A/N: This is a re-write of the series where Dean and Sam grow up apart, they are eight years, instead of four years, apart. This is the first installation of the story, I plan on (if the story does well enough) to continue this re-write of the series.

Endless Road to Rediscover

Part 1: The Woman in White

Chapter 1: Don't Disrespect Baby

Dean shook his head, water coming off and falling down to the already wet ground. He glanced about before placing the key in the motel door. It was dark and he was soaked from the rain that had been pouring down for the last week. His dad had sent him off on a hunt in nowhere Minnesota hunting a werewolf. They were supposed to meet up here to discuss the next hunts.

The door swung open and Dean's eyes narrowed as he took in the clean and terribly empty room. He stepped swiftly inside, his training focusing in on all of the details of the room. His dad was supposed to be here and if John wasn't, the only reasons that could be was if something Supernatural was involved.

"Dad?" Dean called out, dropping his duffel silently to the floor and pulling his Beretta from where it was tucked in his waistband.

He swept the room, noting that other than the lack of his dad's duffel and personal effects that everything was in place, even the carefully placed salt lines hadn't been disturbed. Dean hesitated, the Beretta falling to point at the ground as he took in a note on the motel desk and the bible his father had pulled a blank page from to write the note.

Dean's eyes narrowed in concern and he grabbed the note. On it was an address and the name 'Sam Wesson'. Underlined multiple times were the words 'Solution, YED'.

Sam Wesson stood in front of the desk of the matron of the orphanage.

"They didn't want you Sam."

Sam gave a small nod, "But Ms. Lloyd, they said they wanted to meet with me again."

Ms. Lloyd waved her hand. "I told you Sam, they changed their mind. They probably just realized they wanted someone better."

Sam's face fell and he gave another nod.

"Don't bother me about this again Sam, you're fourteen, the likelihood of you being adopted isn't high and it's made worse by the fact that you're a worthless waste of space, no one is going to want you."

"Sorry Ms. Lloyd."

The woman was already sorting through papers, her attention barely on Sam. She glanced up at Sam, a bored and annoyed look on her face. She smiled then, a grimace on her face.

"You can leave now, Sam."

Sam stepped out of the office and into the hallway. The Meadows Orphanage was small, a rather dingy place that was often overlooked. It only ever had up to thirty kids and that was a rare occurrence. Sam had been there his entire fourteen years. It didn't look very happy on the outside and it was absolutely miserable on the inside.

Sam walked slowly down the hallway, headed for his shared room. The low rumble of an engine had Sam stop and turn to look out a window. An old black car was pulling up the driveway. Sam watched a young man step out of the car and look up at the orphanage. His eyes landed on the window Sam was staring through and there was a strange moment where both were watching each other, knowing the other was watching them. Sam ducked away from the window, heading towards his room.

After calling his dad on every phone he knew his father owned and leaving about fifty messages, Dean had collapsed onto the bed, overwhelmed. He stared between his Beretta that was still in his hand and the bible which he'd thrown on the bed.

It had been him and his dad for the last fifteen and a half years, ever since his mother had burned in a house fire and his little brother had died from the smoke which had been too much for the six month old lungs. Just him and his dad. Hunting had been cruel and merciless, and Dean was deep in the life.

Now his dad was gone, Dean would feel hurt over the personal abandonment but John hadn't exactly been a loving, caring father. Affection wasn't a reason to be upset. John ditching his ass without a word was a good reason to be angry though, it wasn't a good way to hunt and it wasn't what John had taught him. Dean let out a huff and stared at the short, cryptic note that his dad had left.

With a heavy sigh he set the note to the side and grabbed the bible, opening it. He frowned when he saw an envelope addressed to him slide out.

Sam had gone to his room and sat on the top bunk. It was a small room, crowded by two bunk beds and a dresser. He had just settled on the bed when the doorbell rang. Jumping from his bed he headed downstairs where a few kids were in the front room watching tv. They hadn't responded in any way to the door bell ringing. Sam frowned but headed to the door and opened it.

A tall young man stood at the door, dressed in flannel, a leather jacket, old ripped jeans and boots.

