Author's note: Just one thing. I started writing this one before the story that I have already posted here. Only now that I decided to try this one again, so for anyone who read my other fanfic, I'm already working on its next chapter. Hope you guys enjoy it.

(Issei POV)

The day started like any other, it was early in the morning and I was lazying around in bed.

"Issei-sama, you should get up or you will be late for your first day in school!"

Oh right, scratch that. Almost like any other day.

"Just five more minutes Ashiya! I didn't had a good night's rest so I'm a bit sleepy now."

That's a lie, I slept like a baby. But I know Ashiya will buy that excuse.

"WHAT! Issei-sama are you not feeling well? Godness, forget school, I can't have you sick on me!" He says as he begin to run in the house to my room.

...This might be bad. He's reaction was way off from what I intended, I might end up tied to my bed just for my "safety".

"I'm coming Issei-sama, don't wor-GWHA!"

After Ashiyas scream I only hear something hit the floor.

"Settle down. You're overreacting again."

"But is my job to always tend to Issei-sama!"

"Can it! Don't worry, I'll fetch him for you." Sounds of steps could be heard again.

Another bad outcome might happen now. I have to act quickly!

"Don't worry guys, I'm already u-"

I wasn't able to finish as my door is kicked open and before I can react , a hand grabs one of my legs.

"Yo, rise and shine Your Highness. It's time for breakfast."

"Ahaha tanks for telling, now could you let go befo- WHAA!"

I'm interrupted as my body is dragged outside of the room.

"Food's waiting for you in the kitchen, you know, cold food as the first thing in the morning is bad."

I begin to sweatdrop.

"Yes, I'm aware of that so if you could just let me go, I will go eat it right away Nero."

Nero turns his face to mine and smirks. Ah, it's no good.

By holding my leg, he throws me across the corridor like a boomerang, except that I don't return to his hand but actually hit the wall and fall with my face turned to the ground. This day is actually turning out to start like any other.

"What the hell was that for!" I turn to Nero.

"Oh I'm sorry. I thought you need to move your body a bit since you said you're still sleepy." He answered innocently

"Bullshit! If you keep doing things like that, not only this place won't hold but neither will my body!"

Nero simply shrugged it off

When I was beginning to stand up, I was almost throw to the ground again by Ashiya.

"Issei-sama are you really alright? When I heard your voice from your room you sounded in pain!"

Oi, something's wrong here. I was just basically hurled at a wall and your asking something unrelated to it. Check your priority's!

"I'm fine Ashiya. Let's go eat."

While in the middle of the meal, I turn to Ashiya to inquire about our new school.

"Ashiya, what can you tell me about the school that we are going?"

Ashiya rest his chopsticks on the bowl then turn to us

"Well, it's name is Kuoh Academy, it is said to give a very good education and only recently changed it's policy of accepting male students as well."

"So you're sending us to a school where there's a chance of us being branded as perverts?" Nero asked

Yeah, no. Given your atitude that would be the least of your worry's.

"I don't think you two need to worry about that." Ashiya commented


"Who controls this town?" I asked

"That would be the devils. This is also the reason why I put you two in this school, since it is also under their control." Ashiya explained

"If they approach you two, it will probably be a friendly contact. But if things go sour, even if it means losing our chances of friendly relations with devils, don't hesited to protect yourselves or call me." Ashiya says with a serious face.

"That's obvious." Nero says while chuckling

I can only smile at Ashiya. He cares and acts like a father to us, and even though Nero may never say it out load, he's very important to us. He has white-blonde hair that falls to just beneath his chin, yellow-brow eyes and is a thin looking guy. He is actually a devil and his real name is Alciel, he used to serve as the general of my father's army.

My father? Oh right, I forgot to say haha. Yeah so, my dad is Satan. You know, the King of Devils and all that. No? The guy with yellow ridged horns and large furry goat-like legs ending in thick hooves. That's the one.

My mother on the other hand.. is none other than the one considered The Most Beautiful Woman in Heaven. This one is easier to remember right haha. All joking aside, my mom really is the Seraph Gabriel, which makes me a Nephilim.

Probably the only one that's around since it's considered a taboo. But I'll get back to that later.

I was already leaving home while I finished wearing the blazer from the school uniform. I have slightly messy blonde hair with an mildly unkempt spiky appearance and light brown eyes. For my age I have a sturdy body.

"Come on dude, we're gonna end up late." Nero said

Now, a lot of girls find me cute and such, sometimes some say I'm not their type, which is normal. But with Nero, every girl says that he's handsome or least I never seen one that said anything else. To anyone in this country, he would be considered a foreigner. His hair is white and brushed down and have blue eyes. He's taller than me and although he has a slim build, he is sturdy as well. He wears two rings on his left hand, saying that it helps him not forget the past. While he folds the sleeve of the blazer on his left arm up, on the right he lefts it normal and also wears a gloove.

"It's not like you really care if we get there late." I say to him as we start walking

"Yeah, yeah but if it does happen, I'm the one that will get an earful from Ashiya."

"Are you scared of him perhaps?" I tease

"You know that I could wipe the floor with him."

"Oh, so it wasn't you that passed out in the last mock fight with Ashiya?" He flinched at my question

"He just suprised me, its all."

"If you say so~." I finish with a smile

As we pass the school's gate, I can feel the glances that the students are throwing at us. I ended up in the second year and Nero on the third, so for now we went on our separate ways.

I knock on the door of my classroom, waiting for sensei to call me. As soon as I hear her saying to come in I open the door.

"Ah you must be Hyoudou-kun." She says."Please give a quick introduction to the class."

I turn towards the students and show them a smile, making the girls in class blush.

