Happy birthday to my best friend, DephiniumTheOracle! I hope you have an awesome day bro. This is for you :D xx

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Slightly AU.

Kurt and Blaine were enjoying their coffees at the Lima Bean, discussing their upcoming regionals duet. Kurt was still in a romantic haze, because Blaine had actually asked him to be his boyfriend… after a few glorious minutes of kissing and just before Wes, David and Jeff burst into the room. And right now, Blaine had an adorable smile on his face as he talked about the pros and cons of singing a duet in an all-boys school, and what songs could be used.

"What song do you think would make everyone think that we were the gayest of gays in Ohio?" Blaine asked, observing Kurt with an adorable tilt of his head.

"Oh, that's kind of an unfair question but a contender would definitely be 'Don't Rain On My Parade'." Kurt replied grinning.

Blaine laughed. "Oh my god, that would be the one! Can I totally see you singing and nailing that song!"

Kurt blushed, smiling at Blaine. "Really?"

"What song?" Said a feminine voice behind Blaine. The boys looked up to see Rachel and Mercedes standing with their coffees. Kurt flushed a deeper red.

"Don't Rain On My Parade," Blaine answered, smiling at Kurt.

"No. You'd be terrible at singing that Kurt. Besides that's my song so you can't sing it." Rachel replied, temper rising. The other three gasped.

"Rachel!" Mercedes said looking at her friend. Kurt narrowed his eyes.

"You know what Rachel, I could sing that song just as well as you can and you know it." Kurt replied.

"No, you couldn't! I mean look at the terrible job you did singing Defying Gravity last year!" Kurt stood up out of his seat. Blaine looked a bit worried.

"Okay Rachel, truth time. I blew that note on purpose. I can hit that high F in my sleep." Rachel gasped.

"You what! Why the would you do that?"

Kurt sighed, shoulders slumping slightly. "Because I didn't want to win. I wanted to save my dad the embarrassment of having a son sing a song written for a woman."

Rachel's jaw opened and closed. Mercedes and Blaine were both shocked and proud. "I don't believe you. Take that back!"

"Can't its truth time." Kurt replied shrugging.

"But... but I've based all my success from that moment! It was my first big win!" She started attracting the stares of other customers as her voice rose. "I based all my confidence from that performance for the past year!" She yelled getting in Kurt's face, pointing at him. Kurt didn't even flinch.

"Oh well, consider it cracked," He replied evenly placing his hands on his hips.

"Oooh man." Mercedes said shaking her head. Blaine kept glancing between the two.

"I think it's time for Diva off part two. And this time, I'm not throwing anything." Kurt said leaning forward slightly.

"You don't want to do this. It's my song and you will ruin it for everyone."

"Oh, I think I do. After regionals. You. Me. Diva off."

So many emotions passed across Rachel's face. "Oh fine! But I'm going to destroy you!" She turned on her heel and stormed out of the building.

"Want to take a seat Mercedes?" Kurt asked, casually sitting back down in his chair and taking a sip of his coffee. "What?" He asked raising an eyebrow at the two who were staring at him.

"Wow Kurt." Mercedes said. "I can't believe she hadn't realised that you threw it. Like come on, the songs you've sung since then have had similar notes or even higher."

Kurt looked into his lap. "I just wish she had more faith in me you know. I'm always put down for my voice. Mr Shue never even considered me for a solo until I had left."

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't be too hard on yourself." Blaine said, reaching across and taking both of Kurt's hands in his. Kurt looked up. "You are so talented Kurt, I love your voice. Don't let her put you down. I believe in you." Tears came to Kurt's eyes.

"Thank you, Blaine." He replied, blushing when Blaine kissed one of his hands. Mercedes gasped.

"Don't tell me that you two finally got your acts together!" She said excitedly. Both boys blushed crimson. "I want the deets!"

"Yes, we are together. But no telling anyone yet Mercedes. Not even the Warblers know yet. Although, Wes and David are pretty suspicious. And I already told my dad." She nodded.

"We heard they placed a bet on us about when we would get together, so we want to wait until they work it out themselves." Blaine added, grinning.

They spent the next hour telling Mercedes about their new found relationship and forgetting about the whole Rachel fiasco. When they departed, Mercedes had hugged them both and told them how happy she was for them. She watched happily as Kurt and Blaine held hands on their extremely short walk to Kurt's car.

Rachel approached the stage manager before the beginning of the regionals competition. "Hello, my name is Rachel Berry, future Broadway star. I was wondering if the stage is free after the competition this afternoon? I have a diva off to settle."

The manager looked at her if she was crazy. "Uh, yes, I'm sure that would be fine."

"You can even let the audience know that they can watch to see who wins. Not that it isn't obvious already because it will be me."

"Um okay." She wandered away after giving the name of her opponent unwillingly.

A few hours later, and New Directions was announced the winner. The Warblers were a tad disappointed, but were happy enough to be in second place. After Sue Sylvester stormed off the stage, shocking everyone, another person claimed the microphone.

