I sighed as I looked down at my potion. It was just supposed to be your average day gender swapping potion. It was supposed to be a light green, but for some reason, my potion was forest green. "Hermione," I whispered, "What's going on?"

"It's fine Harry," Hermione said quietly, "Just stir counter clock-wise about three more times."

"Thank you," I said. I did as she said, but the color just got darker to almost black. "Professor Snape!" I called out, "Something's wrong with my potion!"

"What?" Snape asked. As he started walking over to me, my potion started to bubble and I knew that it was going to blow soon.

"Back up!" I yelled, "Back away!" I tried to warn everyone, but Hermione wouldn't move. Finally, just before the potion blew up, covering me with it's contents, I pushed Hermione out of its reach. I was the only one covered with the black goo. It was everywhere. In my hair, on my robes, on my face. I just felt icky having it on me. I kind of just watched as the potion seeped into my clothes and made contact with my skin. It even went through my pants.

My vision started to get a little blurry, and I tried to blink it away but it didn't work. My vision actually got blurrier. I knew I was going to pass out when I started to get tunnel vision. "Harry!" I heard Hermione yell as I started to fall onto the ground. I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my torso and lower me down, but my eyes were already closed by the time I had landed.

I opened my eyes, but I had to close them again quickly because the light hurt so much. The only place that hurt this much was the Hospital Wing. There was a curtain between me and the door, but I heard voices on the other side of it. "How is this possible Headmaster?" I heard Ron ask from the other side of the curtain, "You promised that Harry would marry Ginny!"

"I'm not marrying him- her- it now!" I heard Ginny yell. It was really strange because I was only fourteen, I wasn't thinking about marriage, "I don't care how much money the Potter family has!"

"Just calm down Ms. Weasley," I heard Headmaster Dumbledore say, "Harry is now in every way a woman. We may not be able to marry her off to one of your brothers."

I let my jaw drop but I didn't make any noise. I was scared of what they would do if I did. I felt a hand cover my mouth, and I looked over to see Snape there with an angered look on his face. The anger kind of melted a little when his eyes landed on me. He pressed a single finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet. I nodded my head and listened on. "The only one who knows of our plans is Mum," Ron said, "and I ain't marrying Harry! It's unnatural!"

"Let's finish this conversation in my office," Dumbledore said, "Harry might wake up any second, and we do not wish to obliviate him again."

I turned to Snape and mouthed, "Again?" to him. Snape shrugged but didn't say a word. He just glared at the curtain as the footsteps left the Wing. I didn't say anything until I was sure the door was closed.

"First thing first, Marriage?" I asked. My voice was higher pitched than I remembered it being, but it also had a soft quality to it, "I'm only fourteen."

"That's the first question you ask Potter?" Snape asked with an amused scoff, "Just kind of floated over the 'girl' part?"

"What did he mean by that?" I asked a second later. Snape picked up a mirror and held it up to me with the back facing towards me. I slowly took the mirror out of his hands and looked at mine. They seemed smaller, more delicate or something. My nails seemed a little longer as well.

"D-Do I want to see?" I asked him.

"There is no cure for it at present time, there may never be a cure, so my advise would be to get it over with and get over it sooner," Snape said.

I nodded my head, took a deep breath, and I turned the ornate mirror around. I gasped as I looked at the mirror. In the glass was the vision of a very pretty girl with long black hair and stunning green eyes. I was so shocked I had almost dropped the mirror onto my face. I gently brought a hand up to touch my face, and that's when I knew. I knew this was my real face now.

"Y-You said that there may not ever be a cure?" I asked clearing my throat. I could feel the tears sting my eyes.

"That's correct Potter," Snape said with a sigh, "I suggest that we go to Gringotts as soon as you get well enough, and settle everything with them. See if there are any contracts in your name, see if anyone has tried to steal from you, and go shopping."

"I-I don't know who to trust anymore..." I said with a sniffle.

"My best bet would be with either Longbottom or a Hufflepuff," Snape said. That's when it hit me. I didn't have time to tell Cedric about the dragons!

"P-Professor! I need you to deliver something to Cedric Diggory for me please," I said.

"Do I look like your messenger boy Potter?" Snape asked, "but I could fetch Mr. Diggory for you."

"No!" I yelled, "I'm not ready for anyone to see me like this."

"Last I checked Mr. Diggory was a friend of yours, and Hufflepuffs are loyal to a fault. He will not judge you for what has happened."

"Though you totally are," I replied.

"I am not going to lie when I tell you that your potions skills need some... refining," Snape said. If I didn't know better, I would have thought I saw a small almost nonexistent smile appear on his lips, "But I do know that you will need to confront this head on and have someone there to have your back."

All I could do was nod, and Snape left the room. I sighed as I heard the door close behind him, and Madam Pomfrey came in to check on me. "Hello Harry," she said, "Or is there another name that you wish to go by now?"

For some reason, a name would not leave my mind and it slipped out of my lips before I could stop it. "Ember. Ember Potter."