Enjoy the chapter! I hate State Testing!

Leo grabbed the black mask off his face, then sat down on the rooftop. He took out the blue mask he'd been hiding, and looked it over. It was mostly safe from damage.

He looked up for a second, thinking he'd heard something. He shrugged it off as paranoia; he was on a lone patrol!

He looked at one mask, and then the other. He put the black one carefully beside him, and grasped the blue one. He picked up a glass shard that was on the rooftop, looking at his reflection. He looked OK mask-less...

No! He'd been trying this for weeks to no avail! He wasn't going to give up now! He lay the glass shard on his lap carefully, and put the blue bandanna around his head...

A great pain made itself known on his face, and Shredder's blades flashed across his face, reminding him of why he was scared to put on the mask in the first place.

Shredder was going to get him...

He will never leave, a little voice in his head said.

But now you are not his little toy, it then said. Leo shook his head; hearing voices was bad.

But you will never escape him, a deep, almost hypnotic voice said.

Leo grabbed his head. "Never let fear control you, Leonardo! It's a weakness!" Saki's voice rang in his head.

Leo grabbed the mask again. Fear was an ally. If you let it be. If you gave it too much control, it could and would take hold of your mind.

He glanced around and saw the street signs; Wall St. and Hanover.

"Isn't there an old building or something down there?" he asked himself, trying to stall.

He sighed and closed his eyes. "Maybe this'll help," he muttered. He felt the material on his face. His scarred face...

The blue mask had a... silkier (?) feeling than the black one. It was... or used to be... comforting. Now it was just a material possession that had gotten him 2 big gashes in his face forever that would remind him of all those years he'd been spending being Shredder's stupid puppet.

He got rid of these thoughts and tied the mask around his head, then looked in the glass shard.

"Hm. Not bad. I think I can deal with this. Long as I don't need to wear this black one," he muttered to himself. He then dropped the black mask and got out his katanas, getting in a battle stance. "Get out here! Now!"

"*chuckles* Boy. Took you a while," a familiar voice said. Leo rolled his eyes as his younger brothers jumped out of the shadows.

Raph chuckled again. "Like da new duds. Gives a a less assassin vibe to ya."

Mike was suddenly behind Leo, startling the blue-clad leader. "So, whadda ya wanna do with this mask?" the hyper-active turtle asked, picking up the black discarded mask.

Leo shrugged, sheathing his katana. "I dunno. You guys seem to hate it, and so do I, so let's burn it or something."

Don took out a blow torch and Mike handed him the mask. They took a step back as Don set it on the ground. The blow torch turned on for a second and the mask slowly burned to ashes.

Once it was done, Leo came up and kicked the ashes. He then, without a word, started home, feeling a burden off his chest.

Shredder sat on his throne, looking down at the newly recruited soldier. "What makes you think you are worthy of the Foot?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.

The soldier looked at him, a bandanna around their forehead. Their voice was thick with a Japanese accent, but it was super smooth. "Give me any test and I will pass it."

Shredder smiled sadistically. "As you wish... *snaps*"

Suddenly, a dozen assassin's of Ultimate Draco's surrounded the new recruit. They smiled as they all attacked at once.

!0 minutes later, they all lay on the ground, unconscious or dead. Shredder smiled warmly.

"Very well; you are now an honorary member of the Foot Clan. Welcome, Karai."

Karai smiled and bowed.

Ah? Ah? Not bad? This is the last chapter of this installment of Hamato or Oroku? Stay tuned for the next installment! And can anyone figure out what's on Wall St. and Hanover? Review, rant, flame, just give me feedback! BYE!