"Hello there, I'm Hyoudou Issei. It is a pleasure to meet you all and I hope that we can be friends."

According to Ashiya, different supernatural beings creates different reactions, such as dragons, they attract not only strong opponents but also women. My angelic half seems to give people a sense of comfort and security, although it is weakened by my devil half but still very strong given who my mother is.

That's what most of the girls in class felt as they saw the new student smile and present himself.

"Does anyone have any question for him?" Sensei asked

No one raised their hands; everyone was still entranced by what happened.

"Then feel free to pick a sit Hyoudou-kun."

"Thank you, and Sensei, there's no need to be so formal with me." He said showing her his smile again, causing her to surprisingly flush.

"O-okay.. Issei-kun."She mumbles

Class was pretty normal until the bell for lunch break rang. I was about to stand up to go and search for Nero, but my desk was assalted by pretty much every girl in class, showering me with questions.

"Do you have a girlfriend Issei-sama?"

"Go out with me please~?"

"Did you always live in Kuoh?"

"Is your hair natural?"

This is too much, I can't even try to answer one that two other questions appear.

Just when I though that I had no way out, two hands grab one of my arms, pulling me away from the desk and the group. But it didn't meant that the interrogatory was over.

Instead of girls fawning over me, I now see to guys glaring at me. Great.

"I don't know who you think you are, but this school has enough pretty boys already making our lifes hard!" The bald one said

"Yeah that's right! Unless you're one of us, of the same path!" The one wearing glasses continues

I raise my hand defensively. What the hell are these two talking about?

"Haha calm down guys. What's this all about?"

They look at each other and and smile before turning back to me.



I don't even know what to say to them.

The girls were about to lynch the two perverts but stopped when they saw someone lift them.


"What the hell man!" The two screamed

"Pipe down you two. You're too noisy." Nero said before dropping them outside the classroom.

Thank god he appeared, I had no idea on how to deal with them.

"Ano, Issei-kun" One of the girls talked to me "Do you know this senpai?"

"Aah yeah, he's my brother, Nero."

All the girls turned to him, he looked at them with he's normal stoic expression.


Such charisma Nero, not that it makes a difference.

The girls after a brief delay to process this new information begin to shower us with questions again, while the boys were crying of jealousy.

We both manage to walk out of the classroom so that we could talk.

"It seems the angel inside of you is effective as ever huh?"

"Yup. And you, how was it in your class? Are the girls already mesmerized by you?"

"I could ask you the same thing. It was normal."

"Oh I'm sure it was. So, any devils in your classroom?" Nero nodded

"Two actually. The Gremory heiress and her [Queen]."

"I see. Did they tried to talk to you?"

"No, those two were pretty much the only ones to ignore me in class."

We sit on a bench close to the school's main building.

"What about the other heiress?" I ask as I open my lunch box.

"Don't know. She wasn't in my classroom. So how do you prefer to do it, we play the waiting game or we go to them? "

I rest my cheek on my hand as I ponder on what to do.

"You do realize that we are being watched right now?"

Nero gives a small nod in confirmation.

"From the looks of it, it's the two high-class devils that go to this school." He says.

"Hum, so it seems."

From the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of our observers.

In the window of the building behind of us, there stood two girls. Both were beautiful in their own way and both appeared to be in their late teens. One had a buxom figure and blue-green eyes, but her most distinctive feature was her long hair, it had a crimson color. The other one had a slim figure, she wore glasses, her black hair was styled in a short bob cut and had violet eyes.

So these two are the heiress of the Gremory and Sitri clans huh? Not bad.

"They seem to be pretty strong." I comment

"For they age, I'd say they are alright."

"You do realize that even though you're talking like you're centuries older than them, your age is probably the same as theirs right?"

Nero shruggs his shoulders before standing up. I jump out of my sit to catch up to him.

"But answering your previous question, I don't think there will be any need for us to make a move, let's wait and see what happens."

"Fine by me." He answers before making his way to his class.

I reach my class the same moment than Sensei, who looks at me before averting her eyes and blushing a little, during class she would also spare some glances in my way.

Ah, this will be a thing now right? I shouldn't have said anything earlier.

The day ended without any occurences, so we made our way back to our house.

"Welcome home you two. How was your first day?" Ashiya asks as we enter the house.

"Interesting." I say


"I see, I see. Well, dinner's almost done."

We sat on the table waiting for Ashiya.

"So Ashiya, how was your day?"

"Oh, I'm glad you asked Issei-sama! Today was fantastic, I dealt with the dirt that was sprawling in the house,won the battle against the washing machine," Ashiya began to list his day, his face beaming with ethusiasm as he stood up and began gesticulating each listed action. I sweatdrop at this sight.

I'm glad Ashiya is adapting to his new lifestyle now, in the firsts days he would always cry whenever he was reminded of the past. But even then, is all this gesticulation necessary?

"How the mighty have fallen.." Nero suddenly says.

Ashiya instantly stops moving and talking, his body now trembling and tears appears in the corner of his eyes.

OI! What are you doing?! I won't hear the end of it if he starts crying!

"Ashiya don't mind wh-" I was interrupted by Ashiya, who grabbed my shoulders and began to shake me while crying.

"It isn't my fault! Don't you think I miss my army?! Issei-sama please, I don't care if you're going to dominate the world or just go to school, don't leave meee!" Ashiya cried.

I glare at Nero, who simply smiles.

Shit, look at what you did! It's gonna take an eternity to calm him down.

The next day at school started normal. That pervert duo threathen me again but this time they really got lynched by the girls in class. At lunch break again whe were observed by the devils, only this time they weren't the only ones.

"Another player has appeared." Nero says

I nod in confirmation.

"Let's stick to the same plan. Now that they aren't the only ones interested, the devils won't be able to afford to simply wait."

