A/N:Hey this is my first Yaoi fic.I made up the begining, but the title
from a book.There might be some grammer or spelling problem,that i
miss.Please tell me if there is i'll try to fix it.And now the story.( i
decide to not write contiue my other yugi fics,and i will take them down
Yugi and the Thousand Cranes
Chapter 1:The begining
Yu-Gi's POV(Point Of View)
I was age 5 when my mom die, i still remember
An atomic bomb expolde somewhere in Japan.Even though my city was far away from the bomb,the air got polluted.Mom held me and told me not to breath in the air.
"I'm scared and the air smell bad"i cried
"Shhh,daddy going to get a breathing mask for both of us,and don't breath in"mom said to me
But there wasn't enough breathing mask.Mom give one to me and one to dad.She didn't have one,dad wanted to give his to her,but she didn't take it.
"I'll be fine,you and Yugi need it"mom told dad
But you weren't fine,becuase of that bomb three days later you got sick.So sick two week later you die.Dad then ran away.
"It's your fault,it's your fault she died"dad screamed
"h...how?"i ask scared
"Don't give me that shit, you know how!"he screamed again
I said nothing and started crying
"I need to start a new life"Dad said and those were he last words before leaving me
I ran inside the house and called grandpa.After telling my grandpa everything,grandpa decide to raise me.
10 years later Normal POV
Yugi was now 15,short for his age but smart.He carry the Millennium Puzzle,a gift that was given to Yugi when he was 10 by his grandpa.A Spirt name Yami was in there,so Yugi was never lonely.But he had friends and love his life.Even though people like Marik and Bakura try to steal the MP.That wasn't all the problem,ever once in a while the memories of his mom came back to him.As Yugi heard history tend to repeat itself from Yami and Isis,he was afraid that he would lose his friends and grandpa.
That didn't happen, but something else did.Another atomic bomb drop,yet again the air was polluted.This time, no one was there to help Yugi.His grandpa was in Hawaii,because Yugi said he was working too hard and he could take care of the shop.He couldn't refuse,because Yugi already order the ticket.
As the air polluted,his Yami was the only one with him.But he couldn't help,because Yugi wouldn't let him out.
"Yugi, please you need help"Yami pleaded
"No*cough*you'll get *cough*sick,i don't want*cough*anyone to di..."Yugi didn't finsh he fainted.
Yami was now free to get out,but still couldn't because when Yugi fainted, the puzzle broke a little.
"Yugi.."Yami cried
A/N:Please review,and no flames please.The begining suck i know,but it'll get better.
Yugi and the Thousand Cranes
Chapter 1:The begining
Yu-Gi's POV(Point Of View)
I was age 5 when my mom die, i still remember
An atomic bomb expolde somewhere in Japan.Even though my city was far away from the bomb,the air got polluted.Mom held me and told me not to breath in the air.
"I'm scared and the air smell bad"i cried
"Shhh,daddy going to get a breathing mask for both of us,and don't breath in"mom said to me
But there wasn't enough breathing mask.Mom give one to me and one to dad.She didn't have one,dad wanted to give his to her,but she didn't take it.
"I'll be fine,you and Yugi need it"mom told dad
But you weren't fine,becuase of that bomb three days later you got sick.So sick two week later you die.Dad then ran away.
"It's your fault,it's your fault she died"dad screamed
"h...how?"i ask scared
"Don't give me that shit, you know how!"he screamed again
I said nothing and started crying
"I need to start a new life"Dad said and those were he last words before leaving me
I ran inside the house and called grandpa.After telling my grandpa everything,grandpa decide to raise me.
10 years later Normal POV
Yugi was now 15,short for his age but smart.He carry the Millennium Puzzle,a gift that was given to Yugi when he was 10 by his grandpa.A Spirt name Yami was in there,so Yugi was never lonely.But he had friends and love his life.Even though people like Marik and Bakura try to steal the MP.That wasn't all the problem,ever once in a while the memories of his mom came back to him.As Yugi heard history tend to repeat itself from Yami and Isis,he was afraid that he would lose his friends and grandpa.
That didn't happen, but something else did.Another atomic bomb drop,yet again the air was polluted.This time, no one was there to help Yugi.His grandpa was in Hawaii,because Yugi said he was working too hard and he could take care of the shop.He couldn't refuse,because Yugi already order the ticket.
As the air polluted,his Yami was the only one with him.But he couldn't help,because Yugi wouldn't let him out.
"Yugi, please you need help"Yami pleaded
"No*cough*you'll get *cough*sick,i don't want*cough*anyone to di..."Yugi didn't finsh he fainted.
Yami was now free to get out,but still couldn't because when Yugi fainted, the puzzle broke a little.
"Yugi.."Yami cried
A/N:Please review,and no flames please.The begining suck i know,but it'll get better.