This is the final chapter of Tropics! Funnily enough, oneshots included, it's the 100th chapter of the Ancienverse! Let's celebrate it in grand style! Chapter 26 time!

Chapter 26

An Omen

"Well…that wasn't fun…" Jessie's sigh of exhaustion echoed across to James as he laid there, staring up at the sky, tinged with red and orange. It had been quite the day for all of them. Next to him, Meowth was rolled up into a ball, already taking a nap despite having done next to nothing in the actual battle. James wasn't one to blame him in that moment. He did sit up, though.

"It looks like the city took a real beating…" he observed, casting his gaze over the brightly lit Heahea City. It had certainly taken damage in the assault that had been made by the rampaging Pokémon. Houses were kicked in, roads were ripped up and trees were toppled over. All in all, the place had taken a rather nasty beating. Perhaps not as bad as Ancien City in Kalos (especially when considering that the people here still had their electricity), but still something that would take at least a couple days to patch up.

"And to think I thought we'd be celebrating and eating!" Jessie snapped, folding her arms across her chest. James nodded.

"Wobba…" Wobbuffet quietly concurred, himself still splayed out on the grassy hill that overlooked the city, next to Meowth. James sighed.

"The real question is…what now?" he asked of his magenta-haired companion.

"Portals in the sky, rampaging Pokémon, and whatever the heck that freaky thing the twerp fought was…" Jessie muttered out. James' head turned to look at her, wondering just what she was really thinking about from this entire mess. "Ugh! This is way too complicated!"

"Yer tellin' me…" Meowth spoke up, clearly waking up from his cat nap to join in on the conversation. James hadn't even heard him get up, but here he was, already padding forward to the edge of the hill to look out at the city. He, too, had folded his arms in a surly expression. "Dat was one real doozy of an event. Makes ya wonder what caused it."

"It was that weird, freaky portal, wasn't it?" Jessie snapped. Meowth refused to answer, while James placed a finger on his chin, tapping it. He wanted to say that Jessie was right, but there had been something even more odd about what had emerged from within the portal. For a moment, he had felt his mind fog up, like it was telling him to turn away from Team Rocket and move to help the citizens further. Judging from the glazed expressions on his companions' faces at the time, they appeared to have experienced much the same thing.

"I wonder if it was that creature, instead…" James noted. That drew both Meowth and Jessie's attentions. "You felt it, too, right? That weird fog."

"I thought I was just hungry," Jessie countered.

"Yeah, we didn't get the chance to have a celebratory dinner," Meowth noted. James frowned at the notion, wondering, in some way, how they could be thinking about dinner after what they had just seen and experienced. Then his own stomach rumbled. "Is there any mention of dat weird ting in our databases?"

"None at all," the blue-haired man sighed. He had spent time looking for any mention of the strange creature, but had found next to nothing. "I have no idea what it could be."

"So we have nothing to report to the boss, then," Jessie sighed out. She now flopped upon the grass, looking up at the stars emerging in the sky. The entire area was starting to darken, with the hill becoming awash in night, and James flopped back as well. "We're really stuck."

"Not quite," he pointed out to her. "You managed to win the Heahea Lei! That counts for something, right?" Jessie didn't answer right away, though even without looking over, he could tell that she was smiling. Truth be told, James felt that Jessie looked right at home on the stage, battling the twerpette, and he adored being in the audience, cheering her on. For a brief second, he thought of suggesting that as a career path if they ever wanted to leave Team Rocket, but quickly dismissed it as a foolish fantasy.

"I suppose that's something…" Jessie finally stated. She threw her hands behind her head. "So, what are our options now?"

"Well, we can always go back to nabbin' da twoip's Pikachu," Meowth suggested. Wobbuffet somewhat seemed to agree with this idea, though James felt he may have just been snoring.

"That's so passé," the magenta-haired woman waved off flippantly. "And I'd rather not be on the receiving end of one of those Z-Moves, thank you very much."

"I second that!"


"Fine, buncha sissies…" Meowth muttered out. Jessie kicked her leg, missing Meowth and hitting James in the shin. "Well, we can track Team Skull, or ARC, or try to look at dat strange creature and get all da data on it we can for da boss."

Meowth's last idea seemed to hit the best idea amongst all of them. ARC was on a completely different island now, and though they had no ties to Akala outside of the twerps anymore, James still didn't feel like it was best to pursue them after having been so thoroughly routed before. Team Skull didn't feel like an issue that needed solving, either. Which really left only one area of expertise…

"I guess we should look for info on that creature," he ended up agreeing. "But let's do it without actually encountering one. If it took everything even the twerp had…"

"I agree with James!" Jessie snapped quickly, like she was putting her foot down on the issue completely. "There is that lab in the city, right? The twerpette had mentioned something about it. Maybe they could help out and we could have a better clue from there."

"There are also ruins on the island," James suggested, a gleeful grin beginning to stretch his face. "Maybe we could pilfer some prized Pokémon while we get some temporary jobs before the twerps head to Ula'ula. Like you said, Jessie, following the twerp always leads us to the source of things!"

"Well, den we're decided! Tomorrow, Team Rocket's takin' jobs in da city!" Meowth said, raising his paw into the air. Jessie and James reached over to enclose their own hands over it. "But for now…

"Team Rocket's dozing off again!"

He was running down a hallway, dark and dingy, unable to see what was in front of him. People were crying, screaming around him, but no matter how much he tried to reach for their hands as he ran, he simply couldn't grab them. They'd always slip just out of his reach, leaving him panting and breathless, but continuing on. He had to reach the end of the hallway, where the light was…where she was.

Only her back was to him.

"No! Turn back!" he screamed, hoping she'd listen to him; hear him out. She didn't. In fact, she was walking forward, away from him. It frightened him. Others were turning back, too. He suddenly felt sluggish…weak. "Please…"

It was a last desperate plea, and she turned her head. He stopped, but not because he reached her. There was almost this look of disappointment, maybe disdain. His hands trembled and he reached forward, wanting to feel her, touch her. But she backed up. Why?

