Hey guys! Here's the first chapter to my very first chapter story! It may hang you at a major cliffhanger, but that's just how I roll! I am so evil Heh Heh Heh. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and remember to leave a review about what you think!


Our story begins after Branch had his first hug with Poppy. It was after Branch and Poppy witnessed a large beast gobble up Creek and Chef. It was after Branch's happiest day trolls have finally came to peace with the Bergens who's not so long ago desire was to have another taste of troll again, and life was good. During their little singing number, "Can't stop the feeling", the troll tree magically came back to life. The troll tree had become their new home ever since. One day, Poppy and Branch had decided to go collect things they left back at troll town. Branch was preparing all his things for the journey when Poppy rushed into his bluish, greenish pod.

"Hey Branch!" She exclaimed, "I'm all ready!" She showed him the bag she had on her back with excitement.

"You sure it's not just all scrapbook stuff again?" Branch joked. Poppy looked at him and rolled her eyes. At least Branch's sarcastic voice was to joke around this time. Poppy was really glad Branch found his true colors. He still was the prepared troll he was, but Poppy couldn't blame him for being safe! At least he had a little bit of happiness as he got stuff together. The strange thing is, Branch had said something she didn't expect him to say during the song he sang when Poppy turned grey. "And that's why I love you," Branch had sang that day. Those words made Poppy think about how Branch felt about her. Maybe it was just part of the lyrics? What if he actually meant those tender, life changing words? Poppy shook the thought from her head and replied to Branch's joke.

"I've got useful stuff to bring along the journey this time." Poppy snorted. Branch had a look in his eyes that told her that he didn't beleive her though, "Ok!" she amitted in defeat, "I may have brought along some scrapbooking supplies too!"

"Ok then, I just hope there is enough room for essentials in there." Branch replied. Poppy sighed. She knew her friend just cared for her safety, but she couldn't help but think it was just something more than that.

"I'll be ready in just a minute. I've got a few more supplies to gather up." Branch said as he strapped his sleeping bag to his backpack. Poppy then went outside to wait for him.

"Hey Poppy!" A familiar voice sounded from another pod. DJ was waving to her in her hot pink and orange pod.

"Hey Suki!" Poppy hollered over to her.

"Are you excited for the trip with Branch?" Suki said giving emphasis to Branch's name. What was that supposed to mean? Suki made it sound like she liked the fact that she was going with Branch! Why in the world would Suki think that? DJ, saw Poppy's confusion. She tried to explain it to her.

"Awww come on Poppy! I know Branch likes you! And I mean like likes you! Branch confessed it all when he sang to you! And" She paused eyeing Poppy with a little smirk, "I think you like him too! You guys were in sinc when you sang that song! You didn't even know the song till then! There's no way that could just be a coincidence!"Poppy just at stood in her spot in shock. Suki thought she liked Branch! Well sure she liked Branch as a friend, but did she like him as something a little more? A thought then clicked in her head. While she was lost in song with Branch, she sang I love you just as he did! Was that just an accident because the song had it in there and Poppy just really loved singing? Poppy thought about Branch. She thought about his unique cobalt hair and his teal skin. There were blue trolls, but they didn't have shades of blue like his. Branch's colours were absolutely beautiful. Poppy liked how Branch always wore that cute leaf vest with no shirt. She also liked how Branch had a sense of humor in him. His eyes were just as he said when they were helping Bridget with getting a date with the king of the Bergens. She just wanted to hug Branch again. Wait a sec, did she just think all of that? Maybe she did like Branch! She blushed at the thought.

" Well maybe you're right." Poppy admitted, "I guess I do..." She stopped as she heard Branch's door swing open. She stood there her face even redder than before. Did Branch hear the conversation? Branch looked around to her.

"Well I'm ready to go!" he announced. Poppy let her blush fade away and she let out a sigh of relief. Branch didn't hear the whole thing. Branch then looked around, seeing Suki giggling her head off.

