Disclaimer: Don't own Lucifer or Beauty and the Beast.

AN: Written in celebration of the new Beauty and the Beast film. With this story, I decided to try something different; it'll be told entirely through 100 word drabbles. Snapshots of a larger story, if you will. It's good writing practise.

I also aim to post one drabble a day. Enjoy!

In the beginning, the Angel Lucifer was cast out of Heaven and condemned to rule Hell for all eternity.

Until the day he rebelled once more and escaped to Earth.

Thus, God decreed that if Lucifer could learn to love another, and earn love in return, he will become mortal and return to Heaven upon his death, the Lightbringer restored. If not, he would be doomed back to Hell for all of time.

Five mortal years he had, but as the days passed, he made no move to heed his Father's words.

For who could ever love the Devil himself?