"Hey kid, can I talk with the person who runs this place."

Sam nodded. People often came to visit Ms. Lloyd, especially ones who had no interest in the adoption process.

"Yeah, I'll go get her."

The guy smiled briefly and Sam turned, heading up the stairs. He knocked quietly on Ms. Lloyd's door and then entered.

"There's someone here to see you."

Ms. Lloyd smiled and nodded. "Send them up here, please."

Sam nodded and scattered from the room. Ms. Lloyd had been running the orphanage for as long as Sam could remember. Apparently she'd shown up a few months after Sam had been placed there. She hated children, but she seemed to hate Sam most of all, turning any possible adopters away, punishing him more than the other children.

The young man was still standing outside.

"She's up in her office, I'll show you."

Piercing green eyes surveyed Sam for a moment, making him feel like crawling under a rock.

"Thanks kid."

Sam nodded and the man followed him through the house and back up the stairs. Sam heard him mumble under his breath.

"What a friggin' dump."

Sam felt embarrassment flush through his cheeks. He knew the place wasn't in good condition but he and the other kids tried their hardest to keep it clean, they wanted to be adopted. They arrived at the door and Sam stepped back to let the cold, hard stranger through. Curiosity had him hesitate though, pausing at the door to listen.

"Ms. Lloyd?" The young guy's voice was deep.

"Yes, and you are?" Ms. Lloyd responded, tone rude.

"Mr. Wesson. I'm here about a relative of mine."

Sam paled in shock, eyes widening. They had told him he didn't have anyone, that he didn't have a family. They had died when he was a baby, leaving him behind. Ms. Lloyd seemed to have the same reaction as Sam because there was silence behind the thin wood door.

"Who?" Ms. Lloyd managed to splutter out.

"Sam Wesson, he's my brother."

Sam felt his heart, which had already been beating wildly, pound harder. He had a brother, a big brother. Happiness and hope he hadn't experienced in years filled him. He had a brother and his brother had come to get him.

"You have papers, Mr. Wesson?" Ms. Lloyd's voice was dripping with condescension.

"Of course, ma'am." Mr. Wesson's voice was level.

Dean had opened the envelope, inscribed with his name by his father's hand, and had found adoption papers along with an identity giving him the name Dean Wesson. There were more papers, all things to collaborate his identity and his relation with the name Sam Wesson. Dean had frowned, confused. He'd expected a hunter, someone with experience.

Flipping through the papers he discovered that Sam Wesson was a fourteen year old boy. There wasn't a picture, in fact there wasn't much. The last paper was a short letter from his father. 'Keep him with you, teach him'.

Dean clenched his jaw, fighting the anger and confusion at his father, a man who had just left him alone and then given him the strangest request he'd ever had. Crumpling the paper in his hand Dean stood up and threw it on the floor with an angry growl.

"You'll find everything's in order, so if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to get my brother and get out of this shithole."

Sam heard Ms. Lloyd clear her throat in that annoying and extremely condescending way that she used when she was angry.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"I'm afraid it is. I did the research. Everything's there, you got an hour to check and then I'm leaving with my brother. If you have a problem with it, I'm sure we'll see you in court a month from now, if your allegations even make it to court."

Ms. Lloyd coughed again, this time more strained.

"Well, I will definitely check to make sure these are in proper order. Until then, I suppose you'll have to wait. Outside, if you will."

Sam scrambled away from where he was leaned in next to the door. A second later the man burst out, shutting the door behind him. He spared Sam a glance and for the first time seemed to actually see him.

"Got a problem kid?"

Sam shook his head quickly, but then looked closer, wondering about his brother. The guy looked younger now that Sam was taking in the smooth skin and baby faced youth still lingering in the strong jawline. He looked older though when you didn't focus on that, eyes hard and steeled, body tensed and hyper aware, so unlike someone his age who was usually carefree. The guy had an intimidating and aged presence.

"I asked if you had a problem, otherwise scram."

Sam jumped and ran to his room. Huddling on his bed, he listened as closely as he could. No footsteps sounded and he knew that the guy was standing there, waiting. An hour passed and Sam was starting to doze, the afternoon waning as evening approached.

