It's been said that you have already met your other half in another life. As fate begins to work, you will meet again someday in a different time. It hardly ever happens, and there have been so few cases brought to light about it. It's a rare occurrence, but not one written off as impossible. For Yuuri Katsuki - even though he doesn't know the reason behind it - he dreams about it. Well, about them. He doesn't even know what he's seeing every night, just that he does. And it hurts. Sometimes less than other nights, like a happy memory, but for the most part it's violent. It's as if he's only being shown the climax of a James Bond movie over and over again. The other oddity to his dreams is that he keeps viewing the "memories" through someone else's eyes. It feels like an invasion of privacy some nights, as if he's watching a couple from behind a door left ajar. He can always feel the different emotion of the person he's seeing the story unravel through, too. The pain, heartbreak, happiness, uneasiness, curiosity, and fright. Always different and always changing. Yet the same person always appear. The character never changes. Tonight is no exception to any of this.

With a startle, Yuuri sat up violently in his bed, sweat glistening as it rolls down him. He turned in his bunk to glance at his roommate and friend, Phichit Chulanont, who still seems to be resting quietly on his side of the room. He took a deep breath and slowly descends from his bed, grabbing his phone from where it was left charging on his desk and shoving it in the pocket of his sweatpants. After checking one last time that his friend is asleep, he slipped through the door of their dorm room and headed to the dorm kitchen shared by everyone in the hall they're staying in. It wasn't a particularly long walk, but he still felt unnerved, waiting for anyone to step out of their room and find him walking down the hallway. Pulling out his phone, Yuuri sighed in defeat at the sudden discovery of the time. 2:26 a.m. Perfect. Minutes later, he reached into fridge and pulling out a cold water from a package of twenty-four. Soon after taking quiet sips of the cool liquid, he felt a vibration of his phone going off in his pocket. Yuuri screwed the cap back on tightly and pulled out his phone once more, a text from Phichit illuminating his screen.


With an uneasy smile, he quickly replied back to his friend, now sorry that he left the room without saying anything. Phichit is the only one - besides his family of course - who knew of the strange dreams. He had to tell him after he woke up screaming from one of the dreams. Phichit didn't push right away for details, since he found out quickly that Yuuri didn't like that, and simply waited. After he had calmed down, Yuuri explained them, expecting the Thai student to laugh or mock him over the dreams. When he got an encouraging smile back, Yuuri spewed everything he knew about the dreams so far to him. Phichit hung onto his every word. They became friends after that, spilling even secrets that no one knew to each other. He trusts Phichit a lot and found that he feels the same in return for Yuuri.

His phone flashed again, a text inviting him back to the room to talk about it. After a moment of hesitating over the text bubble, he received another text saying he was up anyway and that he would just sleep through his first class to make up for it. Yuuri smiled, almost laughing at how Phichit-like the response is, and sent back an agreeable response. In a better mood than before, Yuuri shoved his phone into his pocket and walked down the hallway towards his room.

Phichit was already waiting for him, legs dangling over the edge of his bed with bright eyes as he entered. Phichit pat the spot next to him on the bed and scooted over to give him more space. Still gripping the water in his hands, Yuuri took the invitation and sat down, throwing himself back onto the bed.

"What was it about this time?" Phichit quizzically gazed at Yuuri's form leaning back on his bed. He always loved hearing the different stories, even though some were pretty explicit in detail. He always told Yuuri the more detailed it was, the more interesting it became.

Yuuri sighed before sitting up on the bed, his index finger pulling at the label on the water bottle sitting in his hands. "Not as bad as the medieval one a few nights ago, but not as great as the Greek-inspired one from last month. It was surprisingly more modern. Terrifying still." When Phichit continued to sit silently, Yuuri decided to continue. "Soldiers this time. We were both fighting. He watched from across the battlefield as I was shot." His right hand traced the spot on his chest where the bullet pierced. The memory was hazy from sleep but painful nonetheless. "He was running towards me as I fell. My vision was slipping, like it does every night whenever he gets close." He's never seen the other person's face. Never has. Whenever they get close to each other, his dream starts fading out. That was the only consistency throughout all the different stories. "He was shouting words." Yuuri squinted in the darkness of the room as if staring at his messy - and blurry because he forgot to put his glasses on he realizes - bed would give him the memory of his dream again. "I can't remember what it was."

