lillie parted. But before Sun could pull back Lillie grabbed his arm.


The girl brought her hand to the top of her head. She moved it towards sun until it hit the center of his forehead. "Awww…You got taller. I was enjoying being taller that you…even if it was just by a bit."

Everyone else laughed.

"What are you doing here?"

"To see all of you of course! I called Gladion a week back to tell him mother and I were heading home and he said I would be just in time for your birthday! Funny how thing work out, huh?"

"Heh, heh…yeah…" Sun's heart was still racing like mad.

"Oh, that reminds me…" Lillie took off her backpack to reach into it.

"Hmmm…Ah, here it is!" She took out a box warped in yellow wrapping paper and topped with red ribbons. "Happy birthday, Sun!"

Sun took the bag and slowly and gently unwrapped it. Opening the box, he first found a Max Revive. Sun smiled remembering all the healing Lillie provided his team. Then he found a bright yellow stone. It glowed like gold. Inside was a red and blue pattern.

"I ran into a guy named Steven, a stone collector and he gave it to me. He said it holds a great power…It made me think of you."

"It's beautiful…Thanks Lillie!"

"I'm glad you like it!"

"It's great to see you again Lillie!" Hau smiled.

"Yeah! It's been far too long!" Hapu added.

"Hey everyone!" Lillie waved.

Sun felt something on his belt vibrate. "Oh! I think someone else wants to say hi to you!" He threw the Master ball into the air.

In a burst of light a large Pokemon resembling a Lion appeared. The legendary Pokemon Solgaleo.

Lillie smiled as it landed in front of her. "Nebby!"

The Pokemon let out a happy roar and charged towards the girl.

"Whoa!" Lillie found herself lying on the ground with Solgaleo licking her face. "Ah! N-Nebby! Ha, ha, ha! That tickles!" Everyone laughed as the Pokemon nuzzled it's face into hers. "I missed you too, Nebby." Lillie smiled, rubbing its head.

Everyone smiled at the sight.

"Now that that's out of the way, LET'S PARTY!" Acerola cheered.

Sun smiled as everyone went wild.

With that one wish granted, everything was perfect.

And that's chapter 1. Let me know what you guys think. The Plegian Prince holds a higher priority than this story so I'll likely only be updating this once a month. So see you guy's April! Unless you are following the Plegian Prince in which case see you next week!