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Next Day - School Grounds

As Both Max and Kate made their way from the assembly, welcoming returning and new students both girls couldn't help but feel slightly overwhelmed at the prospect of actually attending such a prestigious academy.

"Wowsers, I didn't think there would be so many people, like I knew this place was popular but just wow, it really puts things in perspective." Came a rather exasperated Max Caulfield. As she gripped the strap of her messenger back just a little bit tighter.

"I know, I'm kind of scared, I've never been away from home before and things just seem a bit much" Came the shy voice of Kate, though she was clearly anxious about the whole thing.

"Did you see Naruto at all? He said we were going to meet up before the assembly and try to get a seat together but I couldn't find him" Max asked, turning slightly to better face Kate.

"No, I haven't seen him all morning, although if he is here, Victoria might know where he is." Stated Kate, but Max noticed the scared tone she took when mentioning the blonde.

"Victoria? I didn't know Naruto and her were friends."

"They are, he's one of the few people she seems to trust in this school besides those two girls that follow her around and Nathan." Kate explained, for some unknown reason to Max, Kate took on an even more worried tone when mentioning Nathan.

"Are you alright Kate?"

"Y-yeah I'm alright, just, I really shouldn't say this, I should never judge someone, that's not my place but..Nathan is a bad person." as she finished her sentence, Kate's legs became unwilling to move, as she stared at her feet, looking almost ashamed of what she said.

"K-Kate, you're allowed to dislike someone, that's your right, no one is going to think any less of you and I am sure if Kate, the saint of Blackwell dislikes someone then there must be a really good reason as to why." the hipster photographer reassured, placing a hand on the religious teen's shoulder.

"Y-you think so?"

"I know so and if Naruto was here, I'm sure he'd say the very same thing"

"If Naruto was here, I'm sure he'd blow everything out of proportion like he always does, when trying to cheer someone up."

"I think you're right" Both teens giggling without restraint over their mutual friend.

"He's got one major hero complex that guy."

"You're right, like a real prince charming, from those story books" Kate innocently replied through her fit of giggles, causing both girls to momentarily cease their laughter to picture Naruto riding a horse, dressed in princely clothing. Only causing the both of them to laugh harder.

"M-my sides, they're hurting" Max struggled to say between labored breaths, leaning on Kate for support.

"O-oh dear Max, I-I'm so sorry" Kate tried to seem apologetic but failed, as she continued to laugh, even at the sight of max.

After both Max and Kate composed themselves, they continued to their dorms in a comfortable silence, small smiles still firmly stuck on their faces, a small giggle here and there along the way. As they approached the swimming pool, Max noticed Naruto ducking into the enclosed pool.

"Kate you go on ahead, I've got to take care of something alright?"

"Max, our classes are starting soon, you don't want to be late on your first day, do you?"

"Don't worry, I'll make it" Before Kate could protest further Max made a dash for the pool doors, quickly ducking in before anyone noticed.

As her eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room, Max Noticed Naruto by the pool's edge, one foot firmly placed on the edge of the pool while the other dangled in the air over the water as if he was going to just step out onto the water's surface.

"going for a dip? You might want to take your clothes off before going in" Max registered her own voice speaking out, both surprising Naruto and herself.

Naruto actually flailing to stay on dry land for a few moments before composing himself, though still facing away from the shorter brunette. "I didn't know you wanted me out of my clothes that much Max"

"Wha- no, I didn't mean it like that!" Max could feel the heat rising in her face and she knew if she was staring in a mirror right now her cheeks, maybe even her whole face would be as red as a tomato.

"Relax Max, I was just teasing. So, what're you doing here"

"I didn't see you all morning and I was worried, so when I saw you ducking into the pool, I figured something was up so I followed you"

"Huh, I must be getting rusty"

"Rusty?" Max repeated, as she approached the taller boy, standing beside him, as she took in his tired features.

"It's nothing, I'm fine."

"You're clearly not fine, what aren't you telling me?" Max asked, fully facing the taller teen, worry evident in her tone.

"What would you do, if something you thought was right at the time, turned out to only make things worse and you don't know how to fix it."

"I don't understand, did something happen?"

"Just humor me"

"Well, I'd probably ask someone for help"

"That's just it, I don't think there is anyone here that can help me, and I just don't know what to do, I'm scared." Naruto's voice fell below a whisper, though Max heard him loud and clear.

