King Spike Rules here with the last fic I need to have paired Spike with all of the Mane Six. And the winner of the vote was Weekend on the Farm. I hope you enjoy it, and if I may reveal something personal. This is my favorite pairing with Spike of all time. With Twilight being a close second. And I have an announcement at the end of this chapter.

Chapter One: Being Over Worked.

Celestia's sun was starting to rise over the mountains that over looked the small village of Ponyville as many of the residents began to wake up and start there day with Celestia's sun touching their homes. But for a certain earth pony, her day started nearly two hours before the sun began to rise, and she was hard at work with everything on her family farm going on as the big Apple Bucking season was coming in awfully fast.

"Almost there." Applejack said as she carried ten barrel stacked on her back towards the barn and a smile spread across her face as her eyes were heavily covered in bags as she worked harder to get the morning chores done. As she entered the barn, she pulled the rope with her teeth to release the barrels and set them near the other barrels as she stepped back and smiled as she saw all of the barrels neatly staked, ready to be filled in a few days.

"Hey, Applejack. You home?" a voice called out that she knew all to well and she smiled as he walked out to greet them, seeing a smiling Spike standing near the farm house with a smile on her face. She hated to say it, but she always had a crush on the hard working dragon and always felt happy to see him in any way she could. Spike then turned and he could see her walking towards him from around the barn and he waved at her as he asked, "How are you doing?"

"Oh, I am doing fine sugar cube." she said smiling at him as she walked over to him and Spike suddenly saw the bags hanging under her eyes, her hair a mess, and she seamed un-kept from her blouse being unbuttoned and her white tank top covered in dirt..

"Ummm, you okay Applejack?" Spike asked as he looked at her with concern as she looked like she was hardly getting by on any sleep.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine." she said smiling as she looked at him with a wide smile spread across her face and placed a hand on her hip as she asked, "Now, what brings you here this fine morning?"

"Oh, right." Spike said as his concern for his friend made him forget about what made him come there in the first place. "Twilight is heading to Cantorlot tonight and wants me to stock up on apples for her trip." Spike explaine dwhat he was doing there and smiled at her as she nodded to him.

"Sure thing, I have plenty of them to go." she said smiling as she turned and walked off into the barn, bringing a pair of large bags of apples on her shoulder as she carried it with easy. She walked over and offered them to Spike, who took them and smiled at her as he carried them with little effort.

"Thanks Applejack, what do I owe you?" he asked her smiling as he put the bags down and reached into his pocket, pulling out a sack full of bits.

"Oh, no charge handsome." Applejack said with a smile as she close her eyes before they suddenly shot open and she looked down at Spike as he was looking at her in shock too.

"W-what did you just say?" Spike asked as she looked on and her orange skin tone began to become bright red as she put her hands on her face to cover it up from him seeing any more.

"N-nothing." Applejack said as she looked around and tried to think of a reason to get away from him as she blurted out, "I-I think I hear Timber Wolfs howling near the edge of the farm again." She then gave him a big smile before turning around and running off into the maze like orchard of apple trees, leaving a confused Spike just staring at where she had ran off too while he picked up the bags and began to head back to the path that lead to Ponyville. As Spike was walking away from the apple farm, Applejack was watching him walk away from behind a large tree.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." she yelled out loud as she banged her head against the apple tree and just kept it against the tree as she tried to figure out what should she do about what she had said. Yet the only thing that keeps coming to mind was that she had screwed up and now Spike would never give her a second look after what she had just done. And so, after a few minutes of standing there and groaned from what she had just done before she pulled herself from the tree and began to head back to the barn to make sure everything was ready for Apple Bucking Season.

Spike soon found his way home after his visit to the Element of Honesty and he was worried about her, as her state of dress made him concern and the bags under her eyes said lack of sleep. And so as he opened the door to the library and walked inside, he could see several large suitcases were all ready to go with Equestia's newest princess to head off to the capital of the kingdom.

"Spike, is that you?" Twilight called down from the top of stairs and Spike smiled as he knew was most likely getting some report ready to show the other princesses.

"Yeah, I just got back." he said smiling as he walked into the kitchen and placed them both in their apple in one of the counters.

"Good, how is Applejack doing?" she asked still from the top of the stairs and Spike frowned, remaining silent as he began to think over what should he do about the state Applejack seam to be in and wondered is he should tell Twilight with her leaving so soon. But soon realized it was best to tell her since she would find out sooner or later, and Twilight would most likely skin him alive for not telling her.

"Ummmm, she's not looking so good." Spike said in a sad tone loud enough for Twilight to hear him and suddenly a large amount of wind blew past him, confusing the young dragon as he turned around and came face to face with Twilight as she had seamed to have appeared out of nowhere.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked him in a concern tone as she leaned forward and to get right into Spike's face, making the young dragon nerves as he leaned back to try and get his personal space back from her.

"She has huge bags under her eyes and she is looks un-kept." Spike explains as he stepped back one more time so their faces were not that close to each other and he went back to putting the apples away as he continued, "She does have a lot on her plate, seeing as this is her first Apple Bucking Season without her brother or sister here."