"Please, don't…" he whispered out, like he was laying his heart bare. He felt so weak, like a child, besieged by Spearow, unable to do anything but yell at them, declaring he would become a Pokémon Master. But why do you want to be a Pokémon Master? "Don't leave me…"

She didn't say a word, simply continuing to watch him a moment along with his hand that was falling to the floor. His weakness felt like it was consuming him, drowning in questions that had no answers. He reached one more time, and this time she did speak. "Who are you?"

"What…?" his voice cracked, wondering why she would ask him that. Surely she knew who he was. Or maybe, she wasn't asking him that question for herself. He couldn't figure it out as she turned away, like she didn't like who he was.

Who are you?

"No, wait…"

You've become a wonderful Pokémon Master.

"Please, hold on! We promised!"

Why do you want to be a Pokémon Master?

"I'm still me! I'm me!" His words were ringing hollow in his own head, that dark corridor becoming an abyss that was absolutely consuming him. Questions he'd never even thought of before beginning to take hold in his mind without mercy.

What is a Pokémon Master?

"Serena! Stop!"

Who are you?

"I'm me!" Ash's eyes snapped open, breathing heavily. He was heaving, feeling the taste of vomit in his mouth for a second. Bright lights assailed him, making him squint a little before sound and touch slowly returned to him. With it, came the vivid dream, one that was sending his mind reeling. He almost panicked for a second until he realized that his head was resting against something soft and warm. He turned, realizing he was looking at Serena's chest before his eyes traveled upwards.

Sure enough, his girlfriend's soft features were resting above him, her eyes closed and a little bit of drool dripping from her lips. He couldn't help but feel that she looked rather cute in that position. The vivid dream returned to him for a second, of her running away from him. His hand reached out, touching his fingers to her lips. She was real. She was here. The dream was replaced with a memory…a memory of power flooding through him and Pikachu. He was suddenly filled with determination and euphoria that kicked out the disturbing dream, causing it to amount to nothing.

"You're drooling, Serena," he finally spoke, his voice rather groggy. The girl jumped at his voice, causing him to jump as well, wincing a bit. Clearly the pain from his synchronization with Greninja was still present, even if faded.

"Ash, you're awake. Feeling better?" she asked. Her voice was quieter and Ash wondered if she, too, had been dreaming of something that was upsetting. If she was, she hid it very well with a smile, just as Ash finally realized where he was: the Pokémon Center.

"A little," he chuckled out, sitting up now. There was a slight wince as he did so, but Serena supported him. In between the two of them was Serena's egg, glowing a slight white to mix in with the blue snowflakes. Now that he was adjusted, Ash could see how busy the Center was, accented by the darkness of night outside. In particular, he saw Maka going around, alongside a very reticent Lillie. His gaze darkened.

"What's on your mind?" Serena asked. Ash wasn't sure what to say; the memory of what had happened with Gladion was cemented powerfully in his mind. The boy refusing to answer why he had been after Lillie, saying nothing but "private matters"…whatever that meant. Ash had to wonder what had happened to him after Nebby's interference. He shook his head.

"Nothing," came the response. He didn't want to worry her over whatever his…well, he wasn't sure what to term Gladion as anymore. The situation didn't much concern her, after all. "What about you? Are you okay?"

"Just fine," Serena responded, reaching across to take his hand. It was a nice and simple moment of peace. At the very least, he felt relaxed, sitting there, even if he could feel the tension from Serena's hand. She didn't say anything, but he wondered if she was taking her loss hard still, or if it was something else, like the danger he'd put himself in.

"Hey, where are Pikachu and the others?" he finally asked, realizing that his little buddy was missing. He glanced around the busy Pokémon Center, not able to spot him. The one thing he did see was Lillie placing herself on a chair and staring down at her bag and pokeball. He thought of asking her all about Gladion, and why the boy was pursuing her, but the mere implication that he could be one of the "bad guys" she had spoken of caused a lump in his throat that precluded the action.

"Clemont and Bonnie are over at the lab," Serena informed him. "With everything that happened over the strange portal in the sky, I think they wanted some answers. As for Pikachu and the others…"

"Pikapi!" The cry of his very best friend drew his attention, prompting Ash to stand without a second thought. Over by the entrance to the emergency room was Pikachu, in front of all of his Pokémon, even Greninja.

"You guys are all right!" he cried. He let go of Serena's hand and ran for them as they all rushed for him. In seconds, they had collapsed in a pile amongst one another, laughing and smiling. No matter how roughed up they had been in the battle against that thing, each and every one of them looked as good as new. Hugging tightly to Pikachu and Rockruff, Ash felt relief. Though, with that relief came the more foreboding thought about their true physical state…

"Nurse Joy put a rush on them," Serena told him sweetly, having gotten up from her seat to join him. Ash nodded his head, feeling Passimian bump his forehead against his in relief. "Wasn't easy with all of the injured Pokémon around the city."

"Well, I'm glad," Ash said, finally managing to pull himself up from his Pokémon. They all looked at him with fierce gazes that Ash emulated before returning them to their pokeballs. Pikachu leapt back on his shoulder. "Are you and your Pokémon okay?"

"They're just fine. Clemont's are even better," she told him with a wink. Ash tilted his head at that, confused by what she could mean, but she only offered a giggle as response. "We should probably go see them, though. I'm sure they'll all want to know that you're okay."

"Yeah," Ash agreed, reaching up to scratch behind Pikachu's ears softly. Serena watched the scene with a smile, though Ash thought she wasn't smiling in her eyes. There was something disturbing her there. "Serena…are you sure everything's okay?"

"Y-yes," his girlfriend expressed. It took a second longer but she ultimately sighed. "Just thinking about the Ceremony, I guess. It's nothing, really…at least nothing that concerning, I think."