"It's alright to be scared Naruto, as long as you don't give up, you told me that and I know if anyone can overcome their fears it's you" Placing her hand on Naruto's arm, she gave a reassuring squeeze.

"Thanks Max, I just really don't know about this time and it's not me i'm worried about, but the people my actions affected."

Before Max could pry into what he meant, Naruto placed his arm around her shoulders, throwing her a smile that didn't sit well with her, the smile itself not reaching his eyes but understanding he was doing it for her, she didn't push further. "Come on Maxi let's go, can't having you missing classes on your first day."


As the final bell signalled the end of classes for the day, a stampede of restless teenage students made the daily mad rush to their evening plans or to just winding down with their friends, in a particular classroom filled with equipment commonly used for taking photographs sat Naruto, staring out into the sky as the students around him paid him no mind, intent on getting to where they need to go.

'Maybe things might've been better if I hadn't interfered that day.' before Naruto could continue in dwelling amongst his thoughts, a soft presence appeared beside him, looking at the source of the feeling, Naruto came face to face with Max and Kate.

"Naruto? Class finished already." Came the quiet and timid voice of Kate, as she held a black nondescript book to her chest, which Naruto assumed was her new "Project"

Looking around Naruto noticed class was indeed over, if the lack of students was anything to go by, there were a few dawdling or consulting with the teacher. Looking back at the two worried girls, Naruto put on his best foxy grin in hopes of easing their worries. "Of course, it is, sorry about that I got lost on the road of life." Naruto hated keeping things from those close to him but he couldn't risk dragging them into his mess.

Getting up Naruto collected his things and headed towards the door, Max and Kate conversing animatedly behind him, though as he was about to exit the classroom, he collided with a figure draped in a black hoodie with a pair of blue jeans torn at the knees, giving Naruto a rather familiar feeling. After both Naruto and the stranger righted themselves, the mysterious figure seemed surprised but soon that was replaced with curiosity and the figure peered past Naruto, taking in the sight of his companions.

"Hey there, sorry about that I wasn't really watching where I was- Hey!" Before Naruto could finish his sentence, the hooded stranger's hand closed around his wrist, dragging him out of the room and down the hallway.

"What just happened?" Max asked, not looking for an answer or expecting one from the devoted Christian beside her.


As Naruto continued to let this person in front of him drag him away, as he couldn't feel any ill intent from them, he quickly realized they were heading towards the school car park and as they reached the parking lot, he scanned the area for something familiar and almost instantly he found it, Chloe's beat up truck. "Chloe! What're you doing here, I thought you wanted to stay with Rachel. Is everything okay, she hasn't disappeared again has she?!"

As they approached the car, Naruto's nerves were on full alert, 'Chloe' hadn't said a single word and as they neared her truck, Naruto's worries became more and more visible as he swallowed the lump that formed in his throat after she didn't acknowledge his concerns for their mutual friend.

"Are you alright? You've yet to say a single word to me. I know last night was rough but-" Before he continued talking, 'Chloe' abruptly released him, causing Naruto to briefly stop voicing his concerns, as she made her way towards the driver's side of the truck, Naruto pausing for a brief moment, before continuing to the passenger's side. Entering the truck while focusing on 'Chloe's' hooded figure, relaxed into the driver's seat "But we will get through this, the three of us."

As Naruto finished speaking, he noticed, 'Chloe' reach for her hood, though to his shock, instead of the short crop of blonde hair and the vibrant blue streaks he was expecting, he was greeted with long blonde locks falling free from the hold the hoodie placed over them. "Rachel?!"

"Yeah, um, hi Naruto" Came the rather timid reply from said blonde, the usual confidence found in everything she did was absent, her eyes failing to meet Naruto's, hands wringing the bottom of her jumper.

"What're you doing here, no I mean how are you, do you feel weird, in pain?" Naruto panicked, inspecting Rachel for any kind of signs, causing the blonde teen to smile, though Naruto immediately noticed it being forced. Before he could continue his questioning, she held up a hand.

"Just, wait okay? I'd rather not do this in our school's parking lot." and with that, she turned the key igniting the truck's engine before pulling out of the parking lot, disappearing down the road. Naruto for his part obeyed her wish, though every few minutes, shooting worried glances towards his friend, which went unnoticed by Rachel, her eyes focusing on the road but an inner battle raging behind those hazel eyes.