"Maybe he was screaming, 'My dear Yuuri, find me already!'" Phichit dramatically rose a hand towards the ceiling and crumpled to the floor from the bed.

Yuuri laughed and tried to pry his friend off the floor. "Shh, you'll wake Seung-gil up again. He threatened to tell the R.A. if it happened again." Phichit dragged Yuuri down with him, both of them sprawling out on the floor laughing.

"Maybe he's out there waiting for you, just like that one dream you had where he snuck out of the castle to meet with you."

Yuuri rolled his eyes and playfully punched him. Unlike Phichit, he didn't think the person he kept seeing in his dreams actually existed along with the side cast that sometimes appeared. His Thai roommate actually believed he would show up someday. "And just like in Cinderella, we'll dance together, fall in love, get married, and I'll leave my evil roommate forever."

"I hope, like in the story, you invite your evil roommate gets to live with you in the castle anyway because you secretly like having him around. It wouldn't be true to the story unless you did that, too." Phichit grinned and sat up on the floor with Yuuri following his lead.

"It depends if Prince Charming will allow it."

"Prince Charming needs my permission to get you first anyway."

Yuuri gently punched him again, a smile still evident on his face. "They're only dreams, Phichit. Probably influenced from movies and shows I watch."

Phichit gave him a look that questioned if he actually believed what he was saying. Annoyingly, he was right. "Sure, Yuuri, because I dream of the same guy sweeping me off my feet or dying in front of me in different settings, too." The sarcasm earned him another punch.

"We should really get back to sleep. It's late, and I know we both have early morning classes." Yuuri stood up and offered a hand to help Phichit up.

After a few more moments dedicated to settling down, they both crashed in their respective beds. Yuuri fell asleep in a better mood, yet unnerved about possibly getting another dream.


. . .


It isn't until he feels something constantly hitting him that he decides to crack an eye open. When he does, he's unsurprised to find Phichit the one behind it. With a pillow raised above his head, Phichit watches him wake up for a moment before bringing the pillow back down again on his body.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty!" He makes a show of checking the nonexistent watch around his wrist. "There's about twenty minutes before your first lecture of the day, and in case you forgot that you have the one teacher who will chew you up and spit you back out, I recommend getting up for the day. Plus your boyfriend is in there. You wouldn't want to miss your opportunity to talk with him." By "his boyfriend," Phichit meant the tennis all-star Viktor Nikiforov, who was definitely not his boyfriend. Not in a million years and not ever. Yuuri had seen him at the beginning of the year, unsure of who he was. Phichit was quick to tell him - he knew practically everyone in the school - that he was the first singles player and captain of their college's tennis team. Viktor was also known as the biggest flirt and most popular man on campus. Go figure. As if none of that was bad enough, Yuuri also found out that he was a senior. A senior. He was only a freshman himself, which meant he had a 0% chance to ever talk around him. The only chance he got to share the air around him was the advanced public speaking they shared. Even then they sat on opposite ends of the lecture hall. Yuuri kept his seat far away out of fear.

Apart from the distraction of Viktor's name, the mention of that class had Yuuri darting out of his bed -almost falling to the floor in the process - and running for the bathroom. Phichit balanced the pillow between the crook of his right arm and hip as he watches his friend scramble to get ready. Yuuri runs out of the bathroom in less than a minute and starts rummaging around the few drawers they are given in the dorm room, tearing out different shirts and jeans of a range of colors.

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!" He's a mess, and Phichit can't help but laugh at the sight. Yuuri threw a dark grey shirt over his head and began to struggle into a pair of almost black jeans.