Nero nodded.

After class ended, I was packing my stuff when i felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turn to see a girl with long black hair and with violet eyes staring me.

"A-are you Hyoudou Issei?" She asked

"Yes, what can I do for you?" Her face lit up with a smile.

"My name's A-Amano Yuuma, I'm a second year like you," She introduced herself, while blushing."Would you like to be my boyfriend?"

After asking this, the remaining people in the classroom gasped.

"Nooo! Someone is trying to take our new Prince!"

"What the hell man!It's his second day here and a beauty already declared to him, die pretty boy!"

I stared at her for a brief time.

A Fallen Angel huh? So Azazel already noticed us.

"Excuse me, are you Hyoudou-kun?" I hear another girl calling me

When I turn again, in front of me stood the Sitri heiress.

"Yes that would be me."

"I'm Sona Shitori, kaichou of the Student Council. I would like to know if you could come with to to the SC room, there's something I'd like to discuss."

Oh my, both sides attacked at the same time.

"Excuse me Sona-senpai, but I was in the middle of a important discussion with Hyoudou-kun." Yuuma said, glaring at her a bit.

Sona looked at the Fallen Angel without changing her facial expression.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but my bussiness with him are of the extreme importance."

"So are mine." Yuuma retorted

"I find it hard to believe that you cannot wait to ask him later if he wants to be with you".

Yuuma's eye twitched.

"And what would be so important that YOU cant wait to talk to him another time?" Yuuma demanded

"That's none of your concern. This is between Hyoudou-kun and the Student Council."

"Why you.."

Yuuma continued to glare at Sona, inwardly letting out a sigh, I decided to step in before things escaleted.

I put a hand on the shoulder of each girl, making their attention shift to me.

"Take it easy okay. There's no need for you two to be at each other's throat." They seemed to calm down after listening to me

"Now, Yuuma-san, I'm sorry but I don't really know you to be your boyfriend but I wouldn't mind being friends with you." Yuuma seemed shocked that I rejected her, she was going to say something but I stopped her with a motion of my hand.

"And Shitori-senpai, I'm sorry as well but I can't go with you today because I have some things to sort out back at home, okay?" I finished talking and showed them a smile, making both of them genuinely blush a bit.

Sona avert her eyes while Yuuma stared, mesmerized.

'What's this fuzzy and warm feeling?' Both girls thought

"O-okay.." The two girls answered

"Great! I'll see you two tomorrow,and again sorry!"

I turned towards the door, a smirk appearing in my face.

I wonder if they approached Nero as well.

(Nero POV)

I was walking out of classroom, picking my headphones on the bag when someone called me.

"Excuse me, are you Nero Angelo?"

In front of me stood the girl considered to be one, if not the most, beautiful girl of this school, the Gremory heiress.

"Yeah that's me." I answered

"I'm Rias Gremory, nice to meet you Angelo-kun." She greets me with a smile


I walk past her to continue my way.

Rias was suprised to see no reaction from the new student towards her. Usually every boy, and even girl, would take this chance to speak to her.

"Wait!" She said, jumping in front of Nero."I still have something to say."

I raise my eyebrow. She's definitely not used to be left hanging.


"I've heard that you just recently moved in town didn't you Angelo-kun?" She asked

"And where did you heard that Gremory-san? If I'm not mistaken this is the first time we met or talked, and I didn't say to nobody in this school such thing." Rias slightly flinched. She got that information from Sona, who looked through his records

"What I mean is, since you're new in town, how about I show you around sometime?" She proposed once more smiling

Before I could answer, I felt something soft against my back an saw two arms wrapping me by my neck.

"Hi there handsome."

I look to my back to see a woman, I have no idea how she was able to be admitted in a high school, she seemed to be in her twenties.

She smiled at me before saying

"I just heard that you're new in town, is it correct?"

I left out a sigh

"Yeah it's true."

"That's great! How about I show you around then, there are a lot of interesting places for two persons around here you know~?" She says seducingly

"Excuse me, who are you?" Rias asked with venom

"I'm Kalawarner, I've just recently entered this school." She said without sparing a glance at her

"I see. I'm sorry to say but I'm already going to accompany Angelo-kun around town, so you're not needed."

Kalawarner glared at Rias, letting go of Nero and walking past him to stand in front of the heiress.

Nero took a quick look at Kalawarner. She really didn't look like a teenager. She was tall and had a buxom figure like Rias, with long navy-blue hair.

She's definetily a Fallen Angel.

"Ah is that so? But I didn't heard Nero-kun say that he would go with you, so I thought that it was fine for me to ask him out." Kalawarner said

"Obviously he didn't answer me, you appeared out of nowhere hugging him and interrupting our talk." Rias retorted

I rub the back of my head as I look at the two glaring at each other, sparks almost flying between them.

"Enough!" Both shudder in surprise and look at me

"Now pay attention because I'm going to answer both of your requests okay?"

They both nod, looking at expectantly.


""Eh?"" The two of them said at the same time, surprised.

"See you girls tomorrow." I finish while walking past them.

Both Rias and Kalawarner stood still for some time, both not believing that they were so easily turned down.

(Issei POV)

"Hahaha! Are you serious?! That was cold, even for you Nero haha!" I laugh while hitting the table

We arrived home a few minutes ago, Nero just finished telling me his encounter with the Gremory girl and Fallen Angel.

"They were too annoying with this whole dispute on who was going to show me the town. What about you ?" He asked me

"I see, too annoying huh? Another Fallen Angel and the Sitri heiress approached me. The first wanted to be my girlfriend and the second wanted to talk to me in private."

