IMPORTANT: This Story was edited on 3/9/2017 at 11:30 AM
Author's Note: Hello everyone! Welcome to my first installment of "The True Child of Light".
Not only is this the first chapter of this story, but it is also the first story I have ever written. To the 2 people who might read this, please don't be hesitant to leave a harsh review if you see things wrong with my writing. I only strive to improve.
I suppose that I should tell you now that there will be no Female Kyuubi at all, don't expect it. I won't give away the pairing yet because it is somewhat important to the story.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or anything that isn't straight out of my own head. Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimoto. Please support the official release.
"Sasuke-Teme." – Regular speech
'Baka!' – Internal thoughts
:Shannaro!: – Inner Sakura
-Random book mumbo jumbo stuff- –Books
"I swear I'm going to eat you brat." – Bijuu talking
'Hmm. The kid isn't half bad.' – Bijuu thinking
"Katon: Goukakakyuu no Jutsu!" (Fire release: Great Fireball Technique) – Jutsu
Chapter 1: Fortunate Tumbles
Konohagakure no Sato, 11 years after the Kyuubi attack
It was a normal morning in Konoha for most. Almost everyone was awake and following their regular morning routines by now.
Everyone except for one blond boy who was still asleep. Naruto Uzumaki was many things, but if there was one thing he wasn't, it was a morning person.
"Shit! I overslept again!"
Naruto rushed around his room frantically undressing from his pajamas to his regular "Kill me" orange jumpsuit. Seriously, there couldn't be a worse color for a ninja. And despite his undying love for orange, even Naruto knew it.
But what was he supposed to do? The shopkeepers always gave him such ridiculous prices on everything that they were all he could afford!
Today was the first day of the new academy year and Naruto simply couldn't afford to be late today.
"Dammit! My graduating class this year is finally my age group and I can't even show up on time?! What kind of shitty impression is that on the first day ya know?!" Naruto yelled as he ran around his apartment quickly getting ready for the day.
Naturally, Naruto already knew the other kids his age, but because he started the academy earlier than them, he was always two or three years ahead of them, and it wasn't like most of their parents let them see Naruto anywhere outside of school.
Hell, Naruto was pretty sure that if they could, they wouldn't let Naruto be at the school at all. Sure there were always a couple of cool guys whose parents didn't seem to flinch every time they saw Naruto like Shikamaru, Choji, and Kiba, but a few friends couldn't counteract an entire school of ridicule.
Naruto frantically attempted to figure out how he could still get to the academy in time so that he wasn't late. "OK. The first day always starts at 9:00….. It's 8:45 now! I have to get going!" And with that, Naruto bolted out of his door towards the academy.
There wasn't any point in locking it. It wasn't like people cared. If someone wanted to get in, they would just smash the lock or kick the door down. Luckily, Naruto had figured out some nice hiding places for anything actually valuable over the years. Which wasn't actually much, but it mostly consisted of any scrolls he got at the academy or from Hokage-Jiji.
The ones from the academy he didn't really care for, but if he lost them or they got destroyed, he would have to pay for it. And he really didn't have the money for that.
The stuff from Hokage-Jiji though, he couldn't afford to lose at any cost. Those were precious objects from the one person who ever cared for him other than maybe Iruka-Sensei.
He remembered one time when he was 8, his apartment was ransacked while he was out training. And in the process, some scrolls from Hokage-Jiji were destroyed.
When he told him, Naruto could feel the killing intent coming off of him in waves. Little did Naruto know, it wasn't because Naruto lost the scroll. That could easily be replaced. It was simply because those ignorant villagers dared to come anywhere near Naruto. Much less destroy his apartment.
Of course, the villagers never went further than that. For the most part they just ignored Naruto, denied him service, and overcharged him for everything he tried to buy.
In his haste, Naruto did the one thing that he dreaded that day…..
He got lost.
He was an orphan who ran from mobs every other day after he pulled his pranks and knew the village like the back of his hand! He should never have lost his way under any circumstance. Even as big as Konoha was, Naruto could easily just follow his instinct and show up at the academy. But somehow he ended up in one of the more forested areas of Konoha. It just felt...natural. There was some kind of pull that day that caused him to gravitate towards this area.
