Hey guy, FlareDragon here with the second chapter for this one-shot! This one is going to be a little different... Not lemons in this one since it will more for story. And I decided for this chapter to have a bit more action. Anyway...

Hope you enjoy!

Also, I would like to give a special thanks to peace456 for giving me that extra motivation to do a second chapter of this story. I hope you like it.

I do not own anything from Fairy Tail nor any other characters from other anime/manga but I do own this plot and story.

Finding Her Dragon part 2

It is early in the morning and the sun began to rise. It was a beautiful display of light made of crimson and yellow, mixing well with the dark sky. The sunlight from the rising sun began to hit the land in the horizon and eventually the homes in the area; one in particular to a certain blonde's home.

Layla felt the light hit her eyes and she groaned lazily. She turned around lazily in her bed to keep her face away from the light. She seemed to be more in peace when she no longer felt the light on her face and began digging her face deeper into the cool pillow on her king size bed. She seemed so happy and at peace, most likely enjoying a good dream. A really, really, reeaalllllyyyyyyy good dream from any indication of the way her face was making and the goofy smile of hers plastered on her face, but unfortunately for her, all dreams must eventually come to an end…

"Layla-sama! Time for you to get up!"

Layla groaned in annoyance again from hearing her assistant's voice, and it was getting worse when she began knocking on the closed door. Layla rubbed her eyes and slowly opened them. She looked out the window and could still see some darkness out the window before looking over at her nightdesk and seeing her clock.

"6: 35 a.m?" Layla yawned before flopping her head back into her pillow, "Five more minutes…"

"Layla-sama! You have to get ready for your date with Igneel-sama!"

Layla's eyes popped wide open when she heard her boyfriend's name. She completely forgot about her breakfast with Igneel! How could see heave forgotten about that?!

'Wait,' Layla though, 'Our morning date isn't for another two hours!' Layla groaned (once again) as the assistant began knocking harder.

"I'm coming Erza...just give me a minute." Layla said groggily as she slowly got out of bed, feeling rather sore from the prior night. She have began dating Igneel for several weeks now and found out that Igneel was quite an animal when it comes to intimacy and love making in bed. She blushed as the memories from last night came into her mind. Igneel and her were going at it for quite some time and tried out some new things between the two; she blushed harder when she looked at all the hickies and other various lovemarks that Igneel left her. While she enjoyed her erotic times with the crimson haired man and loved how the marks they left on each other and their meanings behind them, it would get rather difficult to hide them from her workers and business partners in her company.

Anyway, she got out bed, which revealed she was only wearing panties, and took a robe from the coat rack on her wall and put it on, which hugged her impressive figure and hiding most of her marks; the only ones that were showing were the ones on her neck.

Layla finally opened the door and her assistant, Erza Scarlet, standing there in her business suit and her tablet, no doubt showing the tasks and assignments for the week.

"Why did you wake me up so early when my date doesn't start until 8:40?" Layla asked curiously. She wasn't really upset about being woken up so early, but she did enjoy her sleep and knew that the scarlet haired beauty wouldn't wake her up so early without a good reason.

Erza bow her head down in an extreme manner, "I'm sorry Layla-sama, but Igneel contacted me a few minutes ago and said that he would be coming sooner for breakfast."

"Why?" Layla didn't understand why so early and so sudden.

"He mentioned that he had to go to a friend's place due to an emergency," Erza explained, "and he needs to go there very soon, so he had hoped that you could have your date with him sooner rather than later."

Layla thought about it and nodded to Erza, "I guess it's okay. No harm other than losing a bit of sleep. When is he coming over?"

Erza smiled, "In a few minutes, he also mentioned something about not having to dress up for breakfast, just being in your pajamas," Erza looked at her attire before slightly blushing, "though I recommend something with more cover than just a robe and panties Layla-sama."

Layla blushed from the comment and nodded, "In that case, I'll get ready quickly. Could you get Aries and Virgo to make the breakfast right away?"

"Already done Layla-sama. I had them begin their task at four."

'At four?! Why so early?!' Layla though but kept silence about it.

