Author's Notes: Well finally I've gotten everything prior to this revised (chapters 1-29) and a new chapter completed. If you have the time, feel free to re-read the earlier chapters since they have been revised.


-June 8th-

Entry at 9:17pm

My heart was hammering my chest as I tried to figure out what was happening. I could hear Inuyasha start to move, but I quickly called out.

"Don't," I rasped, "Don't move. Just…let him talk."

Despite how calm I was trying to be, inside I was so tense. Usually I'd be so hyped up on adrenaline that I wouldn't notice how dangerous a situation I was in was. But this time, it was like a chilling silence. Bankotsu had a gun leveled at my heart and I had a sickening feeling that this was the true trap all along.

"Bankotsu, can you please tell us what's going on?" I managed to ask, trying to sound at ease.

"Heh. We've gotten ourselves into one sick person's little game, that's all," He shook his head and I could see tears brimming in his eyes, "I've been given an ultimatum by Renkotsu. I either kill you now or Jakotsu's dead."

"But how would he know if you…"

"He's watching us. Right now," Bankotsu retorted, swallowing hard, "So I'm going to say what I can before your time's up."

I nodded, slowly formulating a plan in my mind. I had a feeling; Bankotsu would probably fire at Inuyasha first. And I knew, that whether he realized it or not, that would give me the upper hand to save everyone.

"You knew about the message I got the other night, right?" Bankotsu asked, I nodded in reply. "Well that ass told me that I had until sunset tonight to save Jakotsu. It seemed easy. I'd come in with Musou- we'd get Jakotsu and we'd get out. But we weren't that lucky."

"What happened?" I asked, pretending to shift my weight from foot to foot while I actually edged closer to Inuyasha.

"He said to come alone, that I couldn't bring you or Inuyasha if I valued anyone's life. Now I know what the bastard meant by that."

Once again eyeing the gun pointed at me, I kept talking to Bankotsu to buy myself some time.

"So he threatened you?"

"Threatened? Hah! He's had this trap laid all along!" Bankotsu yelled, casting a vicious glance towards the remains of the black plastic and metal he'd been cursing at and kicking when we'd entered.

"What trap, Bankotsu?" I knew already, but I needed every second I could get.

"Musou came in first, and he said he couldn't find Jakotsu anywhere. But that there was a machine in there with a note saying it was for me."

I looked to Musou and I noticed him glancing about the room with his eyes narrowed. Part of me wondered if he was looking for where Renkotsu could be hiding- but part of me was suspicious of the action. The way he kept glancing towards one section of crates then to Bankotsu made me wonder.

Is it possible that Musou is working with Renkotsu on this and just acting nice and helpful as a cover? Right now, it's like he's trying to make sure Bankotsu doesn't notice that area of crates. Could that be where Jakotsu is?

Not paying any heed to Musou, Bankotsu continued to talk. I could tell he was on the verge of snapping, the stress hitting his breaking point.

"I listened to the message and it's like I told you- he's watching us right now. If I don't kill you both, he kills Jakotsu. It's a sick trade!"

"Because we know too much?" I asked, once again shifting a bit more towards Inuyasha.

"Because you're too close to the truth, he said. All I know is… I've been through so much these last days. All I want to do is have Jakotsu back with me. I- I don't know what else to do but what he says."

"Why the hell are you listening to those stupid assholes?" Inuyasha spoke up, "Damnit! Don't kill us just because they're telling you to!"

For a moment, I could see the sadness clearly in Bankotsu's eyes. But within seconds, it was replaced by nothing but pure hatred. Whoever planned this had gotten what they wanted. Bankotsu was now so distraught, he would no longer think twice about killing to get Jakotsu back safely.

"It's for Jakotsu! I swore I'd not let him die and if I have to…" He started to choke up, "If I have to kill someone to get Jakotsu back to me safely then so be it!"

"But how do you even know he's safe?" Inuyasha posed the question, and I silently thanked him for helping me stall.

"He was on the message. He was pleading for me to help him!" Bankotsu yelled, emotions hitting their peak, "I can't leave him now. He's been hurt so much already..."

"Bankotsu just calm down, there has to be another way to solve this…" I pleaded, once again moving a bit closer to Inuyasha.

"I have no choice! He's watching us right now, laughing at us!"

I could see him shakily starting to shift his aim towards Inuyasha. Suddenly, the whole situation became all the more dire to me.

When the gun was aimed at me, I could try and act calm; but now- I just wanted to do anything and everything to stop him from shooting that gun.

"Please, Bankotsu! We won't tell anyone, we won't press charges, nothing at all. Just don't fire that gun!"

"I'm sorry," He said darkly and he pulled the trigger.

As the bullet shot across the room, I felt my heart stop in my chest.


And before I even knew what I was doing, I threw myself between the oncoming bullet and Inuyasha. The bullet hit and everything turned black.


Everything felt so cold; the floor below me, the air around me- everything. Oddly enough, it was at that moment that everything about the case really became clear. I wasn't sure how the criminal had done it yet, but I knew who was behind this.

It had all been a charade to mask the true intentions of the mastermind. He'd frame who he needed to, kill those in his way and get Bankotsu to get rid of us. It was so twisted, using all these innocent people to act out his plans, but so far- everything had gone according to his plan.

True, he never could have expected Naraku to get caught. But as I thought over the full picture, that was a minor detail in the scheme of things.

But with all this knowledge, I just had to figure out how and the case was solved.