"My,my" Ashiya appeared from the kitchen."It is only the second day and you both already have girls from different factions fighting over you, I'm proud of you two."

"Are you Ashiya? Why?"

Ashiya turned to me with a serious expression

"Because you have to continue your lineage Issei-sama! As I was your father's general and now am yours, I shall be the future Young Master's general as well. And I'm proud of Nero because as he is your brotherly figure, so will he's son be for the Young Master."

Uh, Ashiya I'm sorry but... you're thinking too far ahead.

Nero was drinking with his eyes closed. After hearing Ashiya speech, he opened on of his eyes, staring at the former general.

"Go back to your room to wear your cape and fantasize about your past, Demoted General."

Ashiya fell to the ground on his knees, crying and saying that life isn't fair.

One of this day's you're gonna end up breaking him for real you know?

(Azazel POV)

Back in the Underworld, at the Grigori, Azazel was just informed that Kalawarner and Raynare had returned.

He entered their room to find the girls with opposite expressions. While Kalawarner looked displeased and angry, Raynare looked somewhat happy and lost in thought.

"So, how did it go for you two?"

"It went well."


I smile and point at Kalawarner to speak up first.

"I don't understand how that happened! He must be gay or something, not only he rejected me but he barely spoke to directly to me. The only thing he basically said to me was "no"."

"Is that so.." I look at Raynere. "I believe then that things went well for you?"

Raynare assumed a difficult expression.

"Yes, well.. sort of?" I raise my eyebrow at her answer

"Elaborate please."

"He rejected me as well.."

"So today was a failure for you as well?"

"NO!" Raynare almost jumping from her chair. I raise my hands defensively.

"..Sorry." She said with an embarassed tone."I don't think it was a failure because he said that... ends." She said mumbling

"What was that?" I ask her

"H-he said that we could start as f-friends.." She said with a little blush. I smirk after hearing her.

This guy seems to be a player.

"Hahaha you're acting like that just because of that?! I thought that you were more experienced than this Raynare." Kalawarner mocked her friend

"Shut it! I don't have to hear that from someone who wasn't even able to talk normally with a boy before being reject completely." Raynere glared at her

"I-I wasn't reject completely! He said he would see me tomorrow! And it is as people say: The more difficult something is, the more rewarding it is in the end, different from your boy who sweet talks with every girls he sees."

"Don't you dare talk like that about Issei-kun!" Raynare demanded

I just looked at the two bickering, surprised by what they are saying.

"So I take that you two want to continue in this assignment then?"

""YES!"" The both instantly said.

Hahahaha! Let me correct my earlier statement, it seems that both brats are players.

(Issei POV)

"So we will do it like this: first I'll see how the Sitri girl will play, then you'll deal with the Gremory one. Is that acceptable?" I ask Nero on our way to school

"Works for me. It's better this way, since I'll have to muster a lot of patience to deal with that girl."

Yeah right, I'm sure he enjoyed the attention he received yesterday.



They both turn around to see the Fallen Angels that talked to them running towards them.

"That's the one who talked to you yesterday?" I asked after taking a look at Kalawarner.

Nero nodded after seeing who it was.

"Luckly you have a thing for older women right?" I tease him

He hits me in the ribs

"It's not like the other one is any younger." He said

"You didn't denied what I said though.."

He hits me again.

At lunch break we decided not to eat together, since now both groups will begin to approach us more often, we will for now deal this situation separately.

Right now, as I eat my lunch, Yuuma is sitting with me, making various questions.

"So Nero is your family?" She asked

"Not by blood but yeah, he's my brother."

"S-so it is true that you guys are new in town?"


"I-I thought that maybe I could..." She said, blushing a bit."S-show you around town in the weekend."

I make a surprised expression at her proposal.

"A-as friends of course!" She quickly added before I answered her.

I look at her expression. This time, her nervouness and blush are genuine, not like her first time talking to him.

"Sure, why not." I answer

Her face lits up with a smile

"Great! I'll give you later my phone number."


I turn to see Sona standing next to me. I show her a smile before talking

"Hello Shitori-senpai, what can I do for you?"

Her face remain the stoic mask of usual but with a small pink color on her cheeks. Raynare glares at her like last time.

"I would like to once more invite you to chat at Student Council room after class today, if possible."

Right of the bat with that. Well, that works for me.

"Sure, Shitori-senpai. Today's okay for me."

Sona show a small smile before saying

"Then I will see you later Hyoudou-kun."

"Until then."

Me and Yuuma kept looking as Sona walked away, until she sudddenly grabbed me by the collar of my shirt.

"Why would you agree to that Issei-kun?" She asks with an angry expression

"What are you saying Yuuma-san? She only wanted to talk, what's the problem with that?"

"The problem is that I don't want-" She stopped talking. For Raynare, Sona was a mortal enemy but to Issei, in her eyes, he had no idea of the conflict between factions.

"You don't want what Yuuma-san? You don't want to see me talking with other girls, is that it?" I teased her while smirking, causing her to blush a bit.

"N-no that's not it at all!" She tried to defend herself

I laugh at her reaction, causing her to pout.

As the lunch break is over, I started my making my way to class when I spotted at the distance Nero talking with The Prince of Kouh, the original one, Yuuto Kiba. After he ended speaking, Nero shook his hand while making an apologetic gesture to him.

Seems the Gremory girl won't give him a rest.

It was evening already when I was on my way to the Student Council.

I knocked on the door, after a few seconds I hear Sona giving me the okay to enter.

Inside, there were only two people present.

"Evening Hyoudou-kun." Sona greeted. "This here is Tsubaki Shinra, she's the fuku kaichou."

I turn to see a bespectacled young woman with long straight black hair with split bangs and heterochromic eyes, one violet and the other light brown.