Turning off the main road Naruto realized where she had taken them. Obviously seeking privacy for whatever it was that was about to happen. "Rachel now that-" Again she cut him off with two simple words.

"Not yet" Was all she said, exiting the truck and without waiting for Naruto to respond or move she made her way up the dirt path, trusting he would soon join her at the destination, though Naruto had a feeling she didn't care whether he did or didn't. So, sighing, Naruto exited the vehicle, following the path Rachel had taken. As he reached top of the trail, Naruto was greeted by the familiar Lighthouse that overlooks the town he calls home, the same place where all this began, flashes of the first time he had met Chloe, overlapping his vision briefly.

Quickly finding Rachel sitting on the bench, eyes gazing out over the Ocean, searching it's vastness for some kind of answer to her problems, intent on join her Naruto continued his trek towards her but before he could close any more distance between them, his phone had gone off inside his pocket, reaching for it with the intent of turning it off in this important moment, he halted that action as he saw the display picture for Chloe take over his screen.

'She must've woken up and noticed Rachel isn't with where she should be, she must be freaking out' Answering the phone, Naruto sighed before he placed the device against his ear and as he guessed, Chloe's panicked voice blasted through the small device.

"Naruto! It's Rachel, she's gone and she took my truck! What're we going to do? She could be anywhere right now, fuck, hello?"

"Chloe relax-"

"Don't tell me to fucking relax right now, she's out there somewhere right now sick, or whatever it is this chakra shit is doing to her and you're acting like it's no big deal! This is a hella big fucking deal!"

"If you let me speak, I can tell you where she's gone." As he said that Naruto waited for a few moments, the line going quite almost instantly at those words. "Thank you. She's with me."

"Are you sure? What the hell is she even doing there with you, wait, where are you two right now"

"Yes Chloe, I'm sure it's her, and we are at the lighthouse, she ambushed me after my last class and dragged me out here."

"Why would she take you out there, never mind that just don't go anywhere alright? I'm on my way."

"Don't, she's brought me here for a reason and I'm going to see this through, don't worry okay, we'll be back before you know it." As he said this Naruto could hear Chloe sigh rather dramatically before he could hear the phone shuffling around, he could almost picture her pulling her hair out.

"Fine, just make sure you bring her back"

"Will do ma'am"

"And Naruto"


"Take care of yourself as well, from what you said that had happened when you found her, I just, this is all new ground for me, I'm scared for her, for you, for all of us" Naruto's expression softened hearing Chloe's admission, knowing all too well how stubborn she was when it came to how she really felt.

"Wow, the fearless Chloe Price scared? I can't believe it" Naruto joked, and smiled softly hearing her snort in amusement, the bleak tension dissipating.

"Don't have to be an Ass about it but... Thank you."

"Any time." With that Naruto hung up the phone, putting it back into his pocket. As he focused back to the bench, he noticed Rachel's gaze had fallen on him, how long she had been looking over towards him he wasn't sure but as their eyes met, she quickly turned back to the view overlooking the ocean.

"Chloe sounds worried." Rachel commented as Naruto joined her at the bench.

"Yeah, I mean you did up and disappear on her- wait, you heard our conversation?" Naruto was genuinely surprised that she had managed to overhear their phone call, though as he thought about it his surprised quickly vanished. 'Of course, she overheard, all her senses must be going crazy right now.'

Rachel cast her head low, finding a great interest in her lap, hands nervously wringing, Naruto could sense the waves of fear rolling off of her, the air between them growing thick with it. "Yeah, I heard. The thing is, for a while now, I don't know how to explain it, but I can hear things I shouldn't be able to, see more clearly, smell things, feel someone's, I don't know, just a lot of weird shit okay and that was fine, I was managing it, just trying to pretend it didn't exist and it was working but, but I noticed I was losing my shit over everything more and more, the night before last my father said something, I can't remember what and I just saw red, when I woke up yesterday morning neither of my parents said so much as a sentence between them, they couldn't even look me in the eye. When I made my way towards the kitchen, I noticed that the counter where I had been standing was cracked, I knew I must've lost my temper and struck it out of frustration, I just ran out of the house and found Chloe. Then last night happened an-" choking on her words, Naruto noticed her hands had turned white from the pressure she was putting into squeezing them, trying to regain some control in her emotions. Shuffling himself closer to Rachel, Naruto wrapper her in a one-armed hug, comforting her, hopefully giving her enough support to continue with her venting.

