
"Really?" Yuzu asked, biting her lip as she still wasn't sure.

"Really," Taro replied after chuckling at her look. "How about we finish the last Fast and Furious movie tonight?"

"Sounds good." Yuzu agreed, moving to get off Taro's lap, and watching him get up to go turn on the TV and grab the remote. Finally a smile appeared on her face, as she moved to look out the window. Feeling almost dazed as the exhilarating feeling she had before was still there. This feeling…

The next morning, June 27th, Karin's POV

"So what do you think?" Karin asked, her eyes lit up and a smirk on her face, as she looked at Naomi and Rose.

"Wow, you two certainly did go for a change," Rose said, then she shook her head. "I thought you were joking."

Naomi nodded along with Rose. "Yeah, I mean Karin especially. In all of your past instagram posts, your hair has always been the same."

"Kimi the black definitely suits you." Rose started as she picked up Kimi's hair to look at it closer.

Kimi was all smiles at the attention her hair was getting. She wasn't planning on getting her hair done when she went with Karin to the salon. But after talking with a hairdresser, she ended up with a little trim and some black under the bottom layer of her blonde hair. "Yeah, I mean, I'm just trying to match my soulmate."

That had Karin laughing as she ran her fingers through her own hair. She had done the opposite of Kimi, and got a light blonde almost white on the bottom layer of her hair. She decided she liked the length but got a little trim. However, her she did get her bangs cut to frame her face, and the shortest part hit her cheekbones on each side. "And I really just needed the change- but I like matching with you too Kimi."

That had the other girls laughing as Karin had quickly added that last part at Kimi's glare. Rose was the first to stop laughing, as she began to study Karin. "So, this new change wouldn't have anything to do with you trying to impress anyone would it?"

That had Karin nearly spitting out her coffee, as her eyes went wide. "Impress who? I just broke up with my boyfriend like five seconds ago."

Naomi laughed shortly, then settled with a smirk in Karin's direction. "Four days ago, and I don't know… Maybe someone we all like to call smooth light and sexy-"

"No, no, no," Karin interrupted, quickly waving her hand at Naomi, and rolling her eyes at the other girls laughter. "Do not go there. I don't know how many times I have to say that we're just friends. We've always been just friends, and will always be-"

A knock on the door stopped Karin from speaking. Rose just grabbed her bag, and hooked her arm through Naomi's. "Well while you're just being friendly with everyone Karin, Naomi and I have to get off to class, but don't worry we will be available to torture you later."

"Thanks," Karin shot back with an eye roll. "Can't freaking wait."

The other girls started laughing. Naomi was the first to get to the door to open it. Sure enough, there was Mr. Smooth light and sexy himself. That made her grin widen, as she looked back to the kitchen. "Speaking of, Karin you've got company."

Karin had already noticed the white hair when Naomi opened the door, and had ducked down behind the counter. Cursing under her breath at the sound of her roommates laughter. "I hate all of you."

Toshiro strolled into the apartment after Naomi and Rose walked out. Raising an eyebrow at their laughter, he closed the apartment door, and approached the kitchen. "What was that about?"

"Don't worry about it." Karin replied after hitting Kimi's ankle to get her to stop laughing. Once she was sure Kimi was done laughing, she got up from where she was crouched behind the counter. Just in time to meet Toshiro's eyes from across the counter top.

Toshiro's eyes widened slightly at the sight of her hair. "That's different."

Instead of saying something like a normal person, Karin just stayed dead silent, as she stared back at him. Feeling as if her entire mind just decided to stop working.

Eying Karin for a moment, Kimi's eyes went to Toshiro once it was confirmed Karin wasn't saying anything. "Good different or bad different?"

"Good," Toshiro replied after a moment, moving to sit on one of the bar stools, then focusing back on Karin again. "How long have you been planning on doing it?"

Shaking her head, Karin mentally slapped herself to get her mind working again. "I actually didn't really plan it. I just decided to do something to it last night, then Kimi and I went as soon as we woke up this morning," she said, pausing to run her fingers through her hair some more. "I wanted a change."

"Well you certainly did that," Toshiro replied, then a smirk grew on his face. "First you get a new piercing, and now your coloring and cutting your hair. You need a lot of change lately."

Toshiro's words had Kimi raising an eyebrow in Karin's direction. "How does he know about your belly button? I thought you were keeping that a secret."