"Damn. I should have been there with a few minutes to spare by now. What the hell happened?!"
Naruto had never even been in this area before. After all, why would he need to be? He couldn't ever hide in one place after his pranks. Iruka-Sensei would always find him before anyone else ever could. He still didn't know how he did that every time. But anyways, he never needed to venture far into any forested areas if he was just going to keep moving all the time.
"Well. I suppose there's nothing I can really do about that now. Damn. I was really hoping to show up on time this year and impress everyone. I guess if I'm gonna be late anyways, it wouldn't hurt to wander around for a little while. I know what they say every year anyways." Naruto said in a defeated tone. He sulked around the forest for a few minutes when all of a sudden he heard a weird noise.
*Chink* All of a sudden Naruto's right foot sank a little bit as the sound of creaking metal got louder. His leg was in a fucking hole. A dirty, dusty, smelly fucking hole. Or at least that is what Naruto would call it. In reality, it was actually a metal hatch that pushed…..downwards?
'Who the hell makes a trapdoor that's actually a trap? Did you want someone to fall into this?' Naruto thought to himself exasperatedly.
"Oh well. Might as well check out what's inside. It's not like I have anything better to do for a couple of hours."
Naruto pushed the hatch open all the way and climbed right it. There was a ladder descending down about 30 feet into a dark room. He was surprised to find that it actually didn't smell as bad as he would have expected. If anything, it just smelled like old paper and it was stuffy.
The light from outside illuminated the room enough to see a small switch on the wall next to him. When he pressed it, the room seemingly lit up from…..nowhere?
The room just kind of, got brighter all of a sudden. It wasn't the strangest thing Naruto had seen before, he did live in a ninja village after all. But he just couldn't wrap his head around how it worked.
"OK. So that's weird thing number two. I guess it wouldn't hurt to look around and see what this is." And with that, Naruto began to walk through the room looking for something that would indicate what this place was.
Naruto may not have been super book smart like Sakura, but he certainly knew not to go around just touching things in an old random base he found in the forest.
That was when he saw it. On the far back wall, the kanji symbol for "Light" was depicted with six stars around it. One at the bottom, one at the top, and two on either sides.
"Light? Well I guess that sort of explains the room lighting, but I still don't know how it happened. And what are the stars for?" He said in a hushed voice. He then noticed that there were some neatly organized scrolls with gold bindings around them under the symbol.
"Huh. Well I guess no one would mind if I took a look at these. It doesn't look like anyone has been in here in a super long time."
And so he did. He quickly moved over to the desk with the scrolls and immediately threw open the largest one. (1) As soon as he did so, six bright tendrils of light spewed out of the scroll and connected to Naruto's chest. After about ten seconds of a strange probing feeling, the tendrils disconnected from the scroll and were absorbed into Naruto's chest.
To say the least, Naruto was confused. That hadn't hurt, but it didn't change the fact that it was still weird.
"What the hell just happened?" Ten seconds passed in complete silence.
...Penny in the air….penny falling…..and penny hits the ground.
"DID THOSE THINGS JUST GO INTO MY FUCKING CHEST YA KNOW?! Holy shit. What just happened? Am I gonna die? Do I at least get cool powers? What the fuck just happened?!"
But then it happened. All of a sudden words started to appear on the scroll that weren't there before.
And so it read:
-Greetings child of light. If you are able to read this text, it is proof enough that you were worthy enough and your soul was pure enough to accept the powers of light. After all, if your soul weren't pure, you wouldn't have even been able to open the main scroll, and even if you had somehow managed to pry it open, the six paths of light would have killed you as soon as they entered your soul.-
Naruto gulped at that. He could have died if his soul wasn't completely pure?! Why the hell isn't there a warning for that type of shit? And what was a "Child of light"? He continued to read in hopes of finding out.
-Moving on, I feel that I should explain to you what just occurred, whoever you are. By opening the main scroll of light, you have proven yourself to be a true child of light, one with a pure soul. This is an extreme rarity at best. There is only one true child of light every few centuries, and the chances of you finding the main chamber at all is clearly a work of god. You are probably wondering who I am.