"You didn't ask." He is way more amused than he should be. His answer elicits an annoyed groan from Yuuri, who has managed to get the jeans on and is now fumbling with his shoes.

"Phichit! I have first this morning! Couldn't you have chosen a different class to wake me up so late for?" His words are exasperated and barely English with the speed they're thrown into the air. In an instant, he's reached for his backpack, class materials, and phone, bursting out the door in record speed.

"Have fun with your hot boyfriend!"

Yuuri groans again at the sound of Phichit yelling out the door of their shared room, hoping no one heard it but knows that everyone who wasn't in class did. He'll be angry with Phichit later he promised himself. For now, he had to focus on getting to class in time.


. . .


Much to his chagrin, Yuuri was in fact late for class. After stopping him at the door to bring that to attention, the professor let him slip to his seat claiming they didn't have the time for a speech today. Yuuri was grateful anyway, relieved that he could pass over his fear for once. Public speaking. The class was miserable, but he had to take it for his major. It was called Advanced Public Speaking. He grabbed a notebook out of the bag that he threw down and picked out a pen to start writing notes. He felt the eyes on him, hoping he could just disappear through the floor. The last thing he needed was attention. After the miserable dream from last night, all he really wanted was sleep. But he never felt the eyes look away. In fact, it was as if they were burning a hole through him. He glanced up from the notes he was taking to catch the brief hint of blue eyes turning away. Odd. By the time class ended, Yuuri was on his way out when his second worst fear came true.

"Katsuki, can you stay for a few minutes? Nikiforov, you too."

Now he was in trouble for coming in late. A perfect new addition to this day. He completely missed the second part of what he said, too busy agonizing over the first and conjuring up a plan to get back at Phichit. It was only until he realized that it was him, Viktor, and the teacher left in the room together that he figured out what the second part was. Viktor had to stay, too. Not good. Before he could even start his mental panic, the professor spoke, addressing them both in a way that sent a shiver down their spines.

"Care to explain why you were both late today?" He glanced between Yuuri and Viktor, expecting at least one of them to speak up. Only Yuuri was too lost in thought to process anything anymore.

Viktor was late, too. Why?

"I... uh..."

"It's my fault. I asked Yuuri for help on our next prompt for this class and lost track of time. Thinking we still had time before class, he said he left his notebook back at his dorm room, and I said he wouldn't be late considering how early it still was. I'm sorry. I'll take responsibility for us."

Yuuri stared in shock at Viktor. The words completely threw him off. Why was he defending him? Why was he lying about something like being late? Why did he put Yuuri in the story? How did he even know his name? to Was this really happening right now? Then he found that the professor was looking at him to confirm the story Viktor told. Quickly, he nodded his head and faced their professor. "Er... yes. I'm sorry. It wasn't just his fault! I should've been paying attention, and instead I-"

"Alright. You're dismissed. I'll let you go for now, but don't ever be late for my class again. Got it?"

"Yes, sir." Viktor grinned at the teacher and adjusted the backpack hanging off his left shoulder.

"Of course!" Yuuri nodded viciously again, constantly changing his line of sight from the professor to Viktor. And then Viktor was pushing him out the room. He barely had anytime to process that fact, but it was happening. Soon they were both walking side-by-side towards the exit of the building, silence filling the space between them. Only Yuuri's thoughts were screaming at him. Many different things. They ranged from say something already! to what is even happening right now?! No answers came to mind as they continued walking, Viktor silently humming as they strolled along a path.

"Um... Viktor?" Bright blue eyes that were almost shocking with their depth burned into his own coffee-colored ones. He had to prevent the flush on his cheeks that was soon to come, so he resolved himself to staring straight ahead or at the people walking past them, giving them odd looks he noticed. "Why did you say... you know... what you said?" Stupid.

"It was better than sitting there and getting yelled at for different reasons. As long as it's about school, some of the teachers won't care."

Of course that's why. Why did Yuuri think there would be any other reason? Stupid. "Right." Say something else. Nothing came to mind.