"Uh hi. So, earlier one of the competitors approached me saying that she had a 'Diva-off' to settle." Kurt groaned into his palm. She wanted to do this right now? "If you want to watch another singing competition between a Rachel Berry and Kurt Hummel, you're more than welcome to stay. Uh so yeah." He walked off the stage after standing there for a moment.

New Directions and Warblers jaws dropped. Most of the audience was curious so pretty much everyone stayed to watch. Aural Intensity and the judges had already left.

The two groups found their seats in the front rows of the theatre. Rachel walked over to Kurt. "I'll be going first to show the audience how this performance is supposed to be before you ruin it for everyone. Also, this way you get a chance to back out once you finally see how superior my vocals are to yours." The Warblers all looked at her as if she had grown a second head. Some of the audience members who had heard her gasped.

"Whatever Rachel." He replied casually glancing at his nails. "I think you're underestimating me." She stormed away, probably going to enter through the back of the theatre as she always did. At least Kurt knew that all he really needed to win this was his voice. And Blaine's smiling face.

Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand. "You're going to rock this Kurt." He whispered. Kurt smiled.

The music started, and as Kurt predicted, she entered through the back of the auditorium and gave a very typical Rachel performance. Although, Kurt could tell that this wasn't her best performance. Something was a little off.

The audience cheered at the end of her performance, some people standing up, including Mr Shue. The New Directions actually looked bored.

"Beat that Kurt Hummel." Rachel said as she walked off the stage.

"You've got this Kurt!" Jeff said. Slapping Kurt's back. Other words of encouragement steamed from the rest of the group.

"Thanks guys." He said. Just before he stood up, Blaine squeezed his hand and wished him a good luck. If there weren't people around, Kurt would have kissed his cheek.

Kurt stood on the stage and looked out to the audience.

"Well, what an interesting day this has been. I'm Kurt Hummel, from the Dalton Academy Warblers and sorry guys, I know we're all about formations, do-whopping behind Blaine and box stepping, but I'm going to break our rules a bit and be expressive and dramatic." The boys laughed and Jeff hollered. Some audience members joined in. "As you know, I will also be singing Don't Rain On My Parade, so I hope I don't bore you with the repetition of the same song."

Kurt looked off to the side of the stage and nodded, telling them to start the music. Some members of the audience jaws dropped when he started to sing.

"Don't tell me not to live

Just sit and putter" Some people were shocked that he was singing in the same key as Rachel did.

"Life's candy and the sun's

A ball of butter

Don't bring around cloud

To rain on my parade" The Warbler's were cheering in the front row. Blaine had a look of adoration on his face. Kurt wandered around the front edge of the stage, pretending to make eye contact with some members of the audience.

"Don't tell me not to fly

I've simply go to

If someone takes a spill

It's me and not you" He gestured to himself and then to a random audience member.

"Who told you you're allowed

To rain on my parade

I'll march my band out

I'll beat my drum

And if I'm fanned out

Your turn at bat sir"

"At least I didn't fake it

Hat sir I guess I didn't make it" He pointed at Jeff and winked. Jeff pretended to swoon.

"But whether I'm the rose

Of sheer perfection" He wandered on the stage to find himself looking at the New Directions. Mercedes was grinning, Mr Shue looked thoroughly gobsmacked and Rachel was fuming.

"Or the freckle on the nose

Of life's complexion

The cinder or the shiny apple of its eye

I gotta fly once

I gotta try once

Only can die once, right sir?" He pointed at Puck then tapped the side of his nose.

"Ooh, life is juicy

Juicy and you see"

"I gotta have my bite sir!

Get ready for me, love," Kurt headed back towards the centre of the stage, eyes drifting over the audience members.

"Cause I'm a commer

I simply gotta march

My heart's a drummer

Don't bring around a cloud

To rain on my parade" He threw a wink to Blaine who was grinning at him.

"I'm gonna live and live now" The tempo began to pick up and Kurt found himself becoming more passionate in his performance.

"Get what I want I know how

One role for the whole show bang

One throw that bell will go clang

Eye on the target and wham

One shot, one gun shot and BAM" Some people jumped at the force of his voice.

"Hey Mister Arnstein

Here I am!" Most people began cheering as he held the note perfectly.

"I'll march my band out

I will beat my drum

And if I'm fanned out

Your turn at bat sir

At least I didn't fake it

Hat sir, I guess I didn't make it" Kurt had a natural stage presence and the audience knew it. They were all sucked in by the wonder of his voice.

"Get ready for me love" He pointed at Blaine on a whim, who was smiling back at him.

"Cause I'm a commer

I simply gotta march

My heart's a drummer" Here we go, big note at the end coming right up.

"Nobody, no, nobody

Is gonna rain on my paradeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" He raised both of his arms and closed his eyes as he sung the final notes. The entire audience bar most of the New Directions were on their feet cheering before Kurt had even finished. He may have held on to the note a tad longer than what he needed to because why not.

When Kurt opened his eyes, he saw pretty much the entire audience on their feet. The New Directions all jumped up on their feet after over-coming their shock, bar Rachel. She was not impressed that he got a standing ovation and she didn't. Kurt grinned and giggled nervously as he bowed.