"It's nice to meet you Hyoudou-kun." She gives a small bow.

"Likewise Shinra-senpai." I say with a smile.

She averts her eyes embarassed.

"So Hyoudou-kun," Sona starts. "I'd like to officially welcome you to Kuoh Academy and also congratulate you for your score on the admittion test. It is quite rare to someone to ace it."

"Thank you Shitori-senpai, it was a very well done test."

"The school tries its best." Sona replied, narrowing her eyes a bit afterwards."Say, are you familiar with chess?"

"Yes, I know my way around it."

"Would you like to play one match as I tell you why I asked for you to stop by?"

So that's how she wants to evaluate me.

"Fine by me."

"Perfect then."

We both take a seat in front of a small desk that had the chessboard.

When we began to play, no one said a word, as we were absorved in the game. When the match reached what would be it's middle point, Sona had a slight advantage over me, but its fine, winning in chess isn't my intention today. I see that sometimes Sona spare some glances at me and I can feel Shinra-senpai's gaze on me sometimes.

"Hyoudou-kun," Sona finally started. "Do you believe in the supernatural?" I smirk after hearing her

"I though that this type of question belong to the ORC, not the Student Council." I tease her

"Indeed, but since the president of that club is a friend of mine, sometimes I try to help her find members."

What a good friend.

"I see." I say while moving my rook. "And yes, I do believe."

"Oh and why is that?"

I look up to Sona's face, staring at her eyes before answering

"For starters, I'm talking to a devil right now am I not?"

The two girls weren't able to maintain their stoic expressions.

The mood in the room changed quickly, becoming tense.

"... And why would you say that?" Sona asked after staying silent

"There's no need to be that defensive. I mean no harm, heiress of the Sitri clan."

Sona tensed up after hearing her real surname.

"Forgive me if I don't believe it right away."

"No need. I would be wary if I were in your position as well."

"Good, then you wouldn't mind if I asked you a few questions right?"

I gesture with my hands that she is welcome to do so.

"Is Hyoudou Issei your real name?"

I nod in confirmation

"What is your motive to coming to my town?"

"Nothing grand. We're just looking to settle down for a bit because all we did until now is travel from place to place."

"Any specific reason to do that?" Sona asked while narrowing her eyes

"Not really." I lie to her

"You're cleary not human, so forgive my rudness, what are you? And who else is with you?"

"I'm a half devil."I tell a half truth. "Aside from me and Nero there's one more back at home with us."

Sona stays silent for a moment, observing me, searching for any indication of deceive.

"Do you have any il intentions towards us devils."

"No not at all. Otherwise I wouldn't even appear here to talk with you."

"Is that so?" She said with an raised eyebrow

She didn't bought that one.

"And your brother?"

"Don't worry about Nero. He will eventually go talk with Gremory group and I will introduce him to you as well, but for now you'll only deal with me. Is that okay?"

Sona goes quiet once more, focusing back at the chess game. After a few minutes, the match ended with a close victory to Sona, who inwardly is suprise on how close her kouhai came to beat her.

"That was a good match Hyoudou-kun. I must say that I'm impressed on how well you played it."

"Thank you. You're a fine player yourself Sitri-senpai. Though I must say that I'm a bit rusty."

"Interesting." She said while adjusting her glasses."Hyoudou-kun, would you like to join my peerage?"

Tsubaki's eyes widened after hearing her [King]. It was really rare for her to show openly her interest in someone, even more in a boy.

"I'm sorry Sitri-senpai, although I think that you must be an excellent [King], I'm not looking for a life of servitude for now."

"That is fine."

Before Sona was able to speak again, the door of the Student Council opened, showing a tall boy with short blonde hair and grey eyes.

"Excuse me Kaichou, I just came to leave the documents that you asked me."

Sona turned to the boy

"Thank you Saji-kun, please leave it at my desk."

He walked over to her desk, left the documents an said to Sona

"If you excuse me, there's a friend of mine waiting for me Kaichou."

Sona nodded and the boy quickly left.

"So, what are you planing to do with him Sitri-senpai?" I asked her

"Basically the same that I did to you," She stated. "ask him if he wants to become a devil and join my peerage. Saji-kun seems to possess a strong Sacred Gear. Do you know what Sacred Gears are Hyoudou-kun?"

"God's gifts to humans right?"

"Correct." Sona answered while standing up and walking towards the window.

I walked to the window as well and saw Saji walking towards the school's gate, where another boy was waiting him.

"I plan on asking him really soon, before the other factions makes a move on him." She explained

"That may be the best course of action."

I continued to look the two. When Saji approached the other guy, he raised his hand to do a high five, to which the guy respond. When Saji's friend raised his arm, I narrowed my eyes. In his wrist there were very old glyphs. Nowadays few people remember how to use or which to use, and whats more, there had a purple color.

It might be that guy's work. If it is, then this Saji figure is most likely in trouble.

"Hyoudou-kun, is there something wrong?"

I turn to Sona, who was staring at me with a somewhat curious expression.

I must have been staring for a long time those two.

"No, no. Everything's fine Sitri-senpai."

She continued to stare me for a while, but decided not to say anything.

"Then I'd say that we're done for the day." She said as she walked back to her desk."I do hope to play other matches with you Hyoudou-kun."

She said with a small smile. By the surprised expression of Shinra-senpai it seems such a thing is not common.

"Sure, I look foward to it."

"One last thing Hyoudou-kun."

Sona said as I was reaching the door. I turned again to her

"Why did you mean by saying that you will deal with me and Nero will deal with Rias."

I tilt my head, pondering how to put into words my idea.

"Well, I thought that since there are two of you, as in high-class devils, and there's two of us, since you were probably going to ask us to join a peerage, spliting us up would be best for you two."

