Episode Time Scale: Following Episode 36, 37, and 38.

Authors Note

*Gasp *

Oh wow, I did not expect this kind of positive response for this story at all. There goes any thoughts of making this a one-shot, thank you all and I hope I gain your continued support as we move on with this road. Now onto some points to make for this story, since it seems like I'm continuing it. 1) Some episodes may not align as they did in cannon, and the reason for that is because of this story. I need to borrow some plots from said episodes to make the episodes flow better, so I hope you'll forgive me for that. 2)At this moment, the pairings for our favourite blonde have been decided, and if you're worried about Naruto aging while the gem he's paired up with doesn't, don't be because I have a plan for that. If any of you watch the latest season of Samurai Jack - Season 5 Theme Song to be specific - you'll know what I mean. Space-Time is a fickle thing. Professor Paradox (Ben 10) proved it, and now, Samurai Jack proves it, and in this story, Naruto will prove it too. And finally 3) Compared to the Crystal Gems, Naruto, Canon Naruto during the war and during The Last, is overpowered as he has feats that sometimes make the Gem's feats pale in comparison. With that in mind, try to imagine how strong this Naruto will be compared to the Crystal Gems... compared to gems like Jasper…


Things are sure going to change for the plot of Steven Universe thanks this version of Naruto's involvement.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Steven Universe.

Chapter One


Apologizing to Steven, Amethyst, and the rest of the Crystal Gems for his off putting behaviour, was as easy as he'd hoped it'd be, but he didn't think they would readily and quite easily accept his apology as fast as they did.


Garnet, Amethyst and Steven accepted his apology and Pearl, well Pearl was still a bit neutral around him - expected and logical, despite the fact that there were still some times where she acted a bit wildly irrational - but still, it was a welcomed pace to things, something he could see himself getting by with, so he went with the flow and - with the help of a very excited Steven Universe - he allowed himself to be integrated amongst the population of Beach City and much to his surprise, they actually accepted him much sooner than he'd thought they would - if anything, it was a welcomed surprise more so for him than he originally thought - in any case though, just from the interaction alone, he saw why Steven liked his home so much.


It was something he could get by.

And considering the amount of stress and sleepless nights he's been having lately, well the Beach City experience wasn't something he'd ever trade or hope to lose anytime soon; even more so due to the fact that it was helping him cope - ever so slightly - with his loss, despite the fact that not everyone in Beach City liked him.

It was understandable.

Starting with the Crystal Gems, because he saw Garnet much more than he saw Amethyst or Pearl - which was understandable because of the situation he forced her in, having been in a similar one back when Team 7 was still a functional Genin Squad - to him, she was the first he was able to read easily, despite the fact that clear fact that her facial expressions made it anything but easy for anyone that wasn't him.

She tolerated him.

She tolerated him, but she was also on guard around him to make sure that he wasn't going to do anything to jeopardize her family's safety and he could respect that. And from having a few conversations with her as she did guard duty, he was able to make out that she wouldn't mind getting to know him. It was a trait Amethyst and Steven shared, but not one Pearl was able to show and as it was stated before, that he understood…

Though he was getting annoyed of the petite gem's holier than thou attitude.

It was grating.

In any case...

In the terms of Beach City as a whole (excluding the crystal gems) not that many disliked him. In fact, he could say that the only person that sort of disliked him in any sense or form was Lars because he called the brat out on his shit in front of a couple of people; and aside from the annoying kid who must not be named, well he got along with everyone else rather easily in his opinion.

Sadie, Kiki, Jenny (Kiki's twin sister - or her evil twin as she boldly claims - and the rest of her family, who own a 'pizza' place - something he had no idea of since he'd never tasted Pizza back home (if it did even exist back home) Jenny's friends: Sour Cream (weird name in his opinion) and Buck (The son of the one who governs this place), and of course her two friends' extended family: Onion, Vidalia and Mr. Duley, aka Mayor Duley himself… he got along with every one of them quite easily, of course this was including Mr. Smiley, whose smile morphed his bone structure making it difficult for him to frown to show that he's upset - something he found a bit strange - Onion's little friends, Connie - who Steven had a crush on - Fribo and his family, and of course, Greg Universe, aka Steven's dad who, in his opinion, was an Okay kind of guy.

The way Beach City interacted with each other was nothing short of admirable.

Sure there were a little bit of rivalries here and there and the little disputes, but it was resolved as easily as it came.

Once he experienced it, Naruto was sure that this sort of long term Peace, was no doubt what Jiraiya had in mind for the Elemental Nations: for the five great villages to get along like the citizens got along here in Beach City, and in honor for his teacher and his dreams, what he couldn't do in the Elemental Nations, he was going to do here. He was going to make sure the Peace was kept for as long as possible; and if fighting monsters that threatened the peace and serenity of this city was one step in accomplishing said dream then so be it.

So. Be. It.

He needed an opponent to test out his progress on not only his Rinnegan mastery, but the amazingly new array of Combo, Techniques and Skills he'd developed in the Four Weeks he'd been here since his arrival.

A month already huh…


How time flies when you're too busy to notice...


"We're Back! "

Steven, eager to meet his new housemate, rushed out of his house and onto the perch once he hopped off from the warp pad as soon as he and the other Crystal Gems appeared on it in a warping flash, ignoring Pearls safety concerns as he did so, and as he came upon the sight of the barn where his new housemate was staying in for the mean time his eyes widened at the scene that greeted him upon his arrival.


