I want to thank everyone who has reviewed and added this story to your alerts. I love seeing those notifications. Also, I must apologize for the long wait in between chapters. Things have been particularly crazy for a while but now they've pretty much leveled out. It's been so long since I even thought about this story that I had to go back and reread the first two chapters. I also made some changes. For those of you who are new, don't worry about it but for my older readers here's what I added: the symbol for the Knights of Mor is a sword with a feather for the blade. I will explain the symbolism later. Other than that, it was just edits to make the story flow a little better and to fix some errors that I noticed. Anyways, let's get on with the next chapter. Enjoy!

While the warm stew and thick blanket went a long ways towards improving her mood, the fact remained that Roslyn was locked in a dank cell in the time of King Arthur and his knights. She tossed and turned throughout the night, racking her brain creating plans, back-up plans, and back-ups to the back-ups all with the purpose of keeping her alive while she found a way to return to her own time. She pulled the edges of the blanket up around her burning eyes. All she wanted was to wake up in her own bed and for everything to be a strange dream brought up by eating too much before going to bed or a night of heavy drinking. Eventually the turbulent waters of her mind ease, allowing her to fall into a fitful sleep where her dreams were filled with the multitude of ways she could die in these less forgiving times.

Dawn's pale light brought two sets of footsteps towards Roslyn's cell. Merlin had promised to come back in the morning and her stomach growled at the prospect of another meal and perhaps something to drink. Her throat was so dry that it hurt and her tongue felt like sandpaper. She kept her face neutral, however, as she studied his companion.

Roslyn was a little surprised to see a serving girl of African descent in medieval England. She knew that some had traveled this far north and prospered, but the evidence supporting it was sparse. The girl had a friendly face, not overly attractive but still pretty. She wore her curly hair back into a simple braid. In her arms she carried a medium basket filled with cloth.

"This is Gwen," Merlin offered when he noticed Roslyn's gaze. Once again, the shock of recognition rang throughout her body, though outwardly she remained as still as stone. Gwen or Guinevere! The Queen of Camelot started out as a serving girl! And she was a person of color! Oh what her old mentor would give to be in her shoes right now.

Gwen and Merlin exchanged a glance over Roslyn's silence. Gwen stepped forward, eager to ease the troubled woman. It never occurred to her to be afraid of her. "Merlin thought that a change of clothes would help you fit in a better. I brought some of my old clothes for you to try."

Roslyn blinked slowly. "Oh, yes…sorry…it was a long night."

"I have no doubt," Gwen said with a smile. "Perhaps you would like to eat first?"

Roslyn's stomach growled loudly causing her to blush. Merlin snorted but Gwen maintained her composure. She motioned for her snickering companion to open the door and gave him a sharp jab with her elbow on the way in. Roslyn found that she rather liked the future queen of Camelot.

Breakfast was a simple affair of fruit, hard cheese, bread still warm from the ovens, and sweet juice. Merlin and Gwen joined Roslyn making the entire ordeal more pleasant that it would have been if Roslyn ate alone. They chatted about the going ons in the castle making no demands on Roslyn to divulge anymore of her story, which she greatly appreciated. She wanted to have a better understanding of world around her. From there, she should be able to devise a role that she could easily play along with until Merlin sent her home.

"Alright Merlin," Gwen said as she stood and brushed off bread crumbs off her skirt. "Out you go."

Merlin looked up at Gwen, glass hovering near his mouth, confused. She gave him a knowing look that caused him to blush profusely. He tripped over his feat as he scurried out of the cell. Roslyn gave Gwen a questioning look of her own.

"Merlin's going to keep watch while you change."

Roslyn chuckled and helped Gwen hand two large sheets over the bars giving the two women a greater sense of privacy. Gwen dug around in her basket pulling out a couple of dresses and under things. Roslyn felt a surge of appreciation towards Gwen. Here she was, not knowing anything about Roslyn other than she needed help and she seemed more than willing to give it. People in her time were not this kind anymore. It made her want to give the other girl something in return.