Sona raised her eyebrows, surprised by his answer.

"So that means that you would reconsider joining my peerage?" She asked

"Who knows~?" I answer while opening the door. "See you tomorrow senpais."

As I walk pass the hallway, I reach for my phone.

"Nero, I think we may have a clue.."

(Sona POV)

"Do you believe in what he said Sona?"

My [Queen], Tsubaki, asks me about one of our new kouhai. Hyoudou Issei. Saying he's a mystery would be an understatement, he has no records outside of those he used to enroll in this school, he aced the test, which is something that even I didn't managed to do, even if I was pretty close to it.

He also gives a funny feeling whenever I talk to him, almost as if I could instantly trust him.. but what surprised me the most was the fact that he almost won in the match against me. He was without a doubt the only person that came this close to beat me in chess.

"I don't know Tsubaki. Regarding what he said I think that he omitted some information here and there but, I don't know.. I don't think he means to cause trouble."

But the expression he made when he was looking at Saji-kun and his friend, there was definitely something that caught his eye. Something that we didn't see.

"We're going to observe him today Tsubaki." I declared

She nodded in confirmation.

(Saji POV)

Man, this term began pretty well! It isn't even the second week of classes and I am talking to one of my senpai's who's one of the prettiest girl's in school, Sona kaichou, who says that I have qualities to join the Student Council, which is another cool thing. And I've made a new friend, Lars, who doesn't go to the same school as me but he says that he lives nearby.

We enjoy pretty much the same stuff so we hit it off easily. Right now we're walking back from the game store. We went there to check out the newest shooter that came out, we took longer than I expected because we weren't the only ones who went there searching for this game.

"We were pretty lucky to get these two copys dude." Lars commented

We are crossing the park, it is a shortcut to my way home.

"Damn right we were! The place was crowded, I think that when we left all the copys were sold."

"Hahaha that's very likely." Lars laughs. He's phone then begins to ring.

"Just a moment." He asks.

We stopped in front of the fountain, in the middle of the park. There's only me and Lars right now, since it's getting late. While I wait to Lars to finish his call, I sat on the fountain and grabbed the game box to take a look at it.

"Are you sure?" Lars asked. "Alright then."

He putted his phone in one of his pockets.

"Ready to go?"

"Just a minute." He answered me

He then puts his hand on another pocket, on his hand there's a.. pocket knife?

"Whoa! What are you doing with that?"

In his face appears a grin. He lifts up one of his sleeves, revealing something that looks like a tatoo. There's a bunch of symbols in purple.

"You'll see."

He then cuts his wrist right in that tatoo, which begins to glow in its purple color. He now looks older, way older than a teenager. Shit, he even has beard now!

"What the hell did you do man?!"

He was still grinning at me but now, I could feel hostility coming from him. His whole demeanour changed. He now walks and stands like a military, he's nothing like the boy that was with me in the game store.

I turn back to run from Lars, if that's even his name, but he appears in front of me.

What! What's with this speed!

He grabbs my by the neck, lifting me up in the air.

"It's no use boy. You should just accept your fate." He says, his voice now way deeper than before.

He then throws me to the ground and kicks me in the stomach.

What's with this strength?! If the kick were any stronger I think his foot would pierce me!

I look up to see four black wings sprouting from his back.

Haha, I must be going crazy. Not only did "Lars" magically got older but now he has wings.

"Sorry kid," He says. "Orders are orders."

He raises his left hand and out of nowhere, a yellow spear-looking object appears.

"I'll try to make it fast." He then throws the spear at me.

I try to stand up to dodge but when I begin to move my body I end up coughing blood, my stomach feeling like it's burning.

Shit, is this how I'm going to die?! I didn't even get to have a girlfriend!

When I thought that it was the end, I heard a gunshot and then the spear disintegrated in the air.

"What!" Lars exclaim.

He then looks beyond me.

"Who are you two?" He demands

Someone came to help me?

"I'm so sorry Fallen Angel-san, but I can't have you killing him like that or you'll make a girl cry you know~?"

Oooh! A girl would cry for me? I hope it's a cute one.

I turn around and to my surprise, I see the two new students from my school. That one was at the Student Council this evening! Holy shit, one of them is holding a revolver! That's ilegal, but then again it did save me..

The one that I saw this evening turns to me

"Sorry that you ended up caught in this mess dude. Don't worry, we'll take it from here."

"What are y-"

I was going to ask him what he was talking about but I suddenly felt strength leave my body. All that I saw was black.

(Issei POV)

Good. Now that he went to sleep I can chat with the Fallen Angel.

"I'll ask again, who are you two?"

"We're his classmates."

"Don't play with me!" He said angrily

"I don't understand, we're telling the truth. What I want to know is why are you trying to kill a Sacred Gear user, I thought Azazel was against such actions."

"That is none of your bussiness brat!"

"Ara, are you perhaps acting under someone elses orders?"

The Fallen Angel tensed up after hearing me. It seems that Azazel's control over his subordinates isn't absolute.

"Quiet or I'll kill you!"

He charged two more light spears in his hands but were destroyed with Nero's Blue Rose. He was once more shocked to see his weapons dealt with so easily.

"Settle down and answer our questions crow." Nero said

The Crow jumped back to gain distance and at the same time, another Fallen Angel appeared, four winged as well.

"I'm afraid you both will have to die." Lars declared

"I'll deal with our new guest." Nero stated

"Sure, go nuts on him."

"What is your name?" I asked the crow that was with Saji


"I see, how about we see how our companions will deal with each other first?"

Lars stared at me for a brief moment before relaxing his posture.

"That's fine by me, you're the one that will have to face two enemies at once anyway."