"Then thank you Erza." Was all the blonde mother said before closing the door again and going to her closet to find some appropriate pajamas. Her closet was a big walk-in type with enough space for ten people to be in comfortably. She quickly found the some blue shorts that she kept from Igneel and a pink top that she *ahem* borrowed from her daughter, the top was nice and had a red chibi dragon in the center. She knew that this would grab his attention and hopefully tease him throughout breakfast.

~Small Time Skip~

As Layla was coming downstairs towards the kitchen, she bumped into someone and fell to the ground, or at least she would have it if wasn't for the person catching her in her mid-fall and helped her stand back up.

"Are you okay?"

Layla chuckled nervously, "Y-yeah, I'm good. Sorry for bumping into you- Natsu?!"

The person that she bumped into was none other than Natsu Dragneel, her boyfriend's eldest child and he's …

"Why are here and why don't you have a shirt on?!" Layla blushed from seeing the young man's impressive display of muscles and seeing that his sweat pants are loosely hanging off his hips, revealing more of his body; luckily he isn't showing off anything too indecent.

"I came with my old man and we're both waiting for you with Lucy and Aries-chan."

"That doesn't explain why you're half naked!"

"We came in our pajamas, which is basically shorts or sweatpants." Layla looked again and saw he truly was just wearing just his sweats. Layla did her best to hide her blush and avoided eye contact with the younger male. He really was like his father, a great body with the same type of confidence that Igneel has, not to mention that Natsu has some scars covering his body as well. The only big difference is his hair being pink while Igneel's was a deep red.

"So Igneel is half naked too?" Layla asked, knowing fully well that he will tease her as well. Damn it, she has a feeling that Igneel is going to win this…

Layla noticed Natsu blushing and looking a little below her eyes. She was confused before remembering what she was wearing. She squeaked in embarrassment as she was basically being eye candy to the young with a tight top that clung to her breasts and shorts that hugged her bubble-butt, not to mention the embarrassing hickies showing from so much skin being out in the open. Natsu was just standing there for minute with a stupid look, staring at the body that belonged to the mother of his best friend and couldn't help but form a tent forming in his pants.

'Oh my God! Are all Dragneel men huge?!" Layla mentally screamed before running to the kitchen while yelling "Sorry!" to the frozen teen.

"Damn…" Natsu thought aloud as he tried to calm down but failing badly.

~Time Skip in the Kitchen~

Layla sat next to Igneel, who really was only wearing some gym shorts, and had laughed at the jokes he threw out. On the other side of the mother was her daughter Lucy and then Wendy, who was wearing one of Natsu's old shirts and his gym shorts, and Natsu. Natsu began chatting with Aries and began eating a mountain of blueberry pancakes and syrup with some eggs and smoked sausages with a protein shake and some fruit and...you know what, you get the idea.

Igneel was eating the same way as his son while drinking a ton of water. Layla, Aries, even Virgo were shocked and amazed at how much the Dragneel boys could eat. Aries looked as all her hard work was disappearing within minutes; she was sweating nervously and wondered how big their food budget was…

"Two and a half hours of hard work...gone." Aries not believing what she was seeing.

Lucy and Wendy sighed, "This is how they always eat." Lucy looked at her best friend with a small smile, "Though it's quite interesting to see them do an eating contest." The blonde teen looked at Wendy and saw that the blue haired teen was eating just as much as her brother and father!

Virgo looked at the teenager with disbelief, "And here I thought Wendy-sama would be eating more lady-like..."

"So Igneel, what's this emergency that you have to go to?" Layla asked as she saw him finishing his meal. He swallowed the last bits of his food and sighed in satisfaction,

"I'm helping one of my friends with a tournament." Igneel explained, "It's basically a big thing where martial artists gather to win some money and the title as champions."

Lucy nodded, "Who's your friend?"

"Shio Sakaki, he wants me to take his place since he's off to see his student's wedding." Igneel said as he stood up from his chair, "Speaking of which, I have to go as soon as possible."

"W-wait, you mean you're going right now?" Layla asked, she knew had to go but she expect it to be this soon!

"Don't worry, I won't be gone for too long," Igneel smiled, "at least I hope not. At most it should take me a few days." Igneel gave a quick kiss to his girlfriend/great lover and said,

"See ya and Natsu," The young man looked up to see his dad, "I'm leaving Wendy in charge of the house while I'm gone so listen to everything she says."

