Anyone who saw the girl running through the parking lot of Seabury's Bakery immediately made way, fearing they would be barreled over if they did not.

She had a wild look in her eyes, was wearing a worn, messy apron, and had flour on her clothes and in her hair. As she ran at breakneck pace, she held a small wrapped parcel in her mouth so she could fish for her keys in her purse. She nearly ran into her car.

She finally found her keys and jumped into the drivers seat, starting the ignition. She pulled out of the lot and sped down the road. At a stoplight she caught a glimpse ofher reflection in the side mirror and groaned, spotting the flour in her hair. The light turned green before she could do anything though, so she continued speeding down the road.

Peggy Schuyler was late for another one of her sister's dinner parties.

Her sister, Eliza, had been dating Alexander for about a year and a half, and was completely head over heels. Alexander Hamilton was famous for his writing. His best selling novel so far, The Reynolds Pamphlet, involved a graphic affair.

Peggy could tell that Eliza didn't like this particular book, even if she pretended to. It had elevated Alexander to stardom though, so no one was complaining. Eliza was his biggest fan on all of his other works; pride for her boyfriend was infectious.

And, if Peggy had guessed correctly, he would be more than her boyfriend after tonight.

She wasn't entirely sure if she was ok with Alexander. Peggy knew for a fact that he had originally set his eyes on her eldest sister, Angelica, before he knew she was engaged herself. Angelica was famous in her own right; an enormously talented singer and actress, every man's eye landed on her before straying to Eliza or Peggy.

And Peggy had been even more startled when Angelica seemed enamored with him as well. At least Angelica had had the sense to turn him away before it was too late. Eliza just seemed...helpless. Not that Alexander had been anything but good to her sister. Peggy just had a feeling that Eliza was trying to capture lightning in a bottle.

Peggy pulled up to Alexander's not-so-humble abode. She knew it technically was partly Eliza's too, because she lived there with Alexander, but she just couldn't imagine Eliza living in such an enormous house. Peggy always imagined Eliza living in a cottage in the woods, like in a fairytale.

She did a sloppy parallel parking job in the street behind all the other cars and ran up the driveway. She had arrived a grand total of 46 minutes late. She wrang the doorbell and played with the small wrapped gift in her hands. Only then did she realize that she had left her duffel bag with a change of clothes in her car.

It was too late though. Alexander opened the door, smiling brightly.

"Peggy, you made-"

He staggered when he caught sight of her messy appearance."

She put on her brightest smile and tried not to sound sarcastic.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

He invited her inside and her suspicions were confirmed. Her father, Angelica and her ever-present paparazzi, and many more people Peggy couldn't identify were all dressed in formal attire, socializing all around different segments of the house. Peggy was almost certain that this many people wouldn't fit in her dingy apartment.

There was no question: he was going to propose today.

Peggy's eyes scanned the crowd for her sister. Alexander seemed to know who she was looking for and smiled.

"She's in the kitchen. I said she should let the chef prepare, but she insisted she should help."

A small smile crossed Peggy's lips.

"That does sound like her. I'll let you get back to whoever you were talking to before I got here."

Alexander shook his head.

"You know what, I'll come with you. I want to help out Eliza", he lowered his voice, "and between you and me, if I have to spend another second talking with John Adams I'm going to kill myself."

Peggy knew he was just trying to get on her good side, but it was working. She let out a laugh.

"Lead the way, then."

They walked across the room and towards a long hall that Peggy knew led to the kitchen. However, before they could reach it, she heard a yell.

"Hey waitress, want me to help you wipe the flour off your ass?"

Peggy and Alexander turned one who yelled was a brawny man in a gray beanie. Behind Peggy's back, Alexander mouthed Really Mulligan? and gave him a look.

She observed his companions: a smaller man with a freckled face that was red with laughter and a much taller man that, like herself, had his curls tied away from his face. He looked embarrassed for his friends or for her, she wasn't sure.