"Last night was Chloe's idea, she must've known something was wrong, she always knows when I have something on my mind." At this small statement a smile broke through her saddened features. "I went along with it hoping to take my mind off of what was happening to me but, all that noise, the smell, the atmosphere was too much for me so I made my way out back and Chloe being the best friend followed. Things were fine, until that ass-hole!" feeling Rachel's emotions fluctuate, Naruto tightened his hold on her, cooing her back into a more relaxed state.

"Thank you...He was just so annoying and arrogant, I lost my temper and, oh my god, I hurt him, I didn't mean it but it was like I wasn't myself, as if I was a bystander watching things unfold and Chloe, oh god I hurt her too, When I watched her fall to the floor, I thought I was going to be sick, the worst thing about this whole thing, I enjoyed it...The power I felt was just so intoxicating, I felt like I could do anything. That is until you showed up, I don't know what it is but when you appeared, I felt the power within me, it felt so desperate, so afraid." For the first time during this conversation, Rachel's eyes met Naruto's and they did not waver, they held, studying his pools of a soft royal purple, as she returned the hold, he had been providing her through this whole conversation.

"It wanted nothing but to run and hide, I felt it's fear, I could sense it was ready to fight to the death just for a chance to escape and at that moment, I felt relieved, I knew you were going to stop me, I wasn't going to hurt anyone anymore and when I realized that, I felt at peace, especially when my vision faded but the next thing I knew I was waking up in your bed with Chloe beside me, I was confused, scared, I had to get away from her, I still am, I'm a monster, I close my eyes and I see the other me staring back at me, waiting. Why, why didn't you just end it there?"

Releasing Rachel, Naruto stood up, stepping away from her, taking a moment to think about everything he had just heard, the question he himself has been wondering about from the very beginning. "I don't regret what I did and what I couldn't do, you're not a monster, you're just afraid, I can understand that, I-"

"How can you believe that?! After what I did, I can't be anything less than a monster, I hurt people, people close to me!" Shouted Rachel, still seated on the bench.

"I have to believe it! I have to believe we aren't what others see us as, what we think ourselves to be, that we're better than that. I have to, otherwise what have I been fighting for." After his outburst Naruto's body gave way from him, collapsing to the ground, pulling his knees towards himself, shocking Rachel out of her slump, never seeing this vulnerable side to her friend. Getting up from her seated position Rachel cautiously made her way towards the now seated Naruto.

'Kit, let me take it from here.' Was the booming, yet soft voice of Kurama, Naruto didn't fight it, his inner self mirroring his physical form, curled up in Kurama's chamber as the newly minted Ten Tails Fox's Chakra washed over him.

Unbeknown to Rachel, as she approached Naruto, his eyes changed to a deep crimson red, with his pupil that of a cat's. When she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, she heard Naruto whisper something, and before she knew it her surroundings where replaced with a gleaming white backdrop on all sides.

As she began to panic, darting around trying to find out what was going on or just anything to let her know where she was, a mop of blond hair, darted past her, faster than she was expecting, slightly startling her, though when she turned towards the direction the blond-haired person went, she was again startled to find no one. Before should could begin to panic more, the same blond hair ran past her, though instead of belonging to a young man, her age.

the hair belonged to that of a younger teenager but again like the first person, they too disappeared. The same process repeated itself though the next figure Rachel was able to catch a glimpse of. The young boy had the brightest blond hair she had ever seen, natural or not, his hair was pulled back by what she could see to be green goggles, he was wearing a plain white T-shirt with an orange spiral plastered in the center, with an orange jumper tied around his waist and what looked to be matching pants, and blue sandals.

What drew her attention most was the young boy's features, a massive smile threatening to split his face but it was the familiar whisker marks she came to associate with Naruto which distracted her, which was enough to let the young boy disappear past her, though when she turned around, instead of the usual blank canvas she thought she'd see, she was startled to find an even younger blond boy, no older than six staring up at her.

"Who're you? I don't think you're supposed to be here." Came the small boys voice, knocking Rachel out of her thoughts. His head cocking to the side cutely, causing her to relax slightly.

"Didn't your parents teach you it's rude to ask someone their name before giving your own and where is 'here?'" Rachel shot back, gesturing to the absolute nothingness, missing the hurt expression that flashed across the boy's face.

