Miami Hamada was confused.
Her husband, Tomeo Hamada was very excited. "I've done it! Finally!"
"Done what? You've been working on that for 4 months. Now can you tell me what it is?"
Tomeo looked bashful. "It's a device that can send messages within seconds!"
Miami slapped her face then said, "Tomeo, honey, we live in the modern world! There is a thing called mobile phones and texting."
Tomeo rolled his eyes. "I know, but this can send items as well. Nothing could ever interfere!"
They both spent 10 minutes talking about the device when they heard a shattering of glass from downstairs. Miami's face paled considerably. "No. Not now! I won't see my boys again. Hiro's only 3. Not now."
Tomeo turned his wife so she was looking him in the eye. "Miami, we both knew that this would happen one day. Run to Tadashi's room and write a note addressed to the boys and Cass. Make sure you put the money in the note. Use my device and send it out of the window. GO!"
Miami turned to leave, but turned around again and kissed her husband full on the lips. "I love you. You know that right?"
Tomeo smiled. "I know. I love you too. Now go."
Miami turned and fled to Tadashi's room. She scribbled down the note and put the money inside the device. She opened the window, but before she could send it she heard a shout. Tears streaming down her face she pushed the device out of the window.
Just then the door burst open and Tomeo ran inside followed by a man. He gave his wife a look that asked, did-you-send-it?
She gave a nod in reply. Suddenly the man spoke. "You will regret the day you opposed me!" Tomeo stepped forward, ready to take the first bullet, but the laughed cruelly. "Tomeo, where are your manners? We know how it works! LADIES FIRST!" A bullet sped towards Miami. All Tomeo could do was watch his wife die, and listen to her screams. He didn't have to suffer for long, however, as he heard another crack. The world went dark.