"Oh…well…" Ash moved his hand to now scratch the side of his face. "Well, I'm sure it'll be okay, and you can always talk to me. Besides, you're still the best Performer I know."

"Right," Serena breathed with a small grin before turning to the exit from the Center. "I'll meet you outside, okay?" Ash nodded, and once her back was turned, he frowned a little. Clearly the matter of the Ceremony, whatever had happened to her mind there, was disturbing her more than she let on, but he knew better than to force the issue. Serena was strong that way. Instead, he decided to look towards the girl who appeared far more conflicted, her fingers rubbing over the pokeball in her hands.


"Ah," issued the sound from the blonde's mouth. She looked up, almost a little fearful. "Ash…"

"You're okay?" She nodded, her braids flopping back and forth. He considered, once more, asking her about Gladion, but decided, instead, to go with something else. "So…I don't know what that whole thing with you and Gladion was about, and you don't have to tell me. I know that things can be complicated…but…we're here if you need us, you know?"

"I know…It's just…he was like a ghost from the past. Like someone I knew a long time ago, I think…but I'm not sure if…" she sighed out, giving an especially heavy one at the end. Ash nodded; she seemed just as unaware about Gladion's reason for pursuit as he was. At her feet, Nebby appeared to be resting still. Ash had to wonder how the little guy had summoned so much power to do just what he did, practically bending reality that way, but he also considered it as relatively unimportant in the grand scheme of things, at least for the moment. "I guess I'm just doing some thinking."

"All right," he said, nodding his own head this time. Ash considered her a moment before reaching out and putting a hand over hers. "Do you want to come with us to the lab?"

"No. I'd like to think here a little longer, if that's okay." Ash had no problem with that. He patted her hand once more and turned, all set to leave the Center and join up with his other friends. As he approached the exit, he realized that Serena was speaking with Maka, the latter girl wearing her hair up and her bag on her shoulders.

"You're leaving tonight?" Serena asked of the girl, right as Ash finished approaching.

"Planning to," Maka responded. "I'll stick around a little more to see if there's some way I can help in the city, but the police and people seem to have a lot of it taken care of. I've heard there's another Ceremony to the north, past Lush Jungle, so I'll be heading there."

"Sounds like a plan," Serena commented, before reaching her hand out. "Take care, Maka."

"You, too." Maka grabbed Serena's hand and then pulled her in for a tight hug. When the two separated, Maka just offered a wave and went dashing off down the street, in the direction opposite of the lab they'd be heading to. Ash watched her go, and as he thought about Ceremonies, a different thought struck his brain.

"Ah, what about Kiawe? Is he still here?" Ash asked. Serena rotated a bit, not answering him, but jerking her head towards the lab. Ash received her answer loud and clear, recognizing it as confirmation that the captain was likely at their destination. She set off in front of him, clearly leading the way. Ash and Pikachu just shrugged and followed, closing the relatively short distance to the brightly lit laboratory. There were a few people outside, but not too many, and they seemed to be standing around, waiting for orders.

"We're here!" Serena called as the door to the lab whooshed open, allowing them all inside.

To Ash's genuine surprise, the place was really packed. Then again, with the number of people that were there, he really shouldn't have been so shocked about it. The first to react to their entrance were Clemont, Bonnie and Rotom. All three (well, as much as Rotom could) grinned at him.

"You're finally awake!" Bonnie said, earning a nod from her brother at it. Ash raised his hand behind his head and began to laugh a little at it.

"Sorry if I worried you," Ash said. As he did so, he saw something crawling around on Clemont's back, boxy in shape and colored green. He squinted at it, watching for a moment before the thing popped its head over. "Whoa, what is that?"

"That, cousin, is a Charjabug, the evolved form of Grubbin," Kukui spoke. Ash finally noticed the professor there, standing over in a corner with what looked like the other judge from the Ceremony, Miss Akela, and Kiawe. The latter, at the very least, looked relieved to see him up and about again.

"Your Grubbin evolved? !" Ash cried out. He was excited at seeing the newly evolved member of Clemont's team, so much so that he reached over and petted it on top of its head. He took it surprisingly well. "That's great, Clemont!"

"I didn't really do much, though…" Clemont commented. His gaze was cast downward, like he, too, was contemplating something. Now that Ash thought about it, the whole entire battle here in Heahea seemed to have walloped them all in more ways than one. His own gaze slid over to his Z-Ring, flushing him with a sense of both self-confidence and worry. The vivid dream began to return to him, but he reached out for Serena and calmed down. Suddenly, Kukui's hand was clapping him on his back.

"I'm just glad you're all okay," the professor admitted. "You kids handled yourselves pretty well out there. Especially you, Ash! Woo, the way Nurse Joy was looking at your Greninja, it almost looked like you guys had broken bones for a moment."

"Felt like it," Ash mumbled out, patting at his chest. It didn't sting anymore, and for that, he was grateful.

"But we're used to it," Serena laughed out.

"We've been through more crises than even we could count. This pales in comparison to the one in Kalos," Clemont said, reaching up to pat Charjabug before he scurried around Clemont's pack again.

"Well, I'll admit that it made things a lot easier," Akela spoke, emerging from her place in the corner. "You handled yourself better than we could expect, and I know I'm grateful for it. I'm sure the citizens of Heahea are, as well."

"As long as they're safe, that's all that matters," Ash noted. Akela nodded, as though she was in agreement with him, but said no more on the subject. Really, it didn't feel like there was much else to say. In that void of words, questions began to come once more into Ash's brain, but he decided upon asking only those which were the most pertinent. "So…why are we all here?"

"To see the findings on the Ultra Space," Clemont informed him. Ash just blinked simultaneously with Pikachu. He had no idea what Clemont was even talking about, something that the inventor appeared to pick up on. "The dimension that seems to rest beyond the portal in the sky."

"The one the creature came from?" Ash asked to confirm.