"Why do you look ready to pass out at any second?"

"Huh?" The question took him off guard entirely. Yuuri turned to glance a Viktor again, the surprise easily readable apparently because then Viktor laughed.

"The bags under your eyes look pretty bad. I can't say that mine are any better, though." Viktor laughed again and Yuuri gaped in awe because well... he hadn't been expecting Viktor Nikiforov to notice anything about him. Him in general actually. This past few minutes felt completely and utterly surreal. Maybe he really passed out in class and this was all a dream. Only his dreams were different, so that was immediately ruled out as a possibility. And now Viktor was staring at him because usually someone would've responded by now. Yuuri was still silent, trapped in his own thoughts.

"I uh... why do you care?" It was an honest question. An honest question that accidently came out harsher than he meant to, which became obvious by the glimmer of hurt on Viktor's face. Oh no. Before he could say anything to redeem himself and what he had said, Viktor had started laughing again. Maybe he was insane. That would explain how he was able to laugh at the painfully obvious rude question.


"Th-thanks again. I'm sorry I have to go." That's all it took for Yuuri to sprint away from the tennis player, thoughts now reeling in way too many directions. He threw the words a mile a minute at Viktor as he bolted in the direction of his dorm. He had to talk to Phichit. Now. He needed to get away from the feeling of guilt and nausea that was threatening to take over for him. Yuuri kept sprinting even though the burn of his muscles was becoming too much. He didn't want to stop. Stopping meant Viktor had a chance to see him still, and that could not happen right now.


. . .


He didn't want to go back to his room just yet. Phichit was most likely there. His class had ended a little bit before Yuuri's own, and if he didn't have a class right after then their room is where he would be. Yuuri ran for the library instead, more intent on finding somewhere quiet to deal with what just happened. What he let happen. What if a distraction is what he needs? Yuuri likes the idea suddenly, sprinting back in the other direction where he knows his dorm room is. He'll find time to be mad at Phichit later. Right now, he needs to vent. He needs this off his chest because he's stupid and let it happen. Because he didn't think before speaking and accidently said those words to Viktor. Because he'll barely be able to go to that class anymore without reminding himself of what he did. Viktor might hate him now. No. He definitely hates him now. Yuuri ran his mouth and didn't say the words he was actually thinking, which admittedly would've been just as embarrassing. It wouldn't have hurt Viktor though. He forgot where he was walking for a moment before fixing the direction he was taking. Phichit won't be able to help fix this, but he can at least listen to what dumb thing he's done now. And maybe help a little. Once he arrived at their dorm room, he immediately began fumbling to put the key into the lock. Phichit, for what won't be the first time today for very long, helps him by opening the door for him. His roommate stared at him, taking in his anxious expression before moving aside to let him in. Yuuri quickly drops his bag on the chair seated at his desk and tosses himself onto his bed, while Phichit shuts the door and sits on the floor in front of Yuuri's bed. No one says anything. Not for a moment. Then Phichit breaks it.

"Who do I have to kill?"

In normal circumstances, he would at least smile at that. Maybe even punch his arm. Some cases he would start crying. Not this time. And Phichit noticed quickly. Yuuri turned onto his left side and starts up their staring contest that began at the door. Then everything falls off of his tongue in a hurry.

"I'm so stupid, Phichit! He was so sincere, too! I didn't mean to say those words, but I did! I don't even know where they came from! I mean I do know where they came from, but I didn't mean to say them out loud. I was only curious, but I didn't mean to sound as harsh as I did, and now he hates me, and I won't be able to go back to that class again because he's only going to be cold towards me. All because I said something stupid and irrational and insulting. He looked hurt, Phichit. Like someone punched him. Like I punched him! I didn't even try to fix it either! I just ran out of the room! I should've said something else. No wait, I should've just slept in. Phichit, why'd you wake me up this morning? I should've just missed the class and made up the assignment and-"

"Woah. Okay. Yuuri, relax. Stay with me for a second. Look at me. Only me." Phichit waved his hands around as if to snap Yuuri out of the trans the event from earlier brought on. Yuuri stayed silent and watched as Phichit tried to take in all the information just thrown at him. "Breathe. In. Out. Try it."

