
WARNING: this fic will be extremely dark, far darker than pretty all my previous stuff. Trigger warnings are as follows: abuse physical and psychological, torture, rape, sleep deprivation , conditioning, slavery, M/M, possible multiple partners, self harm, character death (s)


Capturing the Haddock boy had proved harder than Ryker anticipated, even with the bounty. And it wasn't even the pesky dragon riders that caused the most trouble but one lone bounty hunter who refused to accepted he wasn't being paid the money promised. Sure it was underhanded but the Dragon Hunters had suffered far too many loses at the hands of the riders to truly afford paying out more on one measly boy who didn't know when to quit. It wasn't as if the Dragon Hunters had been looking for a fight, they had been doing what they had for generations, capturing dragons and harvesting them so their tribe could survive. It was all business. Sure a few took pleasure in the hunt, Ryker certainly did, but it was always to feed and support their people. And then along come the dragon riders and their know it all leader who proclaimed hunting dragons were bad and tried putting a stop to their whole operation without a clue to how his and his friends action were hurting another tribe. Dagur had not been lying when he said Hiccup was persistent. Ryker would have just killed them all and put an end to it if Viggo didn't developed such an interest in the Haddock boy and treat their encounters like some game, not realizing or caring just how dangerous the boy couldn't be. Viggo treated him like a fellow strategist, and game player. For a while he won, taunting the boy until Hiccup proved that he was much more than met the eye. Only then did Viggo stop playing games and see what he was truly dealing with and his delay cost the Hunters greatly. Not that Ryker was going to point this out to his beloved brother. No, Viggo had to snap over losing the Eruptadon and issue a bounty for the boy. It was a fools errand but proved successful in the end.

Now Hiccup lay bond and unconscious on the captain's bed in Ryker's personal chambers as opposed to a cell below deck where most prisoners would be thrown. That's where the riders would look for him if they ever caught up to their ship. No one would ever think to look in Ryker's chambers and if they did they were in for a surprise. Guards stood on the inside of the doors while the crew watched from the outside, by all means looking as if we're attending their normal duties while preparing for a possible battle.

They took a round about route, not following their usual course to their camp, far from their home island. In fact, they weren't headed to the camp at all but a far off island tucked away between a series of far larger islands that were lush with greeny but bare of dragons, having been hunted to near extinction there.

The ship wasn't Ryker's usual hunting vessel, nor was it his second best. It was small, far smaller than what he was accustomed to. The sail was that of a merchant ship that often sailed these waters. He was taking no chances of the riders interfering with their plans. Viggo wanted to kill Haddock himself and so he would.

That didn't make Ryker any less nervous. It was an odd feeling, something he was not accosted to. He had been hunting dragons since he was a youth not much younger than Haddock. He had made his first kill and skinned his first dragon before he could even shave. Dragons didn't frighten him…not often. But these riders unnerved him. They seemed to appear out of nowhere, free the dragons and disappear just as quickly. Would it be the same now that their leader was gone.

Hours slowly ticked by, each Hunter tense as they watched the skies for a possible dragon attack. Ryker watched as well and listened for the guards watching to capture. Nothing happened. No riders, no calls from the guards to alert him of the boy awakening.

Another hour passed much the same but now a knot formed in Ryker's chest. The fight against the masked bounty hunter had led to Haddock wracking his head against a boulder when Ryker had been tripped up in chains. He hadn't given it much thought at the time as he fought to maintain his prey but such an injury could lead to death, and while Ryker would be all too happy to dump the boy's body overboard, Viggo wanted him alive. Grumbling under his breath, Ryker stormed toward his chambers. Best to make sure the kid was alive.

Nothing had changed since the last time Ryker checked on their unwanted guest. Haddock was still unconscious on the bed, his arms still bond in front of him. Not that that was over surprising, he had been knocked out before the fall and even if he woke up he couldn't go very far with only one leg. It was the length of time he had been unconscious that was the concern. Had they tranquilized him as Ryker had first planned to do, he would be out the whole voyage. But due to the head injury he had decided against it. Viggo was not going to be happy.