"Hey Suki!" Branch hollered over to her,

"Hey Branch!" She said and she started giggling at him even more. The blush was back on Poppy's face as he looked at Poppy with suspicion.

"Were you guys talking about something?"

"No!" Poppy exclaimed quickly. Branch only rolled his eyes.

"Come on, the snack pack is waiting down there anxious to say their goodbyes." Branch said looking down at where the snack pack were patiently waiting for their presence. Biggie, of course, was crying at the thought of his friends leaving. He had his hanky dabbing at his watery eyes with his pet worm sitting in his arms doing what seemed like calming the gentle giant with its little mews. Branch then made his way down the the ground. Poppy glared at DJ who was still giggling at the secret she knew. Poppy then followed Branch to say their goodbyes to their friends.

"Staaay saaafe!" Guy Diamond said in his auto tone voice.

"We will," Poppy promised

"What if you do get hurt! What will we do!" Biggie sobbed,

"Poppy won't get hurt as long as Branch is there am I right?" Suki said as she joined the group

"Of course Poppy would be safe with me. 20 years of survival training can come in handy for a trip like this! I won't let anything hurt her. I don't know what I'll do without her." Branch paused realizing what he said, "I-I mean I don't know what you guys would do without her! She's the one with the parties you know!" Branch corrected himself blushing. So Suki was right! Branch did like her even though he was still kinda hiding it still. How sweet! Poppy and Branch finally finished their goodbyes and set off into the forest.

The two trolls stopped when the sun was going down. Up ahead, Branch could see a clearing. The clearing had soft grass padding the ground and had edible berry bushes surrounding it. The clearing just seemed welcoming. It would be a good place to set up camp. The problem was, there were places in the grass where it had been flattened not so long ago, and there was a small area where burnt grass could be spotted in the middle of the clearing which had grass already growing over it. These signs showed that not so long ago, this part of the forest was used as a shelter, according to the flattened grass that seemed to just barely spring back up into place. This made Branch nervous. He started to wonder if they should move on and leave the clearing alone. Poppy yawned beside him reminding him that they were both tired. Poppy and he would need to rest for the journey they had to continue tomorrow. Plus, night was coming fast and that's where all the dangers of the forest appeared.

"Ok we'll set up camp here for the night." Branch said. Poppy let out a sigh of relief and she collapsed onto the soft grass.

"Can't we leave our sleeping bags put away? I could just sleep on this grass forever!" Poppy said dreamily Branch just rolled his eyes at her.

"You could do that. The bugs would surely love to sleep in your hair!" He teased. Poppy then quickly sat up and shook her hair as if she actually thought that was true. "Come on then, let's go collect some firewood so your toes don't freeze off!" Branch said and motioned her to follow him with his hand as he dropped is stuff into the ground and walked back into the forest.

Branch slumped into his sleeping bag once he and Poppy got the fire started. For dinner, they had gathered the berries that surrounded the area and Branch made them into a soup like mixture with a few of the things Branch had brought along which included acorns, and some fruit from back home. It wasn't the best meal, but at least Poppy didn't complain. Poppy then slipped into her sleeping bag across of his and covered herself with her blanket. Branch pulled the covers over himself and tried to go to sleep. He could hear Poppy shifting around in her sleeping bag. She was uncomfortable by the sound of it. Before he knew it, their new adventure was turning into the one where they saved everybody when he heard Poppy sing a familiar tune.

"Stars shining bright above you;" She paused wondering if Branch would stop her. He stayed silent so she continued singing

"Night winds seem to be whispering 'I love you'

Birds singing in the sycamore trees," Branch then joined in with her and they sang, finishing the little tune,

"Dream a little dream of me." Poppy then smiled and turned around looking at Branch with those kind and loving eyes he adored,

"You didn't stop me this time." Poppy observed.