"He just accidentally saw it the other day…" Karin trailed off at the almost suggestive look in Kimi's eyes, which had her frowning. "Don't you have a private lesson to get to?"

Laughing at Karin's frown, Kimi waved her off, and moved to grab her bag. "Don't worry, I'm going."

Karin sighed and slapped a hand to her face as Kimi continued her laughter, as she walked out of the apartment. It wasn't until after she heard the door shut, that Karin dropped her hand from her face. She just moved to the coffee maker, as it just finished brewing the second pot for the day. "Want some?"

"Sure." Toshiro replied, having been holding an amused smirk on his face at how clearly whatever Kimi was hinting at had Karin's face turning red. He continued watching Karin move in the kitchen, but it wasn't until she walked over to the counter with their coffee that he spoke again. "I really like it."

That had Karin pausing after she had set down his coffee mug for him on the counter top, as her eyes met his. Unsure of what he was talking about.

"Your hair," Toshiro clarified at her raised eyebrow, then he chuckled. "It suits you."

Karin lifted her hand up to run her fingers through her hair. Her eyes moved away from his, as she felt her cheeks growing warm again. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Toshiro replied softly, as he watched her blush again. That's how he was able to see the corner of her mouth turn upward.

Noon, Yuzu's POV

Looking up at the puffy white clouds in the sky, Yuzu smiled at the beautiful view. After a moment, her eyes went to her right to meet grey/green ones. "I don't want to go home tomorrow."

"I know, I feel like these last few weeks have gone by way too fast," Taro agreed, reaching over to push Yuzu's hair out of her face when some of the wind moved it. He grinned at her smile. "I'm going to miss being able to spend so much time with you everyday."

"We'll still see each other, we live in the same town." Yuzu replied with a laugh.

"I know, but I mean see each other like this. Spending all day together, and being able to have you sleep over every night," Taro chuckled on that note, as he shook his head. "I don't think your dad would be okay with you spending the night at my house every night."

That made Yuzu laugh along with him. "Yeah probably not."

Taro's eyes moved back to her from the sky. "But, on the bright side, we'll at least be able to see each other almost everyday. Now that we're attending the same school and all."

"That's true," Yuzu said as she propped herself up on her elbows so she could lean over and kiss him. "I'm looking forward to it."

"Me too." Taro agreed watching her for a moment longer, then they both laughed. When their laughter settled, Taro leaned closer to her, and kissed her this time. Happily taking in the moment, and taking his time kissing her.

Yuzu was more than happy to keep on kissing him. It was the perfect day. The sky was beautiful, and the green was peaceful. She wanted to make the moment last forever.

1 p.m., Karin's POV

Sipping at her coffee, Karin walked out of the coffee shop with a happy smile on her face.

"You're a growing coffee addict." Toshiro told her, smirking as he had held the door opening for her to walk out. Even though they just had coffee an hour ago at her apartment, she already wanted more once they were out in the city.

"I'm not an addict," Karin replied quickly, then looked down at her coffee cup. "I just can't live without it."

Toshiro moved to fall into step with her walking down the sidewalk, and he stared at her for a long moment in silence. Finally they both started to crack up laughing.

When her laughter died down, Karin sipped her coffee, and eyed the city around them. "I can't believe today is the last full day here."

"I can't believe I've been here for so long," Toshiro said, shaking his head at the thought. "I always have a lot of work to do in the Soul Society."

Karin laughed, as her eyes went back to him. "Well you're clearly doing a great job then."

A smirk grew on Toshiro's face at her words. "Shut up," he said, a phrase that Karin often used towards him, and he found himself picking up on it. "I typically don't spend so much time in the human world. I at least go back to the Soul Society every few days. I haven't been back in over two weeks."

Humming as she sipped her coffee, Karin smirked. "It must be because I'm such great company." While that made Toshiro chuckle, Karin's focus went over to the windows of the stores they were walking by. The wind was blowing a little, and her hair moving in the reflection of the windows got her attention. Unknown to her, a smile appeared on her face as she brought her hand up to her hair.

"Still not used to it?" Toshiro asked, having watched her looking at her reflection in the windows.

