Author's Note: Hey everyone, this is one of my first fics from my other account, CardcaptorMisty (I deleted/deleting all my fics from that account). This fic is also a edited, but not changed, version. Please don't think that I stole this fic. Anyway, I have a very….interesting imagination. I like to do fics on characters that are often overlooked. Of course, in Pokemon, a lot of characters are overlooked, but thanks to my wonderful (if not slightly insane) imagination, I like to think of little…stories for them. Well sit back, relax, and enjoy the first ever ER (Emily+Ralph) fic!

Dedication: To my ever so wonderful friend LavenderFantasy, for putting up with my insane imagination.

Disclaimer: I can dream I own Pokemon….but I can do nothing more. Happy?

~ Always Competing ~

By: MizuFaia

Emily sighed, tying a ribbon around her right ponytail. Her loyal Pokemon, Nidorina, looked up from her pillow. Finished with her hair, Emily slowly reached down to get her backpack. Petting Nidorina fondly, Emily recalled it back into its Pokeball.

"Emily," her mother called. "Ralph's here!"

Emily brightened, then ran down the stairs, stopping only to grab 5 other Pokeballs. "Hey Ralph!" Emily called happily to her friend.

Blushing slightly, Ralph returned the greeting, then motioned towards the door. "Ready to go?" he asked.

"Always!" Emily said happily, then turned. "Bye Mom, bye Dad! See ya after school!" Emily called before shutting the door.

"Hey, did you hear about the Orange Island Pokemon Competition?" Ralph asked after letting out his Nidorino.

"Yeah…the one where we have to battle in partners, right?" Emily asked, eyeing her Nidorina and Ralph's Nidorino playing.

"Yep. They're starting a new group of trainers who can battle well called the Orange Elite. The Orange Elite is supposed to be a group of the best teen trainers of the Orange Islands. It's gonna have 3 girls, and 3 boys. There are three levels in the Orange Elite. Level Three is the weakest, Level Two is in-between, and Level One is the highest."

"What did you do, memorize the brochure?" Emily joked.

"Hey!" Ralph cried.

"Just kidding," Emily replied hastily. "So, wanna be partners?"

"That's what I was thinking!" Ralph said, recalling Nidorino, and heading to his first class.

"Later!" Emily called, recalling Nidorina and heading towards her first class.

Ralph headed towards the Ground Pokemon arena, daydreaming. Maybe, if Emily and I get into the Orange Elite, we can become closer, he thought, blushing madly.

"Ralph!" a voice cried.

Ralph turned to see Mary Wendolph*, the most popular girl in the school. "Yeah?"

Mary caught up with Ralph. "Are you entering the Orange Island Pokemon Competition?" she asked.

"Yeah," Ralph replied cautiously. Mary was one of those people who got whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted. She was super-rich, mainly because her father owned Wendolph Mines, the only mining company that mined Rare Candies.

"Well, I was wondering if you would like to enter with me. With my Pokemon, there's no way I could lose. My father gave me like 57 Rare Candies, so my Pokemon are at a really high level," Mary said confidently.

"Why do you want to enter with me? Why don't you enter with Don?" Ralph said, naming the most popular guy in school.

"Whatever," Mary sniffed, tossing her pretty brown curls. "Everyone knows that you're the best trainer on Cobblestone Island.(Ele: I don't know what the name of the town was, so I'm naming it.) The only other trainer that comes even close to being as good as you are is that dinky dumb blonde Emily," she continued with a scornful voice.

Letting out a sigh, Ralph rolled his eyes. It was no secret that Mary and Emily hated each other, besides the fact that they were third cousins. Mary always got what she wanted, except for winning Pokemon competitions. When they were all younger, Emily always beat out Mary in Pokemon battles or competitions. While Mary always bribed her way to the top, Emily always shot her back down in a fair Pokemon battle.

"I mean, Emily is so old-fashioned. There's no way she's even going to come close to being in the Orange Elite. I on the other hand, I have my high-leveled Pokemon and my money. Those are the only things I need," Mary boasted. "So are you entering with me or not?"

"I'm already entering with Emily. Sorry," Ralph said shortly. He quickly walked away

Narrowing her dark blue eyes, Mary stared at Ralph's retreating form. So, my dear third cousin got Ralph. But not for long, she thought, tossing a pretty green stone in the air. As it twinkled in the sun, a moon clearly showed inside the stone. Laughing, she walked to the Grass Pokemon arena, throwing the Moon Stone into her backpack.

Ele: Yikes! What does Mary have in store for Ralph? This is the first ER fic ever, but the secondary genre is Action/Adventure, so I think I'll keep everyone in suspense a little longer. Oh yeah, Moon Stones are very rare…but like I said, Mary is filthy rich, so obviously she has some. And, it's not the Moon Stone from Mt. Moon, it's the type of stone that can be only found through mining. Yeah, well that's about it. Send questions, comments, flames, whatever to [email protected] .

*- Mary Wendolph, if you're interested in knowing, has dark blue eyes and dark brown hair that curls to her shoulders. She's the only child of Lisa and Henry Wendolph, and she's loaded. Henry Wendolph owns Wendolph Mines, and his mines mine out lots of evolution stones, but mostly Rare Candies.