"Good point." Twilight said with a frown as she turned around and began to think it over as she got a smile on her face as she turned back to Spike while saying, "I know, me and the others can go help her just like a few years ago."

"Sorry but you can't do that Twilight." Spike said as he finished putting the things away and turned to looked at, seeing a confused look on her face made Spike sigh before he explained, "Dash is at the Wonder Bolt Academy for the next three weeks, Fluttershy is in Cantorlot for her brother's wedding, Rarity is in Marehaten for a fashion week, and Pinkie took the Cake's on vacation to the Crystal Kingdom." Hearing all these reason made Twilight's heart sink as she realized he was right and knew she too had stuff to do that kept her away from her earth pony friend.

"Your right Spike." she said with a long sigh as she looked at all of her suit cases and felt bad with all of the times she, and the other's had left off on their own things and left Applejack behind to work on her farm in the last few years.

"Yeah, I just wonder if there is some one that could help her get done with this season." Spike said as he sat at the table and rubbed an apple on his clean shirt before taking a large bite from it. The words he said made Twilight's eyes widen as she looked at her little brother and a smile spread across her face as Spike noticed the way she looked at him. "No, wait. You said I could come along with you this time and see how Pony Joe's business has grown." Spike said as he looked back at her and knew what she was thinking.

"Oh, please Spike." Twilight said as she looked at him and gave her brother puppy dog eyes that could rival Sweetie Belle's, and it was making Spike groan and tried to look away from her to no avail as she continued, "She's your friend and she needs your help".

"Oh alright fine." Spike said with a groan as he knew she was right and that he was no match to make him want to help his friend, but he had a glare to his eye as he said, "But you owe me a lot."

"What do you want?" Twilight asked him as she smiled, knowing she had won and being a princess, she would be able to get him anything his dragon heart could ever want.

"Three tons of Pony Joe's award winning donut." Spike said with a smirk and crossed his arms in front of her, leaving Twilight to give him a look of shock on her face as she had to admit that was not too easy to get for him.

"Deal." she said smiling as she offered him her hand and he took it in his claw as he smiled at her as she added, "Joe's going to be able to make three whole new stands just from you." This commit made Spike smile and nodded as he went back to eating his apple as he picked out his bags from the pile of suitcases. As he was doing that, Twilight took out her cell and dialed Applejack's number.

"Hello?" Applejack's voice called out from the other line and Twilight smiled as she heard her voice, but she could tell just how tired Applejack sounded from just her voice on the phone.

"Hey AJ." Twilight said with a smile across her face as she tried her best to hide her worry from her voice as she continued, "Apple Bucking Season is coming up soon."

"Yeah, I've been working hard to get everything ready for this to go down without a hitch." she said as Twilight could hear a loud yawn come from beyond the phone. This made Twilight worry even more as she looked over at Spike, who had finished getting his things separated from hers.

"Well, Spike wanted to know if you could use some help this year?" she asked her smiling as Applejack let out a light gasp as neither Twilight or Spike could tell from over the phone, but Applejack's cheeks were bright red from hearing that from Twilight. But she had to stay calm and not sound to desperate to have Spike working with her.

"Oh, I don't want to be a bother." Applejack said with a cheerful tone as she really was starting to get excited from what was happening at this moment.

"Oh, it wouldn't be a bother at all for him." Twilight said smiling as Spike smiled back at her as he lifted his bags up, showing her he was ready to go. "Alright, he'll be heading over now and be there in a couple of minutes. See ya after my trip then." Twilight said smiling as she hung up the phone and turned to look at him as she added, "Try to make sure she rests."

"I'm on it." Spike said smiling as he put the bags on his shoulder and looked over at Twilight as he continue, "And you better get that truck ready." Twilight giggled at him as he chuckled with her while he opened the door and headed back through the town, and headed down the dirt path that lead to the farm as the carriage landed ready to take Twilight to her meeting.

Spike smiled as he imagined all of those donuts as he walked down the path that lead to the farm, walking by all of the tree filled to the with ripe apples ready to get bucked and he was starting to get excited as he missed out on the last Apple Bucking Season do to a cold. He soon found the walk way that lead to the Apple Family farm house and he happily walked towards it.

"Applejack, you home?" Spike called out as he looked around the outside of the house and was curries as he had not seen a sign of Applejack since he got there. Wondering where she was, he examined the barn and saw nothing. He then did the same thing to the cellar and cider brewer, but there was no sign of her. This made Spike confused as he walked towards the house after looking every where else and reached for the knob. Taking a deep breath, he opened it and gasped as he saw Applejack laying on the floor of the kitchen. "APPLEJACK!" Spike yelled out as he knelt down and put her in his arms, looking her over as he was worried for the worse for the Element of Honesty.


Well, that's it for this chapter and I think we started off pretty good. And Please leave a review, they always help me. Now, for the announcement. I've had this idea for an awesome Power Ranger/MLP fic for a while and I'm wondering if I should continue it. And so, there's a poll.

Yes, go for it.

Or No, don't do it.

Now, this will be up for four weeks until the day after WrestleMania and you can vote to tell me what you thing.