The rest of the day was pretty low key. Nissa did actually attempt to teach me to meditate. I am horrible at it, as she says there is no whining when you meditate. But we got outside because of it, she took me to her favorite spot in the forest. It was a small clearing following the stream about ten minutes from the camp. It was really beautiful there, quiet except for the sound of the stream and the breeze in the trees. Nissa had packed us a amazing picnic with fruit, cheese and these little Jorgan crackers. We even had a bottle of sweet amber wine to go with lunch. Being there with her, everything felt so perfect. I wanted to know everything I could about Nissa. We sat crossed legged on a small blanket Nissa had packed, our shoulders and hips touching as close as we were. Maybe it was the wine that made me bold or the teasing jokes we had been making at each others expense but I was curious. "Whats it like to be with a man? I mean would you go back or was it just because it was expected of you for your bloodline?" I asked. Nissa chuckled. "Men are amazing, strong and protective." She answered and I frowned and pouted slightly. "Calm down baby. No I wouldn't go back, I knew when I was with her that it felt right. Women can be strong and protective too. You have your shoulder to remind you of that. But women are also soft and caring and let their emotions be seen. But none of that really matters anyway, I can't picture my life with someone who isn't you." She looked into my eyes, her green ones seeing right through into the most important parts of me. "Great answer." I breathed and leaned in to kiss her sweetly. She really did seem to always know exactly what to say. "What about you? Ever though about being with man?" She asked. "Me? Because I'm such a a vision of femininity?" I answered gesturing down my torso. She playfully slapped my knee. "I have never really thought about it, they just don't do it for me. I've never really been attracted to any." I answered. "Well they are attracted to you." I raised my eyebrow at this comment. "Haven't you ever noticed the way Gideon looks at you? I almost thought you two were a couple when we first met. Then you punched him in the stomach after he made fun of your temper and I knew I was wrong about that." "You think Gids is into me?" I asked with a laugh. "How could he not be." She answered being cute. "Well that's it then, I want the boys." I said in mock seriousness pretending to get up. "Don't you even!" Nissa squealed playing along with my joke and grabbing my good hand. But I could see a hint of worry in her green eyes. After our giggles subsided I looked her in the eyes and asked "You do know I was kidding? Right? I have everything I want and need right here." I laced my fingers with hers to emphasize the point. "I know, I'm just not great with the idea of the people I love leaving. Its not your fault. I knew you were kidding." She answered. I paused for a moment, I wanted to know, but I didn't want to scare her. "Nissa if you had been less emotionally guarded would have tried to stop her from leaving you?" I asked. She was quite for what seemed like forever, and when she spoke her voice was soft but even. "Yes. Back then she was my world." Nissa must have seen the worry in my eyes when hers met mine. "Chandra, baby that was back then. That time in my life feels like something a hundred years ago, blurred, like being seen under water." She paused. "But do you miss her? It's ok if you do, Nissa I know she meant a lot to you. I will never fault you for loving her. Everything that makes up your past is a part of you, the cracks make up the picture. And I love every crack they make you , you." I said. My heart was in my throat but I needed her to know her life was her own and I would never be upset by anything she had experienced. "Chandra, It could never be like this. I loved her, I still love her. But this? You and I? I have no words for this connection. I don't know what it is and I don't care. I could try to analyze it and over think it. But all I know, all that matters is that you make me happy. I smile when I'm with you, I laugh more, I feel more. The connection with nature, connecting with the lay lines is easier when I'm with you. You ground me, make me feel whole. What else could I possibly want?" Her question went unanswered when I capture her lips in a kiss. This kiss, this moment and this time is ours. It's sweet and tender, full of emotion. My whole heart is on fire and I know we have to breath but I would suffocate for her. I break the kiss but only because I have to. "Niss, I don't really want to leave here but if we are going to the inn tonight we need to make our way there." I grumbled. I would have rather spent the whole night alone together. "Yeah ok lets go, just promise me it will be brief, ok? I would rather be holding you close and exploring every inch of you... then be sociable at the inn." Did she really need to run her fingers from my hip to my elbow? My mind is totally blanking but I swear I'm trying to find words, any words actually. Unfortunately at this point my brain left my head and all I can think of is Nissa exploring every inch of my body. "Baby did you still want to go?" Nissa asked. 'baby' that sounds so sweet, and it is so hard to say no to that. "Yeah lets go, to at least keep Gids from becoming a burning tree." Nissa smirked at me. "Chandra you are too kind." She replied. "Gids is so lucky that I am. Like super lucky, like he is buying all the ale tonight lucky." I said and she laughed. We packed everything and made our way back down the path. Past the camp and Nissa's, I mean our Tree house. When we pushed through the doors of the inn I immediately I wish we had just stayed home.