Ryker glared at the lithe form on his bed. Viggo would only play one of his stupid mind games with the boy before getting bored and killing him. Haddock was better off dead. All they had to do was weigh him, throw him overboard and let the sea have him. It was simple, effective and allow the Hunters to get back to business without interference. His hand hovered over one shoulder. It would only take a handful of minutes to rid himself of such a nuisance. No more Haddock, no more dragon riders.

A small pitiful groan escaped the boy when Ryker touched him. He hid his face against his forearms before groaning again and shifting his shoulders. "What…" he began, blinking owlishly.

Ryker drew back and watched in interest. This could be entertaining. The boy was slow and sluggish as he got his bearings.

Up close the youth looked far younger than expected. His body was long with narrow shoulders and small waist. Very petite despite his obvious height, although he was still half a head shorter that Ryker. One long leg stretched out while the amputated one tried to do the same. There was a moment of calm before the boy inhaled, his memory flooding back, followed by a hiss of pain. He tried reaching for the back of his head with tied hands but the length of rope only allowed for so much movement away from the link in the wall. It took only a moment before the boy realizes the predicament he was in. He took in the entire room with one sweep, his mind immediately calculating his options and chances of escape. It was a look not unlike Viggo's and Ryker found that angered him. Viggo has taken to comparing him and the Haddock boy, always remarking on how brilliant the boy was compared to Ryker. Well if this boy was so brilliant then how was he captured so easily?

"Ryker!" Hiccup gasped when his gaze met Ryker's. He dug his foot into the straw mattress and pushed himself against the wall in a vain attempt to escape to the man. His bright green eyes were wide. The surprise was uncalled for. He knew the Hunters had him, that Ryker had both saved him from falling over the cliff as well as took him prisoner, but with everything that had happened that day he really wasn't sure who would have him next. He had been passed from one bounty hunter to the next like a game of hot potato that he really didn't know where he was or who had him anymore. Another hiss escaped him when his head hit the wall behind him. "OW…" he muttered, wincing at the sharp pain. How many times had he been hit in the head, punched in the stomach, drugged or nearly choked to death in one day? He was quickly losing count. Nonetheless, it didn't diminish his spirit. "So uh…hi. I guess we're off to see Viggo so he can kill me now?" he said, trying to sound witty but feeling anything but. His vision swam in and out, pulsing much like the pain in the back of his head. "Look, I know we got off on the wrong foot but as you can clearly see, I only have one to stand on."

Ryker cracked a smile. "Dagur said you were funny."

"Did he also tell you my father will destroy the Hunters to get to me?" the boy asked, trying to sound more confident than he felt.

"Aye, he did. Not that I put much stock in what that loon says." He grabbed the boy's shoulder and yanked him forward to check the back of his head. "A mild concession. You'll live…for now."

Hiccup gave a small cry as the man poked at a rather large lump on the back of his head. "Thanks, I didn't think you cared."

Ryker gave a snort. "I don't. But it seems you managed to anger my brother enough that he's obsessing about over you. Seems like a common theme with your enemies. What Viggo does to you is none of mine concern, as long as you're out of my way."

"My friends will find me."

"I doubt it. You best get your rest. Viggo is best known for his methods of torture…especially if he's planning to get info out of you." The man gave Hiccup a toothy grin.

"Info like what? He has the Dragon Eye. He probably knows more about it than I do," Hiccup objected, confused.

Ryker only shrugged and walked toward the door. "No one but me comes in, and he certainly doesn't come out," he ordered the guards.

The next few hours were spent with more watching the skies. The Hunters were beginning to breath easier and relax with the lack of attack. Once they passed between the Murderous straits everyone took a breath of relief. They now far East of Dragon's Edge and Berk, an area that as far as Ryker knew the riders had yet to explore. It was quiet, the sun setting far to the west. Many of the men begun preparations for a late dinner. It had been a long day and then men deserved a much needed break after months of dealing with the riders.

