A/N: I promise I'll update Unwanted Snowday eventually, but until then... here's this

"Ah, Mob! So glad you were able to come, I have a very important mission for you."

Mob raised an eyebrow and waited by the door for a moment, expecting his master to come walking out of the office and take him to the site of the client. But nothing happened, he didn't even hear any movement so he walked further into the office until he could get a good look at Reigen.

He stopped.

"Um, Shishou?"

"I know, I know. I'm sure you're wondering about all this." Reigen gestured grandly to his desk where there was a pile of wide eyed plush toys with pointed ears and beaks. All different colors, the eyes seemed to track every movement made all at once. "These are what are known as 'furbies', Mob. And it is very very important that I ask you this question."

The man stepped around his desk, giving it a wide berth as he did so (even though he wasn't really near the desk in the first place), and settled his hands on both of his pupil's shoulders to look him squarely in the eye. He lowered his voice, making it all the more apparent how urgent the situation was. "Are they haunted? Cursed? Possessed by evil? As you can see, I gathered as many as I could to help you make an accurate assessment, but I would also really like to get rid of them as soon as possible if they are evil, so please hurry."

Mob simply stared at the pile. Ever since it became apparent that he knew Reigen wasn't actually a psychic, the man had taken his pupil on excursions a little like this to test the validity of certain haunted places, and then to exorcise them or ignore them accordingly. But this was a little odd, even for his master.

"Are all these yours?"

"Hmm? Well... yes. I was really interested in the occult, but that was a long time ago, not that it really helps anything." Reigen muttered the last part under his breath, but he was so close to Mob that he heard it anyways. "You're missing the point though. Are. They. Haunted?"

Mob turned his attention to the dolls in question, studying them with his eyes and his other senses as well, but he didn't pick up anything. "No, they aren't haunted."

Reigen stood and studied the desk full of furbies intently, hand on his chin. "Really? Not one of them?" He looked between the dolls and his pupil, but Mob simply shook his head. "That's really weird. I would have thought at least one-ack!"

Reigen dove behind the couch, dragging Mob with him by the collar of his school uniform, nearly choking the boy, but that was small potatoes next to the horde of evil that currently sat on his desk. A few of them had begun to move.

"Shishou, they're not haunted, I can hear the mechanics inside." Mob tried to reassure his master, an odd twist of events, but still.

"While that would be comforting for any other doll, it doesn't apply to these." Reigen gulped a little as he pointed an accusing finger. "I took the batteries out of all of them years ago. And double checked them this morning before I brought them in."

They both turned back to the desk to eye the mechanical demons for a few seconds and then promptly screamed when five more began speaking in garbled half-English. Two seconds later, the office was peculiarly empty of both employees. When they did come back, it was for Mob to send them flying out into the dumpster outside, where Reigen was already waiting with a blowtorch.