"What's it to you old hag?!" Shouted the young boy, catching Rachel off at the sudden anger.

" 'Old hag!' Why you brat, I'll have you know I'm only nineteen!" Exclaimed the taller blond, only getting a rather dramatic huff from the smaller blond. "Look, I just want to know where I am, can you possibly help me." Rachel asked, sincerity oozing from her words, hoping to get some modicum of sympathy from the boy.

"Argh! Fine, I'll help you." The boy shouted, after what seemed like quite the internal struggle.

"Yay! Thank you, I'm Rachel by the way, Rachel Amber" Beamed the high school actress, her worries disappearing more by the second.

The smile that spread across Rachel's features seemed to be contagious as the from that once married the little boys face was soon replaced with his own megawatt smile. "Nice to meet ya! My name's Uzumaki Naruto!" As the name left his lips Rachel recoiled slightly by surprise, the boy's face being overshadowed by the visage of a much older Naruto, sporting the same smile.

Her shocked face was once again one of happiness as she beamed down at the younger Naruto, briefly laughing to herself at the predicament she found herself in and the fact that she was now staring down at and interacting with a younger version of her friend. 'Huh, he doesn't seem to have changed all that much from when he was a child. I can't wait to tell Chloe. Hmm, Blond suites him.'

"What's so funny?" Young Naruto questioned, cocking his head to the left, displaying his confusion.

"Nothing whatsoever" Rachel cooed, as the younger boy pulled on her heart strings. 'There's nothing I want to do more right now then to pinch his cheeks, he's so freaking cute!'

"Oh kay...Well, ready?" Young Naruto asked, holding his hand out to Rachel, urging her to take it.

"Ready as I'll ever been. So, you never told me where it is we are"

"It'll make sense soon enough, if it doesn't whelp you're just an idiot" Commented Naruto, causing Rachel to once again shout at him but by then it was too late, as the older blond grabbed the child's hand, next thing Rachel knew, she was in a busy street, completely foreign to her, alone, no sign of Naruto but before she could further dwell on that information, a pink ball rolled passed her feet, a young girl chasing after it, but said young girl was stopped before she could retrieve her ball, a man hand placed his hand upon her shoulder effectively stopping her, Rachel assumed he was her father, while the young girl looked towards the older man in confusion, he stared at Rachel in what she could tell was pure unfiltered hatred.

Rachel even flinched under his gaze and was very much aware of the rest of the people who filled the streets all sharing that same look. The noise of the ball hitting the ground quickly broke Rachel out of her mini panic attack under the heated looks, quickly turning around, fearing someone had been able to sneak up on her intending on harming her, she was surprised and relieved to see the familiar form of the younger version of Naruto, staring at the ground. Still very much unnerved by the looks Rachel closed the small gap between them, aiming to hold the young boy, hoping he can explain the situation of her sudden appearance to these people but instead of meeting contact with the boy Rachel fell through him, collapsing to the ground. Looking back up from her downed position, she soon noticed that those looks of hatred weren't directed at herself but the smaller blond in front of her.

For a brief moment, that left Rachel disgusted in herself, she was relieved that those looks weren't on her anymore, before she could scold herself for those thoughts, she was pulled from them as Naruto sprinted away from the busy street. "Hey, wait!" But he didn't and soon the street changed. No longer were they in the streets of this unknown place, she was standing in what she assumed was Naruto's home, the young boy was lying on the bed staring up into nothing.

"We're alone now, want to tell me what the hell that was about, why were all those people looking at you like that, what did you do to them?" Unfortunately, she didn't get an answer, it was as if the blond boy couldn't hear her, which she assumed was the case as she was met with silence. A few minutes passed before tears started to fall from the kids face, eliciting a painful feeling to shoot through Rachel's body.

"What am I supposed to do if he can't see or hear me, I feel so useless, I-I, Wait where are you going now?!" The boy had Jumped from his bed, wiping the tears from his eyes and sprinting out his door. Once again, the scene changed and instead of buildings, she was surrounded by the wilderness, one side a beautiful lake the other just a vast ocean of trees, she quickly found Naruto by a fire next to the lake. Naruto was patiently waiting for three fish, she assumed he had caught, to cook.