When the food was ready, Ryker took two to his chambers and ordered a switch of guard to relieve the ones watching their guest. Hiccup was still where he had left him, sitting on the bed with his good leg bent and knee pulled to his chest while the amputated one was relaxed before him. A determined look covered his features, as if he was plotting his escape. A look that mirrored Viggo's just a look too much.

"Always thinking five steps ahead," Ryker mocked, startling the youth out of his thoughts.

Haddock glanced at him before frowning and looking away. "I'm not going to escape just sitting here daydreaming," he answered but it was clear that's what he was doing.

"You still expect your friends to rescue you?" Ryker asked, setting one bowl next to the youth.

"They'll find me. Toothless can always find me."

A smirk twisted Ryker's lips. "And we'll be waiting. Now eat up. We should be reaching Viggo within the hour."

"If he's going to kill me then why feed me?" the youth asked, glancing back at him.

"Maybe he won't kill you. Perhaps He'll sale you on the slave market. Pretty thing like you is sure to fetch a few gold coins," the man teased.

Haddock gave a snort. "Yeah, I'm sure I'll fetch a handsome price as someone's toothpick."

"There's more than one type of slave ," Ryker teased. He looked at the bowl of mutton. "Eat. There's no telling when you'll be fed next."

"I'm not hungry," the boy declined. His lips turned into a tight line, a rebellious look in his eye.

It was an obvious lie. The boy hadn't eaten all day, not with having one bounty hunter after another chasing after him or being stolen from one or the other. Ryker would be amazed if the kid managed even a sip of water. But the boy stubborn, he'd give Haddock that. "Suit yourself," the Hunter announced, deciding to indulge himself with his own dinner and then eating Hiccup's just to spite him. He gave a hearty burp before placing the bowls on a table. "Guess there's a good reason you're built do small. Refusing to eat when food is offered? What's wrong, trying to keep your girlish figure?"

The boy glared at him but said nothing.

Ryker gave a curt nod. "That's it, isn't it? No one ever fed you enough to make you big and strong?"

Haddock raised a confused brow at the sudden change in tactic. It sounded more like something Dagur would say than what little he had learned of Ryker.

"Yet you managed to not only befriend a dragon but also tame it. A Nightfury no less. And then the two of you took down the Red Death?" Ryker pressed, stepping up to the bed.

Even the guards looked a little confused at Ryker's musings.

"Dagur…" Hiccup coursed. Of course Dagur would tell Ryker all about that before switching sides. It was one of the things his "brother" had obsessed over. "Yeah, so what?"

"So it's true. All of it?"

"Yeah, I killed the Red Death thanks to Toothless. Why?"

"And you can talk to dragons?"

Hiccup made a face. He didn't like where this was going. "I can speak Dragonese ."

Ryker nodded, as if in sudden triumph. "Do you know how much someone like you are worth?"

"I don't know. A couple of goats and two chickens?"

A booming laugh echoed throughout the room. "We have before us, gentlemen, a Dragon Whisperer," Ryker announced, waving a hand toward the youth, a look of pure glee. "Now if that doesn't recoup our losses nothing will. I know someone who would be very interested in you. Especially if we have you broke in first."

Hiccup's eyes widened as Ryker approached him. "What are you talking about?" he demanded, although in his gut he already knew. While Berk had no slaves, the slave trade was huge business for a number of Viking clans, perhaps more so that the sale of dragons. It wasn't uncommon for a warring tribe to sale a noble or heir for higher profit. Hiccup never thought the Hunters were part of it because he had only ever seen them enslave dragons, which was bad enough. He pressed his back against the wall and silently wished it would swallow him whole.

"Let's take a look at what I'm working with here," Ryker purred as he neared.

