April 7, A.C. 201

Newport City, Sanc Kingdom

"Thank you all for coming to my party."

Relena Darlian raised her champagne flute and smiled at the small group of guests in her living room. She and her friends had started the evening at Newport City's most exclusive club, but quickly garnered too many curious onlookers. Worried about press attention, Relena had her driver bring everyone back to her home, where the festivities - mostly just drinking - continued. Now everyone was slumped over on her couch and chairs, a few people propping themselves up on the floor.

Duo Maxwell was one of those people.

"Speech! Speech!" he shouted, hoisting his beer can.

Relena gave him a little wave. "Thanks. No need for a speech, I just wanted to say that tonight is very special to me, so thank you all for sharing that with me. Now, everyone get home safely! Or don't, because I have plenty of guest rooms."

With that, she gave a little curtsy to the room. Her friends cheered and raised their cans, bottles and glasses. Relena laughed and settled on her sofa next to her longtime friend Dorothy Catalonia.

"Ah, Relena. Another year older and wiser." Dorothy sipped her own champagne gingerly. "Not that you're old, yet. You know what I mean."

Relena rolled her eyes playfully. "Why, thank you. I hate to admit that at twenty-one, I'm already feeling like an old maid. It's just odd to think of how much time has already passed since the war ended, and I took over my father's job…"

"You've accomplished a lot," Quatre Raberba Winner piped up from a nearby chair. "You should be happy."

"I am happy," Relena sighed. "Just… a little lonely at times. That's all." She stared into her champagne, frowning. The sparkling gold liquid danced up on her, not offering any answers. She shrugged and took a long, slow sip.

"Aw, but you have us." Hilde Maxwell got up from her spot next to Duo and leaned over to give Relena a hug. The birthday girl laughed and hugged her back.

"I know, and I appreciate that." Relena was surprised she and Hilde had become close after the Eve Wars, since Relena was always working, or traveling for work, and Hilde lived on L2 with Duo, running their salvage business. But since Duo still took on Preventers work every now and then, Relena ended up bumping into him and Hilde on a fairly frequent basis.

It almost went without saying that she and Dorothy would remain good friends, since they saw each other all the time. Dorothy had fashioned herself as a consultant and was constantly advising government officials. She and Relena would often meet up for dinner, drinks or shopping.

Quatre came around less often, but he and Relena would sometimes see each other at charity events or ceremonies. He was one of the few former Gundam pilots Relena continually kept in touch with, though, besides Duo.

And one other person. But he wasn't at the party. Relena couldn't say she was surprised. But she was annoyed, ever so slightly, that he hadn't bothered to contact her that day. And, now, her twenty-first birthday was almost over.

She sighed again without meaning to. Hilde responded with another hug. "Oh, Relena, don't be sad! How about some more champagne?"

"No, thanks." Relena smiled up at her sadly. "I'm pretty sure I've had enough."

"You need to get laid," Duo mumbled. The others gasped. "What?" He spread his hands. "I'm not volunteering; I'm married, you guys." He grinned over at Hilde, who glared at him from across the room.

"Duo Maxwell, if I were any closer I'd smack you right now." Hilde rolled her eyes. "Be sensitive, will ya?"

"Sheesh, sorry." Duo scratched the back of his head, looking at Relena sheepishly. "Just trying to help. There must be some eligible bachelor around for you to, you know, date, at least." His eyes narrowed. "Besides Mr. No-Show, I mean." He took a final swig of his beer. "I'm empty," he complained. "Babe?"

"You've had enough, too, mister," Hilde scolded him.

Relena sank her cheek into her palm, her elbow resting on the knee of her full tulle skirt. She'd wanted something sort of fancy, but still fun and youthful for her party dress. The sparkly top with the pouffy skirt had immediately jumped out at her. She couldn't help but lament the fact that he wouldn't see her in it.

She groaned out loud. "Guys, please do me a favor and don't mention Heero again tonight, all right? He was invited, he didn't come; I didn't expect him to come, anyway. He hasn't been to one of my parties in ages. We've established that. We've been over it. I'm over it." She held her champagne flute aloft as if signaling her defeat.

"Sorry, Relena." Hilde pulled a face, patting her friend's shoulder. "He's a jerk. You deserve better."

"That guy's about as far from normal as they come," Duo sighed.

"His loss," Dorothy said matter-of-factly, flipping her long blond hair over one shoulder. "Cheers to finding new men, and new beginnings!"

"I'll drink to that." Relena clinked her glass with Dorothy's.

As the time ticked closer to midnight, Duo and Hilde had retreated to one of Relena's guestrooms. Dorothy was yawning and saying her goodnights while Quatre was shrugging on his coat.

"You're leaving?" Relena followed him out to the foyer.

"Yeah, I have business to take care of in Brussels in the morning, so I'm going to make my way there tonight."

Relena shook her head at the blond business mogul. "You work even harder than I do."

Quatre laughed. "Oh, I doubt it. But this was a nice break. Thanks for having me."

"Thank you for coming." Relena gave him a light hug. "Don't be a stranger, all right? Although I'm sure we'll run into each other again soon."

Quatre's green eyes looked glossy as they parted. "Relena…" His gaze fell to his feet. "There's something I wanted to ask you."

"What's that?" Relena blinked at him expectantly, although she wasn't sure what to expect.

Quatre slowly raised his eyes to hers. "Would you, uh, ever want to go out sometime?"

Her breath caught. "You mean… like a date?"

"Like a date, sure." Quatre shrugged. "Or whatever you want to call it. It doesn't have to be anything formal. I just mean, if we're both in the same area or whatever… it might be nice to grab a drink or something, is all." He was stammering. Relena giggled. It was kind of adorable.

"That would be nice." Relena smiled sweetly at him. "Keep in touch, all right?"

"I will." To her surprise, he leaned forward and pecked her cheek. "Happy birthday, Relena."

A/N: Why, what's this? That is for me to know, dear readers, and you to find out! As for that other fic of mine, no worries, updates are pending. I've had a crazy month (it happens). But this little nugget has been floating around in my documents for a while so I decided to dust it off. I hope you enjoy! As always, I love you all and appreciate your feedback! Happy Thursday!