"Not yet. It'll take some adjusting to," Karin replied, looking back over to him, her smile widened. Her eyes, however, ended up catching sight of a store across the street. More specifically, what it was showcasing in the window. Speeding over towards the crosswalk, she stopped to hit the button on the street light. "Oh my god, I need that sweatshirt!"

Toshiro stopped beside her, and looked across the street. His eyes went straight to what must have got her attention. It was a black sweatshirt, with little white coffee cups all over it. That had him rolling his eyes, as he was crossing his arms. "Addict."

"It's so cute though." Karin replied, hardly noticing he was referring to her caffeine addiction. The light for the cross walk was still red, so she proceeded to hit the button again. And again. And again.

At her constant tapping of the button, Toshiro reached over, and put his hand over hers to make her stop. "One time usually does the trick."

Karin dramatically sighed, watching him smirk at her, but she didn't even care. "It's taking forever."

Watching Karin pouting had Toshiro cracking up laughing, and he shook his head back at her. "It's not going to disappear. You're just being impatient."

That actually made Karin laugh. "Now that you said that, we're probably going to get in there, and they either won't have it in stock or won't have it in my size."

"Oh I hope not," Toshiro replied, crossing his arms over his chest. "I can already imagine how much online shopping that I'm going to have to sit through when we go back to your apartment."

Karin's eyes lit up at that. "Ooo, I bet they have a bunch of stuff online-"

"Oh look we can walk now." Toshiro interrupted her, taking her by the hand to start walking. Smirking at the sound of her laughter as they went.

Later that night

After Karin's final music recital and the after party, Karin and Toshiro returned back to her apartment to hang out. Since her friends were still out and about, they decided on just watching a movie. Per Karin's request, and partial begging, they ended up watching Finding Dory. Which they had just finished up, and Karin was grinning ear to ear at how Toshiro was smiling. "You liked it."

"It wasn't that bad." Toshiro admitted after a moment, holding his smirk on his face, as that had her laughing.

"The other day I saw this sweatshirt with Hank from this movie on it. I finally get it now. I think I need that sweatshirt."

Laughing, Toshiro shook his head, as he looked to her. "You and your sweatshirt addiction. First the cupcake one, then the coffee one from today, and now another one."

Sitting up, Karin tugged at the coffee sweatshirt she was wearing. "I'll have you know that this is really super comfortable, and worth every penny I spent on it."

"Right," Toshiro said after chuckling. "I'm just going to ignore your addictive personality."

"Aw thanks," Karin replied, grinning at his eye roll. "You complain about my "addictions" to things like coffee and sweatshirts, but you haven't left me yet. I can tell it's just because you care about me so much."

Raising an eyebrow in her direction, Toshiro smirked. "Clearly something has to be keeping me around."

"It's definitely my charm and amazing good looks." Karin joked, moving to flip her hair over her shoulder all dramatically, making her laugh.

"More like your sarcasm and your sense of humor." Toshiro shot back, smirking at her laughter.

"Well, I am pretty funny," Karin agreed, as she had made them both laugh. "You're pretty funny yourself, which is why I decided to keep you around."

Back to raising an eyebrow, Toshiro watched her. "You decided?"

"Yeah, I mean if you have any objections, you better start now."

Humming in thought for a moment, Toshiro shrugged. "I can't think of any off the top of my head, but if you make me sit through two more hours of watching you online shop again, I might have a few."

Karin laughed, as she moved closer to the end of the bed to reach over to get off Netflix and turn her TV off. "I'll keep that in mind."

Grabbing his phone, Toshiro looked at the time, and whistled. "It's pretty late."

Having glanced at the time before she got of Netflix, Karin raised an eyebrow. "Damn, you're right. Almost midnight. My old lady self needs to be asleep right now," she said, smiling as that had made him laugh. "Well next time we're together, we're going to have to watch all my other favorite animated movies. Only because you clearly love them so much."

Toshiro laughed, as he moved to sit up. "Alright-"

Karin had turned back to face him after turning the TV off, just as he had sat up. Leaving them incredibly close to one another. It seemed to get really quiet, and Karin began to feel that fluttering feeling again. Her heart pounded in her chest, as they stared at each other. Without really thinking, Karin moved the rest of the way forward, and kissed him. That sent an alarm off in Karin's mind, as she pulled back quickly. She brought her hand to her mouth. Her eyes wide, as she couldn't believe she just did that. "I-"

Toshiro reaching up to push her bangs back from her face had interrupted her. It remained quiet between them, as their eyes locked. This time Toshiro was the one to move forward, and he kissed her.

