I know I said I would write a Digimon SAO but I've been watching Huntik: Secrets & Seekers and wanted to try it so here it is Digital Hunter. But for this one I'm going to add a few other things from others series in here, so let's go.
In her room, Daisuke is crying after what she heard what her friends said about her when she went to meet them after her soccer practice.
Dai was running to the computer lab "Why did soccer practice take so long", she asked herself. Once she got to the door she heard words she thought she would hear the others talk about her in a bad light.
Inside the classroom:
"Where is that girl?" Yolie asks, "She is always late." Kari states, "I know she is always the last one to arrive," T.K. said agreeing with the girls. "Hey don't be hard on her," Ken said. "Yeah she does have soccer practice before meeting us," Cody said agreeing with Ken.
"Yeah but she's the one that said the time to meet in the computer lab," Yolie states to Cody and Ken, "Why is she even the leader," looking at Tai since the 1st generation DigiDestined were there as well. "Yeah, why is she the leader when you could have picked Kari or T.K.?" Matt asked his leader. Everyone including the 2nd gen Digimon were quiet while this was happening, Dai, on the other hand, was crying and had enough so opening the door, yelled, "Is this how all of you think of me?"
"Dai?! How long have you been there?" Ken ask shocked along with everyone else. "I heard everything," Dai replied putting emphasis on everything. "I can't believe you people I thought we were friends," turning to Ken and Cody she told them, "Thank you for standing up for me; but if this is what the others think about me," Dai ripping off the goggles, Tai gave here and grabbing her digivice, "then I quit." The girl finished dropping the items then running away.
Flashback end:
While Dai was thinking about what happened her mind wondered too when Veemon died.
Flashback begin:
All the digimon of the original and 2nd generation were all on the ground grunting in pain from trying to stop MaloMyotismon, all except for Imperialdramon (fighter mode). MaloMyotismon laughed, "HA is this all you have left only one is left standing . . . . Well barely standing." "Is this the end?" Kari asked herself. "No it can't be over not, after all, we've been through," T.K. said.
"It's not over no matter what I will never back down," Dai said grunting in pain as Ken slowly walked to her also injured saying "Of course it isn't over for as long as I stand I will never back down." "Their right we will fight for as long as we stand," Imperialdramon said grunting to stand agreeing with their partners. "If you wish for death, then wish granted," MaloMyotismon yelled firing his Screaming Darkness and Imperialdramon responding with his Positron Leaser both attacks meeting in the middle.
As it slowly moves towards him, MaloMyotismon fires a crimson mist because if he goes down he will take Imperialdramon with him. The others could do nothing but watch has the attack drew near (the positron laser already hit MaloMyotismon dead center) Imperialdramon de-digivolved into Wormon and Veemon. The attack hit Veemon from the rookie pushing Wormon out of the way shocking everyone especially Dai. As the girl went to catch the dragon from slamming into the ground the digimon starts to disappear; Veemon looks over to Dai saying "Hey partner looks like it is the end," Dai replied yelling crying "Don't say that you'll be ok, don't go saying that you're going to die."
Both thinking of all the adventures they have been through together starting from how they meet to the present. The girl is taken out of her thoughts when she hears Kari yells and moves to looking at Veemon almost gone. "V-Veemon?" she stutters, "Thank you for everything Dai," said Veemon vanishing after finishing her sentence. "VEEMON!" Dai yelled crying with Ken hugging her.
Flashback End:
As Dai was reminiscing Jun walks into the room after seeing how her little sister wasn't as happy as she normally was. When Dai told her about what happened in the computer lab she was furious sure Dai annoys her, but their sisters and they always look after one another; with their parents so busy with work they sought each other when either one was down. "Do you want to talk about it?" Jun asked. "No I don't want to," Dai answered back not waking to talk. "You know Veemon wouldn't want to see you like this," the older sister states knowingly. "Yeah I know," Dai replied. "Jun, Daisuke come down your father needs to tell you something." their mother called them from the stairway.
"Now I know we've never really talked but we're worried about you," their father told Dai, "Yes you haven't been yourself and you aren't talking to any of your friends except for Ken and Cody so what's wrong," the mother asked. Sighing Dai explained and by the end of it the father yelled, "AFTER ALL YOU'VE DONE FOR THEM AND THEY BACK TALK YOU?!" all the youngest could do was nod and cry causing Jun to hug her. hearing the doorbell the dad went to go see who it was, "Why are you people here," he growled at the sight the DigiDestined.
"We just wanted to see if Dai was alright," Tai nervously answered. "Well thanks to what you brats she's in our kitchen crying about how she couldn't understand as to why her 'friends' would say mean things about her," he answered air quoting friends making most of them wince, "And to think she saw you as family also deepened the pain," he added making the winces go deeper. "We understand if she doesn't want to," Ken said stepping up, "But can I and Cody come in?" he asked.