"My name's Roslyn Thane."

Gwen smiled up from her basket. "Nice to meet you Roslyn. If you don't mind me saying so, you've caused quite a stir around the castle. I wasn't there when you arrived but I've heard the stories already. They say you're an accomplished fighter who took down several of our most skilled knights."

Roslyn rubbed the back of her neck. "Yeah, I was raised by my uncle and he thought I should be able to defend myself."

Gwen nodded. "My father was the same. I know how to mend a sword and how to use one, although, I don't really like to. I don't really like fighting, but sometimes it can't be avoided and it's better to be reluctantly armed than not at all."

Roslyn grunted in agreement and pulled her dirty clothes over her head and removed her modern under things. She reluctantly handed them over to Gwen. She knew that she was being silly, but changing her clothes made her feel like she was giving up on returning to her time. Gwen studied Roslyn's modern clothing, intrigued. "The future must be an amazing place," she breathed.

"It can be," Roslyn replied, pulling a rough, homespun dress over her head. The material was thick and slightly itchy, but at least she wouldn't have to deal with corsets; a small blessing. As she struggled with the heavy fabric, she heard Gwen move to help her and then let out a small gasp. Roslyn knew what caused her to make that sound. When she finally got her head and arms into their proper places, she turned to meet the other woman face on.

Gwen's eyes were wide and glistening, her mouth agape, only slightly covered by the hand that had risen up of its own accord. When she realized that Roslyn had turned, she met her gaze, eyes full of sympathy. Twin trails of tears ran down her cheeks, calling tears to Roslyn's own eyes, tears that she refused to shed again. Gwen's face hardened, as if Roslyn had told her why she wouldn't cry. She extended her hand out to Roslyn, who clasped it, grateful for the reassuring squeeze that followed. Her throat tightened, this was her first friend in this strange new world.

"How's it going back there?" Merlin called out; completely unaware that he had just broken an important moment.

"We're almost finished," Gwen answered back, wiping the tears off her cheeks. She plastered a bright smile onto her face and busied herself by taking down the privacy curtains. "I'll come back by tonight with your dinner," she told Roslyn, gathering her things and gave Roslyn a parting smile before she left. "Just one more day."

Roslyn tried to smile but her face didn't want to work with her. Gwen gave her one last nod of the head before closing the cell door with a bang, leaving Roslyn alone in her cell again. She listened to Merlin's and Darkness and demons stirred to life along the edges of her mind whispering wicked lies and cruel truths, begging to be let in again, to take over again. It was a struggle, but Roslyn managed to fortify the walls of her mind keeping the darker aspects of her mind at bay, for now. She picked up the blanket Merlin gave her the night before and wrapped it once more around her shoulders before settling back into her corner. The clothes Gwen gave her were warmer than her modern ones and with the blanket, she finally had thawed out. Warmth and a full belly allowed her body to relax more than it should have and she fell victim to sleep's siren song.

"You don't look nearly as threatening when you sleep."

In a flurry of limbs and fabric, Roslyn surged to her feet, alarmed. Prince Arthur stood in her cell, leaning up against the bars studying her. Roslyn scowled at him. "Is this what you like to do in your spare time Prince?"

"I do what I must to protect my people", he answered. His voice was emotionless and dry, the voice of a ruler. "Gaius seems to think that you pose no threat to us. Merlin and Gwen think the same. My father on the other hand wants to interrogate you for whatever information you have."

Roslyn's blood chilled. Though the prince had said 'interrogate' what he really meant was torture. "And what do you think?"

Arthur pursed his lips and pushed away from the bars. He strode towards Roslyn. For every step towards her he took, she took one backwards. The prince's face betrayed none of his emotions or his thoughts. It was only her extensive years of training that allowed her to dodge his fist. Again and again Arthur lashed out at her, though only with his fists, and each time Roslyn avoided it. They did their strange dance twice around her cell before the prince seemed satisfied. He flashed Roslyn a half smile one that was full of arrogance and swagger.