Blaine ran up onto the stage and tackle hugged him, followed by many of the Warblers. The audience laughed.

"Well, that was something." Said a voice after everyone had calmed down and sat back in their seats. The Warblers all got off Kurt and helped him up, but Blaine, Wes and Jeff were still hugging the life out of him somehow. When Wes saw who was talking, his jaw dropped and he stood up properly. "If you don't know who I am, I'm Carmen Tibieaux, head of NYADA and one of the behind the scenes organisers of this whole competition."

Kurt's jaw dropped. He just got complemented by Madame Tibieaux. Internally, he was freaking out. On the outside, he looked rather calm, despite clinging to Blaine's arm.

"I think everyone in this room agrees that Mr Hummel has won this little competition." Everyone cheered in agreeance, except Rachel who was so shocked. She's the one who deserved the recognition not Kurt! That was her song!

"Now I have a proposal. Your performance today during the competition was outstanding, despite the New Directions beating you." The Warblers on stage all smiled. "So, after your additional outstanding performance, Mr Hummel, I would like to formally announce that The Warblers will be joining the New Directions at the National Show Choir Competition in New York." Everyone's jaws dropped.

"Wait are you serious?!" Kurt asked, not wanting to believe their luck. Blaine clutched Kurt's hand tightly, very shocked himself.

"Well, of course I am." The audience was screaming. Carmen just smiled and made her way off stage. The Warblers were celebrating on stage. Rachel chose this moment to storm out of the theatre.

"Oh my god Kurt!" Jeff said drawing Kurt into a hug. All the boys were jumping up and down and hugging each other and Kurt. Kurt finally made his way back to Blaine, at the centre of the clump of Warblers.

"We are going to New York!" Kurt exclaimed, grabbing Blaine's hands and jumping up and down. Blaine smiled at his boyfriend. "Oh my god and we get to go together!"

"I'm so proud of you Kurt." Blaine said. Kurt grinned at his boyfriend.

"I'm proud of us." Kurt squeezed Blaine's hands. Blaine drew Kurt into his arms and hugged the life out of him.

"Kurt?" Blaine whispered into Kurt's ear. The Warblers were still cheering and celebrating around them.

"Yes Blaine?" Kurt whispered back, having a small idea of what Blaine was going to ask.

"Can I kiss you? I think you deserve it." Kurt's arms tightened around Blaine slightly. Throwing out your plan of waiting for someone to notice Blaine?

"Here?" Kurt glanced around. They were in their own little bubble of Warblers, and surely, they'd protect them.

"Only if you want me to." Blaine replied looking up at Kurt. He smiled softly at his boyfriend.

"Okay." Kurt whispered, finally looking into Blaine's eyes.

"Are you sure?" Kurt rolled his eyes and tipped up Blaine's chin with his hand. He brought their faces closer together.

"Yes," he whispered against Blaine's lips before kissing him properly. Kurt felt Blaine's hands trail up the side of his body and cup his head delicately. He kind of loved it when Blaine did that.

Someone gasped. "Oh my god!" Wes yelled capturing the attention of everyone in the theatre.

"FINALLY!" Jeff shouted punching the air. The other boys around Klaine cheered, and made sure they sheltered them from the rest of the public at the same time.

Everyone was wondering why new shouts and cheers were coming from the Warblers, but no one could quite tell what was going on as the boys had circled around whatever was happening. Some people just shrugged and carried on leaving the theatre, but the New Directions were very, very curious. Well, most of them were. Mr Shue had wandered out to find Rachel.

Mercedes had guessed what the boys we so excited about, as she caught a glimpse of Kurt and Blaine embracing before the boys had circled around them protectively and had started cheering. She smiled. She was so happy for Kurt.

Blaine finally detached his mouth from Kurt's, but couldn't resist pressing a small kiss to his boyfriend's check before pulling back so Kurt's arms rested loosely around his waist. He slid his hands down to squeeze Kurt's shoulders. Seconds later, their little bubble had broken as the Warblers came in and tackled them to the ground... Again.

"We've waited so long for this moment." Wes said after they managed to get up off the ground. The other Warblers all nodded and grinned when Kurt's hand searched for Blaine's.

"Oh yes. So, freaking long. Please tell me you two are together." Jeff said looking between the pair. They started giggling.

David raised an eyebrow. "What aren't you telling us?" Kurt casually glanced at his watch.

"We got together 4 days 10 hours and 28 minutes ago, to be precise." He said, grinning.

"Only you two would know the exact minute you got together." Nick said, bringing Klaine into a three-way hug. Wes looked puzzled.

"That wasn't when we found you two working on Pavarotti's casket was it?" Wes asked, looking between the pair.

Blaine smirked. "It might have been." Kurt laughed.

"Group hug!" Trent called.

"We are so happy that Klaine finally got together!" Wes said. "Oh, and nationals too!"

That evening was full of celebration, and we are talking about the party organised because Klaine finally got their acts together. Oh, and I suppose they could throw in something about Nationals in there somewhere.

There may or may not be a part II as a work in progress right now. Tell me if you want to see it - hint: Warblers at Nationals! :D