I am Hikari Hogosha. At the time of me writing this letter, I am the only member of the order of the light left, and I am on my deathbed. With the early passing of our child of light, the order was unable to defend ourselves against the savage enemies of Isamu-sama, our last child of light. Fortunately, you have now found the main scroll and can now learn of the light style if you wish. It is also your choice to begin the order anew or if you will use it for other uses, whatever they may be.
First off, I need to inform you that what you have received is not the power of light. You have simply attained the right to stand at the starting line if you will. Now that you have absorbed the six paths of light, your soul has been opened so that you can observe the ancient writing of light, which will allow you to learn the techniques listed in the scrolls throughout the main chamber. The light ninjutsu style is now yours to do with it what you wish.
Light style ninjutsu is manipulation and creation of light by passing chakra through the soul through the use of a unique chakra purification jutsu. As long as your soul is pure, the chakra purification jutsu should come naturally to you now that your six soul pathways have been loosened. You may be wondering what the six soul pathways are. They are similar in a way to the eight inner gates of the chakra system.
Through great practice, you will be able to gradually open the pathways one by one at will. This causes enormous strain to one's chakra system through over-saturation of chakra through the body. As a result, the utilization of these gates may cause serious damage if used in excess. Those are simply the basics of the power you have been given. Any further instruction is depicted in the many scrolls across the main chamber.
Lastly, you should know that if you so wish, you may reside within the chamber as a home. There are highly powerful preservation seals placed all throughout the rooms so everything should be exactly as it was left. Safe travels true child of light.-
Naruto was left absolutely stunned. Not only did his brain hurt a little bit from taking in so much information, complicated information at that. Really, why use big words when you can just be simple and straightforward? Naruto would never get that. But his head was swimming with the possibilities and implications of what was said in the letter. Light ninjutsu style? It sort of sounded cool. Would he be able to shoot lasers out of his hands and stuff?
Not only that, but he just found out that he was something called the "True child of light" and that it was super rare.
"So basically I'm a super awesome guy with lots of chakra and now I can learn light ninjutsu because my soul is pure? Cool. Let's check out those rooms that this Hikari guy was talking about." Naruto said excitedly.
And so he did. He looked through every single inch of the chamber, and found that it was all near spotless. It had everything he would ever need, a kitchen, multiple bathrooms, a recreation area, a dining room, it even had a library.
In fact, they even had a running fountain with a statue of a tall woman wearing a traditional kimono with long flowing hair, a VERY generous chest, and a perfect and beautiful face. There was no other way to describe this woman.
She was beautiful. Way better than Sakura, Ino, or any girl his age. He looked at the plaque below the statue and it said that she was that Isamu lady that Hikari-ojiisan talked about in his letter.
"Wow. The child of light before me sure set standards for me huh? Well I'll live up to that, and be TEN times better than she was!" For once, this declaration of a challenge wasn't said in a spiteful way as it normally was. Naruto's voice was full of determination that would surely help him back up his claim.
Finally, Naruto claimed the biggest room in the chamber as the one he was going to put all his stuff in when he got back.
When he got back…..from…."THE ACADEMY YA KNOW!" Naruto yelled at the top of his lungs. He was glad he was thirty feet underground encased in stone or half of Konoha would have heard that shriek.
Instantly he dropped all of the scrolls he had grabbed and any books on his new bed and once again bolted out of his door…err…..hatch. He closed the hatch and made sure he knew he could find it again if he needed to. Immediately he took off into the trees, not looking back at all. Bolting towards the academy once again at top speed.
In front of Iruka's door, The academy, Konohagakure no Sato
He was three hours late. Three. Hours. Late. This was going to suck.
Naruto slowly slid open the door and looked at the crowd around him. Iruka-Sensei was standing at the front of the class with the standard final year academy pamphlet in his hands, and every student except Naruto was seated in a seat of their choice. Iruka turned to Naruto with an absolute look of disbelief.
"Naruto. Why in the world are you three hours late on the first day? Give me one good reason I shouldn't make you stand outside right now until the next activity starts." Iruka said with a certain authority and subtle fear inducing rage that only a teacher could show.
Naruto immediately paled as white as a sheet of paper. He couldn't just tell them what really happened. People would call him a liar and he would still get kicked out. Then people might even go check out the chambers. He had to make something up quick.
"Uhh…I got lost…..on the road of life?" Naruto half-asked with a slight grin.
