Angela slowly opened her eyes to the artificial sunshine in her room. She sighed before bringing both arms out from under the covers to stretch.

A warm smile spread across her lips at the sound of a certain cyborg next to her.

"Good morning, Angela." Genji greeted softly.

The Doctor sat up and turned to her dearest friend. He sat on her bed with his legs crossed. Most likely meditating to himself whilst she slept in.

Really, Genji woke up too early.

She echoed his greetings, then asked happily.

"How did you sleep?"

"As usual when I'm by your side, very well." He grinned.

A pink flush warmed her cheeks.

She reached out to touch his face.

Genji rarely ever took off his mask. When he did, it was only for Angela.

His metal fingers brushed through her tousled hair.

They exchanged loving glances.

Moments like these, Dr. Zeigler held close to her heart.

Being at peace with him. The man she fell in love with.

In the back of her mind, she regretted not being able to share more of these moments together.

Recalling Overwatch had put a major strain on their relationship. All of her time these days had been devoted to carrying out missions and saving innocent victims from Talons malicious attacks.

She could not allow herself any more time for this.

The past few days had admittedly been a nice escape from the world. But Angela had a responsibility to the people. It was the oath she took when she chose to join Overwatch.

Even though the organization wasn't technically active. That did not mean she would give up. Not until Talon was stopped.

Her brow furrowed.

Genji noticed the shift in her azure eyes.

"Angela?" He questioned when she removed her soft hand from his cheek.

Not wanting him to worry, she put on a reassuring smile.

"How do you think Mei and your brother are fairing?" She quickly changed the subject before he could pry.

"I imagine just fine." He gave a simple answer. Not happy with her change in demeanor.

"I hope so. Mei is very sweet, but she remains buried in her work. From what I know, she never has time for those sorts of activities." The doctor laughed nervously.

"Like someone else I know." He mentioned only half-heartedly.

Genji sighed, knowing that Angela would not budge right now.

He could easily guess what was on her mind. The same topic as always.

His angel had chosen to answer the recall of Overwatch.

Angela had stepped up from being a medic for survivors both omnic and human. She kept in constant contact with Winston to help coordinate missions and strikes for anyone looking to fight Talon.

Still, the doctor could never turn a blind eye to innocents suffering. She constantly put herself in harm's way to save anyone she met on the battlefield.

Genji could not let her fight alone. He insisted on joining her in every mission despite her protests.

He would remain by her side. Protecting what is most precious to him. She would never be harmed.

He'd give up his life all over again to keep her safe. And he knew she would do the same for him.

Nowadays, he had spent most nights with her discussing plans until she could no longer stay awake. He'd usually end up carrying her exhausted body to a nearby bed or couch and passing out along side her.

While being here in Gibraltar, Angela had attempted multiple times to convene with Winston and discuss their next move. The scientist dismissed her at every turn and insisted this was time for them to relax.

Despite wanting to back up the doctor. A big part of him agreed with Winston. And was eager to spend some alone time with his angel.

It felt like forever since the two had a passionate night together.

Before the chaos began, they spent their nights in a much more lustful way.

Genji definitely missed those times. Heated kisses ending in marathon sessions of lovemaking.

Angela had given herself over to him. In body and spirit.

The sound of her erotic cries in the midst of an orgasm and the words she muttered right before she drifted off to sleep. They would stick with him forever.

'Genji, I love you.'

The frustration of her being so close, yet so far was maddening.

His self restraint trudged through constant tests of will power.

Like an angel she flew just out of his reach.

Yet he had wings too, and this sparrow would not let her fly alone.

"Genji?" Angela's sweet voice brought him back from his daydreaming.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Would you tell me more about the dragon spirit inside you?" She questioned.

"Of course. Why do you ask?" Genji noticed her start to fidget.

"Well, Mei asked me about what our first time was like." Angela toyed with a strand of hair.

"Whilst reminiscing, I thought back to when I initially saw your dragon spirit show itself." Her cheeks carried a bright red hue.

Genji smirked at her unintentional innuendo.

"Very well." He laughed and once more ran his fingers through her silky blonde hair.

"The Shimada clan was said to be the descendants of many great dragons. Advancements in technology have allowed my family to communicate with our ancestors." He started.

"To be quite honest, as children both my brother and I were never given an explanation about our spirits." He shrugged.

"At a young age we were told by my father that our ancestral spirits were dragons. That as heirs to the clan, we must carry their power within our hearts and body."

Genji paused, then softly grasped Angela's hand before continuing.

"I did not agree with it. Often I disobeyed father in all aspects of my youth. Carrying the mantle of our ancestors was something I did not desire. It took me many years to be at peace with what was inside of me. Eventually, I realized that the dragon within me was not like my father. That what it truly sought was my own happiness and inner peace." He explained.

Angela stared up at him. Her blue eyes shined with interest.

