Happy Kacchako Week! Follow for the rest of the week and the other prompts. :)

Day 0 - Rainbows

It's the fifth time this week that it's rained. The icy first storms of spring always left Katsuki cold, wet and irritated and the lack of sunshine in the forecast had him in a darker mood than the clouds outside. His hero costume is still dripping onto the bathroom floor after his patrol last night when he packs up his bag for class.

Majoring in Heroics in college was no walk in the park. While UA had done a good job of expanding his abilities and getting him started, the extra classes in ethics, business management, and press relations were rounding out his skillset. When he graduated, he'd be in the perfect position to open his own agency.

Katsuki eyes the large umbrella leaning next to the door loathingly. He grimaces, feeling phantom water sloshing into his shoes and making his jeans damp from the knees down. For a moment he considers skipping class; he has excellent grades right now and perfect attendance.

Perfect. Attendance.

He snatches the stupid umbrella and steps out of the door before he can change his mind. The landing of his apartment is covered and under the rattling of the rain on the roof, he hears a door open and close quickly from the floor below. Boots slap through puddles and a blur of blue and purple runs out into the rain. Katsuki groans; not again.

"Uraraka, fucking stop!"

By the time he gets down to the ground floor, Ochako has stopped, but it's clear she's in a hurry, feet and knees shuffling up and down in impatience. Her blue rain coat repels the water well enough and so do the galoshes, but the purple scarf wrapped over her hair is darkening quickly. He flicks the big umbrella open and walks past her, Ochako easily falling in step next to him.

This is the third time since the storm system moved in.

Uraraka Ochako had moved into the flat below his at the beginning of the year. He'd had a bad day and blasted some tunes when he got home for hours, only to have her banging on his door and yelling at him. They were so stunned to see each other again, he'd unintentionally let her into his apartment. Then he'd learned she had taken a year after attending UA to get practical experience and raise more money before coming to major in Heroics like him. Since she'd found out he was a year ahead of her, she'd started bugging him to borrow books and recommend classes.

It wasn't unusual anymore for her to show up at his door in sweats and with a pile of books and notepads, a pizza box slanted on her hip. He'd let her in and they'd eat greasy food and study for their tests. On weekends, they'd hit the campus gym facilities, slipping easily into the role of sparring partners. After her year of practical experience, Ochako was more relaxed and comfortable with using her quirk in creative ways.

The confidence had brought out another facet of Ochako that Katsuki filed under 'not fragile'. While she had her hard edges and determination in high school, the Ochako now didn't try to hide behind a façade of naiveté or force herself into a mold of someone else. Nothing could put a dent in her confidence and sense of self now. And Katsuki found that he liked that.

They're halfway to the Heroics building when Ochako tugs on his sleeve, dipping the umbrella and causing some of the water to drip onto his already wet shoulder.

"Bakugou, are you okay? You look out of it today." Aside from the cold seeping through his jacket and the sloshing of his shoes, he's fine. Ochako is staring at him until he huffs and looks forward again. She sighs a little, used to his grumpiness. He glances back through blonde lashes to see she's looking out across the quad.

Her shoulder is soaked.

Something in his eye twitches and Katsuki groans and slouches a little… and tilts the umbrella a bit more. Random raindrops splatter into his scarf and on his cheek. The umbrella's edge drops more water on his head. He's considering how to make Ochako buy dinner tonight when another tug pulls on his jacket sleeve. The back of Ochako's head is still towards him, but her voice is bright and her hand is stretching out from the confines of the umbrella's protection.

"Look! The rain's letting up! It looks bright over there!" She turns to face him, pulling on the sleeve in her grip (carefully pulling at least one finger out of the way). "If it stops today, we should have our next spar outside!"

His nose and ears are cold from the wet air but his cheeks are flush from her earnest expression and the casual proximity he doesn't have a problem with in a fight.

"Fine, but you're buying dinner tonight."

"Huh? Well, okay, I guess."

If the rain lets up and he keeps holding the umbrella anyway, she doesn't say anything and walks so her shoulder brushes his arm.