Everything was noisy and I felt out of touch. But the warmth of Nissa by my side grounded me. Our table with Gideon, Jace and new arrival Ajani felt like home to me. It was weird, these people cared about me. I think their crazy don't get me wrong, but it feels good. The only one missing from our little group was Liliana, but to be honest I didn't much mind. After the first bit of adjusting to being around more people then just Nissa the night seemed to flow naturally. There were stories told and laughs shared, there was even a narrowly avoided fight. I almost lost my cool when a "gentleman" who had clearly had his fair share of ale almost spilled a entire tankard on Nissa. "Your lucky my Girlfriend is such a calming presence you oaf! Or I would make you eat that stein." I said in his face. "Now apologize before I change my mind." He stammered out a apology and I turned to see a blushing Nissa and the rest of our party in mixed stages of confused and shocked. "Oh damn it! Niss I'm sorry is it ok if I ..." She cut me off. "Call me your Girlfriend? Yes I like that very much." She finished kissing me to emphasize the point. "So wait? You and Niss are together? Like 'together" together?" Gideon asked confused. "Really?! Gideon I swear you are so thick headed some times." Jace responded shaking his head. Ajani burst in to a loud rolling laugh clapping me on the shoulder. He saw me wince and imminently apologized. "Oh I'm sorry Chandra. But good for you, not everyone can catch a elf." He said still chuckling. Now it was my turn to blush. "Er uh... Thanks you big fur-ball I guess? Well I guess the cat is out of the bag as it were." I said smirking his way, I could see Nissa covering a giggle with her hand out of the corner of my eye. "Oh its way too early in the night for cat jokes Chan, but I will let that slide. Let me get the next round." Ajani stood and turned towards the bar. "Oh look who decided to grace us with her presence? It looks like Liliana finally made it and it looks like she brought friend back from her travels." We all looked up to see Liliana walking our way with a slender woman in a hooded green cloak by her side. "Hello everyone." She said as they reached our table. "I've recruited some extra help." Liliana said gesturing to her companion as the woman lowered her hood. "This is..." Liliana started. "Amaliee." Nissa finished with a wide eyed look a mix of shock and something else I couldn't quite place. The two elf women stared at each other without a word for what seemed like eternity. "Niss, are you ok?" I asked breaking the silence. "Yes, I'm ok. Surprised is all." Nissa said turning to look at me. "Is it ok if I have a minute alone with her, Chandra?" She asked. "Oh course, you don't need my permission." She smiled at me stood and her and the other elf walked through to door seeking a bit more privacy. My heart sank, why had it hurt when she had said my name? Not Baby, or Spark, or even Chan. Chandra. My full name seemed to burn me now. I was lost in my own little world when Liliana sat down next to me. I didn't even register her presence until she spoke. "Hey Firecracker, hows it going? I really do seem to run into the most interesting people when I travel, don't I?" She asked an evil smile playing at the corner of her lips. It was then, that look she gave me that I realized it wasn't a coincidence finding Amaliee. Liliana did't 'do' coincidences, she knew exactly what she was doing. "Still moving pieces in your game I see." I spat from between gritted teeth. "Always." She replied with a wink.