Normally Peggy would have punched him in the gut, but because she assumed these were Alexander's friends and she didn't want to cause a scene, she decided to be merciful

"Take a good long look, buddy, because that's as close as you're gonna get", she said, her voice unwavering.

She tried to resist her second comment but just couldn't.

"And I'm not a waitress right now, unless you'd like me to serve you an ice cold can of whoop-ass."

The one in the beanie mocked being shot in the heart, Alexander andthe freckled man burst into laughter, and the tall one snickered, a wide smile on his face.

She turned back to Alexander.

"Are these bozos your friends?"

He looked only a little embarrassed before he nodded.

"Peggy, these are my old room mates from New York, Hercules Mulligan, John Laurens, and Lafayette. Guys, this is Eliza's younger sister, Peggy."

Peggy took a moment to assign names to faces. Before she could say anything, though, the one called Laurens spoke up.

"I didn't know there was a third Schuyler sister."

Peggy smiled tersely.

"Nobody really does. Nice to meet you." She stuck out her hand.

They all took her hand in turn. Mulligan and Lauren's looked slightly uncomfortable, Lafayette just looked bemused.

"Why is it that we've never met?"


Peggy had guessed by the name 'Lafayette' that he was French, but his accent made it sound like he had been ripped right off the streets of Paris. She decided she wanted to hear him speak again.

"I haven't been able to come to any of these other parties. My job is very demanding." She gestured to her apron and the flour that was, well...everywhere.

Lafayette smiled again.

"Where do you work?"

"Seabury's bakery. I'm a waitress mostly, but sometimes I help prepare the food."

"So you are a waitress!" Mulligan piped up.

Peggy punched his arm.

"Not right now. I managed to get some time off for this party."

Mulligan rubbed his arm.

"And what's wrong with being a waitress?" asked Lafayette. He sounded genuinely curious, not condescending.

"Well, it's not like I made the move to California to be a waitress and live in a roach filled apartment." she scoffed.

Laurens and Mulligan snickered. Lafayette smiled.

"And what is it you did come here to do?"

"To play the piano." she said simply, shrugging.

"Not sing or act?" asked Laurens.

"No. To play the piano." said Peggy.

"But no one really-"

"What do you like to play?" Lafayette cut off Laurens, who scowled.

"I like to play jazz the most, but I have a soft spot for the classics because my mom would play them all the time." she said. She knew she could ramble on and on if she wasn't careful, so she kept her answer short.

"Eliza likes to play the classics too", piped up Alexander.

Peggy nodded her head in agreement.

"She's pretty damn good. One time-"

Before Peggy could launch into a story, the sound of a knife tinking against a glass rang throughout the room.

"Dinner is being served in the reception room!" called a man in a fancy suit.

"I'd better be off, see you all later." said Alexander, flashing his teeth in a grin.

Peggy wondered if he had forgotten that they had been going to the kitchen together, but supposed it didn't matter either way. He probably had things to oversee and nitpick. She turned back to Alexander's friends.

"Well it was nice to meet you all." She looked at Mulligan, remembering how she had been introduced to them in the first place. "Well, most of you."

They each smiled and laughed. Peggy wondered how it was that she could hear an accent in a laugh. She pushed the thought aside and was off to the reception room.

Alexander's house was built for these parties and gatherings; that much was clear when you saw the reception room. Peggy liked to think of it as a glorified ballroom. It had a dance floor and at least a dozen circular tables. Peggy walked through the doors, and her elder sister immediately walked over.

"Peggy! You're a mess!" said Angelica with a good natured scoff.

"At least my feet aren't about to pop like a balloon." smirked Peggy.

Angelica dropped her jaw and raised her eyebrows, and Peggy could tell she was trying not to laugh. Angelica was six months pregnant with her husband John, but Peggy knew her sister could handle her insults. It was something she'd never say to Eliza.

After all, Angelica may have been pregnant, but she still looked more elegant than everyone in the room.

"So when do you think he's going to pop the question?" mused Angelica.

"I'm not sure, but this party could confuse someone into thinking that they're getting married today." said Peggy, looking around the room. Angelica chuckled.

