Disclaimer: I don't own the characters.

Description: A conversation I would've liked to have seen between the boys.

Hello, okay so this is just basically a small fix-it fic set right after the most recent episode 'The Raid.' I gotta say so far I'm loving S12, but i have a few issues with it, so this is just basically all my thoughts put into dialogue. Fair warning, this story is going to be very Dean centric, and not a very friendly place for Mary Winchester.

Dean stared at the open road in front of him, the last slivers of sunlight disappearing and fading into clear night sky. He gunned the Impala, continuing to put distance between them and the Men of Letters headquarters. Between them and Mary.

"So you're telling me you ganked to the Alpha vamp."

"Yeah." Sam nodded, from the passenger seat.

"Wait, how..."

"The Colt." Sam replied, an edge to his voice.

"The Colt?" Dean shot him a look of confusion, before turning his eyes back to the road..

"The Men of Letters had it." Sam informed. "They got because, apparently Mom stole it..."

"From Yellow eyes 2.0." Dean finished the sentence as it all clicked into place.

"Yeah." Sam said quietly, starring down at the floorboard of the Impala

Dean heaved a heavy sigh.

"I know, man, I know." Sam's voice was nearly a whisper.

Silence lingered between them for a few moments.

"I'm sorry." Dean spoke up. Sam knew what he meant.

"It's fine, it's not your fault. I just...I wanted to believe so badly that we could trust her." Sam answered, looking out the window.

"And I'm sorry too. I mean I know this hasn't been easy for either of us, but...I just didn't stop to consider how hard this has been for you." Sam added, glancing at Dean.

"I never knew her, so it's easier for me to see her for who she is now," Sam continued. "But you did, you remember her as our mom, the one who took care of us and tucked us in, and dressed you in 'I Wuv Hugs* tee shirts."

Dean cracked a small smile, and shook his head at the embarrassing memory.

"The point is, clearly she's different then you remember her, and I just didn't realize how hard that must be for you." Sam finished.

Dean was didn't speak for a moment, simply keeping his eyes on the road and making small corrections with the steering wheel.

"It's fine. She's right, we're not kids anymore." He stated.

"That shouldn't matter. That's still not an excuse to lie to us and shut us out." Sam countered.

Dean didn't reply. They both remained quiet for several minutes as Dean took a turn and began to head in the direction of the Bunker. The occasional set of headlights would come into view only to pass by, and fade into the dark oblivion behind them.

"Wait, so where's the Colt now?" The elder Winchester inquired.

"That's the other thing, It's still with them. I couldn't exactly take it because they kind of think I'm on their side now." Sam explained.

"I figured if they think they can trust me, maybe it'll be easier to keep tabs on them." He added.

"Ha, that's my Sammy." Dean grinned.

Sam rolled his eyes.

"Well, I didn't go to...Stanford for nothing." He said, getting quieter at the end

Upon remembering Mary's words, Sam regretted letting it slip a mist their banter.

"What's wrong?" Dean furrowed his brow, immediately sensing the shift in his tone.

"Nothing, it's just something Mom...Mary said when she was trying to recruit me." He replied. "Well, she said she wasn't trying to recruit me, but it felt an awful lot like she was." He spoke, picking at the hem of his jacket.

"Anyway, she...she said she was trying help them eradicate all the monsters so I could go back to school and we could have normal lives." Sam continued.

At first Dean stifled a laugh, then after a moment his features shifted.

"Wait, is that what you want? I mean do you want to go back?" Dean asked, more sincerity in his tone time.

"Maybe when I was 20, but not now. So much has changed, I've changed." He spoke. "It's like you said, saving people, hunting things. It's what we do."

"Do you really think they can wipe them all out?" Dean questioned after a moment, once again he was genuine.

Now it was Sam's turn to laugh.

"Dude, they couldn't even defend their home base when the vamps took the offense. They may have a a handle on things in England, but this isn't England. Eradicating them all is a nice thought in theory, but those can't always be applied practically." Sam replied with a small chuckle.

"Besides, despite all their resources and knowledge, they really don't know what they're doing. Tonight, there was whole room full of them, and none of then have ever actually hunted anything."

"Oh that's just friggin awesome." Dean muttered.

"I don't trust them." Sam simply stated.

"I don't either. I can't, not after what they did to you." Dean replied.

"By the way, what was the deal with Ketch?" Sam inquired.

"He showed up at the Bunker." Dean answered.

"Great." Sam pinched the bridge of his nose. "Too bad there's no way to ward against assholes."

Dean let out a laugh, and after the week he had had, it felt nice.

"Anyway, he said they had a location on the bloodsuckers, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to tag along and check it out. See if they actually knew what they were doing." Dean explained.

"He try and recruit you too?"

"Basically." Dean tensed without even realizing.

"What'd he say?" Sam questioned curiously, as if though he had noticed something was off.

You're a killer, Dean Winchester. And so am I. Ketch's voice echoed through his mind.

"You know, same ole spiel." Dean tried to sound nonchalant.

"You sure?" Sam seemed unconvinced.

"Yeah." Dean answered, keeping his eyes fixed on the road.

So this chapter is very short, the next one with probably be longer, and it will be dealing with what Ketch said to Dean. Also we'll be hearing from Jody Mills is that chapter.