"When I am in need of it's strength on the battlefield I control it through my sword." His eyes locked with her own.

"It also shows when I am with the one I have chosen to show eternal love." He gazed longingly at Angela.

She flushed red, but still offered him a warm smile.

Genji returned the gesture and cleared his throat.

"When I left my clan under the guise of death, I searched for any information I could. Without any elder Shimadas to talk to, I was unable to find an explanation to the questions that still lingered in my mind."

His tone became solemn.

"All I have is an ancient story that our mother would read to us every night before she disappeared."

Genji's eyes glazed over as he thought back to his younger self.

His mother would speak a long woven tale of two great dragon brothers. At the time it seemed like nothing more than a fairytale.

Until the day she left.

Sojiro Shimada had always been a stern man. But once their mother had vanished, he turned into a brute. He forced strict rules and punishments onto his sons. Determined to turn them both into hardened leaders.

For the most part, it worked on Hanzo. He became distant and cold. Ruling with their father while Genji had chosen to separate himself from the clans cruel practices.

However, things quickly went down hill. Their father was murdered by any enemy clan. And the Shimada had expected Hanzo to take over.

Most people knew the rest. Angela most certainly did. She played a major part in helping him recuperate from his immense bodily injuries.

If it weren't for her he would not even have a life to live in the first place.

Despite the physical healing. Genji still held aggression against his family and Hanzo for what they had done.

Which caused him to start a journey of self discovery. One that led him to the snowy lands of Nepal.

It took a lot of mental training from his master Zenyatta to quell his anger.

However, once he discovered how Hanzo was living. A life of shame and atonement.

Things changed again.

The grief of the elder dragon for murdering his younger brother.

It held weight in his heart. And Genji found solidarity in forgiveness.

He turned back to Angela. She remained silent, reading the emotions that flashed behind his eyes.

"I can tell you this." Genji placed his left hand gently on her head.

"The tattoo really hurt." He chuckled.

His expression lit up when Angela stifled a laugh at his joke.

"You really are something else, Genji." She let go of his right hand and stood up.

"I am glad that you are still here with me." She started with her back to him. Grabbing an elastic, Angela tied her hair into a messy ponytail.

"You survived so many hardships and still continue to fight." She finished.

"Thanks to you." Genji got up from the bed and made his way behind her.

He placed two hands on to her shoulders.

"Without you, I would not be the man I am today." His metal palms glided down her arms, leaving goosebumps in their wake.

"Genji." She sighed, enjoying his touch.

"When you are ready to return to how things used to be, I will be right here." He boldly placed a kiss to the back of her neck.

Angela could not help the rosy flush on her cheeks. Warmth spread through her body, knowing that he was completely willing to wait for her.

Of course she still yearned for him as well. Many nights she wished of nothing more than to give herself over to him.

Those thoughts would often be met with more work and responsibility. Pulling her back into the fight and away from his arms.

"Angela?" Genji questioned when she turned to him and rested her forehead against his chest.

She looked up at him, conflict danced in her azure eyes.

Reaching out to hold his face with both hands. She softly brushed her finger tips across his scarred cheeks and metal jaw.

"I would be lying if I did not admit to missing you intimately." She spoke through restrained emotion.

"In the world we live in now, I feel I cannot continue to allow myself to succumb to these desires. Not with the thought of millions of innocents suffering from something we couldn't stop." Angela searched his eyes for any signs of resentment.

He only held tenderness and love within his ebony orbs.

Her porcelain cheeks flushed red.

Maybe, while they were here in Gibraltar…

She could find the time.

If only for a moment.

"Genji?" She questioned. Her voice rose barely above a whisper.

"Yes, Angela?" He replied, rubbing her sides in soothing circles.

Unable to look away from his entrancing gaze. Angela felt her control slip away.

Genji leaned down and rested his forehead against hers.

From there he stood still. He would not continue unless she chose to. Everything that happened next would be up to Angela.

She helplessly gazed at him. Seemingly afraid of her own thoughts.

The temptation ate at her will power to keep away.

Her senses fogged up, filling with only the remembrance of his heated embrace.

She needed to feel him again.

Her body racked with shivers as her resolve snapped in two.

Genji's body tensed with excitement when she brought her lips closer.

Angela mumbled, before giving him a soft kiss.

"Genji, I love you."

She had chosen. Now he could no longer hold back.

A/N: EDIT: Sorry I meant to upload this version that had more of an explanation of Angela's POV here along with some edits. Thank you to everyone who is still leaving reviews on this story lol

I really wanted this chapter to be a little interlude from the main couple. The next chapter is back to HanzoxMei. So if you're expecting a GenjixMercy lemon than you're going to be disappointed.

Also I'm switching back and forth between desktop and mobile so if everything isn't perfect, forgive me. The process of typing/editing back and forth screws up spacing, italics, etc.

Don't forget to tell me what you think. ;*