Yuuri did as he said and slumped onto the bed again, his back against the sheets. "What do I do? He was just-"

"No talking. I'm going to ask questions, and I want you to answer me in brief sentences unless I ask for more details. Got it? Nod if you got it."

Yuuri nodded.

"Great. What happened? Start from the beginning. Remember. Brief sentences. Straight to the point."

Yuuri nodded again and took a deep breath. "I was told to stay after with Viktor. Viktor was also late today apparently. Before I could even answer why I came in at the time I did, Viktor spoke up. He said that we were together and lost track of time. As we were leaving, we barely spoke at all. He asked about the bags under my eyes. About why I was so tired. And then... And then I asked him why he cared." He sucked in a breath, waiting for Phichit's response. When nothing came, he gazed down to find his roommate holding his chin with his left hand.

"And what did he say?"

"I... I don't know. I ran away from him. He looked hurt, Phichit. Like someone punched him. Like I punched him. I didn't mean to sound so harsh, but I did. I'm so stupid. He hates me now. He probably doesn't want to see me anymore. He'll probably just ignore me now. Act like I don't exist."

"Wow, I didn't think you'd be able to play hard to get, Yuuri. To Viktor of all people, too. I'm impressed." Phichit dodged the pillow thrown in his direction and laughed at the groan he got in response.

"This is serious, Phichit. I messed up. How am I supposed to go to back to that class again next week?"

I don't think it's as bad as you think it is, Yuuri." The silence he got in return pushed to continue. "Just tell him it was an accident and that you're sorry. He probably won't think much of it when you tell him that wasn't what you meant to say. Problem solved. You won't have to worry anymore, he'll be happy, you two will make out, and I'll be your best man!" Phichit dodged another pillow, laughing harder than before.

"I hate you. Just making sure you know that."

"You couldn't hate me even if you try. There's an ice cream shop downtown that'll prove my point."

"Fine, but you better be paying."

"Anything for my emotional-wreck of a friend."

"I hate you again."


. . .


"I'd do anything to protect you, Your Highness. Now run. Run as fast as you can. I'll hold them off as long as I can."I can only watch as my love pulls the katana from where it sat at his robes he wears flutter from the movement. As I watch the horde of samurai approach us faster, I reach a hand forward and clutch at the robes, unwilling to let go.

"I can't leave you behind. I won't. I don't care what the cost is. I... I don't know what I'd do without you." Tears spring in my eyes at the thought of never seeing him again. He is my everything. My world. If he leaves me now, I... I won't be able to go on.

"Don't be so selfish now. I need you to be strong. You have a strong life ahead of you, leading this country to become so much more than it is now. Even if I'm gone, even if something happens to me, I will always be with you no matter what. I'll see over everything you do. My spirit will forever be alive. I love you more than you know. More than words can begin to describe. I love you. Remember that. Remember me." He turns around to face me, a hand caressing my cheek. I lean into the touch, afraid this will be the last time I ever do so. I can see his unshed tears through the blurriness of my own. I place my hand over his and shake my head. Softly at first and then violently. I refuse to accept what he's said. He talks as if death is his only path, like fate has brought him hear. To hell with fate. I need him with me.

"Let me be selfish. Let me keep you to myself."

"You have to let me-"

"I can't! I won't do it! Just come with me! Please!" The robes I'm wearing shake just as violently as I do. I can almost feel his resolve crumble. My tears fall more rapidly now. I can't have him leave. Even if he stays, he won't be enough to slow them down. They'll brush past him and run for me anyway. I can't have him leave me now. If being selfish is what it takes, then I'll become the most selfish emperor he's ever known. "I command you to stay."