Karin's fluttering feeling amplified when he kissed her. It continued on until he had wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her closer to him, and the fluttering turned to fire. Bringing both her hands to his shoulders, as she adjusted. The moonlight coming through the cracks of her windows, and the sounds of the cars outside the building slowly started to fade away. Leaving her focus right in the moment. The perfect moment.

A little after midnight, Yuzu's POV

Yuzu smiled into her and Taro's kissing. They had been back at Taro's room for barely twenty minutes, but in those twenty minutes things heated up. Leaving both Taro's and Yuzu's shirt on the floor.

It hadn't been until Yuzu was back on top of Taro, that he had broke their heated kissing. He had found himself reaching to take off her bra, and that had been what made him stop. "We should probably stop Yuzu."

However, much unlike her usual self, Yuzu didn't agree. "I don't want to stop."

Taro only frowned back at her. "Yuzu-"

Yuzu kissing him had interrupted his words. When she pulled back a little she laughed lightly. "I don't want to stop Taro."

Still apprehensive, Taro stopped her when she kissed him again, and he actually moved to sit up. "Yuzu, we've had a few drinks tonight, and I don't think you really want to."

"Taro, I didn't drink that much," Yuzu started, resting a hand on his face, as she kept her smile on her face. "I want to."

Staring at Yuzu for a long moment in silence, Taro continued to hesitate. "Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure," Yuzu replied with a nod. Moving her hands behind her back, she unhooked her bra. She slipped it off, and dropped it on the floor. Watching his eyes move down, she smiled, as she settled more on his lap. "I want to, and I can feel that you want to too."

That had Taro's eyes focusing back on hers. After another moment, he reached forward to pull her back to him, and he kissed her. Moving them around so he was back on top of her.

The next morning, June 28th, 6 a.m., Karin's POV

Hearing her alarm going off was what startled Karin awake. She was quick to reach over to turn it off. Groaning slightly she rubbed her forehead, and moved to lay back down on her pillow. However, that's when her eyes met turquoise ones, and she remembered she wasn't alone. Thoughts from last night flooded back to her. They had made out with each other for quite a while. After they stopped, she told him he could just stay over since it was so late, and here they were the next morning.

They stayed quiet as they stared at one another, Karin started to feel a little fluttering feeling inside of herself at the thought of kissing him. Finally she broke eye contact, as she moved to get up from the bed. A small smile on her face. Going to slip on some on some shorts under her overlarge t-shirt, she then went back to her phone. "I have to go ahead and pack the rest of my stuff to go to the airport soon. I was supposed to do that last night."

"On that note, I'll leave you to that fun," Toshiro replied, getting up from the bed after stretching. He moved to put his shoes on, then he chuckled. "You probably shouldn't have had me come over after that little party then."

"It was worth it." Karin replied under her breath, her eyes widening when she realized that Toshiro had heard her. She remained quiet as she watched him putting his shoes on. It wasn't until he had started towards her door, that she moved quickly over to stand in front of it before he could open. She had stopped rather close to him, and was taken aback slightly. She opened her mouth to say something, but found herself at a loss for words. After a moment, she smiled again, and rubbed the back of her neck. "I guess I'll see you around back in Karakura."

Toshiro grew a smirk his face. Taking a step closer to her, he leaned his head down and kissed her. Stepping back after a moment, his smirk widened at her surprised look. "I guess you will."

Stepping out of the way of the door, Karin crossed her arms over her chest, as she watched him walk out. Waiting until she heard the front door to the apartment open and close, she darted back over to her bed, and jumped on it. Giggling like a little girl, she brought her hands to her face after a moment. This fluttering feeling won't go away, but I kinda like it.

With that thought in mind, her big smile returned back to her face. Trying to shake it off, she hopped up off her bed, and went to take a shower. It wasn't until almost twenty minutes later, she was done with her shower, and walked out into the living room to grab some coffee. However, she slowed to a stop at the sight of her three roommates. All of which, got really quiet when she walked in. Seeing raised eyebrows, had her sighing heavily. "Oh geez."

