AN: Hi. You might have noticed that the Character list has changed, along with Pairings. What do you mean it's a harem? Nightmare and Gemma are literally stuck in the same body which changes with who's using it! There's no way around it! Literally no way! Well… Um… N-Never mind!

Harry sat next to Nightmare as she struggled to stay in control. "You doing ok?" He asked her.

"No… It hurts so… MUCH! Stay away Gemma…" She whispered as she flickered in and out of control…

"Just hang in there until Mike and P can figure it out ok? Can you do that?"

"Y-Yeah… I think so…" She nodded as her hair turned golden for a second.

"Good girl. Just try your best." He said worried…

The day before.

Harry watched as Nightmare ate. In a split second Gemma took over, which wasn't that unusual, what was unusual was that she started causing Chaos before Nightmare took over again…


"Harry!" Mike said as he and Nightmare looked up from the bed they were sat on.


"We F-F-Figured it out!" Mike told them.


"What is it?" Nightmare asked him.

"Well… It's not… Gemma… She's trying to help you actually." He said.

"Then… Who is…? Oh…" Harry whispered understanding…

"It's Yellow…" Mike nodded.

"Damnit… I thought Chuck locked him away inside himself!" Harry shouted.


"It's the P of Chuck's universe remember? He was the one that killed them all."

"Oh yeah… And if he's taking over it makes sense why we thought it was Gemma. They're both golden…"

"Yep. B-B-But we have a solution!" P and Mike told them. "Well it was P's idea… I-I-I just go into Nightmare to help! Then G-G-Gemma won't have to struggle as m-m-much!"

"Do it… Please…" She whispered in pain. In a flash a purple version of Mike appeared from Mike's eyes, which turned black…

"S-S-SWAN DIVE!" P shouted diving inside of her eyes.


P swum through a murky ocean to find the place in chaos… He saw the control booth of the pizzeria where Nightmare's mental form slept in control… Gemma was struggling with a Yellow Mike… "W-W-What" He whispered shocked.

"P?! GET OUT OF HERE!" Gemma shouted.

"N-N-No! H-Harry will kill me!" P shouted back. "I-I-I'm helping you!" He shouted to her as he grabbed the yellow him and hissed in pain. "W-W-What was that?!" He shouted noticing Yellow stains on his fingers.

A blast of static shot from Yellow's mouth.

"I-I-I can't understand you…" P muttered.

Yellow coughed annoyed before the static turned into words.

"H-H-How about now?!"


"G-G-G-G-G-Good… N-N-N-N-N-NOW DIE!" He roared flying at him. P dodged him and threw a table at him. "O-O-OW!"

"H-H-Ha! I-I-I-Is that all?" P asked with a grin.

"That's not going to hurt him much." Gemma told him.

"G-G-Great…" He muttered. He blinked and flew into the control room, booting nightmare out and taking over her body.

Real world.

Harry watched as Gemma's body turned pure purple. "H-H-H-Hi! I-I-I thought I could t-t-take over to help!" P explained.



Nightmare frowned as she saw Yellow. "You…" She growled as her form changed to animatronic. "YOU ARE TRESSPASSING IN MY MIND! GET! OUT!" She roared blasting him out of her mind through her nose. "P? Can I have my body back now?" She asked taking control again.

Real world

Harry watched as Yellow went flying into Chuck's face and through his nose.


"Harry? Can we just lock Chuck in a box?" Nightmare asked him.

"No we can't nightmare…" He told her as they headed to his room to talk in private, not hearing the other's snickering.

"Fine…" She muttered letting Gemma take over as she rested for the first time in two days.

"You know she loves you right?" She asked him instantly.

"W-what?" He stuttered shocked.

"She has a crush on you." She said.

"Oh… Uh… Wow." He muttered.

Nightmare suddenly took control and saw his shocked look. "What did she do?" She asked.

"She said… You… Have a crush on me." He said with a dazed look.

"Oh… She… said that? Heh… Guess that secrets out…" She muttered.

Foxy burst through the door, well his snout did anyway. "JUST KISS ALREADY!" He shouted before walking away.


"Uh…" Nightmare and Harry both stalled until Gemma took over Nightmares limbs and slammed their faces together, forcing them to kiss. They pulled away after a few moments trying to breathe, then they tried to kiss for real carefully…

I don't know how to write kissing!

Harry looked at Nightmare, "Does this… Are we dating now?"

"If… You want to." She muttered.

"Why wouldn't I want to?" He asked her confused.

"Well... Um… I don't know…" She mumbled embarrassed.

"So it's a yes?"

"Of course it's a yes you dummy!" She shouted with a smile, pulling him into a kiss.

When she ended it he grinned at her. "Think you're coming on a bit strong?" He joked with his joking grin.

"Of course not! This is coming on strong." She told him jumping him and knocking them off of his bed and onto the floor.

Five minutes later…

Felix and the others waited bored.

Ten minutes later…

Felix waited with Vicky…

Twenty minutes later

Felix went towards the door and looked through the hole. They were still making out. He walked away annoyed…

Half an hour later…

Harry and nightmare were still in his room, fast asleep… Mike smiled with P in his right eye watching. He put a cover over the hole and tucked the two into the bed with a smile. "Get some rest you two…" He said before closing the door and heading to check on the other kids.

Quietly Pet climbed out of her box and spoke to someone wearing a red scarf and holding a bottle of ketchup. "So… You were just in Howdy?"

"Yep. I'm kinda gonna stay there and use it as the home dimension boss." The person told her.

"Ok… Grape…" She said with a smirk before heading back to her box.