"Is that so?" I asked

"Even if your friend has a weapon that wins against our light spears, my companion is capable of creating more than two spears at once, I doubt that your friend has the skill to deal with all of them at once." He explained

"Are you that confident that you will win?"

He nodded in confirmation. Heh, I guess we'll have to wait and see.

"Ha! You'll regret coming here boy!" The crow taunted Nero, who simply stood still, resting his revolver in his shoulder.

The Fallen Angels spread his wings and began to fly.

"Let's see how you fare against six spears at once." He spoke while still rising in the air.

He stopped at a point where he believe that Nero wouldn't be able to hit him with his revolver and began to charge his spears. After a few seconds, he stopped concetrating when he heard gunshots, four of them.

He began to feel an acute pain and then started to fall. For a moment he didn't understood what happened, he tried to flap his wings but the only response he got was pain. Horrified, he look at his wings to see in each of them bullet holes, blood dripping from them.

He hit the ground with his back, making a small crater. Silence reigned after his fall. When he tried to stand up, he noticed that the boy was now standing in front of him.

With his right hand, Nero grabbed the Fallen Angel by the head, covering his face with his palm and lifting him up.

"Goodbye." He said, to which the crow began to struggle to get out of his grip.

Nero squeezed the Fallen Angel's head like a fruit, the crushing sound reaping the silence of the night and ending the fight.

Lars stared shocked at the sight of his companion being killed so easilly.

"So what are you going to do now Lars? Are you going to answer my questions or are you going to end up like your friend?" I asked him

Lars once again jumped back to gain more distance, using every once of his magical power to create his strongest spear. He then threw it at Issei.

Issei sidestepped to dodge the spear and when it was going to pass him, he grab it with one of his hands.

Lars had a blank expression, not knowing what to think of the situation. The boy simply caught his spear and now is examinating it. After looking it for a minute, he nodded, looking satisfated with the spear. Issei stared at Lars and showed him a grin.

He aimed at Lars the spear and before throwing it, he infused some of his power in it, changing the spear's color to black.

The Fallen Angel focused on the spear, ready to dodge whenever the boy decided to throw it.

But before he could react Issei's arm became a blur. When he saw his hand clearly again, it was empty.


He finally felt that something was wrong after hearing the sound of something dripping. When he looked down to his chest, he saw the his spear piercing him.

Lars fell on his knees, coughing large amounts of blood on the ground.

"M-monster.." He said before dying.

(Sona POV)

When I told Tsubaki that we would follow Hyoudou-kun, it was because I thought that something was off.

But I had no idea that something like this would happen, and the strength of this two is something that I didn't expected, for them to be able to handle four winged Fallen Angels this easily..

What surprised me the most was without a doubt Hyoudou-kun. He said that he was half devil, yet he held in his hand a light spear. And for his brother to kill someone like that, his raw strength must be absurd. He definitely didn't told me everything today, which should increase my waryness of him but, oddly, it only increased my interest in him.

"Come with me Tsubaki."

We both walked towards the brothers.

As we approached them, Angelo-kun looked at us with his stoic expression, as if seeing us here is of no suprise to him. Hyoudou-kun on the other hand when he saw us, he smile at us. Uh, that smile of his, I can feel my face heating up.

"Hello there Sitri-senpai and Shinra-senpai." He greeted us.

"Hello Hyoudou-kun." I said while looking the aftermath of their skirmish."How did you know that Saji-kun was being targeted? We didn't notice any movements from the Fallen Angels."

"So you saw our fight?" He asked.

I nodded in confirmation

"Is there anything you'd like to ask about?"

He's testing us, to see if we're going to try to press him for answers.

"No, for now I'll trust in what you told me this evening Hyoudou-kun."

His expression didn't change, but I could see in his eyes a bit of surprise.

"Alright, then it should be faster to explain."

He walked an kneeled in front of the Fallen Angel that he killed, grabbed his arm and raised his sleeve. He showed us symbols encarved on the deceased's wrist. My eyes grew wide with surprise becuase I have never seen anything like this in all magic books I've read.

"Do you know what it is Hyoudou-kun?" He nodded

"These are very old glyphs, it's pretty rare to see then nowadays. The sequence used on him was to completely hide his presence. I bet the other one has it as well." He explained

"And how do you know all this?"

"Remember that I told you that aside from us two, there's one more person back at my place?"

"I do remember."

"He knows all about this kind of glyph, so he thaught some of it, it's harder than your everyday magic." He finished explaining.

"Could you teach me some of those glyphs?" I asked him

Hyoudou-kun started to rub the back of his head, pondering.

"Well I can try but for anything too advanced you're going to ask Ashiya."

"Excellent!" I almost screamed

Tsubaki sweatdropped seeing her [King] so excited. Her eyes were almost shining.

"So what would you like to do with Saji-kun?" He asked, looking over the unconscious boy.

"We'll take care of him. I'm going to take this chance to talk about the supernatural and ask him if he wants to join my peerage."

"Alright then. Oh, by the way, even if it's earlier than I planned let me formally introduce you two senpais to my brother, Nero Angelo.

"Pleasure to meet both of you." He said with a small bow.

""Likewise Angelo-kun."" We both said

We lifted Saji of the ground and before going back, I turned to Hyoudou-kun.

"Hyoudou-kun.." I started."Would you be interested in joining the Student Council?"

Everyone but Nero was surprised by her proposal.

"Oh? But I thought that only those that joined your peerage were a part of it."

"Well, in theory yes. But since I will be dealing with you, as you said, I thought that this way would be more effective. I won't put you in any major post, it would probably be something like an assistant." I explained

He tilted his head with his eyes closed.

"Humm.. sure why not."