"What?!" Both siblings looked shocked and surprised. Layla and Lucy looked and witnessed Natsu arguing with his dad about the sudden decision for a while before Igneel sending a swift left hook to Natsu and sending him flying towards a wall face first.

"Natsu-san!" Wendy flew out of her seat to see if her precious brother had any serious injuries.

"Seriously, that brat needs to learn to listen and accept my conditions." Igneel sighed, "So Wendy, you are in charge and make sure that he stays put. I don't want anyone to follow me this time."

"This time?" Layla asked.

Wendy nodded, "There are times when Igneel-sama would allow me and Natsu-san to follow him to see him fight against others, especially in big tournaments and the occasional challenge from other fighters."


"Anyway," Igneel intervened, "I'm off to get ready. See you guys in a few days." Igneel walked out of the room, leaving everyone else in the kitchen.

"You know Layla-san," Wendy said with a smirk, "As you heard, me and my brother can't follow our father for any reason whatsoever, but I'm sure he wouldn't expect a certain blonde following him." Layla was confused at what Wendy was implying exactly and why but continued to hear the blue haired teen.

"It wouldn't bad if you follow Igneel-sama since it is quite possible for him to need some type of support or you seeing him workout and see his muscles shine from the light and sweat." Wendy continued as she noticed Layla blushing and fanning herself, no doubt she was imagining her lover sweaty and seeing his muscles straining against other fighters.

"W-why do you want me to follow him exactly?" Layla stuttered. Wendy handed her a camera and quickly explained,

"Me and Natsu-san made a bet of how Igneel-sama will fight and how long it will take him to finish the fights."

"What are you two betting on?"

Wendy's face turned a deep shade of red, almost as red as Erza's hair, "That's not important right now. Will you follow him then?"

Layla stayed quiet for a second and thought about what Wendy said. She liked what she heard and always wanted to see Igneel fighting anyone other than his students in his Dragon Slaying dojo. Having a certain shine in her eyes, Layla nodded,

"Ok, I'll follow him and help with recording his fights."

The two females gave each other a thumbs up while Lucy was helping Aries with cleaning up the kitchen while Erza was rearranging the entire schedule in order to help Layla with following Igneel.

"Oh yeah, Layla-san," Wendy said while looking away and her blush as strong as ever, "You might want to cover your hickies."


~Four Hours Later~

Layla was exhausted. Nothing else to it. Just plain exhaustion.

She and Erza, who both changed into some regular clothes so they could blend in with the crowd, had been following Igneel for four entire hours so far, which includes him walking for a while, him in a taxi, a train ride and then him running for half an hour. It took so much work just to keep up with him; not to mention a little embarrassing when it came to the taxi part since they ask their own taxi to follow Igneel's taxi cab. Layla had to restrain Erza from pummeling the the taxi driver when he asked if they were 'stalkers'.

Speaking of Erza, she was also helping Layla with plans and meetings while following the red haired man. Not only was she Layla's assistant, she also helped Layla with plans and alternatives and kept up with news and the markets in order to help with the Heartfilia company and the company's departments and branches. Layla couldn't have found a better worker to be by her side.

Anyway, when they finally saw Igneel stopped running, they found out they were in a different region of the nation. It was quite different from their hometown. The streets were dirtier and had litter lying around. There was at least one group of teenagers or young adults hanging around some neighborhood or block. It was making the blonde mother nervous and scared but Erza kept them moving forward, despite receiving stares and cat calls from the guys around the two busty women.

"Just ignored them Layla-sama," Erza instructed, "They will most likely just ignore us if we just not pay them any attention."

"I hope you're right." Layla mumbled quietly, hoping that they will leave this town soon and continued following Igneel. Wait a second…

"We lost him!"


The two didn't realize that they lost sight of Layla's boyfriend before it was too late. They looked around but couldn't find any sight of him.

"Damn it," Erza mumbled before turning to her boss and bowed, "Forgive me Layla-sama. I should have paid closer attention. You may hit me!"

Layla groaned in embarrassment and annoyance, "Don't worry Erza, no need for that. I'm sure we can find him if we asked someone if they saw him." The blonde reasoned.

Erza agreed and grabbed the woman's hand and dragged her around to ask random people about Layla's lover. Now before either could get a chance to ask, they suddenly got surrounded by ten men, each one as tall and muscular as the one before and just as scary looking.