"I'm sorry, but those are orders I won't be able to follow." He smiles sadly, a stray tear falling from one of his eyes as he lets go of me.My grip falters, and I can no longer feel him. This can't be the end. It won't be. As I try to run back, one of my guards who has been assisting our escape pulls on me to run away in the wrong direction I want to go in. I fall to the ground hopelessly, watching as the love of my life draws his sword closer to his body, steadying himself. I scream for him and keep screaming because there's nothing else I can do. I have to be carried away by my guards until I far enough away where I can't see him anymore. I turn and run. I run so fast my legs burn, but I know this is what he wants. I will not make his sacrifice for nothing, even if it kills me to know it will only be me who remains. The last I hear of him is his scream of challenge. And then the roar of the battle commencing.I never look back. Don't dare to look away from the path ahead. My tears burn my eyes, but I don't stop running.

Because I love him. And I know he loves me.


. . .


A blindingly bright white light caused Yuuri to open his eyes slowly, blinking back the sleep that threatens to pull him under again. Then, when his vision has cleared up as much as it could without his glasses on, he began to register what exactly was happening before he woke up. Phichit was back at his side again, this time he seemed to be caught off guard by something. Yuuri also realized that Phichit's hand was extended towards him. He shot his friend a curious look and sat up in the bed.

"What's wrong?"

"I should be asking you that."

Yuuri's eyebrows knit together in confusion as he observed his roommate, trying to process the words. He was still worried about hurting Viktor but not as much as the day before. Phichit should've noticed that already. He didn't understand what he meant until he felt it. Something small and warm and wet drops onto his hand. As Yuuri glances down to see what it is, he finds a tear. When did he start crying? He continued to stare at the droplet, unsure of what to make of it. Until he remembers the dream. The tear was still confusing, but at least it made more sense now. He hasn't cried because of his dreams since the first few times he got them. That was understandable though... this was... more concerning. Phichit seemed to start piecing it together, too.

"A dream?"

"A dream."

Yuuri's confirmation only worried his roommate more. He looked between Yuuri's face and the tear and then back up at Yuuri. Words seemed to still on his lips, nothing spoken between them for a moment that seems to drag on.

"I knew he was going to die. I didn't see it, but I felt it. This one was more..."

"Emotional?" Phichit inquires, nodding in the direction of the tear.

Yuuri bobbed his head to say yes, worrying his lip between his teeth. It had certainly been more dramatic, more emotionally draining than most, but it wasn't anything new. The tear was, though. The longer he stared at it as it caught the light in the room and almost seemed to glow. Phichit's now concerned expression continued to focus on Yuuri.

"Have you ever had these dreams two nights in a row?"



He didn't. He never did. Usually a few days passed before the next dream occurred. They never came back the next night. Yuuri's eyes blew wide at the sudden realization. It didn't seem like that big of a deal, but somehow it felt like it should be. Phichit noticed, too.

"Wow. What do we do?"

They continued to hold eye contact, too surprised to look away. What do they do? Did it even really mean anything? Are they just imagining it? It was irregular, though.

"I don't know." Yuuri shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe it was a one-time thing?"

Yuuri could see that Phichit was trying to understand what was happening.

"You're right. Of course." Yuuri glanced down at the tear that was almost dried and dug deeper into his, drawing a bit of blood.

"Of course." Phichit confirmed again, uncertainty lining his eyes.


. . .


The week had pushed forward the same as the first two days had, the dreams having been just as relentless as then. The feudal Japan dream was still the worst in comparison since he felt like he was actually in it. He was already in every dream, but that one time he felt like he was the one crying over the one he loved leaving him. The worst part was he felt like he belonged there, but he just wrote that off as him missing home a bit too much. Phichit had suggested that he try to see someone about them, but Yuuri knew no one would be able to explain the dreams. That conversation ended quickly, his roommate agreeing that it would be hard to get a reasonable answer. Instead of talking them out anymore, Phichit stuck to staying up with Yuuri until he fell back asleep. There was one night where Yuuri felt so bad about making Phichit deal with him that he brought up how he could get a single room, and Phichit could room with one of his other friends. Phichit had assured him that no one would be able to put up with him the way Yuuri did and quickly dismissed the idea.