"Why would I?" Branch replied softly

"Exactly. Why wouldn't you stop me?" Poppy asked, sitting back up. Branch then sat up too, a look of confusion on his face. Poppy then tried to explain further.

"I've been thinking about something alot lately. I've been thinking about the words you sang to me when you were singing "True colours" when I turned grey." Branch blushed. He knew exactly what words she meant he sang. He let them slip out of his mouth on accident. He didn't mean to say them out loud, but those words were exactly what he was thinking. They were what he was thinking about for years every time he looked at Poppy. But he didn't expect Poppy to ask the question she was going to say next.

"Did you actually mean those words?" All his worst fears had come true. Branch's face became even more blushed at the question. Branch, tried to change the subject.

"Was that what you and Suki were talking about earlier?" This wasn't an answer Poppy wanted though.

"Yes, Branch, it was what we were talking about, but that doesn't answer my question," She paused and sighed before softening her voice and going on, "Branch, I've suspected that you liked me at home, and in your song. I just need proof before I could assume it is true. I need to know Branch, do you love me?" Poppy had Branch right there. There was nothing he could do but admit his love for Poppy. Branch looked back at Poppy, took a deep breath and started to confess.

"The truth is, I have loved you for a long time Poppy. I wanted nothing more than to be with you. It's just that I was afraid that if you and me were together, the snack pack would break up because you would be with me more." Poppy looked at him with suprised but loving eyes, but questions still were lingering in her mind.

"How long have you liked me?" She asked in curiosity

"Let's just say a pretty long time. I was about 6 when I started blushing as you walked by." Branch replied.

"But you were so mean to me back then. You smashed my cards!" Poppy exclaimed wanting an answer to why he acted that way.

"I was afraid Poppy, I was afraid I'd lose you like I did with grandma Rosiepuff. I wouldn't ever forgive myself if I lost you and it was all my fault. I tried to hide my feelings for you by doing those terrible things. I really hated everytime I smashed one of you cards or snapped at you. I thought I was keeping you safe." Branch admited. Poppy, now understanding his pain, leaped over to Branch and hugged him, almost tipping him over. Branch wrapped his arms around her in return and they hugged for what seemed like an eternity. The only sound was the crackling over the fire in front of them.

"I love you too Branch." Poppy whispered into his ear before letting him go. Branch wished that they could stay that way, hugging forever. Her hugs made him warm and fuzzy inside. Poppy had her hands on Branch's shoulders as they stared deeply into one another's eyes. Slowly, bit by bit, the started leaning towards each other. Their noses were about to touch as they heard a branch snap behind them, making them both jump, snapping the love birds back into reality.

"What was that?" Poppy whispered, unhanding Branch's shoulders.

"Maybe it's just a small animal just passing by?" Branch said.

"What if it's something bigger?" Poppy shuddered.

"Whatever it was, it probably didn't notice us." Branch reassured her, "And besides, you need to get your rest, we've got a big day tomorrow." With that, Poppy crawled back into her sleeping bag. Branch laid down and then tried to get some sleep of his own. He was about to shut his when he heard the pop from what sounded like it was from a blow dart, and the quick yelp as Poppy was hit with it.

"Poppy!" Branch exclaimed, jumping out of his sleeping bag and over to Poppy. She was out cold with and sleeping dart in her shoulder. He was about to reach over to her to try to shake her awake when he was shot himself and collapsed right on top of Poppy. Struggling to keep himself awake, he made one last attempt to look at their intruder. All he saw was a blue blur as his head fell back on to Poppy's chest and he fell asleep, letting the dart's poison take over. All he could do now was wait for the poison to wear off so that he could awake again. The problem was, he had no idea who had shot them, nor did he know what that person was going to do with them.

Well there you have it! That's the first chapter! Who shot Branch and Poppy though? You'll have to wait till the next chapter! I promise I will update soon! PS I have heard stuff about Trolls 2 coming out on April 10th 2020! Just thought you should know that! Anyway, the one and only bananaQUEEN signing out!