Hiccup tried kicking out with his good leg but he was trapped and on the second kick Ryker caught his calf and with a hard yank dragged Hiccup back onto the bed that his back was flush with the straw mattress. He gave a pain filled yelp as the lump on the back of his head smacked the wall again, making his vision swim. For a moment all fight left him as he teetered on the Edge on consciousness.

"If I die from a concussion Viggo won't be happy," he managed, praying he would pass out or at the very least deter Ryker's plans. Maybe the riders would show up and save him before…

Ryker was leaning get right over him now, a rare look of excitement and curiosity on his face. That was all Hiccup could make out in his swimming vision, that face, not quite smug as before but definitely full of interest in something other than dragons. Hiccup turned his face away and tried to hide it against one arm.

"Look at me, boy," Ryker said, his breath puffing against Hiccup's cheek. When Hiccup refused, he grabbed his chin and forced him. "You're going to learn to listen or start praying Viggo does kill you because if he does sale you then your new master is not going to be nearly as gentle as me."

Hiccup met his gaze with an icy glare. Then, letting his pride get the best of him, spat in the man's face. It was a bad move. He knew it even as he did it, but he had hoped to incite enough a anger than maybe Ryker would land a killing blow and what he would happen next would be avoided. And it worked to an extent. Ryker backhanded him so hard Hiccup felt his neck might snap or that he would pass out. His ear rung and world spun but the world remained intact. Neither his broke, nor the world turned black. He was left numb and sore.

"You won't be so cocky once Viggo has you," Ryker warned, wiping saliva off his face. Unsettling a knife from his boot, he went to work cutting the ties to Hiccup's armor the pulled the front off the boy to reveal his red shirt. He tossed it aside but left the back where it was since it wouldn't be in the way of his goal. He took his time, one large hand caressing taunt flesh as he leaned on one elbow. Bit by bit he shoved Hiccup's shirt up until it was under his chin, his thin body on display for the guards to see. "Normally I would break in a potential new slave in private but since you're the Dragon Conqueror and heir of Berk, witnesses are needed to verify your downfall. Don't worry. They won't touch you. Not unless I say so."

"Don't do this," Hiccup begged, suddenly desperate.

Ryker's grin grew. "I'm within my right. YOU invaded MY territory. YOU interrupted MY way of life, MY people's means of living. My people did not declare war upon you or your people, you declared it on us." He held Hiccup's face to make sure he was listening and understanding exactly what was being said. "Do you have any idea what you've cost my people? Not just in dragons but to ability to buy food and trade for fur? This is all on you, Haddock. And you will pay for you crimes."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know," the boy beg, desperate now as the first tear rolled down his cheek.

"No, you didn't and you didn't bother to ask. You simply assumed you were in the right and attacked us." His fingers left Hiccup's flushed face to trail down his neck and over his chest to one nipple. "And now I'm going to take my pound of flesh out of you then let Viggo do whatever he wants with your miserable life after. You best pray for a quick death."

"Look…I can…I can make up to you. Berk…we have a lot of furs trade and great farmers. We can trade with you. We can help each other," Hiccup pleaded. "You don't have to hunt dragons. We can help you."

"Oh? I'm about to help myself," Ryker cooed. He shifted down on the bed until he was eye level with Hiccup's narrow chest. He ran his thick tongue over one small nipples, inciting a surprised gasp from his prey. Ryker chuckled into the nub with amusement. No doubt this was the first time a anyone had touched him in such a way. His hand snaked down the youth's stomach to the edge of his trousers, ignoring the boy's please for him to stop. His fingers moved over the fabric over his groin teasingly before dipping between his legs to grab at the package hidden within. Hiccup gave a sharp cry and tried to turn away so Ryker squeezed a little harder before gently kneading it.