"You can trust those two tou-san," Jun said entering the scene, "They're the only two that defended Dai." Turning to the pair he said, "If that's the case then only the both of you are allowed to enter, and if the rest of don't leave soon I'll call the cops for staking," he told them causing the group minus Ken and Cody to run.
"Dai how are you doing?" Ken said immediately upon seeing her. "Somewhat but I will need some time to myself for a while. Thank you for coming, though," she told them. "Anything for family," Cody told her making her smile, "You truly bear the crest of Reliability otouto," she told him.
When the school week started the entire school began to notice the rift between Dai and her former friends to came to the point that she ignores their presence. Thanks to her not being part of the DigiDestined her grades were improving and using her spare time to learn how to defend herself via martial arts. While having trouble at first she quickly went through the ranks in both hand to hand and in weapons, "Yamamoto – sensei? What are you doing here?" the instructor asked greeting an elderly man, "I was taking a stroll through the area and decided to take a visit," Yamamoto explained.
"Everyone listen up," the instructor announced getting everyone's attention, "This is Yamamoto the God of Swords and my former teacher," he said presenting the old man getting shocked looks as everyone knew him. "I want you all to be on your best behavior while he's here got it?" he asked and in return, they yelled as one, "Hai." Going through each row of students Yamato helps each one until he reached Dai, "Child why does it look like you're holding two swords can you not hold one?" he asked.
"To be honest, I don't know Yamamoto – sensei, while I can use one it also feels like I can hold two" the girl answered. Calling for a sword he gave it to Dai, "Go through the motions again but with two swords," he told her, and going through the motions she felt like it was perfect for her. But unknown to her, the entire class was watching with awe looked on their faces while some of the guys had small blushes on their faces. "How does it feel?" Yamamoto asked, "Like it was made for me," she responded.
"What is your name child?" Yamamoto asked, "Demiyah 'Dai' Motomiya," she answered. Letting out a small smile the old man went to the back of his neck to reveal a pendant, "Keep this as a keepsake and a reminder to never give up," taking the pendant with a shocked look on her face and asked while putting it on, "Why give it to me?"
"When I looked into your eyes I see a little of myself in you," he answered, "And as for the name its Ryūjin Jakka," he added walking out. Getting back to work Dai worked harder than ever before, "Tou – san I'm home," Dai said entering the apartment, "How was practice?" he asked with Jun exiting her room hearing her sister. "Great I even met Yamamoto the God of Swords," she said shocking them, "Impressive not bad for a brat like you," Jun grinned, "What do you mean brat," Dai yelled.
During dinner, their father asked, "Do you know anything about our ancestry?" Thinking about it the girls were depressed about not knowing anything about their family past. "It's alright if you don't," he said seeing the looks, "I'm going to explain it," looking up the parents could see the complete attention on their faces. Explaining their family history Dai asked, "So we're descendants of really famous people like Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Cloud Strife, Yuna Akaike, and others (Naruto and Final Fantasy and I don't own)?" getting nods. "Why now do you just tell us," Jun asked, "When Dai asked for martial art lessons I reminded me of our family line," their father explained. "Does that mean we'll get to do the things they did?' Dai asked getting another nod, "And for this training, we'll have to leave town?" Jun asked getting another nod.
"Then it's a good thing it's summer," Dai said, "Let's do this."
"Just know I won't go easy on you just because of your family," the dad told them. "There's a thing called tough love meaning you're going to pound us into the ground to better protect ourselves," Jun said getting yet again another nod.
Before they left Dai contacted Ken and Cody about her family trip and to have a safe summer. It was during one of family training that they were attacked, 'Who are you, people?' Daisuke, their father, demanded dodging the energy attacks. "We're here for the amulet of the Leaf," one of them said, "I'm not going to let you take it," Daisuke roared dodging one of the creatures.
"Earth Style: Earth Spear Jutsu," Jun said summoning spears made out of earth and launched them at the creatures, "Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu." Being pushed back Dai was thrown into the house where a pendant of a kunai with a gem was placed in the loophole, but when she touched it she was sent to what looks like another world, "If you had power what would you do with it," she turned to the voice to see a giant nine tailed fox. "I would use it to protect all I hold dear," she answered raising an eyebrow, "Really you wouldn't use it on your former friends," the beast asked summoning images of them.
"I don't care what they think," Dai began, "All I care about is what my real friends, my family, and what I think of myself."
"Then you have proven worthy of saying my name," the beast told her. Waking up she saw her family still fighting, "Come and protect family Kurama," she invoked summoning the fox, which was as tall as a titan, "Attack," she said pointing to the people in the suits. Nodding Kurama attacked biting on one of the creatures then stomping on others and as she saw them retreat she called Kurama back, "I see you summoned our family pendant," Daisuke told her.