"You saw it? !" Ash looked over to see both Burnet and the woman named Lusamine leaning in towards him, questioning and insistent. Ash backed up just a little, hardly expecting such an awed reaction from anyone, let alone the two he barely even knew.

"I fought it," he corrected them. Burnet's eyes went wide, like she hadn't quite expected that answer. Lusamine, on the other hand, continued to appear fascinated by it all. She stepped a little closer, away from her companion.

"How was it like?" she asked, her voice going a little low and breathy at the thought of it all. Ash swallowed, recalling the fight that seemed to have brutalized him. Of the tentacles wrapping around his Pokémon; of its increasing strength with every victory; of that feeling of bruising and breaking. Then the power of his Z-Move coursing through him, finally driving it back through the portal. He subconsciously touched the Z-Ring.

"It was strong," was Ash's immediate thought. Pikachu nodded before waving his arms around, like he was trying to explain the odd movements the beast had. "Weird, too. Like it wasn't from this world. It kept disappearing, like it didn't really belong here…and its tentacles…"

"Fascinating," Lusamine spoke. She had a small grin on her face, like she'd made some sort of major breakthrough by listening to Ash and his story. Her eyes were definitely discerning, and her words, measured. "That such a creature would exist out there…There are so many questions begotten by this sole anomaly."

"If it is, indeed, an anomaly," Burnet pointed out, returning to her data. "For all we know, the Ultra Space is inhabited by many of these creatures. We really have no absolutely verifiable data. If we could have communicated with it, that would have been one thing, but the way Ash seems to describe it, there was no chance of that."

"I would think not," Faba sniffed out. Clemont's attentions were riveted on the man, and even Ash found himself watching the blond, balding man carefully. "I mean, would any Pokémon in an unknown environment not react with hostility? I think it was perfectly natural that it would attack first, talk later…if it even wanted to talk at all at this time. Though, had it, we could have learned its method of communication and devised a device to speak with it. Perhaps those tones…"

"Regardless, Mr. Faba, we still don't have enough data to verify anything about the Ultra Space and what lays beyond," Burnet corrected him. "Is it the same world as ours? Are they endangered? What opened the portal? Was it the sounds? For what true purpose did the creature come here? Are they related to Pokémon?"

"All questions that I am sure will be answerable in time," Lusamine headed off. Ash felt his head swirling with all the information that the adults were sending at him. It was beyond confusing, and he'd dealt with enough alternate worlds in his lifetime that he genuinely didn't want to have to hear about any more of them. "Regardless of reasons, we should make sure to receive them whenever and wherever another portal should open."

"Is that really the smartest idea?" Serena asked, sounding concerned. Ash was nodding his head; regardless of how potentially frightened the beast was, it had still attacked haphazardly and without warning. That very aspect scared Ash. It had been so indiscriminate, not even caring who it hurt or destroyed.

"Why not?" Lusamine asked. The question made Serena stop clearly, staring right into Lusamine's crystalline green eyes. "If you found one on the side of the road, would you not take it in? We can't be so prejudiced and judgmental. The Aether Foundation accepts all those who would bring beauty to this world; every side of it, light, darkness, nothingness, fullness for a beautiful world."

"I don't know if I'd call this beauty, ma'am," Akela finally piped up. "Driving the Pokémon into a frenzy, harming people for no reason…Ash may be feeling better, but when Serena brought him in, he looked like a wreck."

"I did?" No one answered the raven-haired trainer, continuing to go about their debate like it didn't even matter. Ash drew back from the adults that were beginning to argue, his friends going with him. Only Rotom seemed to have the gumption to remain nearby, partaking in the data on the computers.

"And how are we to know?" Lusamine asked, stepping closer to the violet-haired woman, standing just a little taller than her. "For all you know, it is a great ally in the fight against the injustice in this world, and those fools in Team Skull."

"But that's the thing, Lusamine! We don't know!" Burnet cried, placing herself between the two women. "The Ultra Space: is it friend or foe? Until now, we had not a single contact from it, making it impossible to tell. Impossible to see. Now, we have some inkling but there are so many unanswered questions."

"I'm not concerned with questions, Professor Burnet," Lusamine spoke, her eyes flashing dangerously, not a shred of curiosity, but a spark of knowing, behind them. She wasn't looking the professor in the eyes, though, more intent to stare at Akela, who was glaring back at her. Ash could feel the ratcheting tension in the room and he slipped his hand into Serena's subconsciously. "I'm concerned with the beautification of our region and our world. Surely, you can see the merit in that?"

"That's…" Burnet spoke. She clearly couldn't figure out the words, but Akela merely scoffed, rolling her eyes and stepping back. Ash just wasn't sure who was in the right about all of this. All he knew was that his chest had hurt horribly and he could only imagine the suffering that Greninja had gone through.

"The Aether Foundation always accepts those without a home, giving them one that suits them best," Lusamine's voice rang across the lab, clear and crisp as she delivered her points. "That is what we were founded on and have continued to deliver on to ensure the peace and security of the Alola region."

"And what if you knock on the door, and what knocks back devours you?" Kukui asked in the silence of the room. It was the first time he'd actually intervened in the conversation, but it all appeared to have shut things down a little. Lusamine rounded on him, eyes sharp and narrow, like a cat's. She spoke nothing for a second, but her words appeared to then sound out in a purr.

"That's a risk we have to take…" she said slyly. Ash swallowed once more, flicking his eyes between the imposing woman and Kukui, wondering just who would bend their position first. Ultimately, it was Lusamine who giggled and drew back. "My apologies. You're absolutely right, Professor Kukui. It was just an adamant fantasy."

"Regardless, Madam President," Faba said, breaking up the tension between them all in a second, "we received far more data than we ever could have hoped for from this excursion. In appropriate time, it could lead to something that would aid our research. Energy sources, design specs, perhaps even a new species of Pokémon!"

"That's possible?" Clemont shouted out his surprise. Faba nodded, but was prevented from answering the inventor by his employer.