The only sound that could be heard was Hiccup's whimpers and sharp cries as Ryker felt him up. He tried pulling away and struggling but once Ryker was between his legs there was nothing he could really do to stop this from happening to him. When he wasn't suckling a nipple he was pulling on it while his other hand slipped into his trousers. His semi hard cock was pulled out and put on display for the guards to see. Hiccup never felt so ashamed of himself. He tried to fight but it was no use. All he could do was arch his back and cry out as he was felt up until his stomach knotted and an unwanted orgasm hit him. He came across Ryker's hand and over his stomach.

"That wasn't much of a show," Ryker reprimanded. "Is this the first time someone other than you touched your price?"

"Stop…please…you made your point," Hiccup whimpered, thoroughly embarrassed to be forced to cum by his enemy and in front of the guards.

"Oh, you thought that was your punishment?" Ryker questioned in amusement. "I'm afraid we haven't even started. That's what they call foreplay."

"What?" the youth asked in confusion, his voice shaking with emotion. To his horror, Ryker shifted to kneel between his legs and before Hiccup knew what was going on, his boot and trousers were yanked off, followed by his underwear. He tried to grab them but it was too late, Ryker threw them aside as if they were a piece of trash. The hand that had been jerking Hiccup off now moved lower to caress the tight ring of muscle behind. "Stop!" Hiccup cried, realizing what was about to happen. He didn't get the whole mechanics of two men having sex. Heck, he still wasn't all that sure about men and women, but he knew enough that he didn't want Ryker sticking anything in his ass. Sadly, he had no say in the matter. After a few teasing strokes the digit pushed in. Hiccup gave a hiss of pain and tried to arch away only for Ryker to follow and push the finger in deeper. Nonetheless, Hiccup dug his heel in, hoping by some miracle he could escape. He utterly failed when Ryker grasped his hips and forced him back down on the bed when burying his finger right down to his knuckles.

"Still a lot of fight left," Ryker mused, sounding oddly proud of the fact. Keeping a grip on the boy's hip he began working his finger in and out of the tight whole. He inserted a second finger causing Hiccup to try twisting away only to be pushed back into place. "I'll admit, a fighting slave is much more entertaining than a compliant one."

"I'm not a slave!" Hiccup bit out, trying to hold in his cries as the guards began to chatter and encourage Ryker. It hurt. His muscles felt as if they were being torn from the inside, Ryker's nail scraping his insides. He couldn't stop his tears but he wasn't about to give up either.

Ryker's face was too close enough to his own. "You're getting wet. Are you sure you're not enjoying this, even a little?"

"No…" Hiccup sobbed, turning his face away. He gasped when the man's fingers twisted and pushed against something deep inside him. It sent a shock through his body. A sudden pleasant sensation that confused Hiccup. He knew what it was. Gobber had once spoken about it when explaining a about why he never married and had no children and how he enjoyed being with other men and how it could feel good having someone inside him. Hiccup didn't want this to feel good. He didn't want to give in to Ryker. He tried twisting away again but it was no use. Ryker was in too deep and stroking that bundle of nerves mercilessly.

"You're almost wet enough to go in without lube," Ryker breathed in his ear. "If I didn't know better I would think you and your friends have been doing more than saving dragons on that little island of yours."

"Stop…it hurts," Hiccup pleaded. He gasped when his prostrate was rubbed again.

"You're lying. You like this."

Hiccup shook his head, desperate for it end. He should have been prepared for the third finger but he wasn't. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. He only had a vague idea how this was supposed to work and two fingers seemed like more than enough to get Ryker's point across. He bit back a scream as the man stretched him beyond his known limits. "Stop…no more."

"You can take it," Ryker assured. "Just a little more and we'll get to the real fun."

Whatever Ryker thought the real fun was, Hiccup was sure wasn't going to like it. When the finger finally pulled out of him, Hiccup was shaking and cover in a thick layer of sweat. His head was pounding worse than before and he could taste bile in the back of his throat. Ryker only smiled down at him with a sick, twisted look as he stroked Hiccup's hip.

"Not so bad now, is it?" He asked as he opened his trousers with his free hand. His large hard cock came free and he gave it a few strokes.

