
Title: Fabulous
Rating: T
Fandom: One Piece
Summary: "I'm more fabulous than you!" Okay, who the hell had the guts to tell that to Doflamingo, in a sassy tone no less!?

"I am more fabulous than you!"

Okay, who the hell had the guts to tell that to Doflamingo, in a sassy tone no less!?

Their answer was a woman with curly, vibrant red hair and a pair of golden eyes. She wore a crimson kimono and black sandals. She was pretty much like your average commoner to the pirates. She didn't look like she was strong at all.

"Fufufu, do you know who I am?" Doflamingo asked with an evil grin.

"Donquixote 'Fabulous Feathers' Doflamingo," The woman said.

"I don't think my epithet changed to that but it's true," Doflamingo walked up to her.

"That's where you're wrong!" The woman said. "I am the fabulous one!"

"You have no feathers," Doflamingo pointed out.

Suddenly, the woman's body changed. She was a flamingo. "Unlike your fake-ass feathers that make up your coat, my feathers are one hundred percent genuinely real! I ate the Bird-Bird Fruit: Model Flamingo!"

The townsfolk was admiring the beauty of the flamingo woman's feathers. "So fabulous!"

"The feathers of my coat were taken from flamingos that I murdered," Doflamingo said, grin widening. "I've been losing feathers recently. I'm sure you'd supply more than enough,"

The flamingo woman's eyes widened in shock and fear.

"Before I kill you," Doflamingo posed, one hand on his hip and the other to his forehead. He showed off his feathered coat while fully showing his abs at the same time. "I am the most fabulous person in the entire world! I'm the only one that rocks pink feathers! You are below me, peasant!"

"T-Too fabulous…I've underestimated your fabulousness…" The woman whispered as she was cut down.

Meanwhile, the Donquixote Pirates were wondering what the hell their captain had been smoking for him to act like this.