Authors note: okay now this is just a quick message for you guys, i am going to be coming back to this fanfiction, i was mega busy with life for a long while with doing artwork and traveling around the state and what not. but now im settled down for a while so I can come back and make chapters again for this particular fanfiction. I am doing a re-write of the fanfiction however I couldnt delete the other chapters. however now that this place holder is up and about for you guys I can delete that Chapter 2 so I can rewrite it.

the Character 9 is a DnD character I have from a homebrew campaign I played with a buddy of mine. were not hardcore DnD players and were just playing with our imaginations really but we know enough to kinda have a grasp of what we were talking about. the reason for the re-write is because my girl Nine had a backstory change to make alot more sense to the campaign well at least our campaign anyway.

im also MEGA OBSESSED with gundam so any "Golems" Nine creates in the story are more than likely going to be based on a mobile suit from a gundam series probably the zakus mainly because im a major fan of the UC timeline in that series.

thank you for being interested in the old story and hopefully when I upload the new chapters in a few weeks. And if you no longer wanna stick around or have any interest in the story I do not blame you its been a long time since Ive been around, but its just because ive been developing my career as an artist so ill also be updating the cover art since the one I did previously is now MAJORLY out of date.

untill then thank you for your patience and ill have new Chapters for you guys in a week.