Iruka just deadpanned. 'Kakashi what have you done to my student? We will have a serious conversation later.'
He couldn't take this today. The first day was stressful enough. He didn't need to deal with the up and coming Kakashi right now. "Naruto, just sit down next to Kiba. We have only gone over the basics for this year. You've already heard them before so you're fine." He said pointing to the empty seat next to Kiba.
Naruto couldn't believe that actually worked. Maybe he should use that more often.
Training Ground 9, Konohagakure no Sato
While in the midst of a spar with his new team, Might Guy was all of a sudden overcome with a sense of dread and unyouthfulness. "DAMN YOU KAKASHI! YOU HAVE TAINTED THE YOUTH OF A YOUNG NINJA ONCE AGAIN! CURSE YOU KAKASHI!"
Team 9 could only wonder as to what was going on in this man's head. All except for one spandex wearing youth of course.
Academy Training Grounds, The Academy, Konohagakure no Sato
Once all of the formalities were out of the way and the students knew what was expected of them, the class headed outside to the academy training grounds to test the individual skills of each of the new students to see who would be a good match against who in terms of taijutsu.
Of course, having taught all of them in years past, Iruka knew the capabilities of the students, but it was completely possible that one or two of them had trained hard over the summer and so it was important to get a proper skills profile on each of his students.
The matches would be held in a tournament style with two separate tournaments, the boy's tournament and the girl's tournament. Until later on, it simply wouldn't be fair to put the girls against the boys due to the boys having naturally superior physical strength.
Luckily for Iruka, Naruto showed up so now they had an even 12 girls and 12 boys. He was afraid he was going to have to make one of the boys fight another match and have to deal with their endless complaining.
First up was the girl's tournament. Honestly, it wasn't much at all. Hinata was the only outstanding Fighter in the group, and even then she needed to work on her confidence even in battle. Sakura and Ino definitely had the basic stances and forms down, but as soon as their opponent pulled something new, they didn't know how to adapt. The rest of the girls were pretty decent, only a few that actually did terribly.
Sakura and Ino may have had good stances, but their physical strength was so bad due to their excessive dieting that they couldn't hold their own for more than a minute. That combined with the fact that past the basic stances and styles, their fighting was too rigid, too textbook.
Iruka sighed heavily. 'I guess we're really going to have to work hard this year on getting the girls up to speed physically, and we're going to have to figure out how to stop that dieting fad going around.'
"Alright everyone. Hinata is the winner of the girl's bracket. Next up is the boy's bracket.
The first match was between two civilian kids who weren't really much at all in terms of fighting, Hideki and Kouda. In the end, Hideki won by tripping Kouda and ending the fight.
The second match was between Sasuke and a civilian named Hori. Somehow, this fight was even more boring than the first. As soon as the signal to start was given, Sasuke closed the gap between the two and punched Hori once which caused him to fall out of the ring. Sasuke walked off, muttering something about no one being good enough to face an Uchiha elite like him.
The third match was a little more interesting than the first two. Granted, it was another two civilian kids named Takeshi and Akira, but they were evenly matched enough that the fight lasted for a few minutes of them just beating the snot out of each other. It eventually ended up as a pure stamina match to see who could take the most damage. Eventually Akira gave out and lost.
The fourth fight was between Naruto and a bigger kid named Toshihiro. Now that one was interesting.
Naruto and Toshihiro both came to the middle of the field and made the sign to signal that they were both ready. Toshihiro had always been an arrogant little snot, but especially when he was facing people that were so much smaller than him. It was like he felt the need to prove that he was superior in some way. He even started taunting Naruto before the fight.
"There's no way that a dobe like you can beat someone as strong as me you little runt. You should just give up now so you can save the little dignity you have left. You're just a worthless orphan who failed the exam twice now. You don't even deserve to be a ninja." Toshihiro sneered at Naruto.
But unknown to Toshihiro, Naruto had endured much worse from the mobs of villagers than what this kid could dish out. He wasn't even phased. "Can we get this started already Iruka-Sensei?"
Iruka just smiled. Typical Naruto. "Hajime!"
