This wasn't something that Yuuri did.

This wasn't something that Yuuri should do.

So, why was he sitting in his hotel room, the night before the Grand Prix short program, waiting for an escort. It was dumb. It was illegal (he thought it was at least?). It was pricey. How had this come about? Was it because his boyfriend in Detroit had broken up with him? Because he had spent the last months in the void that ending university did?

It had happened that morning, as he had laid in his hotel room after arriving the day before. He had been flipping through his phone, watching his Instagram feed. Watching his friends enjoying themselves the night before, perhaps he had checked up what his ex was up to (which perhaps made him hide under his pillows).

It had been easy. Too easy. Yuuri worried that police were going to burst through the doors of the restaurant to arrest him. A webpage, too structured, so many people, so many prices, things they were willing to do. It had been slightly overwhelming. It made him feel dirty, watching the boys, most half nude or in provocative poses.

Yuuri had felt discouraged, and almost closed the tab, but then a picture caught his eye. "Vitya H" smiled against him with icy blue eyes and grey, beautiful short hair in a nice, clean hair-cut. Vitya H was older than him by a couple of years, but more gorgeous than Yuuri could ever wish for. He wore a black turtleneck under a heavy jacket, and looked more as if he was taking a picture to a dating site, and not selling sex.

Discreet it said. Yuuri liked that word. It had been on many other profiles, but he liked it a lot on Vitya's. He had written to him.

Hi, are you free tonight by any chance? / Saito (he had made up the last name, not wanting to reveal himself. It was such a sleazy site.)

It had not been many minutes before Yuuri refreshed the page again and there was a reply.

I am. :) What time would you like to meet me? Please text me. There had also been a phone number, and Yuuri had considered taking a shower and hitting the rink before he replied again.

But he decided to be courageous. Hello, Saito here. What about 9pm?

9pm is great. Where then, mister? ;)

Yuuri sat on the edge of his bed. He shouldn't reply, he knew that he should stop this nonsense. But he thought of the man, about his hair, that honest smile. And he had written down his hotel, as well as the room, and pressed sent.

Lovely! I'll see you then, Mr. Saito.

And that was it. Yuuri had spent his day practicing. Going to the gym, running, practicing his routine. His coach had said that he was doing well, but he still didn't land his jumps. Yuuri wanted nothing else than to win. Perhaps having sex was just what he needed?

It wasn't until the evening he thought about it again. When he was standing in front of his coach, Pinchit and some other skaters, declining to come with them for dinner. Instead, he walked to the closest ATM and cashed out money. He wasn't sure how much he needed, as he wasn't sure how long it would take and the price had been by the hour and… Yuuri just wasn't sure.

And now he was sitting there, waiting for the man to turn up. For there to be knock on the door. He had ordered something from the room service hours ago. He had showered and dressed in fresh clothes again. And he was waiting.

The clock stroke 9. Yuuri stared at the door. He should be here by now. What if it was a scam? (How could it be a scam if they didn't exchange any numbers?) Yuuri would have been early, he thought. Then again, he wasn't an escort.

9:04. Nothing

9:09. Nothing

9:14. Noth-no, there was a knock on the door.

Yuuri froze. Fuck. He shouldn't open, he should just let the man leave, pretend that it never happened. But, he soon felt his feet touch the carpet, and they moved towards the door. His hand grabbed the handle, pulling it down and the door swung open. And outside in the hallway was Vitya H. With grey hair, and equally gorgeous smile as on his pictures. He was taller than Yuuri, but not by much. "Mr. Saito?" the man's voice was sweet as well.

"Yes, please come in," Yuuri said and opened the door even more, letting the man inside. The man had his coat draped over his arm, and he was wearing a simple, dark green long armed sweater, and a pair of black pants. They weren't tight, but still showed off his ass.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I was held up." The man hanged up his coat as if he lived there, but Yuuri said nothing. "You're younger than I imagined!" Vitya said and smiled at the man. "Much cuter though."

Yuuri blushed at the comment. "D-do you want the money now or later?" The hotel room wasn't large, it was rather small. There was a queen sized bed, closer to the windows looking out over Sochi, a desk with a chair, a tv, and then the hallway with the only closet. But it was enough for one person. For two, it became a little bit crowded.

Vitya's smile was kind and gentle. "It depends on you. Do you know how much time you want to spend? A quicky? An hour? More?"

Yuuri shook his head. "This isn't something I usually do."

"I'd suggest two hours then." Vitya moved a bit closer to him, and Yuuri realised that he didn't feel as intimidated as he had thought, just a bit bashful. "I'd appreciate to get paid first, and if we go on for longer, we'll settle that later."