Steven was in awe, because there stood the only other male with powers cooler than his standing above the ocean, wearing nothing but his boxer shorts as his body moved around with an impossible amount of flexibility while he expertly took out an army of clones that charged at him with their battle cries.


It was like practiced choreography, the way he took out more than two hundred of his copies with a single pointed strike without showing a single mistake with each step he took while the clones came at him with everything they have.


*Poof* *Poof*


Over and over again that was basically what the 14 year old boy was hearing every second as watched, unable to tear his eyes away despite how hard he tried, until finally, only Naruto was left standing in the middle of the lake, alone.


And despite this fact, Steven's awe never subsided, even when as it seemed that Naruto did nothing but stand still on the ocean's surface.

"Hey Steven."


It only did the moment he was caught spying, where he literally jumped out of his skin and landed on his butt, startled and shocked, because he hadn't heard anybody approach him from behind; and by the time he realise he'd made a sound, his hands quickly snapped to his mouth and he looked at the lake only to see nothing but air, before he froze and his eyes shifted to the one who startled him.


He pouted childishly at the smirking female with his hands crossed over his chest as she easily lifted Steven's body and placed him upright on the ground.

"Not funny."

"Maybe not to you."

Garnet's statement was followed by her helping Steven as he dusted himself free of the sand accumulated on his person. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "You should know that spying on someone without their permission is wrong."

"Says the female who's been spying on my shirtless body all day."

Steven and Garnet turned to the owner of the voice, before spotting Naruto walking towards them as he put on his black T-shirt what went with his orange baggy pants.

"Don't flatter yourself. You're not all that interesting to me."

"Swing and a miss." Naruto stated, wincing, before he laughed. "Well, it's not my first time of being rejected but…" He smiled. "You can't blame a guy for trying."

"Three's a crowd." Garnet pointed, shrugging, before she smiled back, releasing her hold on Steven. "And for a person who's been through too much, it seems to me like you're adjusting quite nicely."

Naruto folded his hands behind his head. "It's been one month." He shrugged. "Of course things won't stay the same for me if I ever plan on making sure what happened to my home isn't going to happen here on Earth while I'm around."



"So, Steven, how was your day?"

Now the attention was focused on the half-human who, under the gaze of two extremely intimidating stares, couldn't help but shrink into himself slightly. "Not all that interesting really." He stated. "I wanted to get done with it as quickly as possible because I was hoping that you'd teach me some cool moves, like the one I saw you did just now."

It was why he rushed here after all. Over the one month of Naruto's stay, if there was one thing he liked to do it was watch Naruto train and do all this amazing things - some of which the Gems could do and others of which they couldn't - and not only was he impressed, but he also - on more than one occasion - tended to ask the blonde male if he could teach him some of what he could do but the answer was always the same.

"Steven, most of the things I know are dangerous and could cause you to hurt yourself." Steven frowned. "And even if say I could teach you something, I wouldn't know how to because I don't know the first thing about how Gem mechanics work. I wouldn't know if things work for you the same way they work for me."



Garnet crouched down to meet his stare, with Naruto watching close by.

"If you needed someone to teach you something, why didn't you ask me or the other Crystal Gems?"

"Because the last time I did, you guys had no idea what to do." Steven easily recalled, having experienced, first hand, what the Gem's 'teaching skills' are like. "I mean no offence to you guys and all 'cuz you're all great and awesome when it comes to battling evil monsters, but when it comes to teaching, well…"

Garnet paused.

"I see your point."

Steven poked his two fingers together, as a small frown wormed its way onto his face.

"I came to Naruto because since he's sort of like me in a sense, he could better understand how my powers work and teach me how to control them." He stated, "And then maybe, he could teach me a few extra things after."

"If that's what you really wanted, then well…

Steven blinked, before his eyes gained excited gleam as he looked up at the smiling Naruto.

Why didn't you say so?"


Naruto nodded. "Yup." He stated. "You're Half-Gem right? I can help you understand how your powers work, but I'm going to need to know as much as I can about your magical half if we're actually doing this." He glanced at Garnet. "And I mean everything."

Garnet frowned, before looking down at an overly excited Steven who looked at her with a set of pleading eyes she couldn't fight against, and thought about the request. "If we're doing this for Steven's sake, then fine." She stated, before looking up at Naruto. "But if I'm telling you everything about Gem Biology, you… are going to have to tell my friends and I, a little bit more about yourself."

Naruto shrugged.

"Sure, why not? I mean, if we're gonna be a team in the future, then what better way of us bonding as a unit is there than getting to know each other first?"

"Meet us in the temple an hour from now."

Garnet ushered Steven away from the blonde, with her following behind as she lead her young ward to said destination.

"And try not to be late. Impressions count after all."

"Believe it."

'Don't think you can run away forever-'

'Shut up.'

Naruto squashed the voice at the back of his head, before it could finish whatever it was it was going to say. And after watching Steven and Garnet's form disappear into the cornfield, he turned around and headed to the barn that was his current residence.


Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Steven Universe.

Authors Note: Stay Tuned for Chapter Two (Which is going to be longer than the first two chapters, of that I promise) oh, and be sure to check out my Naruto Dragon Ball Z story: A Universe 7 Story: The Transmigration Path. Name's been changed from Six Paths of Universe 7.