Hey guys! I'm back. I know I haven't updated any stories in a VERRRRRRYYYYY long time but I just lost inspiration for those other stories if any of you read my stories from before. I just recently got into this anime and I fell in love with it. Especially with Syo-kun, Ai-kun, and Nagi-kun!

Anyway enough of me. I hope you guys enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it.

"Hello~" - talking

'Hello~' - thinking/thoughts

Chapter 1: Assignment

Third Person View

A young woman with short reddish-orange hair and golden green eyes was standing a few feet away from a wooden desk, clutching a folder to her chest tightly. On the opposite side of the desk, an extremely large man with dark brown hair and tan skin wearing a brown disaster of a suit was sitting with his legs tossed on the desk. The man was none other than Shining Saotome. He had his arms intertwined with the other as he gazed at the woman intently.

He suddenly jumped out of his chair and stood on his desk pointing down at the woman, "Misssssssss Nanami! I want you to wrrrrrrrrrrrite a sooooong that would make the crowds heart go doki-doki!"

The woman who was known as Haruka Nanami titled her head to the side slightly before asking, "N-Nani?"

"You know! Write a song that willlll make the people's heart be fiiiiiiiiilllllllleeeedddd with ai!"

"A-Ano..Sachou-san, I don't think I understand..My music has always filled people's heart with happiness and love.." she murmured softly as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Shining looked down and said, "HHHHHAAAAIII! BUT! Your music only turns into love songs when the STARISH adds lyrics to it! I want you to make a melody filled with love before STARISH adds words to it!"

Haruka looked down at the carpet of the room, 'De-Demo..I've never made a love song..I have never even fallen in love with someone...'

"Can you handle that, Miss Nanami?"

Haruka looked determined before nodding yelling out, "HAI!

"GOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDD! You may leave now Miss Nanami!"

Haruka bowed low before walking out the door and shutting the door behind her. Once she was outside, she sighed before deciding to walk outside to the garden to look around for inspiration. She was near the door to go outside when a voice screamed her name.

She turned her head slightly to see a red-head running towards her, behind him was a large group consisting of 6 boys: two blondes, one orange-head, one brunette, and two blue-heads. Haruka then turned her whole body to face the whole group before flashing the group a bright smile.

"What are you guys doing?" Haruka asked softly to the group of boys.

Ittoki Otoya, the red head of the group, flashed Haruka a big smile before saying, "We were going to see if you were busy. We wanted to hang out together since we all have a day off on the same day surprisingly."

Haruka's smile weakened before she said, "Gomenasai minna-san. I have an assignment from Shining-san and I want to work on it as soon as possible. It seems like I'm having difficulties with it."

Aijima Cecil, the only brunette of the group, walked up to Haruka and asked, "Nani? What's the matter Haruka? You usually don't have trouble with writing music. I would know since the muses blessed you with a special gift."

"It's nothing Cecil-san. I'm sorry but I can't be with you guys for a while. I need to find a way to write this melody of this certain theme," Haruka blushed slightly at the thought of what they would think when they found she never fell in love with the opposite gender besides family members.

Syo Kurusu, a short blonde-pink haired boy with a cap on his head, spoke up asking, "Is there nothing we can do to help you Nanami?"

"I agree Haru-chan! Maybe there's something we can do to help you with this crisis?" Shinomiya Natsuki, a tall blonde with glasses, piped up from behind Syo.

Haruka shook her head and said with a small smile grazing her lips, "I'll be fine everyone. I just need to think about it."

Tokiya Ichinose, a dark blue haired man, spoke softly, "Ask us if you need anything Nanami-san."

Ren Jinguji, the only orange haired man, stated huskily, "Toki is correct. We'll always be with you My Lady."

Masato Hijirikawa, a slight dark blue haired man, whispered softly, "Ren is correct, for once. We'll be here for you Nanami."

Haruka smiled, grateful that she had such amazing friends before nodding and exclaiming suddenly, "I got it! I know who to ask for help! Arigatou minna-san!"

With that Haruka ran off with a slightly happier demeanor towards the one friend she can always count on to help her in these kinds of things, Tomo-chan.

~At Tomo-chan~

"NANI?!" A loud shriek was heard, scaring off some birds resting in the large trees.

Haruka put a finger to her lips and replied quietly looking over her shoulder slightly, "Be quiet! I don't want anyone finding out."

Tomochika Shibuya asked softly, "Shining asked you to make a love song? Why?! Who is it for?"

"It's for STARISH.." Haruka replied softly.

Tomo-chan threw her head back and said, "You know the 'no love' rule only affects idols right? Composers are allowed to fall in love. I can always hook you up with someone?"

Haruka's face turned into a tomato red color before she stammered out, "That's unnecessary Tomo-chan. I'm sure I can find a way to write a love song without actually falling in love."

Tomo-chan shook her head tiredly, "If it was only that easy Haruka. But it's not. I hope you can find a way. But the easiest way to do this is to actually fall in love..."

Suddenly, a light bulb appeared above Tomo-chan's head before she said slyly, "How about you fall in love with one of the STARISH guys? Or even better, QUARTET NIGHT?"

Haruka blushed before looking down at her lap, her hair covering her face, "De-Demo..They're idols..I can't fall in love with any of them.."

Tomo-chan giggled before saying, "Fall in love with one of them. But don't tell them. It's only a one time thing. I'm sure it won't affect anyone."

Haruka looked up and said, "But..But I might hurt someone's feelings.."

Tomo-chan sighed and said gruffly, "Fine. Do it your way but if that doesn't work..just reconsider what I said."

Haruka nodded before standing up saying, "I have to go. I have an idea on what to do first."

Tomo-chan blinked up at Haruka before smiling softly, "Okay. Have fun!"

Haruka started to run back to the dorms with determination clearly written on her face.

Okay guys. That's it for today. I know it was short but I wanted to leave the fun part for the second chapter. Also! I'm sorry if this story is something similar to another story that you guys read. I recently read it and I thought, 'Oh! That's a wonderful story idea.' But I saw that they didn't upload it recently so I was, 'Oh I want to write something like this.' I'm really sorry if it's something similar but I'm trying to keep it as far as that story as possible.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter so far. I'm going to type the next chapter right now.