Iruka jumped back and the fight ensued. Naruto was certainly faster than Toshihiro, but he didn't have enough strength behind his punches to actually mean much to a bigger kid like him. Even when Naruto did manage to land a hit on him, Toshihiro always managed to shrug it off and go in for the grab as soon as Naruto was close enough to him. This went on for a few minutes, neither one willing to give up. Under normal circumstances, Toshihiro would have been at least a little out of breath and wearing down while Naruto would be fine, but because he was for the most part just waiting for Naruto to come to him, they were at a standstill. That is, until Naruto literally pulled Toshihiro's shirt over his head and made him an easy target. Naruto just pushed him out of the ring.
Of course, no one in the crowd really cared whether or not Toshihiro was ok, he was a jerk to everyone anyway. No. Many girls in the crowd except for a handful who for the most part, were indifferent. Some were even cheering him on for winning. The rest were all yelling at Naruto for "cheating". Sakura was by far the loudest.
"Iruka-sensei! Naruto cheated! You should disqualify him! Surely there are rules against that type of thing!" Sakura yelled loudly.
Of course, Kiba was the first to speak against this, he wasn't necessarily good friends with Naruto, but he certainly didn't think calling him a cheater was fair. "God. Can you get any louder? And besides, we're training to be ninja. Deception is a part of our job. As a member of a ninja clan, I think Naruto did really good. He used what he had on hand." Kiba reasoned.
That wasn't even the most surprising part. What happened next was. Sasuke actually spoke up.
"Hn. It hurts, but I agree with dog-breath, he actually didn't do half bad. I could have done better of course, but he did what he needed to do to win. I can respect that."
At least Sakura had the decency to look ashamed.
Naruto was the first to speak up. "Uhh, what? Is Sasuke actually saying I did something well? Kiba, quick, pinch me."
Sasuke just responded with his regular "Hn." And stalked off.
"Damn you with your hip and cool attitude Sasuke." Naruto muttered as he watched Sasuke's retreating form.
The fifth match was between Shino and Chouji. Shino held up pretty well but in the end, he was forced to forfeit because he was running out of stamina.
The sixth match didn't even happen. Shikamaru just forfeited before the match even started. He fell asleep muttering something about facing one of the strongest taijutsu users in the Academy in a normal match being troublesome. Naruto just didn't understand that one.
The seventh match was a fight between Hideki and Sasuke. Once again, Sasuke won with one punch knocking Hideki down. Man, could anyone last more than five seconds against this guy?
The eighth fight between Takeshi and Naruto was once again pretty slow. It was obvious that Naruto's taijutsu was extremely sloppy, but in the end, Naruto's monstrous stamina won him the match.
The ninth fight between Chouji and Kiba was certainly a heated one. Without being able to have Akamaru with him in battle, Kiba was more or less on an even playing field with the big boned boy. It was a good fight, but in the end, due to Kiba having not even fought yet while Chouji was a little bit tired out, Kiba was able to scrape a win out and come out as the victor.
The final three were now chosen. Sasuke, Naruto, and Kiba were going to have a three way battle to determine the victor.
Of course, Sasuke being Sasuke, just brooded. Not even slightly worried about the match.
Kiba took the time in-between the matches to take a breather and talk with Akamaru.
Naruto just sat there in silence. It was clear that the boy wasn't even winded after his last two fights. The strange thing was that he wasn't saying anything. He was just looking at his feet waiting for the fight to start. It was clear that he was deep in thought.
'Dammit. I barely won my matches again through stamina. Haven't I changed at all since last year?'
10 Minutes Later
The three boys were faced off in a triangle formation before the match started. They all performed their signs and got into their ready stances.
With that, the three boys were off. Naturally, Sasuke headed for the "stronger" of the two and dashed straight toward Kiba while Naruto and Kiba both charged Sasuke head on. Naruto and Kiba both got to their target at the same time. Kiba went for a right hook into Sasuke's face while Naruto aimed a sweep at his legs. It was a sort of non-verbal agreement between Kiba and Naruto that they should focus on Sasuke first then fight each other later.
Having been raised in a ninja clan, Kiba knew when he was outmatched, and if there was one thing valued in the Inuzuka clan, it was that you always stayed with your pack, and sometimes you need your pack to defeat a stronger enemy.