Layla looked nervous while Erza was prepared to fight the men into a bloody pulp.

"Hello pretty ladies," One of the men said with a small smile, "are you two new around here, cause we can't remember seeing such fine babes walking around here before?"

Erza gave a small frown, "We are just walking by. No need for interference."

The guy shook his head, "Yeah, you two are definitely new. Everyone that lives here knows about the payment to walk these streets."

Layla looked more nervous than before, "P-payment?"

Another one of the men responded, "Yeah, at least 6,000 yen, or else we have some fun." The guys began to make some creepy faces as they focused on the women's bodies.

Erza's eyes grew cold as she pulled out a wakizashi out from under her shirt and drew out the blade, ready to draw blood.

The guys took a step back when they saw the blade, "What the hell crazy lady?!"

Layla sighed in relief, "I'm can't believe I'm saying this but I'm finally glad you carry that thing with you Erza."

Erza was glowing with pride from hearing Layla's words but that was short lived when all the guys brought out various guns and pistols from their pockets or from their holsters inside their shirts.

"Naughty ladies," The first guy said, "How about we triple the price since you bitches brought out that sword and if you don't pay we'll decorate our streets with your blood!"

By this time Lyala was freaking out while Erza was trying to find a solution, but being surrounded by men with guns aiming at you would put you under a lot of pressure and make it hard to think.

"Please don't kill us!"

The guys smiled, "If you don't want to get killed then pay us and if you behave well, then we can give you the time of your lives." The guys licked their lips as they looked over their curvy bodies. Before Erza or Layla could react, the first guy began flying twenty feet away and his gun flew away; right into the hand of an angry red headed man.

"Hey boys," The guys looked at the man and flinched from his heavy glare and his fang-like snarl.

"If you want to stay alive then leave these women alone."

"Igneel!" Layla cheered with comical tears when she saw her savior of a boyfriend, but her relief quickly died down when the men aimed their guns at the man.

"Asshole," One of the guys said, "You're are so going to pay for what you did to the boss!"

All that Igneel did was crack his neck from side to side before giving a feral smile, "Then in that case….GRAAAHHHH!"

The next thirty seconds was the most intense seconds that Layla ever been in and saw a side of Igneel that made her wondered if her boyfriend was human at all. In those thirty seconds, was a bunch crunch noises that Layla guessed was bones and hearing the guys scream like little girls. Not to mention hearing Igneel's inhuman roars and seeing him throw the guys around as if they were nothing.

When the thirty seconds were up, Igneel clapped his hands together and sighed in satisfaction from seeing his handiwork. Erza was impressed from seeing Igneel's fighting style while Layla looked slightly pale, makes you wonder why Erza wasn't scared of the ginger in front of him. She'll remember to never make Igneel mad…

"Now can either of you tell me why you're following me?" Igneel questioned as he walked up to the two and glared at the two. Erza put away her blade and coughed into her hand in an embarrassed way,

"W-we followed you as a request from your daughter." Igneel sighed after hearing this and rubbed the bridge of his nose,

"That girl...well, no use to arguing about it now." Igneel said calmly and looked at Layla, "Did Wendy give you a camera?"

Layla nodded as she showed it to him, "Right here."

"I see that my brats are doing another bet."

Layla asked, "Do you have any idea what the bet is?"

"Most likely."

"Then can you tell me what it is? Wendy wouldn't tell me what it is."

Igneel had a bit of pink dusting his cheeks as he avoided eye contact for a second, "I'd rather not say it."

"Please tell me!"

Igneel ignored her command and said, "We should get going to the tournament. We can't get late." He began walking away with Erza following behind.

"Oh come on! Is it really bad or something?!"

~In the Arena~

"This place is...bigger than I thought."


"Come on, the tournament is starting soon and I believe that my match is one of the first ones." Igneel urged them forward as they looked at the building that looked as if it was ten stories tall, big enough to hold easily ten thousand people. As they entered, Layla saw numerous people in the uniforms of their dojos and seeing them warm up. Most of them looked like monsters or superhumans by the way they make scary faces and by how big their muscles are; even the women looked huge and scary.

"This is insane!" Layla whispered loudly.

Erza looked at her with a small smile, "Yes, it can be rather intimidating to the average person, but to me and Igneel this is normal."