Yuuri nodded eagerly. "Yes, alright." Vitya slipped passed him and sat down on the bed as Yuuri found his wallet, picking out the money, which now seemed so little. Vitya seemed to be worth a lot more? Would he be in a bigger town?

"What should I call you? Mr. Saito? You can call me Viktor, or Vitya."

Yuuri looked back from his task. "Oh, Yuuri."

"Yuuri… you're Japanese, aren't you?" Viktor said delighted. "I like sushi and all that." The man laughed and Yuuri found himself being enchanted by the smile.

"Yeah, Japanese, but right now I live in the US." He handed the money to the man, who took them. He did not count them, or at least Yuuri didn't see him do it.

"The US? Are you a businessman?"

Yuuri laughed. "No, nothing like that!"

Viktor patted besides him. "Come sit down." Viktor was experienced, he knew that first timers were usually a bit shy, and cute guys such as Yuuri had to be guided a little bit. "You're young, I'm not used to that." The man winked at him and Yuuri finally sat down next to him.

Almost immediately, Viktor placed a hand on his thigh. "Tell me what you like, Yuuri, and if you don't like something. I'll do anything you want." The blue eyes met the black orbs. It was like looking into the ice that had been Yuuri's mistress for years now. His friend that he had always been able to confide in.

"I like most things." Yuuri said.

Viktor slipped off the bed, placing himself between Yuuri's legs, looking up at him with a smile on his lips. "Let me help you relax." The man's left hand still rested on Yuuri's thigh, but the other was busy with the zipper of his jeans. Yuuri's breath was already getting heavier and he felt a blush spread over his cheeks. His jeans were beginning to feel uncomfortably tight. Viktor's hand finally undid the pants, and his hand moved into his boxers, grabbing his cock, moving his hand up and down a couple of times. Viktor freed Yuuri's cock from the fabric. It had gone from soft to hard embarrassingly quick. "Impressive." Viktor smiled up at the man.

"Thank you." Yuuri said, but blushed when he realised how weird that sounded.

"You're adorable!" Viktor exclaimed and without breaking eye contact, he leaned in and sucked on the head, his tongue skilfully moving over the slit. Yuuri looked down in sheer amazement, his mouth slightly open as he watched the man's pink lips slid over his cock leaving a slick layer of saliva over it. The blonde stopped half way, and let his tongue work as his head began to gently bob up and down over his cock, as he brought his hands up, one of them fondling the balls, gently squeezing, and pressing, the other firmly jerking the man off.

Yuuri didn't stop looking at the man, and sometimes Viktor looked back up, and when he did, he smiled at the younger man. The ice skater let out a few moans and the escort between his thighs let his cock slip further into his mouth, he heard him gagging as he slipped down his throat. Viktor was close to burying his nose in the black, cute pubes before he pulled back again, his lips sliding off the cock with a loud pop. "Quite nice, isn't it?" Viktor said cheerfully, using both his hands to spread his saliva over his cock.

"Y-yes." Yuuri grunted and nodded.

Viktor let go of his shirt to pull his own shirt off. Yuuri noticed how his hair was still perfect. "Do you want me to suck on it some more?" he asked with a flirty smile. Yuuri only nodded. His hands gripped onto the sheets as Viktor's pink lips once more slid over his cock. Viktor seemed to notice and after a while he reached for Yuuri's hand, grabbing it, and for a moment hold in it, before he placed it on his hand. He smiled up at the black-haired man as he sucked his cock, trying to get in more than he had before.

Yuuri was very cautious, he didn't hold onto the hair that hard, but soon his other hand gently stroked Viktor's neck, while the other was nestled into the silver locks. "I want to fuck you." Yuuri blurted out, the blush spreading over his cheeks. Viktor looked up at him again, but continued to suck his cock for a while before moving away.

"Anything for you, handsome." Yuuri wished he had said nothing when Viktor moved to his coat, he wished that he was back between his legs again, but when he saw what he returned with, he felt his heart beating. "I always use a condom, is that okay?" Viktor leaned in over Yuuri and kissed his chin, leaving a wet mark after himself. Viktor dropped his pants to the floor, and as he was stepping out of his socks and shoes, he pulled at Yuuri's t-shirt, but Yuuri pulled at it, wanting to keep it on. The man's hand quickly stopped and instead just stroked his body.

"Yeah, of course, of course." Yuuri nodded profusely.

"Some people don't want that, but you can never be too careful, right? I knew you would get it, you seem very reasonable." Viktor pushed back Yuuri in the bed and handed him the condom and the packets of lube. "You have had sex before right?"

