I won't even attempt to apologize for how long it's been, I have no real excuses. I'm not even sure if anyone is still remotely interested in this but I wanted to finish it in case there's even one of you that is. There are about 4 chapters left; this one is the last one and 3 epilogues are to follow.
As always, I do not own TVD or TO. All rights reserved to the respective owners.
And of course, a special thanks to lilycantu for giving me permission to translate her story.
Enjoy xx
Chapter 20: Young and Beautiful
" And so..."
Klaus looked at his daughter, now sleeping under the warm blanket, her face the image of genuine peace. He smiled, realizing he'd continued his storytelling even after Lizzie had fallen asleep.
He turned to the clock on the nightstand.
2:04 am
He sighed, stroking his daughter's curls, smiling as he remembered the first encounter with her mother. How her beauty and fire had bewitched him, how her love had saved him. Niklaus Mikaelson. A man filled with evil that fell for a woman with immeasurable kindness and humanity.
Her love had alienated the fears, hate, and anger that had threatened to overwhelm him.
How I miss you, Caroline.
"That was a beautiful story, although very different from The Little Mermaid or Cinderella."
His head rose abruptly, breathing deeply as he saw her standing by the door, her face shining in the soft night light.
"Caroline," he whispered.
"I hope you kept it PG," she joked.
She looked tired, her hair held up by a messy ponytail. She was smiling as she walked to the bed, her eyes now on their daughter. "How is she?" she asked bending down to kiss her daughter's cheek, gently, to not wake her.
"She missed you," replied the hybrid, taking her hands and pulling her to him. "And not just her," he said kissing the inside of her wrist. They both smiled as they left the room, leaving the door a tiny bit open so that Lizzie wouldn't be frightened by the darkness.
Caroline laughed when Klaus wrapped her in his arms, kissed her neck and inhaled her scent. "I've missed you," he whispered against her neck. She laughed, "Nik, it was only 3 weeks," the blonde jokes, putting her hands on his chest and pushing a little to see his face.
"My mom expects us for thanksgiving."
"Is she okay?"
"Yes, her shoulder is already better, so she doesn't need any more help."
Sheriff Forbes had been shot in the shoulder during a failed robbery, Caroline had immediately flown to Mystic Falls after Matt called to inform her. Klaus had wanted to accompany her but the blonde had insisted he stay so Lizzie wouldn't miss school.
"Mom sent this for Lizzie," Caroline said, grabbing her purse from a table in the hallway to bring out a beautiful pearl-colored box. A soft melody filled the place when he opened the box, the stars and the moon projected from the box to fill the hall with its shapes.
Klaus sighed, hugging her again after placing the open gift on the small table.
"Were you telling Lizzie our story?" she asked, smiling nostalgically. He kissed her profoundly.
"Do you remember how we met?" he asked between kisses.
"Mmm...how could I ever forget?" she groaned as Klaus began kissing her neck. "You are everything I ever wanted."
"You too are everything I ever wanted. And you know what I want right now?" asked the hybrid with bright eyes.
Caroline shook her head.
"I want another baby," he whispered, causing the brightest of smiles to light up her face. He tightened his hold on her, inhaling the scent that still had the power to make him weak in the knees.
"Yes, love."
"Will you still love me when I'm not young and pretty anymore?" She asked, still unsure about becoming a vampire.
"I will love you always and forever, Caroline," he said seriously.
"Dance with me," she said, wrapping her arms around him.
And they danced. To the soft music coming from Lizzie's gift, so enthralled with each other they didn't notice the door behind them open a bit more.
A tiny blonde with green eyes peeking outside after being awakened by the sound of her mother's voice. Lizzie watched in amazement as her parents danced out in the hall, their faces almost touching, wrapped in the sweetness of their moment. Thousands of years later, when she spoke to her descendants about her childhood, her mind filled with memories of stars over the figures of her parents dancing, looking at each other with such love and devotion in the old hallway of her childhood home. And she could clearly hear her father's voice as he told her the only story she ever wanted to hear…
How I met your mother was…