"Right you are, Faba," Lusamine spoke once more. "I expected the usual kind of data, but this…I hope our difference of opinion doesn't sully our working relationship, Professor Burnet."

"Of course not," Burnet laughed out, like the very thought was inconceivable. "Science is built on difference of opinion. No reason to not work together to discover the mysteries of the Ultra Space. We have no idea whether it would benefit or doom mankind and Pokémon, but striving for the answers in this case is important."

"I'm glad to hear it." Next to Ash, Clemont was nodding, like he agreed with everything Burnet had said. Ash only assumed he was right since he knew next to nothing about science other than the fact it was amazing. "Then do keep in contact with Faba or Wicke so we can share information whenever it becomes pertinent."

"If I have a major breakthrough, I'll let you know."

"Leaving already?" Clemont asked. His words didn't stop Lusamine from turning away for the door. Ash watched her go, head tilting just slightly to look at Serena before her gaze slid upwards to Miss Akela. The blonde's lips turned into a frown for a fraction of a second, and then she disappeared out the door. With her departure, Faba stepped forward, stroking his goatee with a rather admired look.

"Afraid so, young man," Faba spoke. "After all, my duties at the Foundation cannot take care of themselves, and I must check in with various other employees in the field around Akala."

"Oh…" Clemont said. He actually sounded a little disappointed, which seemed to please Faba greatly. Ash had the distinct feeling that the man liked receiving praise. The scientist stepped forward, ceasing the stroking of his beard to put his hands on Clemont with a small smile.

"Fear not; there will be much time to discuss my inventions at a later date," he told him. Clemont's eyes lit up at that and he began nodding his head; even Ash felt intrigued by the notion, while his girlfriend shook her head. "How about you visit the Aether Paradise? I'll be at the Hano Grand Resort for a single day conference, or something like that, sometime in the next week or two; can't be bothered with the date. If you drop in while I'm there, I'm sure the president wouldn't mind giving you an extended tour, especially in light of this young man having battled the beast."

"I would love that! Ash, let's make sure we're there!" Clemont said, practically breathing steam from his nostrils. He nearly bared down upon Ash, who only fervently nodded his head to make sure that Clemont wouldn't go off on him. "Excellent! I can't wait to see it all!"

"Well, until then. Professors," Faba said with a courteous nod and then another sniffle before he exited from the lab, almost jogging after his president. It was a few seconds before any life returned to the lab from their departure. The first of it was Miss Akela's rather loud snort.

"Foolish woman…" she spat out. As she did so, she folded her arms, striding for the exit from the lab, herself, like she couldn't stand being there any longer. "You don't play with fire. Breaking from the way nature works is just asking for trouble…It always sets nature, itself, out of order and people get hurt."

"Whoa, Akela…" Kukui said, but the woman ignored her classmate, striding out onto the lamplit street. The professor looked over at his wife, who both nodded and shook her head, telling him what he should do. Patting Ash on the shoulder once more, Kukui dashed out after the former Ali'i ka Leilani.

"You'll have to forgive Lusamine," Burnet said, now that they were the only ones left together. "She's a driven woman, no doubt. Though, I suppose the same could be said about myself. Speaking of, Clemont, did you have a chance to put our theory about the tones to the test?"

"N-no, I'm afraid not…" Clemont answered. Ash could hear the disappointment and shame in his voice.

"Ah, that's all right. I was just wondering," Burnet laughed out. She turned back to her data and Ash finally felt it was safe to move forward, enough to see the absolutely giddy expression on her face. "Even without it, this breakthrough is incredible! A world beyond our own! The stabilization of the portals could usher in a new era for Alola and the world. I just need to study it, form hypotheses and conclusions."

"Do you have any?" Kiawe asked, his brusque tone drawing Burnet out of her giddy enthusiasm. She turned around, wearing a rather sheepish smile from it.

"None at all! That's what makes it so exciting!" Burnet spoke. "Why have the portals only appeared in Alola thus far? Are they tied to the celestial heavens and bodies that ancient people used to worship? A shift in the flow of reality? Only through research can we figure this out."

"Well, I'm fascinated," Clemont admitted. "I'd love to know more as you discover more. If you don't mind, that is. I mean, we can't stick around, but…"

"Definitely not," Ash said apologetically to his friend. Now that things seemed to be settling down in Heahea City, he felt ready to go. Looking over at Kiawe, who met his gaze, he could tell that the other boy also wanted him to get moving towards his own trial.

"Hey, that's no problem," Burnet said. She briskly walked over to a desk, one of her assistants moving aside rapidly, in time for her to shuffle through it and pull out a small, square device. She tossed said device to Clemont, who caught it and managed to pull it apart, a screen appearing. "I'll use that to tell you about any breakthroughs, assuming there are any more."

"Excellent! This is so exciting!"

"Rotom is excited as well! Imagine the wealth of information on this mysterious Ultra Space that there is…perhaps even information on Nebby…" Ash hadn't thought of that, but judging by Burnet's fervent nods, he had a very distinct feeling that Burnet knew of Lillie, and had somehow considered it. He really didn't consider that a surprise: Kukui had found Lillie after all.

"If there is any information out there about Nebby, then perhaps the Ultra Space will hold the key, and this very moment has brought us closer to answers than ever before," Burnet said, now smiling genuinely. "Would all of you tell Lillie that? I know she's been looking for information on Nebby for a very long time, but is always so shy about asking for it. Shame I'm not able to see her right now but, work and duty."

"Leave it to us," Serena said, placing her hand over her heart. Clemont practically jumped with his enthusiasm, closing the square and placing it in his pocket as he trembled. Bonnie rolled her eyes and pulled Clemont back down to earth.

"Don't make me into the older sister because you're so excited…" she grumbled out at him. Clemont chuckled nervously, but finally straightened himself professionally before bowing low.