"What kind of training have you done Erza?!"

"I trained from Igneel's dojo," Erza bluntly said, amused at seeing Layla's reaction, "I have mastered his style since I was a little girl."

Igneel gave a toothy grin, "Yeah, she was one of the best students I ever had, not even my son and daughter couldn't beat this she-devil." The crimson haired man stated proudly. He then patted her head, "Though she's light years away from actually having a chance at beating me!"

The next thing Layla saw was Erza trying kick Igneel in the face, but the father simply blocked her kicks with his left palm with what seemed like very little effort.

"Well, on with the tournament!"

As soon as Layla and Erza found some front seats to get a good view of the fights, and to record the fights too, a huge guy in a karate uniform got in the center of the arena and announced in a tiny microphone,

"Ladies and gentlemen and the rest of the monsters here, I am proud to announced that this year's tournament will be the best one yet since we have some returning champions and some newbies that show promise like none before!" The big referee shouted with his hand raised toward the ceiling and hearing the crowd cheering.

"Now give it up to the first fighters…. These fighters are known as superhumans and can bend metal with their bare hands! The first one is Christopher Eclair!"

Layla and Erza saw a man that was slim and with white blonde hair that was braided and his attire was just blue pants and boots. He appeared to be French and around 30.

"Erza," Layla looked at her assistant, "Isn't it illegal to wear any type of footwear in these kind of tournaments?"

Erza nodded, "Most of them yes, but this tournament must be the kind that allows anything inside the ring."

"And Eclair's opponent is none other than the '100th Degree Street Karate Fighter', Shio Saka- wait hold on folks!" The referee stopped himself as he was receiving someone from his earpiece, "Change of plans folks, Eclair's opponent will be with the man that is known as the 'Fire Dragon King', Igneel Dragneel!"

Right then Igneel jumped into the ring with just black gi pants and red wrappings around his hands, wrists and feet. The crimson-haired man also tied his hair back into a ponytail.

"Sexy…" Layla cooed as she took a good look at Igneel's attire with a bit of drool leaking at the corner of her mouth; admiring how badass he looked..

"Focus Layla-sama!" Erza scowled her boss before taking the camera and began recording her former master.

The crowd began cheering and waiting to see how this fight will turn out, most likely expecting to see some blood and broken bones. Both fight walked up to each other and glared at one another. You could tell that Igneel was almost half a foot taller than Eclair.

"Igneel Dragneel, what an ugly name." Eclair looked at his opponent with disappointment, "and here I was expecting to show my new skills to Sakaki."

Igneel glared hard, "Don't be so disappointment little man, I doubt your little Savate style is good enough for my Dragon Slaying Fist."

It wasn't long before the referee started the match and that's when Layla realized that the world of martial arts was scarier than she expected. Both men blurred before seeing them blow kicks and punches towards one another at such speed that she could barely see the moves at all! Much less understand what's going on!

"How are they moving so fast!?" Layla was amazed.

"Eclair just kicked Igneel twenty times just now but Igneel blocked all of them and swiftly threw a knife hand at Eclair's face." Erza said with such certainty that Layla wondered how much fighting her assistant has done as a young child.

"You're better than I expected from a ruffin such as yourself." Eclair admitted as he distant himself away from Igneel, who just happened to punch the spot Eclair just was at and made a small crater, stunning the audience from the display of raw, inhuman strength.

"You haven't seen anything yet…" Igneel bared his fang-like canines to the shorter man before leaping towards the smaller man with his arms stretched out. Before Eclair could make more distance away from the man, Igneel already had him in his arms and put him in a headlock.

"You truly are disappointing Monsieur Dragneel, a simple head lock can't even faze me!" Eclair stated before throwing a forward kick all the way up at Igneel's face, making a painful impact.

Layla flinched from seeing the kick, worrying about her boyfriend's face.

"Don't worry Layla-sama, Igneel couldn't hurt from something like that." As if proving her point, Eclair began screaming in pain. Layla looked closer at the kick and saw… Igneel biting through the boot!

"Stop biting me you barbarian! You're piercing my foot!" Eclair wailed out and tried to escape from Igneel's hold, but Igneel held firm and tightened his grip on the shorter man. It got even worse when the crowd saw blood coming out of the boot . He eventually spat out the blood-covered boot and smiled,

"Time to finish this."