That Friday, Yuuri practically stumbled into his advanced public speaking class, thoughts distracted by the dreams and exhaustion threatened to overtake him. He couldn't even find it in himself to think about his mistake of what he had said to Viktor. He did promise himself to talk to Viktor by Monday. They only had the class on Mondays and Fridays. Wednesdays and Thursdays only if the teacher told them so.

He could feel the eyes of the students in the class so far on him, but he couldn't care less. As carefully as possible, Yuuri made his way to his seat and threw his bags down. This was going to be a long week if he didn't start trying to do something about the dreams. The door to the lecture hall opened with a creak as more and more students filtered in. Much to his surprise, Viktor still hadn't shown up. Deciding he probably skipped for tennis practice, Yuuri dismissed the thought and started doodling whatever came to mind on the sides of a blank piece of paper. As the professor walked in to start his lecture, Yuuri drew his attention from the swirls in ink to the teacher in front of the room. It was then that Viktor pushed open the door and uttered a string of apologies as he passed the teacher. His friends snickered and either gave him a pat on the back or a punch to the arm. Yuuri noticed that Viktor didn't return any of the gestures. He just slunk into his seat and gave what appeared to be a not so genuine smile. Another oddity to add to that week, Yuuri added in his mind. He hadn't realized he was staring at Viktor until they made eye contact. He usually would've been embarrassed out of his mind to have been caught, but a voice in his mind told him not to stop. It was hard to tell from across the room, but Viktor was mouthing something to Yuuri. He squinted to try and read his lips, but the lack of sleep made it hard to really focus. He shrugged his shoulders a little to indicate he had no idea what he was saying and Viktor sighed, soon giving up. Neither looked away until the professor cleared his throat and began speaking again.

By the time the class was dismissed, Yuuri hurried to grab his belongings, exciting to go back to his dorm and hopefully take a nap. Phichit would be mad that he didn't want to do anything else, but he also knew the rough week Yuuri had. After swinging his backpack onto both shoulders, Yuuri rushed out of the room, missing his name being called out. It wasn't until a hand grabbed his shoulder that he turned around. Yuuri swung around, ready to confront whoever it was only to find Viktor catching his breath.

"For someone not on a sports team, you run pretty fast." Viktor stood up straight, adjusted his bag, and smiled at Yuuri, who almost had a heart attack at the sight of him. "I was hoping you had a moment to talk, but you seem like you're in a rush, so maybe not?" He almost sounded... hopeful? That couldn't be right.

"No!" He flinched at the sound of his own voice. "I mean no, I have time to talk. Sure. Yeah. Of course." Yuuri smiled weakly in return, prepared for Viktor to yell at him for what he did the last time they talked. He followed as Viktor led the way to a more empty corridor that split off from the main hallway. Yuuri awkwardly pulled at his shirt, waiting for the anger to come.

And then it never did.

"I'm sorry. About the other day. I didn't mean to be rude or pry into your life." Was he apologizing? He could only stare in shock as Viktor played with the bangs covering his left eye. "I meant to say sorry earlier this week, but I couldn't find you anywhere. I hoped you would come to class today, so I could say what I wanted to. I'm really sorry, Yuuri. If you hate me, I completely understand. I didn't mean to upset you in any way. I promise." He actually looked guilty. Viktor Nikiforov was apologizing to him because Yuuri said something stupid and ran away because he was embarrassed. Was this really happening.

"What?" The words were quieter than he meant them to be, but at least he managed to say something. Viktor seemed to take what he said the wrong way because then he looked downright miserable.

"I'm really, really sorry, Yuuri. You don't have to accept my apology. I just wanted to make it clear that wasn't what I meant." Viktor dropped his bangs and stared straight at Yuuri, the eye contact almost as shocking as what he was hearing.