Did he seem that inexperienced? "Yes, just not with…"

"A prostitute?"

"I was going to say with someone as pretty." Yuuri noticed how the man suddenly stopped stroking him, but just for a moment.

"That was sweet of you, you're quite a smooth talker, aren't you?" Viktor laid down next to him, his hand once more on Yuuri's cock, pumping it in his hand. His lips kissed Yuuri's cheek. "I feel like I'm going to be very well taken care of tonight."

Yuuri looked at the man's now naked body. It had happened so quickly. It was lean, and perfectly white, except for a few bruises on his hips, and a slight redness to his knees. It made Yuuri remember what he was doing, that Viktor was only playing the perfect date, when in fact he had probably slept with someone earlier that evening. And then Yuuri looked down at his crotch. It was a nice cock, and Viktor was shaved, but it was completely flaccid. "You're not hard?" The words slipped out of Yuuri's mouth out of habit.

Viktor looked back up at him, as he had busied himself kissing Yuuri's neck. "Do you want me to be?" His hands left Yuuri's body and he stroked his own cock. "I'll do anything for you, Yuuri, I just wasn't paying attention." The escort smiled at Yuuri and crawled closer to him. "Stretch me, please, Yuuri." Viktor's voice dripped with eroticism and he moved away from Yuuri, getting on his knees but burying his head in a pillow.

His ass was perfectly smooth. Viktor was fit, almost as fit as the professional athlete who moved to kick off his jeans before moving up to Viktor, kneeling behind him. He poured some clear lube in his hand, and with most care tried to enter a lone finger into his body. It worked without much effort and Yuuri let another one enter. He took it slower from there, just enjoying the sounds that Viktor made. The escort wasn't acting, or it didn't sound like it, and soon his cock was as hard as Yuuri's was. "Does it feel alright?" Yuuri asked cautiously as he had managed to get a third finger inside. He knew to look for that oval shape, the bulb of nerves that made Viktor buck his hips and moan into the pillow.

"More than alright Yuuri, fuck me, please fuck me."

Yuuri wasted time fumbling with the condom, rolling it over his cock. Viktor impatiently wiggled his hips and when Yuuri placed his hands on the blonde's hips, Viktor whined out loud. Yuuri was lost in the moment. He wasn't having sleazy sex with an escort, but rather making love to a gorgeous man. He entered him, it was tight and warm. Viktor moaned and as Yuuri thrusted, Viktor rocked his hips with him.

Yuuri's hands didn't stay on Viktor's hips, but stroked his ass, his thighs, his back, his shoulder. After a while, Yuuri stopped and pulled at Viktor who graciously followed him, laying down on his back, and Yuuri continuing to thrust, feeling how Viktor's legs wrapped around his waist, and his hand moving underneath him. "It feels so good, Yuuri, fuck," Viktor moaned.

"Yes, fuck," Yuuri managed to say before Viktor placed a hand around his neck. Their eyes met and as they were moving in unison they looked into each other's eyes until Viktor came. His whole body contracted. The legs around Yuuri's legs pulled him closer, his hole tightened and his eyes closed as cum spurted out of his cock.

"Fuck, yes, Yuuri!" Viktor said post orgasm, a moaning panting mess. Yuri continued to thrust into him, and he wasn't far from coming either. Viktor embraced him as he came, and Yuuri kissed his lips, a kiss that Viktor joined in on.

They stayed like that a while, before Yuuri carefully slipped out, pulling off the condom and disposing it. The blonde man still laid spread in his bed, his breathing uneven, and he stretched out his arms for the skater. "Come," he asked and smiled, even though his eyes were closed. Yuuri crawled up with him and Viktor rested his head against his shirt. "That was nice."

"Yeah, it really was." Yuuri admitted.

Then they laid there in the silence until Viktor began to move. "I think I should get going," he said and threw a look on the watch on the bedside table.

"Already?" Yuuri felt almost disappointed.

"Well, we can meet again, can't we?" Viktor sat up in the bed and looked down on him.

Yuuri looked at the gorgeous man. "I guess."

"Please call me. I liked this a lot." Viktor gave the man a kiss on his forehead, before he crawled out of the bed and got dressed. Yuuri watched him as he did, and Viktor did a silly little dance when he got his shirt on again. Viktor fixed his hair while looking in the mirror above the desk, and then smiled back at Yuuri, watching him through it.

They said goodbye, and Viktor told Yuuri to stay in bed, as he then left the room, the door shutting behind him. Yuuri had a shower and then fell asleep.