Returning to school the entire school had to double take upon seeing her. "Dai is that you?" Ken asked hugging her, "Yeah it's me I thought it would be time for a wardrobe change you like," she grinned as she was now wearing a red short sleeved shirt that exposes a very large portion of her midriff but also not hiding her nearing B cup chest. Over this, she wears a short yellow hooded vest and wears a necklace around her neck with a puzzle piece-shaped pendant. She is in a low-cut green colored denim skirt with a brown pouch around her waist along with knee-length brown medium heeled boots with yellow stripes on the sides (don't own and they're the outfit of Shiki Misaki from World Ends with You). "And your mom let you get away with it?" Cody asked, "Yeah it took a while but I did it," she said lifting Cody up when she hugged him. "And you certainly worked out while you were away as well," Ken added seeing the muscles forming all over her body.
"Yeah we went out of town and with no Wi-Fi, I decided to work out," the dark red head explained. "Dai is that you," Tai voiced seeing the improved girl catching everyone's attention as that day was the school letting the older siblings come in, "Yup and she's not the only one," Jun voiced and the older years were shocked as she was wearing a black and blue, high-collared halter top covering her mid C cup chest, two pink, intersecting belts over her chest, and black shorts. On her arms are white bell-sleeves and tan, fingerless gloves (Aqua's outfit in Kingdom Hearts), "Did you really copy Aqua's outfit from KH?" Dai asked getting a nod and a grin.
Throughout the day the sisters were the eyes of both the girls and guys. "I have to thank you again for being there for my sister," Jun said once more, but they waved it off, "No problem she's like a sister to us," Cody said. While eating lunch there was an explosion and out of the smoke was a machine type of creature that looked like a centaur and another machine type creature that looks like a bee with a cannon under it. "They're Armormon and CannonBeemon Digimon," Agumon explained reaching them along with the others, "I thought they were extinct," Tentomon added.
Ignoring the chatter every digimon present went champion Dai and Jun got people out of the battlefield. "Water/Lightning Style," the sisters yelled, "Electrified Aqua Eagle Jutsu," finishing the hand seals Jun gathered from the atmosphere to form the bird while Dai charged it up. "How did they do that!?" Yolie yelled in shock, "Worry about it later," T.K. said.
"Of all the days to not bring my sword," Dai muttered, "Maybe I can lend a hand," a female voice said. Turning around Dai saw a fox the same height as her with yellow and white skin with arm length fingerless gloves then seeing a light coming from her pocket she pulled out her old digivice and D-3 to see them fuse to make a new type of digivice (think the fusion loader in Nene's color). Staring at her new digivice she knew Veemon would want her to move on, "Sure let's go, partner. The names Dai and yours?" she asked, "Renamon," the fox answered.
"Diamond Storm," Renamon yelled attacking Armormon. "That's Renamon one of the fastest Rookie level digimon," Kabuterimon explained, "She makes quick work of her enemies with Diamond Storm."
"Renamon I need a lift," Dai yelled causing the fox to cup her hands and when Dai's right foot was in it the fox pushed her up. Reaching CannonBeemon her right hand was covered in electricity, "Chidori (Naruto)," Dai yelled thrusting her arm into the cannon making it explode. "Now let's try out an armor," she grinned, "Digiarmor energize," out of her digivice was the egg of Courage.
"Renamon armor digivolve to," the fox said as she was covered in fire as the images of the Agumon, Greymon, MetalGreymon, and WarGreymon appeared. As the flames disappeared Renamon was now human like garbed in a Miko outfit equipped with swords and a bow and arrow, "MikuKistunemon."
"Awesome look MikuKistunemon," Dai cheered, "But it is a mouthful," Jun added.
"Burning Arrow," MikuKistunemon announced as she fired arrow after arrow at the Ultimate digimon. "Justice Strike," the digimon yelled unloading every weapon it had on the armor leveled digimon, "Burning Shield," fox digimon countered, "Burning Slash," she followed, "Let's combine attacks," Dai said getting a nod, "Ryu/Kitsune Strike," they yelled winning the battle.
As they were turning into data Dai lifted up her digivice as the data entered the device. "Common kiddo let's get home," Jun waved. "Wait where did you learn how to shoot the elements like that?" Kari asked, "Family secrets," the girls answered while Renamon followed.
Returning to their house Dai was surprised at who was there, "Yamamoto-sensei what are you doing here?" Seeing her once teacher along with another female was a surprise not that she was complaining or anything.
"I'm here to ask you girls about the pendants?" he answered. "What about them?" Jun asked, "From what your father told me you already have the Pendant of the Leaf," he said getting nods, "I work for an organization that finds pendants like those to keep them out of evil hands."
"So it's saving the world type of thing huh," Dai said, "If we join who's going to be our handler?" Jun asked knowing that new bees like them would have someone to watch over them. "That would be me," the female next to Yamamoto said, "The names Kuroko Smith (Life with a Monster Girl) and I'll be your handler. And there's no backing out once you get a pendant for the Organization would be all over you," she added.
And I'm going to end it here, the next chapter will be a time skip where Dai will meet Lok and the others with Zahlia, see you later.