
Tags: Abuse, Angst, Death, H/C, HJ, Lang, M/F, Non-con, Oral, Tort, Violence, WIP

This story is based 1.5 after HBP disregarding DH. The first few chapters are fairly short, they will get longer quickly.

You can find more of my stories on Adult-FanFiction under the same name. You must be 18 to enter the site and as such, any of my writings are ADULT themed. If you prefer to contact me privately or would just prefer to have a longer discourse about anything, you can email me directly at yourcookiedoughbaby at yahoo or PM me here.

I have a little over 20 chapters done and will be updating every few days when I have time. I do my own beta-ing so PLEASE let me know if you catch anything that needs my attention. I am only human, after all.

Now, on with the story!


Hermione ran. She could hear her feet pounding on the stones beneath her; felt her labored breath burning in her chest and the echoes of the screams from the rooms above her like an arrow to her heart. She knew what she had to do; they had gone over it so many times it was carved into her memory.

Kill the snake, destroy the Horcrux, DO NOT BE SEEN.

As frightened as she was she was also resolved. She knew where the snake was, guarded by Wormtail in a room off the dungeons. Moody had signaled to her through the throng of the fight, he had seen the snake, knew where it was. She could remember the blissful feeling of peace that stole over her for a moment as she allowed him to enter her mind. He showed her where to go, what passages to take and what was waiting for her at the end. Although she knew what she was doing, had faith in her abilities, her heart hammered with fear. Fear for her friends upstairs, for the people of the wizarding community who were counting on them, and for her very own life.

If she was brutally honest with herself, she was afraid to die. She knew she would do so if it was asked of her, but the thought was terrifying. She had come to the realization long ago that her young life was expendable. Harry was the one who had to survive this, to end it. She was but a pawn in this sick and twisted game.

As she turned the corner for the last length to the room she felt a hand grab her upper arm and twist her face-first into the wall. She let out a yelp of terror and pain as her arm was yanked up her back incapacitating her before remembering that she had to be silent, she couldn't forewarn Wormtail. Her heart all but stopped when a husky voice breathed in her ear.

"Where do you think you're going, Mudblood?"

Hermione knew that voice and her fear doubled. Draco Malfoy. He had somehow found her. Bucking against the weight pinning her to the wall she tried to turn around into an advantageous position in order to hex him but he was far too strong. He tightened his grip on her and pushed her roughly against the wall, her face chafing against the cold stones.

"Don't make me hurt you Granger! Now tell me where you are going!"

"As if you won't kill me anyway!" she snapped, completely forgetting about secrecy. It didn't matter if Wormtail heard now; all that mattered was getting the upper hand on the ferret. She once again struggled to throw him off but he grabbed her hand which had been smashed between her chest and the wall and yanked it out, twisting it until she cried out in pain and dropped her wand.

"The fight's upstairs, Granger," Malfoy growled as he pressed her harder against the stones, his breath hot on her neck. "Are you running away? Is the know-it-all Mudblood frightened?"

Yes. She was scared out of her mind, but she would never let him know.

"Let me go, Malfoy. Now!"

"Not until you tell me where you're going. As much of a weakling as I know you are, I highly doubt you are down here to sit in a corner and cry. What are you after?"

"I won't tell you anything, so you might as well do away with me now!" she huffed, her mind whirling with how she was going to get out of this situation. She prayed Moody could see her plight and was sending help.

"Don't fuck with me, Granger! You have no idea what I'm capable of," Malfoy said dangerously and Hermione knew she had to act fast before the rat snapped and actually cursed her.

She twisted in a last ditch attempt to free herself. As she turned she brought up her knee, catching him in the most sensitive area she could think of. He grunted and doubled over in pain, giving Hermione a chance to escape. She dove to the ground where her wand had landed and rolled to stun Malfoy but before the words could even escape her lips he had thrown himself on top of her. She cried out as his weight crushed her against the hard floor and in a mad tangle of limbs, the two teenagers battled for leverage.

Hermione knew she would lose; he was bigger, stronger and had the more advantageous position. But she refused to give up. She screamed out a Stunning Spell which missed Malfoy by a meter when he pinned her wand arm to the floor. Bucking underneath him she struck out with everything she had: nails, teeth, feet. As her fingers clawed down the side of his face he cursed in pain and drew back instinctively giving her the split second she needed to make a break for it. She threw herself bodily into him knocking him onto his back, landing atop him.