"No, I meant... Why are you apologizing?" His confusion seemed to throw Viktor off.

"Because I made you angry?" Viktor said the words as a question, clearly unsure what to say anymore.

"I thought you would be angry."

Something seemed to click in Viktor's head because then he started laughing. It made him sound happier than he was at the start of their conversation, more like himself. "I thought... Yuuri Katsuki, you are something else." Viktor shook his head, a smile still on his face. "I wasn't angry at all, but I thought you were. You ran away pretty fast from me."

Yuuri flicked his gaze to the ground, finding his bottom lip between his teeth. "I didn't... Sorry. I'm sorry. I should be sorry. I know you said you weren't angry, but I snapped at you. It wasn't right, and you were only being nice, and I-"

"Yuuri, it's alright." Viktor was laughing again. "I wasn't mad. Honestly."

Yuuri found himself returning the smile with light pink cheeks. "Thank you."

Viktor's smile turned into a more confident one. "Because I still feel bad about what happened, you should come to my next match."

Yuuri's eyes widened as he processed what Viktor was saying. "You want me to come to your tennis match?" This was another dream, wasn't it?

"You catch on." Viktor's smile seemed to brighten. "So will you come? I'd feel a lot better if you did. It's tomorrow morning at eleven here on campus. Don't be late. I'll be the one holding a racquet."

Yuuri's cheeks reddened as he smiled nervously. "Um... sure. Yeah. I-I should be able to go. I mean I will be. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll be the one watching."

Viktor's smile turned into a grin at Yuuri's response to his joke. "See you then." He ran past Yuuri, waving as he left. Yuuri waved back as he watched the tennis player sprint off.

Phichit was definitely going to want answers, especially since he was sure his smile wasn't going to vanish anytime soon.


. . .


"He said what? Yuuri, you better not be lying to me. This isn't something you lie about. If there's a punchline to this, I want it now. Don't lead me on any longer." Phichit waved a finger at Yuuri from his bed on the other side of the room, while Yuuri was on his own bed, books and notebooks spread out in front of him. Like he had predicted, the smile on his face had yet to vanish.

"There's no joke to this. I wouldn't have been able to make a joke like that. You know that." Yuuri lightly tossed the mechanical pencil in his hand at his roommate, laughing when it accidently hit his head. Phichit seemed to ignore the pencil and couldn't stop staring at Yuuri like he had started flying. It was amusing to watch, and it made him feel giddier about his plans for the next day.

"Viktor Nikiforov himself invited you to watch him play. That's big, Yuuri! Can I start planning your wedding now or should I wait a day or two?" Phichit grinned as Yuuri rolled his eyes.

"Very funny. He usually has a big fan section, so it's not like he's actually going to notice if I'm there or not. And I would throw another pencil at you, but I need this one to finish this Calc assignment." Yuuri thought through the problem he was currently looking at and scrunched his eyebrows in confusion when his answer didn't match up. Phichit, who was intent on ruining his studying, continued to bring up his conversation with Viktor.

"I assume you want the wedding color to be blue. I wonder what color Viktor would like... I'll leave a space for him in the plans for now. Just let him know that he needs to tell me by next week. We'll need to order tuxedos and decorations soon." Another eye roll from Yuuri. "How are you not dying right now? We can get into the coolest parties and vacations if you start dating him. Oh my gosh. Yuuri, you have to start dating him. Everyone will want to be friends with us."

"Maybe then I'll actually want to become friends with you." Yuuri smirked just a bit as he wrote down the final answer to the problem he was struggling with.

"That's it." Phichit crossed the room in a second and threw himself on top of Yuuri, insinuating a wrestling match that he thought he had the upper hand in. Once he had been successfully pinned down by Yuuri, he spoke as he tried to catch his breath again. "You better pin Viktor down just as easily as this." Yuuri grinned and got off of him.




"I'm picking out your outfit for tomorrow."

"You're ridiculous."

"I know."