"Thank you for your time, Professor Burnet. I look forward to hearing more," he said solemnly, his over-enthusiastic phase now having passed. Burnet nodded, raising her hand in farewell to the group. By the time Ash had turned towards the door, she had turned into her work, looking completely cut off from everything surrounding her. Now it made sense why she wouldn't be there to see Lillie. Chuckling under his breath, Ash led the others in exiting the lab.

The sound of the surf met their ears, displaying the peaceful evening in Heahea City. Despite the disturbances, there were still people out and about. Some were patching up buildings with the lights on in full force, while others were on the beach, simply enjoying a good time, trying to relax from the frenzy earlier in the day. More importantly, Professor Kukui was outside, his hat off and rubbing the back of his head.

"Is Miss Akela gone?" Serena chose to ask. Her words prompted the notice in Ash's head that the violet-haired woman had vanished. Kukui gave a little jump at her voice, but chose to answer her nonetheless.

"Yeah, she's off already," the professor answered. "Told me to tell all of you that she looked forward to seeing you again, but that was about it." Ash folded his arms; Miss Akela seemed to be a strange one. At times imposing, at others friendly, but this action simply seemed cold. Not that it mattered to Ash, but he did have to wonder just what was on that woman's mind. Serena nodded at the professor's words.

"If she's gone, it means I should get going as well," Kiawe grunted out. Ash had to admit that he'd almost forgotten that the boy was there. "Akela will throw a fit if I don't open my trial soon."

"I think Olivia would as well," Kukui laughed out. Kiawe appeared to grimace at that one; clearly the captain was in slight fear of the island's Kahuna. "But yeah, I'm sure Ash wants to be getting on to your trial."

"That's right," Ash said, grinning at Pikachu. Both trainer and Pokémon looked to one another, their grins almost smirking. It felt like their bond had strengthened, their resolve renewed, and giving them a greater well of strength now that they had mastered Z-Moves. "I'm already getting fired up for our battle."

"So am I," Kiawe admitted. Ash unfolded his arms and reached forward to clasp Kiawe's hand in friendship. "Looking forward to your part as well, Serena."

"Yes. Take care, Kiawe," Serena said, also shaking the boy's hand. Once their hands had disengaged, Kiawe offered a nod to all the others, called an "alola" and then ran down the street. Ash watched him go, just in time to see him scooped up by his Charizard and taking off to the night sky. Bonnie's stomach suddenly rumbled.

"Guess I'm hungry…" the little girl laughed out. Dedenne rubbed his own stomach. Rotom featured a question mark on its screen, like it couldn't figure out an insult to throw at Bonnie. Once more, Ash felt his shoulder clapped by Kukui, the same happening on his other side to Serena.

"Well, let's go get some of that food at the Pokémon Center and eat it like we've got the ability Gluttony," he said as he grinned down at them all.

"Sounds good to me!" Ash agreed, disengaging himself from the professor and running forward. His own stomach was starting to rumble, now that all the heavy stuff felt like it was over. With his own series of grins, he set off, dashing towards the Center, the inviting lights welcoming him. Inside was Lillie, who noticed their group and waved them over. She looked less confused, and Ash couldn't wait to speak with her.

Before he did, though, he sent his pokeballs out into the air with his friends. All together, their group faced out at the ocean while Kukui walked inside and Lillie emerged. She was silent as they saw the waves move in and out. There seemed to be a shared bond between them, one forged once again by the battles they had just taken part in. Ash reached his arm up, his Z-Ring glittering in the light of the moon.

The next phase of their adventure was about to start. He could feel it. Clenching his fist in the air, Ash grinned. The power of Z-Moves was on his wrist now, flowing through him with that purpose; a purpose he felt no creepy dream would break. He was going to fight for everyone, practice them in any battle he could to bring about that goal. With his friends beside him, he breathed in and out once.

"All right! Let's go!"

"This is just unbelievable!" Diantha's voice echoed off the sides of the movie set she was on. The director was scrambling, as if he was trying to stop her from walking off in a storm. She whipped her head around, snapping a glare at the pudgy little man, who froze in his tracks. Once she was sure he wasn't following after, she walked off the stage and into a hallway. Kathi Lee was on her in seconds.

"News report just came through, Diantha," her manager spoke, handing the tablet and a jacket over to her. The Kalos Champion slipped her jacket onto her shoulders, over the gossamer dress on her figure. Once it was secure, she nabbed the tablet and took a glance at the news report straight from Alola.


"Just perfect…" Diantha spat, aiming right for her dressing room. "I knew trouble would stir with Ash in Alola, but this…this is just ridiculous. It's like Ancien and Lumiose all over again."

"Well, not quite," Kathi Lee admitted. Diantha scowled at her attempts to appease the entire situation. It irritated her so much that as soon as she reached her dressing room, she slammed the door in her manager's face and pressed in a code on the tablet. In seconds, the signal went out, contacting the one that she would hope had the most information. It took a few seconds to connect, but before long the static disappeared.

"Lionel, please tell me you have something for me," the Kalos Champion spoke. On the screen, the dark-skinned man smirked a little.

"Wow, not even a hello…" he snarked out. Diantha continued scowling, showing that she was clearly not in the mood for any of this. Not that she had expected the peace in Alola to last for long by any means. Lionel cleared his throat, obviously realizing she wasn't in the mood. "Well, I'm sure you've heard about what happened in Heahea City."

"I wouldn't be calling otherwise," Diantha affirmed. "Look, I leave you to do your own thing, but you know…"

"Yeah, I know. Thankfully, I had someone on the ground in Heahea who was able to fill me in. Cynthia was there, too, which is obvious, considering Derek met with her," Lionel spoke. His tone was all business now, not even a single joking vibe within it. Diantha placed herself on her seat; Cynthia being there was a very good thing, even if she was set to depart from Heahea for the Battle Tree sooner than later. "Anyway, it appears that massive groups of Pokémon went wild from a giant portal that appeared in the sky. Leading experts believe it leads to, possibly, another dimension known as the Ultra Space, but their details are so scant on the matter…all we got was that a beast of some sort appeared from within."