A smile appeared in my face. "Great then, tomorrow after class please stop by the Student Council."

"See you tomorrow then Kaichou."

(Azazel POV)

I decided to come to Kuoh after receiving a report from Kalawarner and Raynare that there were other Fallen Angels in their area. The thing is, aside from their assignment, I didn't authorized any other and in their report also said that their backup, two other Fallen Angels, disappeared when they were supposed to be watching a kid with a Sacred Gear.

To my surprise I founded this kid being watched by Lars, who had rarely showed up in the Grigori lately and what's worst, he was going to kill the brat.

I was going to step in and help the kid but it seems that Raynare and Kalawarner targets were faster. They're definitely strong, but seems they aren't a threath to us, otherwise they would've done something to those two girls already.

But Raynare's target is something quite peculiar, what he did in the fight is uncommon to say the minimum.

Right know I'm watching as the two say goodbye to those two devil girls, from a good distance and erasing my aura.

I grabbed a purple jewel from my jacket and smirk.

Well I guess after taking care of the body's of those two I'll head back to the Grigori to continue my research on artificial Sacred Gears.

I widen my eyes when I felt ominious feeling. When I looked around to see what is was I narrow my eyes this time. Raynare's kid is staring at from the same place were he was talking with the devils.

When he saw that I noticed him, he show me a smile and blinked his eyes. When he opens them again my expression change to that of surprise and shock. One of his eyes is now red with a black slit pupil and his other eye is golden with a white slit pupil. He them turns away and begins to walk away with his brother.

Whatever that kid is, I'm sure that I've never seen anything like him. Forget leaving him to Raynare, I have to find out what he is.

(Issei POV)

"Ashiya, we will be receiving visit in a couple of minutes."

We just arrived home. After my little stare contest with Azazel I doubt that he will resist not following us.

"Oh, and who will be coming?" Ashiya asked

"The Governor General of the Fallen Angel."

"Ah I see, Azazel will-" Ashiya's eyes widen. "HUH? Why is Azazel coming here? It has been only two days that you boys started in this town and you already caught the attention of the leader of one of the factions?!"

"It couldn't be helped Ashiya. I know you haven't seen him in a long time, so that's a plus right? To see an old friend?" I say raising my hands.

Ashiya let out a heavy sigh.

"I'll prepare a barrier around the house just in case."

A few minutes have passed. The three left the door unlocked and semi-open, to show to Azazel that it was okay to come inside the house.

Me and Nero are sitting in the sofa while Ashiya was in a chair. We began to hear footsteps in the corridor and soon after Azazel appeared.

"You know, even in a good neighborhood it isn't wise to leave the door unlocked." Azazel said

"Duly noted Governor-san." I answered. I gesture to him to take a sit

"So you know who I am and what I am. Would you mind telling about yourselves?" He asked

"I'm Hyoudou Issei, nice to meet you."

"Nero Angelo."

Azazel shook his head. "That's not what I asked about."

"Ara Azazel, it seems that even after all those years you're still the same impatient person." Ashiya commented

Azazel turned his gaze to Ashiya. He was about to say something but stopped himself. His eyes grew wide of shock.

"You're Alciel!"

"The one and only."

"How are you alive? After one of the last battles of The Great War Michael was sure that you died."

"Well he's mistaken." Ashiya said as he served everyone the tea he had prepared before hand.

"To answer your question," Ashiya started, waving his hand in my direction. "this here is my master."

Azazel expression changed to an angry one.

"Don't play games with me Alciel! Although your death may have been a bit uncertain, Satan's death is as real as God's death."

Ashiya drank his tea calmly.

"I know. But I didn't say he was Satan, only forgot to add that he was my new master."

"You always declared that your only master was Satan, he can't be your master unless-"

Azazel face was once more a mixture of surprise and shock.

Oh I think he finally understood.

"So you're the Taboo Child.." He said while observing me

Ashiya expression turned to a serious one


"You better take that back crow."

Nero spoke up, cutting Ashiya off. Although he still had his stoic expression, his tone was agressive and started to leak some of his aura while glaring at Azazel.

I put one of my hands on Nero's shoulder, trying to calm him down.

"I'm sorry. I meant no offence." Azazel quickly apologize

"None taken." I answer.

"So, what brings you three here?" Azazel asked

"Firstly, you did saw today that some of your subordinates are acting independently right?" I asked him. He nodded in confirmation.

"Before you came here, did you checked the marks on their wrist? I did go through the trouble of ripping their sleeves for you to see it."

"I saw it." He answered.

"I'm afraid to say but there's a chance that some of the Grigori personel may be plotting against you." I stated.

"What makes you say that?"

"Aside from those two being there on their own will, you know that those glyphs aren't something easy to find."

Azazel nodded.

"Turns out that there's also a high chance that the person we are looking for might be in cahoots with these Fallen Angels. He is someone who Alshiya knows very well and it's pratically a master in the usage of those glyphs."

Azazel turned to Alshiya with a concerned expression

"Alciel, you don't mean to tell that he's alive as well?"

"..Yes I do Azazel."

Azazel closed his eyes, resting his forehead on his hands, cleary shaken by what he heard.

After he opened his eyes and looked at us, I showed him a smirk.

"It's just like that Azazel-san."

"We're looking for the original Lucifer."

A/N: Whats up guys? I hope you find this chapter enjoyable and if possible please leave a review or send me a PM, whatever's easier for you guys. It's always nice to know your opinion, even if it's only critics, feel free to speak up your mind. Also, if you have any ideas regarding the title, feel free to suggest, I don't know if this one is good. As I said earlier, I'm already working on the next chapter of my other fic but I don't intend to take a long time to post here as well. See you next time.