"I wouldn't put it past them. Want to go find out seats?" Angelica gestured to the name cards on the tables.

Peggy nodded, and they walked over to the biggest table where they assumed they would find their names. As they walked over, Peggy couldn't help but notice how different she and her sister must look. Angelica was wearing a flowing peach dress and striding toward the table with a cool confidence; Peggy was at least half a head shorter, wearing a faded yellow tee, jeans, and an apron, and was struggling to keep up with Angelica's long strides.

They reached the biggest table, which was the ones meant for close friends and family. Angelica found her seat almost immediately. It was on Alexander's left hand side. To her left sat her husband, John.

Peggy scanned for her name tag but was unable to find it. She did another go around and still couldn't seem to find it. Just as she was about to ask Angelica for help, the real problem dawned on her.

They didn't put me with them.

Peggy pushed the though aside. It was ridiculous. Alexander wouldn't forget about her, much less Eliza. When Angelica noticed Peggy's upset face, she tried to console her sister.

"Don't be stupid honey, I'm sure they just forgot to put your name down. I know you're sitting at this table."

Peggy nodded. She knew that she was really supposed to be sitting there. However, it was really no surprise that her name was the one that had been forgotten. She continued to look for something that wasn't there.

She eventually accepted defeat and turned back to Angelica, but her sister was now talking with a woman that Peggy had never seen before. Sighing, she turned and looked around the room, not sure what to do. She felt very small.

Suddenly she felt a light tap on her shoulder and turned to see Lafayette standing there.

"You look lost." he observed.

"Thanks for noticing." snapped Peggy. Her sour mood was evident on her face. Lafayette scratched the back of his head uncomfortably. Peggy immediately regretted her sarcasm and sighed.

"Sorry, they just forgot to give me a seat."

Lafayette nodded in understanding.

"Well, if you need a place to sit in the meantime, Mulligan went to the bathroom a while ago and between you and me, I don't think he'll be back any time soon. So if you want to sit over there..." he pointed to a table not far from the one she was originally supposed to be seated.

She looked at the people already seated there: a man and woman who looked slightly uncomfortable and John Laurens, who was talking their ears off. Peggy turned back to Lafayette and nodded, having made up her mind.

"Well I definitely can't stand in the way of everything and possibly miss out on food."

Lafayette smiled brightly and they walked towards the table. By the time she had seated herself in Mulligan's empty chair, the whole room seemed full. She wouldn't admit it, but she was definitely glad she wasn't standing around like a fish out of water.

She realized that the two strangers, presumably a couple, were looking at her curiously, and remembered she hadn't introduced herself.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Peggy Schuyler, nice to meet you."

The man smiled tersely. He still looked mildly uncomfortable.

"Aaron Burr. And this is my wife, Theodosia." he said, and Peggy noticed he seemed more relaxed when he mentioned her name. Peggy decided she liked him, even though he clearly was suspicious of her.

She smiled and tried to look as friendly as possible, despite her oddities.

"So how is it that you know Eliza?" she asked.

"We don't know Eliza, but Aaron knows Alexander," replied Theodosia. "They used to work at the same publishing company before Alexander moved. The company asked Aaron to move here to oversee a few things about a year after Alexander did. Weird coincidence, I guess."

Peggy nodded, then noticed Aaron continuing to eye her disheveled appearance. Theodosia noticed as well and smacked him in the arm. She felt the need to explain herself again.

"I work as a chef and waitress at Seabury's bakery. I came directly here, and I would change, but I wouldn't want to miss anything." she said, hinting at the proposal.

"She's not a waitress right now." joked Lafayette. Peggy rolled her eyes.

They continued their small talk for a while. Eventually Laurens got up to talk with Alexander. The Burrs veered off into their own conversation, and so did Lafayette and Peggy. As it turned out, they were both avid Star Wars fans.

"I know that the Ewoks were furry and everything, but they almost ate Chewbaca and Han. That's the opposite of cute." said Lafayette.