Viktor Nikiforov had grown up poor. He had always been poor, and he was proud that instead of falling into substance abuse and an abusive "romantic" relationship with a pimp, he was able to provide for himself. He knew it wasn't legal, and he didn't know if he enjoyed it. But he could tend for himself. For now.

As he laid on his back, moaning as the beer belly belonging to a French tourist bounced against his thighs, he thought back on earlier that evening, about that nice Japanese man. He had been so gentle, so caring. They had kissed and it felt as if they were teenagers experiencing their first love. Or at least that had been what it felt like to Viktor. He didn't think about the man in front of him, and even if he sucked his dick with the same enthusiasm, he didn't feel the same. His cock didn't get hard and he didn't come even though the man spurted his cum all over his face, as he jerked off over him. "I liked this a lot!" Viktor repeated the same words, but he had truly meant it earlier. Now it was just empty works.

"Stay tonight."

"Then you'll have to pay, sir."

"Yes, yes, I'll pay. Tomorrow, do you want to go to the skating competition I told you about?" the man was apparently a fan of the sport. Viktor knew that there was a competition in town, he had seen the posters after all, and there was a lot more costumers willing to meet in hotel rooms, as they weren't hiding from their families.

Viktor crawled up next to the man, throwing the paper he had used to wipe his face into the bin. "It'll cost a lot."

"You don't think I can pay?"

Viktor shook his head and laughed. "I trust you." They were after all in a large suite in Sochi's grandest hotel. The clock the man was wearing ran so smoothly and his clothes was tailored to fit over his gut. He was in his fifties, and not to bad considering all things that could be wrong. "I just want some arm candy. It's the men's short program. Do you watch figure skating?"

"Not as often as I'd like." Viktor said and smiled kindly at the man. He had never watched figure skating in any other way than glancing towards the screen if it happened to be on. "But I find it beautiful when I get to watch it." He gently trailed his hand over the man's skin. He wished he had gotten to touch Yuuri like this, that he had taken his shirt off. "It's still going to be the same hourly rate, even if we don't have sex."

"Don't you do public?"

Viktor looked at him. "It's a bit risky, isn't it?"

"I won't get caught." The man stroked his hair roughly. Viktor continued to smile. Well… it would be exciting, wouldn't it? Something new.

"Anything for you, Henri." Viktor sucked his dick once more before they went to bed. The man grabbed his body in their sleep, but Viktor didn't mind. It was his job after all. Viktor slept peacefully and kissed the man goodmorning, his hands tending to the man's crotch before the man was even awake. Viktor kissed him gently, first using his mouth to please him, but soon found himself bouncing on top of the man, who held onto his hips, grunting. Viktor, who did all the work, but was used to that, moaned enthusiastically, playing along in the man's fantasy that he wanted this, until the man came. They showered together and went out.

The man bought him a new coat and shirt "that you can wear today". Viktor sucked his dick in the booth of the high-end store, sitting on his knees and watching himself in the mirror as his head bobbed back and forth and the man's fingers were buried in his hair, making sure to lock him into positions that he liked. But he did get a good coat over it.

If the man wanted eye-candy, then that was what he was going to get. Viktor looked stunning by his side, and while they didn't look like a couple, Viktor liked to think that they looked less like an escort and his client, and more like a beneficial couple. They ate lunch together, and Viktor ordered the most expensive thing without feeling ashamed. The man could afford to pay for it. They took a taxi to the Iceberg Skating Palace, which didn't look more like an iceberg than the last time.

They had seating on the first row, behind the judges. The place was already mostly full, and yet they didn't get to sit down. "Mr. Bouchard!" Viktor tried his best to not look as an escort, they had decided on the story if someone asked.

"Karpisek, old friend!" Henri stood up and leaned over the fence to shake the man's hand. "How's Christophe?" Viktor sat still and greeted the man when attention turned to him. It was probably obvious for an "old friend" that Viktor was bought rather than there for his own sake, because no questions were asked about him.

"He's doing well, very excited, ready to go. I'm sure he'd like to meet you though." The bald man smiled widely at Henri.

Henri chuckled. "Well, well, I'd love to meet him too, I haven't seen him for ages. Come on Viktor, let's meet a world champion.

Viktor had known the man was rich, but he had not thought that he would as influential as he turned out to be. There was a lot of talk about the Olympics as they made their way through corridors. Viktor walked next to Henry, keeping to his side and trying to look as if he understood half of the terms. Viktor knew better than to ask. They reached a locker room, and Viktor found himself staring at a naked body. A good naked body, but still naked. "Christophe, get dressed, look who I found!" Karpisek and Henri simply laughed and the man, the skater, probably very comfortable with his sexuality, draped a towel around him.