Naruto on the other hand was simply still suffering from his earlier realization about his skills and thought that maybe with this whole Child of light thing, he should try a new approach.
Sasuke decided to get out through the weaker link and pushed back against Naruto's leg to get out of the two man pincer attack. Naruto, having only been on one sturdy leg at the time, lost his balance and tumbled backwards.
"Damn. Sorry Kiba. I thought we had him." Naruto said, expecting Kiba to ridicule him.
But then Kiba shocked him. "It's cool man. Just get your head in the game. We're gonna need both of us to take this bastard out."
And with that, a new kinship was born. Bonds made in battle were often some of the strongest after all. Even if it was just an academy spar.
Kiba's idea certainly made sense. Kiba himself without Akamaru could come close to matching Sasuke in taijutsu, and even though Naruto wasn't the best at taijutsu, he could still perform as a distraction and helper in duo strategies.
"Naruto, I need you to distract his front enough so that he takes his focus off of me. Can you do that?"
Naruto hesitated. He was about to say that he wasn't sure, or that he would try, but that wouldn't do. This was serious. This wasn't just about him now. He had a partner. "Hell yeah. Let's kick his ass."
That was what Kiba wanted to hear. He sprinted forward in Sasuke's direction and at the last second before impact, he swerved to the right. Appearing right where Kiba was previously, Naruto got right up into Sasuke's face. Sasuke couldn't look away to search for Kiba. Regardless of how he felt about Naruto's fighting skills, even a small hit could set Sasuke off balance and give an opening for more attacks from either one of them.
So Sasuke did the only thing he was left with. He jabbed straight at Naruto, hoping to get him out at least temporarily until he could deal with Kiba. Damn why did they have to be such pests and team up?
Sasuke's fist hit dead on with Naruto's face. 'Heh. Well that takes care of that.' What he didn't expect was for Naruto to have braced himself on the ground, expecting the hit, and not budging an inch.
Naruto quickly found the new opening in Sasuke's stance and took advantage of it. He put all of his strength into one punch to Sasuke's stomach. That alone nearly made Sasuke keel over and admit defeat hunched over.
However, it didn't help when Kiba decided at that moment to join in and flex Sasuke's spine the opposite way as he sent a strong Tsuuga (Passing fang) straight to Sasuke's back with a ferocious yell. He still hadn't perfected the move yet, and it sure took a lot out of him, but it was enough to send Sasuke careening across the ring out of the other side and knocked unconscious.
Only one thing went through everyone's mind.
'They did it.'
A couple of the boys were even cheering for them, while the most of the girl's side, aside from a few girls who really didn't care, was filled with screams for their "Sasuke-kun" and of course for Naruto and Kiba's blood. Figuratively of course...mostly.
Iruka took this opportunity to step in. "Sasuke is out by ring out and unconsciousness!"
Now it was just Naruto and Kiba. Kiba was slightly worse for wear due to using the Tsuuga, but Naruto was more or less the same due to taking both of Sasuke's hits. One of which was a very sharp jab to the face. In other words, painful.
Naruto jumped to the other side of the ring, not wanting to be caught in a close up brawl with Kiba right now. So now the question was, what would win, immense stamina and tricks, or skilled taijutsu?
Kiba spoke up first. "Nice job Naruto. I respect that kinda grit and determination to win you know? Now you have to get through me." He said with a wide grin, clearly showing that he was enjoying this battle.
"Same to you Kiba. Nice technique there. You've gotta show me again some time. Bring it on. I aim to win ya know." Naruto responded with a grin just as wide as his opponent.
At this point the two fighters on the field had greatly impressed everyone in the crowd with their fight so far. Even the fangirls to an extent. A very small one of course. Not that they would ever admit to that.
Almost as if it were planned, the two ran at each other to engage in what would end up as the final battle.
Naruto tried the trick Kiba used earlier and swerved to the left at the last second and aimed a left kick at Kiba's torso. Kiba of course already having used this trick, knew what to expect and countered with his own right kick which met with Naruto's thigh.
Naruto, having placed his leg on top, used Kiba as leverage to boost himself up into the air and take a kick with his right leg at Kiba's head. Kiba barely had time to recover from his shock to cross his arms in front of his face to block the second kick. This caused Kiba to slide a little bit, nearing closer and closer to the edge.