For the duration of the process the two sat in silence, one diligently watching their dinner, the other doing anything to fill the passing minutes as she really didn't have anything to do other than observe the small boy, After what seemed like forever to Rachel, she huffed in exasperation as she was pulling her hand back and forth from Naruto's skull in boredom, it passing through him harmlessly, she had also changed seating positions a few times, her current spot being within the large campfire Naruto had set up, after finding out the fire as well as other objects in this world pass harmlessly right through her.

Caught off guard, Rachel watched as Naruto reach for her chest before simply bypassing her very being, though the embarrassed yelp that escaped her lips was very much real but that train of thought died immediately once a deliciously cooked fish was grasped in his hand as he retracted said limb.

"Argh, hasn't anyone heard of 'sharing is caring' I'm hella starving right now." The taller blond said more to herself than anyone present. Relaxing back into her sitting position, Rachel was back to spacing out, though not for long, as a loud scream sliced through the silence like a hot knife through butter, focusing back in on the situation, Rachel practically scrambled out of the fire as a new figure had appeared at their little camp. 'When in the hell did this old dude show up?!' She shouted internally.

"Wh-Who're you?!" Came the small yet clearly panicked voice of the only Uzumaki present.

"I'm-" Though before the older man could finish his sentence a loud growl cut him off, at first Rachel thought it might be some type of predator but the colouring of the aged man's cheeks told her otherwise. Neither Naruto or the elderly man said anything for a few moments, rather they both awkwardly stared at one another until Naruto broke out into laughter, prompting the old man to continue.

"Here Gramps!" Naruto exclaimed as he offered one of his fish to the man, who gratefully accepted with a grandfatherly smile and a 'thank you'.

Now with the initial shock over, Rachel took the time to properly observe the older gentleman: He had unruly white hair which was drastically retreating, obviously from his old age, as well as a matching Goatee. His eyes were a dark chocolate, directly underneath each eye were three lines running down towards the bottom of his cheek finishing just before his cheekbones. From what she could see of his body, he was incredibly lithe though there wasn't much to go off as he wore a whole body rode that didn't display a single piece of skin.

"Look at the stars-" Came the voice of the now dubbed Gramps, but as she came back into the conversation, the familiar white haze took over her vision, the most likely wise words from the elderly man dying with her sight.

What came next for Rachel, was a series of events throughout Naruto's life, some horrific some touching others heartbreaking but each one molding the young boy into the man she knew presently. With these events came memories she had no right knowing, sights no other person could ever believe, names that never once passed her lips, but right now none of that mattered as the information and feelings that assaulted her drowned out as all her senses were driven to their maximum, to the point where she didn't know what to think or feel.

Suddenly that experience stopped, she was once again standing back on the familiar cliff side overlooking Arcadia, the only thing that seemed to change was her position, she found herself hand in hand with Naruto who was watching her, searching her eyes, hoping to glimpse into her thoughts. As she returned the gaze, she could see the person in front of her, a dear friend she came to care about, nothing had changed physically, in however long they had been standing there, but the feelings she shared, the events she experienced together with Naruto had definitely opened her eyes to the kind of person he was.

"I know it hurts, the feeling of being different, the fear of waiting, hoping, praying that no one finds out, that your friends don't suddenly abandon you for something forced inside of you, that you had no control over. I also know how it feels when instead of abandoning you they accept you, they help you, reassure you, so all those fears you once held seem insignificant. I know bottling it up isn't going to help. All these things I know because I was once where you are right now and I'm telling you, you don't have to be afraid of being alone or hurting those closest to you, because I will always accept you and I will help you get this under control"

With his piece said, Naruto waited hand in hand for those words to sink in, for any kind of reaction from his friend standing in front of him. What he got was Rachel throwing herself into his chest, as tears began to freely fall from her eyes, staining his shirt. Without missing a beat, Naruto encased his arms around the quivering girl, comforting her and reassuring her that he meant every word he just.

Moments passed as the two stayed like that until her breathing evened out, when her breathing eased up and her chest rose and fell evenly, signalling she had fallen asleep Naruto easily picked her up in a princess carry before disappearing down the trail they had used upon arrival.

'Who were you trying to convince just then, her or you?' Kurama questioned, having still been awake through the whole thing.

'I-I don't know, that's a good question' Naruto thought, his tone difficult to read even for Kurama, before the giant fox left Naruto to dwell on what had just transpired.