"It's a wonder Cynthia didn't ask for more information," Diantha mused, tapping her chin a little. Lionel cleared his throat again, likely to gain her attention once more.

"I don't think it would have helped. She was busy helping the city clean up."

"I'm not surprised." As much as Cynthia loved ruins and history as much as the next person, Diantha knew she would always choose the protection of people over anything so mundane as answers that could be gotten at any point later.

"What I can tell you, is that it seems like a lot of things were involved in this mess," Lionel said. "According to our associate on the ground, Ash and his friends were there, along with a group known as the Aether Foundation, who had joined forces into researching this Ultra Space."

"Aether Foundation…" Diantha sighed out. She'd heard of it, of course, the Foundation having made a name for itself over the years as being a conservancy for injured Pokémon. Yet these new facts made her wonder how much they could know…

"Oh, and our little quarry made his appearance." Diantha's eyebrows shot up at mention of that. "It was just for a second, but it was definitely there. I was originally heading to Ula'ula, but this has necessitated a change of plan for me."

"For us all," Diantha confirmed. She certainly hadn't expected Zygarde to show up again so soon, but now that it had, it merely confirmed her suspicions and started moving pieces into place. "Stay on Zygarde, Lionel. I'm sure Aidan can keep on top of things in Ula'ula. I've been told the Team Skull issue is negligible. Looker informed the International Police of that, who took the opportunity to tell us. I guess he tried to contact someone he knew from his earlier days on the force, but all he was told was that Team Skull didn't matter. Which is why I need you on Zygarde."

"All right," was Lionel's quick reply. "I'll keep Derek on the ground in Heahea and see if I can learn more. Contact you when I have the info." Diantha had little time to express her thanks before the connection was ended. That kind of prompt attention didn't bother her, because she was soon dialing an entirely different connection, one that took a little more time to connect. It did, however, connect.

"You've heard the news, then?" Steven asked as soon as his face appeared. Diantha nodded. Two of the five squares on her screen were blank, probably because Alder was lazy and Cynthia was too busy with whatever she was doing in Alola.

"Lionel's filled me in on what happened. Portals…again…" Diantha sighed out, reaching up to rub her temples. "Though…I suppose now we have some idea of what might happen."

"We do," Lance grunted out. His arms were folded. "Diantha, Steven and I were talking and we came to an agreement." Her eyebrows raised even further now, interested in the agreement her fellow Champions had discussed. "We think it's time to put more boots on the ground."

"ARC has served us well, but there was no stopping this happening," Steven explained. Diantha leaned forward, placing the tablet and propping it up against the mirror as she crossed her fingers. "If we're going to be ready for whatever's about to happen, and something is about to happen, we need to get as much information as possible before it can."

"What exactly are you suggesting?" she asked, almost mumbling it under her breath. Lance unfolded his arms before stating what he wanted to.

"I'll go undercover at the Aether Foundation, using Looker as my contact in the International Police," he finally stated. Now, only one of Diantha's eyebrows was quirked. "They're researching this 'Ultra Space', and they were on the ground when the portal and the beast inside it appeared. I want to infiltrate and find out what I can. Should be easy."

"Meanwhile, I want to investigate any ruins there are in Alola, alongside Cynthia, if that's possible," Steven continued on. Diantha continued watching, waiting to see if he'd say any more, but he didn't. She unclasped her hands.

"Understood. I'll hold down the fort for the League then," Diantha agreed. The two were certainly well-equipped to handle whatever would come Alola's way. Steven and Lance nodded. At the very least, having three Champions in a region racing towards the tipping point was a sight better than before. Dalton had finally made his impact upon the League. "Though, a suggestion, Steven."

"Hm?" Diantha smiled softly at him before speaking her mind; it was a suggestion, but most certainly came off as an order.

"Take Gary Oak along," she said. The Hoenn Champion nodded, clearly understanding. "He's been diligently studying these sorts of phenomenon since the battle at Geosenge. I know he and Sawyer have been working with you, but…perhaps have Sawyer help to continue your work here at home."


That was the only word that needed to be said. Closing out the short meeting, Diantha leaned back in her chair. Things really were moving in the world now, just as they'd predicted. She smiled to herself, despite the desperate situation forming. The pieces were finally being set in Alola, ready for a reckoning.

The tipping point was almost upon them.

Gladion's ankles hurt as he barreled down the pathway atop the charging Tauros, aiming for his destination, the one he'd been called to in the wake of what had happened in Heahea. It was his fault. He shouldn't have pushed the issue.

Stupid…he thought to himself. At the same time, however, he had to wonder if anything would have changed had he actually answered his…friend. Gladion scowled. When did he start considering people as friends? They only hurt. Yet the thought of having not answered Ash, causing the boy to get so furious…It was only a second, but Gladion saw beyond the boy he had beaten in battle. He saw a trainer who would have destroyed him, given a second thought. Ash was someone who would protect others, but Gladion knew he could only truly look out for himself.

That moment that Ash had glared at him, he felt a breaking inside. Like a light string beginning to fray in the middle. Yet, he hated that the thread had been formed in the first place.

So stupid…

"You're late," snapped a voice. Gladion pulled on the Tauros' reins, pulling it to a halt. His pokeballs jostled, Null's rattling about particularly. The stippling of the bruise on his ankles itched, but he resisted the urge to scratch them, not wanting to show weakness to the woman in front of him. She would mercilessly mock him, first chance she got.

"I got held up," Gladion spoke, swinging off the Tauros and patting it for it to ride off. He walked towards the woman. "Is the boss in?"

"Ah, hey." A hand suddenly barred his path to the abandoned trailer park in the north of Akala Island. Gladion stopped, scowling, and he looked up to glare at the woman that was blocking his way. "Where's the girl? Thought you said you spotted her in Heahea when you were coming back from Hano."