Willing myself to move, I finally registered everything that had just happened. The room we'd come to. The crate Musou was looking at. Bankotsu being told to kill us. The gun being aimed at me first and then at Inuyasha.

The shot was fired and I… I had jumped between it and Inuyasha. Trying to pull myself out of the cold darkness, I registered Inuyasha's desperate voice calling to me.

"Kagome? Kagome, don't die. Kagome!"

And suddenly, I felt so warm. Wrapped in his arms, no doubt, with my face rested against his chest.

"Kagome. Please…Kagome, wake up…."

I tried to will myself to open my eyes, but the searing pain stopped me a moment. I could feel Inuyasha shaking, maybe even…trembling. And it was only when I finally managed to open my eyes that I realized it had been because he was crying.


Golden eyes snapped open, and I could read every emotion there so easy. Never in my life had I seen him this scared. Then again, I'd never even seen him cry before. He must have thought that I was dead… tears brimming in his eyes and looking so terrified like that.


I weakly nodded, "I'll be okay, it's just my shoulder."

He just hugged me tighter, his quiet voice reverberating in my ear, "…Why did you…for me…"

I reached up and brushed the hair from his face. Despite the pain and everything else, I had to smile.

"I wanted you to live."

He shook his head, then angrily yelled at me. "You idiot! If you had… if you had died, then how could I?"

My eyes widened at that. Thinking back to his early words, I knew now what he was going to say.

"After this is over- I'll still be here with you, Inuyasha. Always," I said, echoing some of his own words.

He blinked, a light blush creeping on his face. "Then don't do anything stupid like this!"

I nodded, "I won't."

Taking things in, I managed to surmise why he'd panicked so badly. The pain in my upper left shoulder said it all. I'm sure the blood stain would have made anyone think I was fatally wounded. But unless the pain I felt was misleading, I knew I'd be fine.

"Move aside, let me help…" Musou's voice cut in. I could feel his hands near the wound and my eyes widened. Suddenly, I knew exactly who Musou was. Inuyasha noticed my change of expression and shoved him away.

"Don't touch her! You're in on this crap too!"

Turning my head slightly to one side, I noticed that Bankotsu was standing frozen in shock where he'd been before. Edging my right hand down, I gripped onto my gun and waited to see if Musou would act.

Sure enough, he did just as I predicted.

"What the hell are you thinking, Bankotsu?" He admonished him, rushing over to pry the gun away from the other man. And before any of us could react, he'd managed to pin Bankotsu on the ground and get handcuffs on him.

"Kagome, what are you…"

I smiled at my partner to assure him that I wasn't straining myself before I leveled my gun on Musou.

"Start talking, Musou. You've been acting suspicious since we've gotten here and I'd like you to start explaining."

The man shrugged, walking over to the boxes he'd been eying earlier.

"Okay, I suppose the jig is up. You've realized I'm not just some undercover rival gang member, right?"

"Quite the contrary," I replied, "Especially since you just handcuffed Bankotsu."

"Where shall I begin?"

"How about telling me what's in that box over there."

"Ahh, you noticed then. It's just something that I found earlier when I was looking around here. Something… rather interesting."

He slowly slid the lid off the box and casually moved Bankotsu further away. It was for the best, I realized, until we were done talking at least. But sooner or later, Bankotsu would have to face the truth. It was time he knew how they'd been playing him all along.

"I really didn't want him to see this. It's kind of upsetting," Musou said, walking towards us.

Inuyasha tensed, but I whispered to him, "Go along with Musou."

As I predicted, Musou knelt down beside me. Once again, he looked at my wound.

"We should probably get this tended to first, though."

"What?" Inuyasha asked, completely thrown by Musou's behavior. I'll admit, his kindness would be unnervingly strange to anyone who hadn't figured out who Musou was. But I had faith in my deductions and if I was right, everything would be just fine.

"Just help him, Inuyasha. We need to close this case," I said, acting natural.

Musou smiled, probably suspecting that I knew his real identity by now.

"But Kagome…"

"Trust me."

Inuyasha's eyes widened, and he begrudgingly muttered 'okay.' Turning to look at Musou, he frowned, "What should I do?"

"Hmmm," Musou eyed my wound again, "Not fatal at all. That could be a problem."

"So he is here then?" I asked, trying to hold Inuyasha back from jumping him over that last comment.

Musou shrugged, "He's watching every move we make."

"I understand. Now listen to me, Musou. Jakotsu's life is our first priority- do you read me?"

Inuyasha lightly shook my arm as if I was still in a stupor, "Kagome, what the hell are you saying? Your life is the most important! Even for me- so, so don't say stupid stuff like that!"

I turned towards him, my heart racing at the sincerity in his words. Smiling, I wished I had time to explain my entire deduction to him. But for right now, I was just going to hope that Inuyasha truly trusted me. If he did, then we'd all live through this okay.

"Inuyasha…please, trust me. Just don't worry, I'm not going to leave your side," I reassured him.

He looked skeptical, but my words seemed to reassure him that everything would somehow work out. Nodding, he murmured a reply.

"Okay, Kagome. I trust you."

Looking to Musou, I took a deep breath, "Musou, do what you must."

The brown-haired man took out his gun, loaded it, and aimed at us.

I reached over and took Inuyasha's hand and I could see him looking intently at me. I nodded to him that this was okay, and I felt him squeeze my hand back.

Serious expression falling over Musou's face, I could see him pull the trigger. Beside me, Inuyasha fell.


Preview for Chapter 31:

To trust someone means everything now. With Kagome's deduction hanging in the balance, will everything turn out okay?