He spun the French man and threw him across the arena and saw him crash into a concession stand, most likely suffering broken bones right now. It was at this time the crowd cheered for Igneel's victory and the referee announce him as the winner.

Layla was amazed, this side of Igneel was new to her and much different from what she was used to. And to make things more weird…

...she's getting excited from this new Igneel.

~Several Hours Later~

Layla and Erza were looking for Igneel in the resting room, hoping to see him before his next match. It wasn't long before they heard some grunting, yelling and sounds that sounds like flesh hitting flesh.

"Please tell me that my man isn't really-"


A man and woman crashed through the wall next to the two women and tumbled down in front of them, twitching in pain and bleeding. Erza looked through the hole in the wall and calmly said,

"Your man is fighting more people." The loyal assistant brought out the camera again and recorded the remaining of the fight, which would give the best fighting scenes from Hollywood a run for their money.

Layla and Erza saw the way Igneel fought, how he blocked and took hits, and even saw him throwing and flipping people towards walls and furniture. It made the other fighters and black belt masters look like amateurs. What really got Layla was how his eyes seemed to glow white and had a feral smile as he fought more and more people and taking them out or at least scaring them away.

"RAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHH!" Igneel roared out, scaring the rest of the fighters off him and making them run away.

"That's right! You better run!" Igneel shouted as the last one exited through the hole and past the two young women.

Layla looked concern for her lover as she watch him looking more and more berserk, "Igneel...what's gotten into you?"

As if flipping a switch, the glow in Igneel's eyes disappeared and his wild look vanished. He finally saw his girlfriend and former student standing outside the room and slowly waved at them.

"H-hey gals, did I scare you too much?" Igneel asked as he suddenly felt his body growing heavy.

"Not to worry old master," Erza responded calmly while still recording. Igneel looked around before finding a sofa and slowly walked towards it and slumped down. He was sweating and breathing heavily. It was when things calmed down when Layla and Erza noticed bruises and cuts all over his torso.

"Oh my god Igneel, what did they do to you?!"

The Dragon Slaying master sighed, "They ambushed me and got a few good cuts before I lost my cool. Luckily I developed a type of 'wild mode' for fighting since I took down that tiger."

Layla looked more concern as she took a closer look at the cuts; some were close to the arteries and others were deep as well, making trails of blood dripping down onto the sofa. Before Layla could mutter anything, Erza was already at Igneel's side with a medical kit that she found and began treating her old master's wounds. Layla soon joined her assistant and cleaned up his cuts and eventually wrapped them in bandages and wrappings.

Igneel flexed out his body and checked all his injuries before smiling, "Thanks you two. Glad to know that you gals have some medical knowledge."

Erza nodded, "True, but you still need some more help. Some of those cuts will require stitches and we don't have enough wrappings to replace the once the old ones are either soaked with blood and bacteria or worn out."

Layla looked at her assistant, 'How does she know so much, she's only 19?!'

Igneel shook his head, "That can wait, I have to win this tournament first."

Layla shook her head, "No Igneel, you are going to the hospital and have these wounds checked properly now."

Igneel looked at his girlfriend, "I can't, I promised Sakaki that I'd win this thing and if I leave without even finishing it then-"

"Is a promise worth more than your own health and safety?!" Layla shouted, "I understand that you would do so much to protect your loved ones and keeping promises, but to risk your body for some tournament is not worth it!"

Igneel frowned, "There are many risks when it comes to martial arts and everyone that lives this style understands the dangers it holds and accepts it, myself included. There are masters here who are willing to risk so much just to show how good they are. I am no different."

Layla held her ground, "But what about Natsu and Wendy? Do you think that they would agree with you when they find you so crippled from these fights? Do you honestly think that it's worth seeing their worried faces like last time?"

Igneel's body went stiff after hearing that; realizing that she was talking about the time he took on that tiger and to be quite honest, that pissed him off.

"Don't use that against me Layla, that time was different and you know it." Igneel said in a low voice, holding himself back from doing anything he'd regret.

"You're right, that time was different, but it was still reckless and stupid! Just like now! What happens if you got injured? Do you have any idea what I'm feeling right now? How would you feel if I decide to do this and fight with those monsters out there?"