Hermione pushed herself to her feet and bolted. She hadn't gone more than two steps when she felt his hands clawing at the hem of her robes. She turned quickly hoping to make him lose his grip but he used his other hand to grab the front of her shirt to pull himself up. Instead of the shirt however, he grabbed the chain that had fallen out of its tucked position beneath her camisole during their fray. She screamed in horror as it broke and Malfoy fell forward, his momentum taking her with him. The back of her head hit the stone and the world disappeared in a burst of white light.



Hermione moaned. Her head felt like it had broken into a million pieces. It was the burning, pounding sensation of one of her usual migraines. Great.

"Granger! Wake up!"

She moaned again at the loud voice. Who was calling for her? And who in the world called her Granger?

Malfoy. Oh, sweet Hades. Malfoy called her that name. Everything came rushing back to her in a tidal wave of realization.

She shot up to a brief view of Malfoy's terrified face hovering above her only to have a wave of dizziness and nausea force her to slam her eyes closed and lay back down. She swallowed the bile rising in her throat and took several deep breaths to steady her head. Black stars were dancing in front of her eyes, clouding her vision. She'd obviously sustained a mild concussion from the fall.

"What happened? Where are we? What did you do?"

What was he talking about? They were in the dungeons of the Malfoy Manor, his home for Merlin's sake!

"I didn't do anything! You tackled me you imbecile!" she croaked crossly, holding the sides of her head and waiting for the spinning to subside.

Wait…why wasn't he attacking her?

Malfoy began yelling incoherently while she tried to sort out what had happened after he'd tackled her. Knowing she should take advantage of whatever reason Malfoy had to stop fighting her, she finally opened her eyes she had to blink against the bright sun.

Wait, sun? What sun? She gasped as she sat up slowly and realized that they were no longer in the dungeons. In fact, they weren't even indoors. Looking this way and that all she could see were rolling hills of green grass, a lush forest half a mile to her left and nothing else. No people, no stone walls, nothing. What happened?

It was then that she remembered. The Time Turner. It had been around her neck. Malfoy had grabbed it when he had tried to take her down. No...

"Malfoy! My necklace! Where is it?" she cried almost hysterically as she searched all around where they were sitting.

"Necklace? You're worried about a fucking necklace? Why don't you try worrying about the fact that we are in the middle of fucking nowhere!"

"That necklace, you moron, was a Time Turner! We need to find it so we can figure out where we are and get back!"

Malfoy's face paled. "Oh shit."

Her heart sank. "What?" He nodded a few inches to her left. There is was, laying in the grass in a puddle of gold and crystal, broken into a thousand pieces.

"No…no! Oh, Merlin! You broke it! I can't believe this! You BROKE IT!" she screamed as she knelt over the necklace assessing the damage. It was irreparably destroyed. The hour glass was in pieces, the sand inside creeping between the blades of grass. The turn circle was broken, the chain snapped. Her heart sank.

"It not MY bloody fault, Granger! If you had just answered my question, none of this would've happened!" he snapped hysterically. "What the hell are you doing with that thing anyway? I thought all the Time Turners had been destroyed?"

"None of your business, Malfoy! Do you understand how much trouble we are in?" she cried, looking up at him.

"Why don't you just fix it?"

She scoffed. "You can't just fix it, Malfoy. Time Turners cannot be repaired after they are broken. That's why they are only given to responsible wizards and witches!"

"Looks like they fucked up with you then, doesn't it?" he jeered, then cut her off as she began to protest. "Look, if we can't fix it, what the hell are we supposed to do?"

She shook her head. "Usually, one would just go to the Department of Time Travel and get it replaced. But since you broke it while it was still technically attached to me, I don't know." she looked around at their barren surroundings before peering up at him. "Wizards disappear all the time using the Time Turner. I've never heard of a wizard who broke the Time Turner while it was still attached to his body. Probably because they disappeared and were never found."

Malfoy's face fell. "So…what are you saying?"

Looking deep into his silver-blue eyes she told him what her heart already knew. "I'm saying that unless we can sneak into the Ministry, if there even is a Ministry, and steal one from the Department of Mysteries…we are stuck here."