That seemed to make the other three girls all start talking at once. All about how she had Toshiro over last night. Karin remained quiet as she got her coffee. It wasn't until after her first sip that she motioned for them to all stop talking. "It is definitely not what you all are thinking."

"So nothing happened?" Naomi asked, an eyebrow raised, as she propped her hand on her hip.

Opening her mouth to find no words coming out, Karin looked down at her coffee cup in silence.

Right away that got Kimi's eyes widening, as she clapped her hands together. "Something did happen."

"Kind of." Karin admitted after a moment. To her dismay, a smile broke out on her face, and she just tried to hide it by drinking some more coffee. Which only seemed to rally up her roommates once more.

"Spill. Everything." Kimi insisted, as Karin moved to join them over on the couches in the living room.

"We just kissed each other, that's all." Karin admitted, as she plopped down. Trying to play it cool, she rolled her eyes at how that had brought goofy grins to all of her roommates faces.

Kimi turned on the couch to face Karin directly. "How much kissing went on here?"

"I don't know… A lot, I guess." Karin said, having to hide her smile again by taking a sip of her coffee again. That again started all sorts of chatter from her roommates.

"Oh how scandalous," Rose teased, laughing along with the other girls. "And he spent the night too."

"It wasn't that big of a deal." Karin insisted, but noticed that was hardly heard over the other girls talking.

"So what about Ryuu?" Naomi's question stopped all talking, and brought them into silence.

"What about him?" Karin countered an eyebrow raised. "We broke up."

Rose shrugged at that. "Well that's true, but it was barely five days ago."

"Yeah, what if things are different once you get home?" Naomi added.

Karin was quiet for a long moment. Thinking of going back home, but her thoughts were only focused on white hair and turquoise eyes.

Kimi, thinking that Karin was thinking about Ryuu, just waved off the other girls words. "You know what? Ryuu doesn't even matter Karin. He needs to be dead to you when you get back home. He's been a complete jackass to you, and you don't need that… But Toshiro on the other hand..."

"Smooth light and sexy." Rose said, making them all crack up laughing.

A little before 6:30 a.m., Yuzu's POV

Leaning her head back against the shower wall, Yuzu's eyes moved upwards toward the ceiling. The water pouring down around her where she sat on the shower floor. Taro and I had sex… and it was amazing. Even as she thought that, tears were slowly rolling down her cheeks, as an overwhelming feeling of guilt coursed through her. She had woke almost half-an-hour ago. She got dressed and snuck out of Taro's room to avoid waking him up. Then she came back to her own room, and got in the shower. Where she was now.

Feeling a couple more tears fall, Yuzu brought a hand up to her face, as her whole body tensed when she quietly sobbed. I shouldn't have done it. We shouldn't have done it. Another sob tore through her, and she just let her head fall back against the shower wall again. Her eyes looking back up at the ceiling and the water pouring down. It was a mistake. A big freaking mistake.

Yuzu wasn't sure how much more time had past, but after feeling like she cried it out she began to think a little clearer. I need to get out of here. With a goal to focus on, she got herself off the shower floor, and turned off the water. After getting dressed, she speed packed her things to leave. Slipping a note under Hinata's door, telling her she'd explain why she left early later, and left the building. After turning her keys, she made her way out front to a waiting uber. Getting in, her eyes went to the driver.

"New Luna Airport correct?" The driver asked her.

"Yeah." Yuzu confirmed numbly. Her eyes looking out the window as they started driving. In the midst of getting ready to leave, she cashed in her train ticket, and bought a flight from the nearest airport instead. Which was an hour away, but at least it wouldn't involve her having to sit on a train having to confront Taro about what they did. Just the thought of Taro had tears back in Yuzu's eyes, and she tried her best to think of something else to keep from breaking down in front of the uber driver. She propped her head up, closed her eyes, and sighed. Trying to think of going home.

Eight a.m., Karin's POV

"How far away do they live again?"

"I think they live in Windsworth," Kimi replied, hooking her arm through Karin's as they walked forward with the other guests to board the plane. "But they just got an earlier flight than we did I guess."

Sighing heavily, Karin put her sunglasses on when they stepped outside. "I mean at least they only live about an hour away… It's going to be so weird not seeing each other everyday."

"We have the rest of the Summer to meet up a bunch, and at least you and I will get to see each other more," Kimi replied with a smile, as they started up the steps to board the plane. "I wish we were sitting next to each other. I'm going to miss you."

