Chapter 3: Episode 1
Author's Note: Hello readers! Welcome to the first regular chapter of Troll 2 Troll, where Poppy, and Branch, along with PokemonTroll, their assistant for this show, will answer questions asked by people in the comments. Here's how it will work: The flow of this fanfic will be similar to the previous Troll 2 Troll episodes (watch those to understand better), except that there will be multiple questions answered. Odd episodes will be filmed outdoors, and questions will be asked online, to be read through a computer, whereas even episodes will be filmed indoors and have an audience asking questions live.
But before we start, I'll first reply to some commenters.
I'mafanofFANFICTIONS – First of all, thanks for the advice! I believe applying them will help me look at my general writing styles better, but for the actual regular content (Poppy and Branch just answering questions like in regular Troll 2 Troll) I'll have to use first-person, as that's how the episodes have been ever since, and it would be better, and more entertaining, imo, if they continue to be. But again, I'm very thankful for your suggestions and will keep them in mind, as they could be especially useful for non-Troll 2 Troll episode parts of the story.
Purple-Eyes Dragon: Nice suggestion! I'll make sure to use it in a future chapter.
Again, if you want to, please leave constructive criticism in the comments, as I truly appreciate it because it helps improve how I write. Anyway, here's the long-awaited chapter!
PokemonTroll POV
As Poppy and Branch got ready, I went behind the camera, and started filming.
Poppy POV
Welcome to the 1st episode of "Troll 2 Troll" where we debate the big questions! I'm Poppy, and this is Branch!
Branch POV
Hey everyone! Today, we will be answering questions by, who again, PokemonTroll?
PokemonTroll POV
Wait, let me check the computer and see. *5 seconds later* Ok, you guys will be sharing your opinions on the questions asked by: Black Raider, BornOnTheBreakOfDawn, GreenflameDev, and Misty Dawn Tomorrow.
So, the first question is: Cupcakes, or Candy?
Poppy POV
Ok, that's a hard debate! What do you think, Branch?
Branch POV
Well, I obviously prefer cupcakes. They're the bigger dessert, so you get more, and they're better with many flavors. Also, they're easier to store for future uses, like for a snack, or giving them to someone.
Poppy POV
While I do love cupcakes, in fact, they're fun to bake, I prefer candies because they're more convienient to eat, and are pretty sweet! I actually have one in my pocket... and I'll give that one to you, Branch.
Branch POV
Oh, thanks... No one's given me a small thing like that before, so I appreciate it. I'll go eat it later!
Anyway, on to the next question. PokemonTroll?
PokemonTroll POV
Swimming at the beach, or hiking up a mountain?
Branch POV
Ok, no-brainer. Hiking. Less people do it, and not only is it an activity that is super calm, there's less dangerous stuff out in mountains.
Poppy POV
Yeah, you have a point, but wow, this is hard. I'd say... uhh...
Branch POV
You can do it!
Poppy POV
Hmm, I guess swimming. I can invite more people over to do it, and we can do so much stuff, like playing with beach balls! Or organizing games! So much.
Branch POV
Y-yeah, but... the dangerous sea animals! The jellyfis-
Poppy POV
Relax, Branch! You can always swim in a pool. Actually, isn't it more dangerous to hike because of things like bea-
Branch POV
Ok, I know that, but it's easier to avoid them, from my perspective! Also, making sure that the entire population of Trolls and other creatures, especially you, are safe is super important to me.
Poppy POV
Aww, thanks Branch for your concern! Anyway, next question Poketroll?
PokemonTroll POV
First of all, Poketroll is a nice nickname! You guys can continue to call me that, LOL!
Ok, so our next viewer Misty Dawn Tomorrow asked you guys this:
Ice cream, or cake?
Poppy POV
Oh no, this one is hard to decide on... *thinks hard for 5 seconds*
You know what? I'll just pick both, they're all so good!
Branch POV
Agreed, Poppy! In fact, personally, my preferences really depend on the day, or my mood.
PokemonTroll POV:
Anyway, our next participant GreenflameDev asked 2 questions, so here's the first one:
Scrapbook, or book?
Poppy POV
No-brainer, of course I'd say scrapbooks are better! You can add so many awesome things to them, like felt cut-outs and glitter, and they're such a great way to store your memories!
Branch POV
Haha, knew it! So, what now, you're gonna go and scrapbook a new Troll Village or something?
Poppy POV
Branch POV
Ok, all jokes aside, while you do have a point, I'd say books are better because you can learn so much from them, while also being entertained. Also, you have the added bonus of protecting yourself from Bergens!
Ok, next question:
PokemonTroll POV
Finally, for your last question: Team, or alone?
Poppy POV:
Team! It's so much better because you can spend quality time with your friends, and not only that, it gets the job done faster!
Branch POV:
Definitely, working alone. It gives you more focus, and less distractions compared to working as a group. Also, I've realized that sometimes, when certain people are in your team that you can't work together with properly, it can make everyone slower.
Poppy POV:
True, but there are some things that can't be accomplished well by yourself! I remember this one time where I was about to finish a photo collage as the sun set, but one of the Trolaroids I took with my friends near a beach didn't develop properly. So, I had to get help from DJ Suki and Guy Diamond to fix it, and eventually, it showed a clear picture.
Branch POV:
Yea, that's good.
Poppy POV:
Also, don't most people get closer when they work together? Like, for example, when we found the camera we're being filmed on right now, and when you cheered me up when we nearly got killed by the Bergens, back then! Those are things I honestly wouldn't be able to do without you, and it just shows us that when we work together, we complement each other. That's... why I love you.
Branch POV:
Poppy, you're right, we do make a great team! I mean, you just made me understand now why working as a team is better. Truly, it makes people get closer.
Well, looks like you deserve a hug.
Poppy POV:
You too, Branch! Hug Time!
Narrator's POV: They hugged each other tightly for a few seconds, then PokemonTroll stepped in for a group hug. He then went back to the camera.
PokemonTroll POV:
So, guys, I guess that's it for episode 1! Thanks for watching Troll 2 Troll, and we'll see you soon!
"Bye, everyone!" we all said, and I shut down the camera. As we all went back to our rooms, rejoicing at the success of the filming session, I edited the footage, and finally, we all went to sleep.
A/N: And with that, our first regular chapter is complete! Make sure to keep on requesting things that Poppy and Branch can talk about, and as always, see you soon in your quest of reading stories!
~ VLDPokemonTroll