Igneel stayed silent. He honestly didn't like the idea of Layla doing this, mainly due to her lack of experience and technique.

"I… I wouldn't like that."

"Exactly." Layla's expression softened as she gently put her hands on both sides of her boyfriend's face.

"You can't risk yourself for something like this. Please come back to your family and recover. I'm sure your friend will understand."

Igneel frowned, knowing how this will end and seeing a possible consequences for quiting the tournament…

'Ah fuck it.' Igneel thought before sighing and looking into Layla's deep brown eyes.

"Alright, I'll leave the tournament." Igneel looked deeper into his love's eyes, "and I promise I won't do anything too extreme, at least without a good reason."

Layla smiled after hearing that. She knew that Igneel is good at keeping his word and now expects a relationship with less trips to the hospital and not worrying about Igneel accidently killing anyone (paranoia~...).

~Later that Evening~

Natsu was in his room with his girlfriend, enjoying each other's company while watching one of the Fast and the Furious movies. He was sitting behind her with his arms wrapped around her, enjoying the feeling of her body pressed against him and feeling her slightly swollen belly.

"How much longer before the baby comes Lis?" Natsu asked before kissing her cheek to her neck.

Lisanna, Natsu's childhood friend and now love of his life, smiled with a soft sigh, "The baby won't be coming for another twelve weeks. Excited to see our little girl Natsu?"

Natsu gave his toothy grin, "Hell yeah I am! I can't wait to see her little face and show her the wonders of being a Dragneel!"

Lisanna giggled, "You meaning eating, fighting and sleeping?" She teased while rubbing her stomach.

The pink head teen pouted, "Hey!"

"Oh come now Hubby, I was only teasing~"

Natsu was still pouting and looked away from his girl, pretending to be disappointed in her but Lisanna knew how to break his little act.

"Hey Natsu-sama~," Lisanna purred to his ear, "Wasn't there a little bet made between you and your cute little sister?"

Natsu let go of his pout and remembered his bet. A few hours ago, Igneel called him and wendy to let them know about his victories and how he dropped out of the tournament. The way of how the fights turned out and how quick Igneel finished them, it seemed that Natsu won the bet. He betted that his old man would finish the fights in less than forty seconds while Wendy betted that he would make sure to torture his opponents in a slow and humiliating manner, all the while making it extremely painful. Anyway, Natsu was happy about winning the bet and now…

"Wendy! Are you ready yet?" Natsu asked as he looked towards the his bathroom door. He heard some whimpering and grunting.

"Do I really have to Natsu-nii? This is embarrassing!"

Natsu smiled, "A bet's a bet and you have to honor your word."

He heard some muttering from the door before hearing it open up. Wendy came out...in a skimpy maid costume, the kind that you'd find from Victoria's Secret. In fact, that's where Natsu bought it!

Wendy was blushing up a storm while doing her best to cover herself up with her arms. The stocking were black and see through; her stomach was left bare; her frilly apron was so short that it reach just above her mid-thigh; her bra was thin and frilly too and had some skin seeing through the thin material, though only enough to tease; the last piece was a little white maid hat to complete the lewd fashion piece that Wendy had to wear.

Wendy was looking at the ground, "I swear Natsu-nii-"

Natsu interrupted, "Remember the bet Wendy."

The younger bluenette bit her lip, "...anything I can do for you...Master~"

Natsu smiled while Lisanna giggled and blushed, knowing how this night will end for all three of them.

"There is something you can do for us my sexy little maid~," Natsu gestured for his step sister to come closer, "now come here to serve your master."

Natsu's smile became more of a smirk when he saw her comer towards the couple.

This is going to be a very long night for the three…

A/N: That's the second chapter! First of all, sorry for not updating things at all. I won't be making excuses since they won't help me writing any faster.

Second, I left it at a cliffhanger in case you guys want another chapter. I honestly like this story and enjoy pairing Layla and Igneel. More fun than I expected and if you guys want something special or have a kinky request, I'll be happy to hear it. All I can say is I enjoy writing and I will hopefully do more in the future. Until then,

Give a REVIEW and let me know what you thought about this chapter.

October 26, 2017

FlareDragon out

P.S.- If you have any ideas for me to write, then I'm all ears