That made Karin smirk as they got on the plane, and started to walk down the aisle. "Should we say our dramatic goodbyes now?"

"We shall." Kimi replied, turning to face Karin, she dramatically hugged her friend. "This trip has been a blast, and I don't know how I'm going to make it without you babe."

Karin had to hold back a laugh, as she tried to be serious. "I know, we're going to be so far away from each other, and I don't know if I can do this without you boo."

The use of their nicknames for each other got them all giggly as they stopped their dramatic hug. Kimi moved to sit down in her seat, and Karin continued walking. Only to sit down four aisles back from her friend. Karin was quick to snapchat the back of Kimi's head to her, and send it to tell her just how far apart they were. She had to hold back laughing when Kimi sent one back telling her they were sooo far apart.

As more people boarded the plane, Karin got comfortable. She was in the window seat, and there was only one seat available beside her. She didn't plan on bothering whoever it was that was going to sit there, so she tried to go ahead and set her stuff up. She pulled out her headphones, and started listening to some music. She also got out her tablet. Turning it on to see a list of colleges, she smiled. After having spent some time talking to some of the older college-aged people who attended the program, she actually found herself interested in the idea of going to college. But I'll have a lot of work to do back home if I'm going to get high school started off right. I've got to take it a step at a time I guess.

Receiving texts from Naomi and Rose in the group text she had with her now former roommates, Karin smiled as she texted them back. Laughing as Kimi threw in a bunch of emoji's. She had been so engrossed in texting her friends that she hardly noticed when someone sat down next to her. It wasn't until after she texted her dad about how she was on the plane all safe and sound that she finally looked up from her phone to take a peek at who she'd be spending the four hour plane ride next to. Her eyes widened, and her jaw dropped. She slid her headphones off to hang around her neck. "Yuzu?"

The brown haired Kurosaki sister only put a smile on her face, and looked to her sister with her tired eyes. "I was wondering how long it'd take you to notice."

"What are you doing here?" Karin asked, her eyes lit up, as she leaned over to hug her sister.

Yuzu shrugged, as she looked over Karin's shoulder out the window. "I just decided I wanted to go home earlier. The train wouldn't be leaving for another two hours. So I changed plans."

Karin was still grinning as she pulled back from her sister. Flicking her hair over her shoulder. "Notice anything different?"

Putting a smile back on her face, Yuzu nodded. "You changed up your hair. It looks nice."

Hesitating before she could saying anything back, Karin noticed Yuzu's smile faltering, and a strange look in her sister's eye. Something's off here. "Yuzu-"

"It's all good," Yuzu interrupted, as she moved to lean against the back of the seat. Knowing that Karin caught onto her lack of enthusiasm. "I'm just cranky. I barely slept last night."

Karin studied her sister in silence. There was all sorts of red flags. She knew something wasn't right, and she didn't think that it had to do with her sister being tired. However, instead of pressing her sister with questions, she just leaned back on her seat as well. Reaching over to take Yuzu's hand, she offered her a smile. "We're going home Yuzu."

Sighing as she relaxed her tense posture, Yuzu moved to lean her head against her sister's shoulder, and closed her eyes. "We're going home."

A/N: And that's a wrap on this spin-off. Yuzu did something that she regrets, and Karin kissed our favorite white haired shinigami captain. We also learned what it is that Akira, Rin, Yuzu, and Karin are. Which will have a little play in the sequel for The Reason. I'm really happy with how this spin-off turned out, and I know you all are wondering where I'm going from here. I love the focus on Karin and Yuzu, and I am potentially considering doing a sequel to this spin-off series. HOWEVER, I don't want all my regular The Reason readers to panic. My propority is to start on the sequel to The Reason before I do anything else for this spin-off.

Well, I've already started writing for the sequel to The Reason. Which is going to start up hopefully around late August or September. The only reason why it's starting off so late is because I'll be taking around three or four weeks off after July just because I've been writing every week, all week since mid-December of 2016. I still have to finish uploading chapters for my two other stories as well to wrap them up before my three-four week break.

I hope you all enjoyed this spin-off! What was your favorite part? Would you be interested in a potential sequel for this spin-off story?

Don't forget to review, favorite, and share this story with others. Also be sure to check out my other stories.

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