"I think that there is more to you than you let on. I think there is something that you are trying to keep hidden so you will play whatever part keeps us from asking it." Roslyn's body turned to stone. "But I think that you are as Gaius says, innocent."

Roslyn's knees buckled and she let out the breath that she had been holding. "I don't wish to harm anyone, Arthur. All I want to do is return to my time."

"Well there you may have a problem," Arthur commented. "Magic is forbidden in these lands and magic is what brought you here. So unless you know magic…" Roslyn shook her head furiously. "Then you will be stuck here for some time. But let me promise you this, as long as you do not harm anyone you will have my protection. As long as you follow the laws of the land, you will be safe."

Roslyn nodded. The prince bowed slightly, motioning for her to exit the cell. "I thought I had one more day?"

Arthur chuckled. "I figured you could teach me a little of your fighting style and we'll call it even."

Roslyn shook her head, not sure how to handle this new development. "Okay but only you."

"Of course."

Arthur exited the cell and proceeded to stroll down the semi dark hallway. Roslyn followed, a few steps behind, eyes downcast but observant. She noted the number of guards in the dungeon, the locations of the windows, the number of doors and stairwells. She filled all the information away just in case she found herself locked away again. She would commit her observations to paper once she got a chance.

Everyone they came across leapt to the side and bowed to the prince. He greeted them all with a careless smile and a few kind words. They openly stared at Roslyn, even with her loaned dress she stood out. Her hair for starters and no doubt the way she carried herself. It was much too similar to the way Arthur did, the walk of a warrior. Roslyn bowed her shoulders and shortened her gait. She clasped her hands in front of her and willed her face into slight worry.

"Don't do that," Arthur said when he saw her. "Never pretend to be someone you're not."

Roslyn scoffed. "That's easy for you to say. You are Prince of the Realm, beloved by your father and under his protection. I am an outsider and different. People are afraid of those who are different. It will cause more trouble for me to stand out than to blend in. Easier to stay alive." Her words seemed to bother the prince as he turned around and did not speak to her again. On and on they walked, going through one hallway after another, finally they reached what appeared to be their intended destination. Roslyn studied the door over the prince's shoulder. It looked like any other door in the castle but there were strange smells wafting through the cracks. The prince knocked on the door and it was answered by Merlin, much to Roslyn's surprise.

"Arthur," Merlin said. "What brings you here?" Merlin peered over the prince's shoulder and saw Roslyn. His eyes widened for a moment and he shot the prince a quick worried glance that the prince didn't seem to notice.

"Thought it might be beneficial for Gaius' new apprentice to get familiar with her surroundings before she started work," he gave Roslyn a small nod before leaving her with an equally bemused Merlin.

"He may be a prat, but he's a good man," Merlin laughed. He opened the door wider so Roslyn could pass through. She gasped at the sight of the work room. It was an alchemists dream. The room had two levels. The upper levels hosted nothing more than books upon books. Her fingers itched to go through them. The lower level boasted several tables, though one was clean most likely for meals. The rest were completely covered in plants and vials and steaming vats of god knows what. It brought tears to her eyes. If she ever managed to get back to her time, what she learned here would make her career. "Gaius is out gather some herbs but he'll be back soon. I can get you something to eat if you like?" Merlin noticed the pained look on Roslyn's face.

"You're thinking about your home aren't you?" Roslyn pushed the overwhelming emotions aside, arranging her face into one of mild interest. "You don't need to do that," Merlin told her. "I know what it's like to hide your true nature from the world around you. You can be yourself around me. It's only fair, since you already know my deepest darkest secret." He flashed a goofy grin that tugged on the corners of her mouth.

"Is there a blank journal I could use?" Merlin gave her a perplexed look. "You see, I study this," she gestured to the room around her. "My colleges and I never expected that the art of alchemy or any form of scientific method existed this early. I mean the ledged of Camelot was already ancient by the 1400s. This could make my career!" She beamed at Merlin and he suddenly found it hard to breath. With a smile on her face and light sparkling in her eyes, Roslyn was utterly breath taking. The crumbled pieces of his heart shift and come alive until her smile fell. "That is if I ever make it home."