The door opened and Sam's head snapped up from where he was dozing, eyes wide and alert. Ms. Lloyd stepped through, followed by the stranger from earlier, the one who was his brother.

"Sam." Ms. Lloyd snapped.

Sam scrambled from his bunk, nearly tripping and falling down. He stood uncertainly staring up at Ms. Lloyd.

"This is your brother, he's come to take you. Pack your stuff, I imagine Mr. Wesson would like to leave soon."

Sam nodded, glancing at his brother whose face was impassive. Ms. Lloyd let out an affronted sniff and turned to Mr. Wesson.

"An hour and I hope you'll be on your way."

She turned and left, Sam staring after her.

"Hurry and pack." Sam jumped and hurried to start packing his stuff.

He didn't own much, just enough clothing to get by at school, not even quite that much. Once he had his backpack slung on his shoulders, filled with every item he owned, he followed his brother out of the room and down the stairs.

"Woah." Sam said when he got close to the car.

It was in amazing condition and it was probably the coolest thing Sam had ever seen. He stared wide eyed up at the guy. It was the first time he'd seen a hint of a smile on the guy's face.

"She's my baby." The smile fell, "so you make sure you treat her right. Get one scratch or anything, I kill you."

Sam nodded vigorously, suddenly terrified. He gently pulled the door open and slid in as carefully as he could. The guy, his brother, got in next and started the car up. When he didn't speak for nearly twenty minutes, Sam finally scrounged up the courage to speak.

"So, you're my brother?"


Sam frowned and the bubble of joy and hope that had been building in him burst in an onslaught of confusion and pain.

"I-I don't-" Sam stuttered, looking at the guy. "I don't understand."

"My name is Dean Winchester, my dad-" Dean fell short, becoming silent for a few moments before clearing his throat.

"You believe in monsters. Sam?"

"Monsters?" Sam said, incredulous. He was still trying to process everything that was happening.

"Well, they're real. For whatever reason, you're important to taking down a very bad monster."

"If you're not my brother, how did? How did you get me? That's what you told Ms. Lloyd, that you were my brother."

The temperature in the car seemed to drop as Dean grew extremely quiet and his knuckles tightened on the steering wheel until they were white.

"You are not, nor will ever be anything like a brother to me." It was quiet and full of rage.

Sam felt hurt prick at him, an emotion that grew and overwhelmed the confusion and swirl of everything that had happened in the last hour. Ducking his head down he nodded his head and curled into himself. Ms. Lloyd had been right, no one had or ever would want him. He was worthless.

A moment passed and Dean seemed to ease slightly. "Only thing you need to know kid is that monsters are real and if you want to stay alive you follow my rules."

Sam gave a quick nod. He wasn't entirely sure if Dean wasn't crazy, but anything had to better than Ms. Lloyd.

"First rule, you listen to and obey everything I tell you. You don't and I guarantee you end up dead. Second rule, do not mess with my baby."

"Baby?" Sam asked hesitantly, immediately twisting his head to look in the back seat.

"My baby is the Impala."

"Impala?" Sam asked, now even more confused. He was thinking of the a book he'd read about the ecology of Southern Africa, he highly doubted the formidable guy next to him owned that specie of antelope, let alone an antelope at all.

Dean let out a disgusted huff, "Don't you know anything kid? It's the car. A 1967 chevy Impala, four door, Big block engine 502. Most beautiful thing to grace the road. Do not-" Dean paused, looking at Sam for emphasis.

"I repeat, do not. Disrespect. My. Baby."

Sam flushed red, embarrassed by the intense and loving tone Dean had adopted in referring to a car. He decided, wisely, to keep his opinion to himself. Really, it was just a car.

He couldn't help the next thing that slipped out of his mouth. "Is that a rule?"

Dean glared at him. "Yes, that is a rule."

"Next, third rule-"

"Fourth." Sam interrupted quickly.

Dean's glare sharpened for a moment. "Fourth rule." Dean's gave him a pointed look before turning his head back to the road. "Don't bitch."

Sam gave another quick nod.