"Yeah, but their little teddy bear faces were adorable! And the noises the made were too." argued Peggy. "They also helped out Leia."

"I'm not saying they didn't help them, I'm saying they were kind of terrifying. They were somehow able to-" his argument was cut off by a waiter putting some food down on the table. Peggy looked at her plate to see a burger.

"Good, I'm starving." she took a huge bite. Lafayette smirked.

"Whut?" she asked through a mouthful of burger. Lafayette just shook his head. She suddenly remembered whose seat she was occupying.

"Do you think Mulligan will ever come back?" she asked. Lafayette shook his head.

"I doubt it." He pointed to a table on the far side of the room. Hercules had an attractive red head on his lap and was feeding her small bites of burger. Peggy snorted.

"How the hell did he pull that off?" she asked. Lafayette just shrugged.

"We think he may be bribing girls to make himself look good."

"Probably not a rediculous theory." laughed Peggy.

As they continued talking, Peggy found herself more and more intrigued by the French man she had befriended.

"So Lafayette is only one name. Why is that?"

"Well, my full name is a bit of an earful." he said a bit sheepishly.

"Lay it on me."

"Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lafayette."

Peggy blinked repeatedly.

"Well, Lafayette it is, then. Unless you'd rather go by Joey." she smirked. He grimaced.

"Lafayette." he agreed. "Peggy is short for something as well, no?"

She looked like she had tasted a particularly sour lemon.

"Don't make me say it." she groaned. He grinned. "You have to now."

"Margarita." she said bitterly.

"That's no where near as bad as mine." he said critically. "Yes it is." she whined.

"My sisters get Angelica and Elizabeth while I'm stuck with a beverage. I think my parents might have been drunk when I was born."

"It's a good beverage." Lafayette consoled. Peggy scoffed, then heard her name being said by her sister and turned around. As soon as she did, Eliza launched into an apology.

"Peggy, I'm so so sorry that we messed up your seat! I was going to fix it but got carried away with eating and talking and there are so many people here that I just-"

"Eliza!" Peggy giggled. "It's ok, really. I met new people anyways." she said, gesturing to Lafayette and the Burrs, who had looked up from their conversation. She grinned at all of them.

"Hello again Lafayette! And you must be Aaron and Theodosia. Alexander speaks very highly of you both."

They held a very easy conversation. This was common, of course. Peggy knew that someone would have to be an emotionless monster to dislike Eliza. However, it was interrupted by the squeaking of a microphone.

"Can everyone quiet down please?" rang Alexander's voice. Peggy saw that he had let the paparazzi into the room, and knew that this was it, without a doubt. She knew that Eliza knew as well, because she looked like a dear in the headlights. The room grew silent.

"I just want to thank everyone for being here. But let me cut straight to the point. This past year and a half has been, without a doubt, the best of my life. I think you all know why." he was gradually making his way toward Eliza, who was staring with wide eyes and her mouth slightly agape.

"It's because of my angel on earth, whose beauty is only matched by her kindness. Who I am clearly still undeserving of, but will try to live up to every day of my life. My love is never in doubt."

Peggy shot Lafayette a look, and he returned on that clearly said he is milking this for all it's worth. Peggy supposed it was worth it though; her sister was on the verge of tears.

Alexander was right in front of Eliza, who had a hand over her mouth. He got on one knee. The click of cameras going off was the only sound to be heard.

"Eliza, will you marry me?"

AN: Ok, first things first. This is kind of like a La la land au. I finally got to see it yesterday and of course thought of hamilton while I was watching it (why am I cursed this way). I'm still a little salty over the whole oscars thing, but whatever. The idea is that hamilton is like the jk Rowling of this au and he wrote the Reynolds Pamphlet (sort of like 50 shades of gray) and a bunch of other books and got super rich. Angelica is a famous singer because she's amazing and Peggy just wants to make it as a musician. That's the idea anyways. Review/fave/follow or all 3, I appreciate any and all of these. Thanks for reading!