"She slipped away," Gladion spat, thinking that was a good enough answer. It clearly wasn't, because the woman's hand pushed him back. "Look, I'm not bringing her here. I'll bring Lillie on my own terms, or not at all. She's not yours."

"Idiot," the woman scoffed. She quickly reached over and slapped him upside the head. "Those weren't the terms. You keep trying to protect things that you can't and no one wins in the end. The boss might be stupid, but he's not an idiot."

"I'm aware," Gladion snapped. Then he lifted her arm and walked past toward the main trailer that sat there, abandoned. Lights were on inside, along with some cheers. No doubt the boss would have heard about the events in Heahea City. Glaring at the bright lights in the darkness, amazed at how little time it had taken for Tauros to get here, he stepped up and knocked on the trailer door.

"Yo, what's the secret password?"

"Shut up," Gladion once more spat.

"Ah, let the kid in," the boss' voice called out. It took a second, but Gladion heard the latch click and the door swing open. The guy manning the door turned his head, leering at him in challenge. Gladion ignored him; he knew he was barely welcome here to begin with. "So…ya didn't bring her, huh?"

"Things got away from me," Gladion lied. He couldn't admit that he had been frozen and afterwards couldn't bring himself to go after her; his stupid protective instincts had flared up at such an exchange with his rival. Ash would just have to protect her. He may not have wanted to trust people, but seeing the way he was so willing to do so in the first place, Gladion could believe that. It was better than bringing her to this nest of snakes…or skulls.

"Right…'away from you'?" the boss spoke. He stood, a table of poker chips flying into the air. The other grunts surrounding the table all fled from the boss standing. He walked closer to Gladion, scowling at the boy. "I'm not an idiot, Gladion. Ya let 'er go."

"No, I was-" A stinging sensation rippled across his face from the slap. It hurt, even more than a punch would have. Suddenly, he felt himself being grabbed and held up to the boss' face, the breath that was surprisingly warm and fresh blowing across his eyes.

"You were tryin' to play hero, like that kid, weren't ya?" the boss snarled. Gladion swallowed. Had he? If he had, he hadn't noticed…which only meant that Ash worked on a subconscious level. "Yeah…my boys told me all about that little thing outside Brooklet Hill. Ya really think ya can just get away with that? I wouldn't be surprised if ya let the girl go, despite the orders for you to do it if you ever ran into her on your free time."

"Look, I had some issues. The whole city was in a panic. I lost her, and Ash-" Another slap.

"Yeah…that twerp…thought the name sounded familiar," the man before him said. He finally let go of Gladion, letting him fall to the floor. The blond looked up, glaring nastily, though the man hardly flinched. "That brat's gotten ya real uppity, kid. Thinkin' yer better than ya are…betcha he thinks he's better than he is."

"It was a mistake, okay! I'll-"

"Yer not doin' anythin', Gladion," the boss said, emitting a low chuckle seconds after. "Yer done. You weren't even one of our bros to begin with. Just a kid looking for shelter from mommy. You should be lucky we took ya in as long as we did. 'Course, if ya work hard enough, I might let ya back in."

"What?" Gladion asked. He felt conflicted again, but tried to push it down. He had nowhere else to go. "What do you plan to do?"

"Heh, the best thing I know how to," the boss said, cracking his knuckles with an eerie grin. The boys around him began to look excited again. "I'm gettin' my hands dirty to make sure that kid stops bein' such a positive influence on you.

"Your boy Guzma is gonna take that kid…and turn him into nothing."


Author's Note: And so, we've reached the end of Love in the Time of Tropics. I can hear you already: what? Why would you end there? Because it's the best place to. I wanted the first story to really end on this bang of Ash mastering Z-Moves after a climactic fight. However, it's strange, because this one…doesn't really end. Unlike the past stories, this one continues on with the very next book and weaves into it, so I set up a lot of things for what is to come in the second book. I hope you all enjoyed it, especially those last two scenes. Hopefully you can see what's building, too, and will enjoy as the full product keeps rolling out!

So, with everything set to begin again, what awaits our heroes? What is Guzma up to? What is the Ultra Space? Will the League be successful in averting a crisis on a mass scale? These answers will start to come in the very next story: Love in the Time of Trials. "When will this drop, Epicocity?" you may be asking. 2 weeks! Okay…2 weeks and 5 days. Radio silence until then, but hey, I need the time for a reprieve okay?! Well…all right, there will be previews daily on my Twitter: EpicocityFanfic, so keep a look out!

Actually, allow me to announce the date and summary for Love in the Time of Trials! First, it will release on May 23rd! But…

Summary: Ancienverse Sequel Book 2. In the wake of the battle at Heahea City, Ash and the others continue their adventure through Alola, oblivious to the tipping point fast approaching the beautiful region. As numerous forces begin to act, from ARC to legendaries, and even the dastardly Team Skull, the world once more begins to move…with no guarantee that anything will remain when the dust settles.

And so, now that we've reached the end of this first major story…well, you know what comes next! All my gratitude! I have to thank AQuantumPotato for favoriting; and I also want to thank bankerrtx01, BlazingEdge, Armorshippingfan, Tenzalucard123, Omegaz, Joshua Ketchum, panicatmyhouse, King Nintendo, Vivian Gray, David Wilsberg, jlogan2748 and 1 guest for reviewing. On top of this, I want to really thank, those who have been with me: AdvancedAlto (you know why), ChE clarinetist (for binge catchup), my fellow writers potat lasaro and AmourshippingCanon, and my readers for pretty much every chapter since day one, Cottonmouth25, The Wind God of the Leaf, CommanderAwesome3, FabtasyLover88, Leaflame and aliensinnoh! I hope you've enjoyed the first story in the trilogy and will continue to read on to the second story! Until then, I've enjoyed the journey so far, and must ask you to Review and, as always, for now and forever,

Dare to Be Silly,