"No, Henri Bouchard!" the blonde skater said. "What have I done to get this honour?"

"Don't think I won't judge fairly," Henri chuckled. "Viktor, meet Christophe, world championship twice over. He'll win today I tell you, not a doubt in my body!"

"Hello, handsome thing," Christophe only waved at him and Viktor was left with his hand reaching out. "How did you meet that gorgeous thing, Henri?"

"I think we all know how," Henri admitted, making Viktor lose face. Even if he took pride being able to take care of himself, and when he thought of himself, he didn't feel disgusted because of his profession, but he didn't like being outed as one in front of others. He tensed up a little bit, but kept the smile on his lips.

Karpisek laughed, and Christophe, the man that had achieved more than Viktor could ever dream of, smiled. "I might steal him from you, Henri."

"I'll get him for you if you win, quite good." Viktor opened his mouth as to protest, but changed his mind. He was a commodity, he was for sale.

"I wouldn't mind sleeping with a world champion." He looked into Christophe's hazel eyes, tilting his head ever so slightly as he smiled at him.

Christophe smirked back at him. "Well, meet me at my hotel in two days."

Viktor smiled and placed his hand on Henri's shoulder. "Sure, and Henri's paying?"

"For as long as Christophe wants." Henri laughed whole heartedly. People were still mysteries to him. "Now, let's leave him alone to get ready, you're number 3 right?"

"Yes, after Katsuki and Altin." They chatted a bit about some Chinese skater, and then Henri and Viktor left, leaving the man alone. And they stepped out in the hallway, almost stepping into someone.

"Excuse me!" Henri said, but when he saw that it was a skater he had crashed into, he began to apologize. Viktor stood silent as he stared into dark brown eyes.

"Viktor?" The words spilled over Yuuri's lips automatically. He had missed him since he had watched him leave the room. And now he was here? At the rink? With… with an IOC member? Yuuri wetted his lips, stroking his sides.

Viktor felt confused and stared into the beautiful face, he wasn't wearing the cute glasses, and his hair was neater, and instead of the casual clothes, he wore sports gear. And skates. He was a skater. He was going to compete today? Viktor didn't know why he felt surprised, but he did. "Do you two know each other?" Henri asked, and Viktor could hear the amusement in his voice.

"Yes, Yuuri dropped his wallet yesterday, and I ran after him." Viktor's lie came fast as it was one he had said many times. Yuuri was silent. "I didn't know you skated!" Viktor smiled and let go of Henri, grabbing Yuuri's shoulder. "I'll cheer for you!"

Yuuri looked at the man Viktor was with. He understood why Viktor was there, it was painfully obvious and what was worse was that his coach spoke to the man, leaving Viktor and Yuuri on their own. Yuuri couldn't help but think of the man's moaning voice, and he wondered if the two of them had slept together yet. "Thank you, Viktor."

"I didn't know you skated, why didn't you tell me that you were in a competition!?" Viktor said before he controlled himself. Yuuri had not said anything because he wanted to be anonymous. And Viktor was ruining that for him at that moment.

"It never came up, really." Viktor leaned in and hugged the boy. He had missed him too. He had felt something special with him. He… wanted to see him again. Much more than he wanted to see Christophe.

"Viktor, come on, let's go back, Katsuki is the first to skate." Henri's voice was cold.

"Yes, yes. Good luck Yuuri, I hope you win!" Viktor had to hurry after his client, but he looked back at Yuuri, waving at him.

Yuuri could feel his heart beating faster. "Bouchard is an IOC member," Celestino looked after him and the young man who had draped himself over Henri. "One would think they would have more moral than hiring escorts."

Yuuri felt his face draining of all colours. "Yeah."

"I mean, that poor man, imagine it, having to laugh at Bouchard's boring jokes." Celestino laughed. "Well, come on then Yuuri! Let's go!"

It had been so beautiful. Viktor had not been able to tear his eyes from the graceful, gorgeous man on the ice, who moved as if he was the music. Viktor had clapped the hardest, and forgotten that he wasn't there because of Yuuri Katsuki.

Their eyes had met when Yuuri had bowed to the judges. "Is that good?" Viktor asked as Yuuri scored over a hundred points on his short programme.

"Yes, very," Henri said slightly annoyed over Viktor's sudden infatuation with the Japanese skater. "But Christophe will score higher." Viktor nodded and soothed the man by holding his hand.