"Damn Naruto. That sure was crafty. But you won't catch me off guard like that again!" Kiba exclaimed proudly.
"We'll see about that when you're on the ground Kiba ya know!"
Iruka considered stopping this fight just in case it got too messy, but he knew that would destroy the pride both boys had and possibly even this new kinship that had formed.
Once again, the two boys advanced towards each other with renewed vigor. This time, Kiba had the upper hand, he dodged Naruto's fast right hook, feinted with his left side, and struck Naruto in the abdomen with his right.
The two were fighting each other to a standstill. Kiba, clearly the more tired of the two, took this chance. "How about we end this here and now Naruto. A final stand."
Naruto just grinned. "Sounds good to me."
"TSUUGA!" (Passing Fang)
"TAKE THIS KIBA!" Naruto then ducked around the lightning quick move. Not enough to completely dodge it, but enough to minimize the damage. Naruto then did the unthinkable.
Naruto grabbed Kiba with both of his arms. He wrapped his arms around the spinning torpedo that was Kiba and stopped him in his tracks. Of course, he didn't get out of this unharmed at all, His arms were positively shredded, any bare skin having been ripped off in the process. The pain caused Naruto to black out almost immediately.
Meanwhile, Kiba had also passed out due to the strain of using Tsuuga twice in a short period of time in a spar and trying to keep it prolonged as long as possible the second time to make Naruto let go.
Suffice to say, both boys were out cold. Somehow a three-way battle between the Top fighter in the class overall, the best in taijutsu in the class, and the class dobe, ended up with all three passed out with severe injuries and strain.
Iruka was speechless. Everything was quiet in the field for a few seconds while people processed what just happened. It had certainly been an intense fight.
"B-both fighters are unable to continue! Naruto and Kiba tie for first place!" Iruka said with a dumbfounded voice.
"Chouji! Shikamaru! Shino! Grab these three and get them to the infirmary!"
Shino picked up Naruto, Shikamaru picked up Sasuke, and Chouji picked up Kiba. All three boys turned to go back into the building when they saw it.
Tons of students were looking out the windows at the field. Apparently the school day had already ended and some spectators decided to join.
And it wasn't just the students either, even some of the teachers were watching the fight intensely as well. Tons of people had just seen that entire battle! Hell, that tournament had taken the rest of the day, some of the parents were even watching! Shikamaru, Chouji, and Ino's dads were all there! Kiba's mom was there! EVEN SHINO'S DAD CAME?!
In the words of Shikamaru, this would only turn out to be… troublesome.
As the three boys carried the unconscious fighters to the infirmary, they got cheers, and awed looks.
"Yep. Definitely troublesome." Shikamaru muttered under his breath.
When they finally delivered the three to the infirmary, they were surprised to say the least at the fact that Naruto's wounds had already started to visibly heal. His arms and torso would still take a whole day to heal fully at this rate, but it was astounding.
Sasuke would be allowed to leave as soon as he woke up seeing as his injuries weren't as severe. For the most part, Kiba was just suffering from physical exhaustion. So as soon as he woke up and had a full checkup done, he could leave.
It was at that moment that the Ino-Shika-Cho trio and Tsume Inuzuka all barged into the infirmary to either speak to their sons, visit their unconscious son, or just be there with their friends in Inoichi's case.
Yep. It was going to be a long week.
Author's Note: Hello! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter of "The True Child of Light". I stayed up all night to write this so I hope you do anyways. If anyone has any questions please ask in the form of a review and I will either answer you then or I will answer you at the beginning of the second chapter. Any criticism is welcome. This is my first story so I need all the help I can get.
1: The scroll is about the size of the summoning scrolls.
I should note now that I will be using the Japanese forms of most Jutsu along with the English versions. In addition, I will be using words such as sensei and such. It just wouldn't feel like Naruto without it. However, I will most likely always use English for any cursing or pretty much anything else you can think of. There will be a few exceptions to this rule however. For example, Naruto may say "Sasuke-Teme" in one instance, but he may say "Bastard" in another. Any common words such as "Baka" or Sakura's famous "Shannaro" will be preserved of course. I'm not sure how I feel about Naruto's saying yet however. He may grow out of that sooner than he did in canon.