Merlin rubbed the back of his head. "I'm still learning," he confessed. "But I'll try my best. I think there's a copy of the spell in the old archives but without a clean medallion, there's nothing I can do."

Roslyn sighed, slumping onto a bench. "And that will be damn near impossible to find, especially here." Merlin stood awkwardly in his spot. He didn't know what to say to her to ease her troubles. He opened his mouth to undoubtedly say something ridiculous but was spared the door to the work room opening again, revealing an exhausted looking Gaius. Merlin rushed to assist his aging friend. "Really Gaius, you should have waited until I got back."

Gaius slumped into the nearest available seat. "That I would my boy, if I knew when you would come back. More than once you have been called away to assist Arthur with one crisis or another. I've gotten along well enough without any help before you…"

"But now you don't," Roslyn interrupted. She offered Gaius a small smile. "Arthur let me out early and brought me here. Do you want me to demonstrate what I know?"

Gaius shared a look with his young ward before settling himself into a more comfortable position. Meanwhile, Merlin took the satchel that Gaius used when he collected herbs for his medicines and tinctures. The next hour Roslyn answered question after question. She named various herbs and their usage both medicinal and magical. She listed the ways to identify a number of illnesses and how to prepare the medicines to cure them. She also answered questions about how to counteract and identify unknown materials and a whole litany of other things that Merlin had no idea about. Somewhere along the line, the questions had turned into a conversation that no doubt would have gone on long into the night if not for the evening bell.

Roslyn jumped at the tolling. She cut her eyes towards the window and saw that night had fallen. Where had the rest of the day gone? "I must say my dear," Gaius said as he got up. "You are well versed in the arts of science and logic. I think you will get along just fine, but for now, it is time for dinner and a good night's rest, I should imagine."

"Are we eating with the court?" Roslyn wanted to know. Merlin shook his head.

"We only eat with the court on special occasions," he explained. "Mostly I just grab us something from the kitchen and we eat here. Do you want to come with me? I have to serve Arthur so sometimes I can't get the food until afterwards." Roslyn's hand went up to smooth out her short hair. She knew that she would have to face the rest of the castle sooner or later, but she knew that she would get stares. Merlin noticed her unease and removed his signature red neckerchief. "You could wrap your head in this if you rather stay inconspicuous."

Roslyn smiled causing his heart and stomach to flutter once more. She accepted his neckerchief with thanks and quickly wrapped her head up in the same manner as many of the other working women in the castle. The red brought out the warmer colors in her skin and he thought that it was a nice color for her. Together they walked through the halls as Merlin explained directions and filled her in on the people who worked in the castle.

The kitchen looked like a war zone. People scurried everywhere, sometimes bumping into one another. Flames leapt from the cooking spaces and nearly everyone was shouting. It was an assault on the senses. The only thing Roslyn could do was follow Merlin as he grabbed two pewter plates and handed them to her while he grabbed a more ornate plate. Whatever he put on the plate that clearly was indented for Arthur, Roslyn put on the two other plates. The kitchen was so crazy that she was not surprised that no one noticed her with Merlin, although they probably would have if her head had been uncovered. Still it was a relief to leave the inferno of the kitchens.

"Do you think that you can make it back to the workroom alright?"

"Oh yes," Rosly answered. She flashed Merlin a quick smile before she started to walk off. She stopped after a few steps and turned around. "What about you?"

For reasons that Merlin couldn't fully explain, a warmth spread through his body. "I'll get something later. You and Gaius both deserve a hot meal. Don't wait up for me." Roslyn bid Merlin goodbye and carried the steaming plates off.

"Who was that" asked a voice from behind Merlin. He turned to see Sir Leon gaping after Roslyn. Anger flared to life inside Merlin, but he quickly pushed it aside. For what reason did he have to be angry.

"That was Roslyn Thane," Merlin said. "Gaius' new apprentence."