The pain in Hiccup's head made it hard to think. It was pulsing at the lump, having put too much pressure on it trying to escape. For a moment he couldn't think and only stared at Ryker blankly. Then his mind kicked back into gear at the sight of the other man's hard length. Panic filled him. He knew what was about to happen yet refused to accept it. This didn't happen to guys. Sure Snotlout used to make crude jokes about him one day being fucked like a girl but these things didn't really happen to guys, right? He gaze shot up from Ryker's dripping cock to the man's face in disbelief.

"It won't hurt so much if you relax," the man advised with a twisted grin. He took his length in one hand while holding Hiccup in place with the other and guided to head to the boy's already stretched entrance.

"No…No!" Hiccup screamed, trying to pull away.

Ryker shoved the tip in then released it to grab the boy by the throat to pin him down. He took his time with small jabbing thrusts to work his way in. He hadn't bothered with lubricant, the brat didn't deserve any and was wet enough from his own inner juices. He should be happy Ryker took the time to stretch him instead of causing such a fuss. Regardless, Hiccup fought. He clawed at Ryker's arm with what little leverage he arm with his bonds and continued to try and kick but it mattered not. Ryker was inside him now and not about to leave until he emptied his seed deep into the boy's guts. The more violent Hiccup fought the harder Ryker would thrust.

"You feel that?" the Hunter asked, pressing a hand against Hiccup distended stomach where Ryker was buried balls deep. He waited for Hiccup to meet his gave before smiling serenely. "This is my new home until Viggo decides what he's doing with you. You're going to learn to love having me here."

"Never!" the boy cursed.

Ryker's smile grew as he let go of Hiccup's throat and leaned forward. "There are worse things than me out there, boy," he breathed as he placed his hands on either side of the youth's head. He began shoving in and out of the boy, taking a leisurely pace and enjoying the tightness sucking at his cock. Haddock wasn't going anywhere. There was no rescue coming and no chance of escape. Hiccup was his to enjoy until he delivered him to Viggo. The sound of Hiccup's cries and gasps were music to his ears, his feeble attempts to push him off a turn on more than anything else.

"You should be thanking me for being so generous by taking you myself instead of letting my men have their way with you," he whispered in Hiccup's ear as he felt his climax approach. "They're not nearly as cautious as me. This won't leave any lasting damage because Viggo wants you intact." He stroked Hiccup's cheek, forcing the youth to look at him. "But I am going to fill you with my seed. You're going to remember this moment for the rest of your life and death you're never going against me again, understand?"

The boy said nothing, his eyes wide and in shock by what was happening to him. Ryker adjusted his position so he was back on his heels, took Hiccup's thighs in both hands and lifting his hips off the bed, then went pressed deep into the youth. Hiccup have a cry. The new position put more pressure on his guts and allowed Ryker to go deeper and harder than before. Hiccup's arms flung forward to grasp Ryker and stop him but only managed to grasp the top of his tunic. The man gave a smirk and started a deep hard pace, still being leisurely but now deep enough and hard enough that Hiccup was almost doubled in two, his knees hanging over Ryker's elbows. The boy cried and screamed so loudly now that there was no doubt the men on deck knew what was going on.

"Stop! Stop!" Hiccup screamed, his voice becoming raw with each cry.

It only served to spur Ryker on until the man could take no more. With one thrust his seed exploded in a hot burst inside the rider. Filling him to the brim and spurting out around their joining. It was the best orgasm Ryker had felt in a long time. He stayed inside his prey until his length softened and slipped from that tight hole all the while admiring the youth beneath him. Hiccup had passed out, having also reached orgasm. Pearly white cum was smeared across the boy's stomach and chest, making him look utterly delicious.

Someone would definitely pay a pretty coin for this one, even if he wasn't a Dragon Whisperer. It was a shame to let Viggo kill him. But Ryker got what he wanted. They were nearing Viggo's new temporary base and his brother would be very happy to see their bounty.