Yugi and a Thousand Cranes:Chapter 8-Final ending

When everyone left, Yami came out,to his horror his light was in millions of wires and is slowly dieing.

"Yugi,your really going to die."Yami mange to say

"Yes there is no way for me to live"Yugi said sadly

"No way??impossible,there must be a way"Yami said in a detirmend voice"I''ll find a way"

"No Yami please don't try,they try everything,and fail"Yugi said"But i do not blame them,"

"Yugi............."was all Yami mange to say

"Yami there is a note in the drawer table,please read it"Yugi said his breathing was getting harder

"shhh Yugi don't talk"Yami said in a low whisper

Yugi nodded and smile,it reminded him of the voice his mother use to him when at the atomic bomb.Yet it lead to the unhappy ending,and this ending will also be unhappy.

"But i want you to promise me that you'll read the note and follow it"Yugi said

"...... i promise now please you need your rest"Yami said pleading

"No worry,i'll have plenty of rest in a while"Yugi said smiling

Yami shook his head,he felt so useless that the fact that he can't help.He hug yugi,he vow that he would protect Yugi from everything,but he can't.He felt like crying but he must be strong.Yami knew his time is running short and he wanted to tell Yugi how he felt before...... he leaves him forever.Yami broke the hug and lean foward, as there lips lock,Yugi felt pain inside,but he ingore it.They broke there kiss after what seem like hours.

"Yugi i love you"Yami said

"I love you too,Yami"Yugi say

Those words were the final words of Yugi as he then left there world.A loud beep sound rang the room,then suddenly stop.A yellow ball float in fount of Yami as a brust of light fill the room.As soon as the light fade a beautiful lady replace it,her blonde hair flowing along with her white dress,she open her sky blue eyes and look at Yami.

"I am the Angel of Life"She started"And i am here to give you a choice of flesh or sprit"

Yami seem shock,did Yugi knew about this,maybe it's in the note thing.Yami reach for the note,but he wasn't able to read it,the AOL(angel of life,not American online)Was waiting paiecently.Yami ask if she could read it to him.The note said:

Dearest Yami,
I know soon that i'm going to die,and i have a few request from you,Sonna said in her dreams that a angel would appear and allow you to choose the choice of being human or sprit.But there is another option that they do not metion,if the host is dead,you may take over there body and knowledfe.I want you to do that,so my friends do not feel sad that i have died.That is all i ask,i hope you listen.

Love Yugi.

Yami is now in more shock,and start to wonder if he should.It was my light final request there is no sane or good reason not to,and maybe it'll even get Marik and Bakura off my back.

"Angel of Life ummm?Yami said"I would like to take over my host's body"

"hm? many do not know there is such a choice,but since he is dead, then it is allow"She started to chant a spell

Yami felt his vision go black,he then landed with a thump.When he re awoken,he saw the face of his friends.
"Yug i knew that you'll make it through"Joey said

"You believe and you live"Tea said happily

"You did the impossible"Tristan comment

"Umm"Yami start"yeah,that's great"

He even had Yugi's voice,it work,Yami is glad that Yugi can rest in peace.

. "That great Yugi"Ryou said

"It ruin's everything"Bakura growl

"It's quite rare,he complete heal in a matter of time,it also quite impossible"The docter said checking Yugi health"But it seem that anything is possible these days"

And so it ends,Yami had a great life and no one was ever sad.Yami though pray for his light ever years,but one thing that was never sure was the legend true,if you do make onethousand cranes will god heal you.Guess you'll never know.Marik and Bakura was never able to complete there plan,but that;'s another story..... really.

Yep it ends,what a sad and happy ending at time.Well it's my first ocmplete story and sorry it's so short.......... hey it matters that i updated right?Alright you can kill me for no updateing for 2 months.Now R&R.This was not spell check or grammer check it was sad so i didn't feel like reading it over.I suck at romance.If i feel like it i might even write a squeal of Yami's life or Yugi's afterlife *shurg* maybe.