"Oh, I love you, Arnold," Helga gushed, pinning him against the side of the roof, an adoring, goofy, extremely lovesick smile plastered on her face.

Arnold smiled back, feeling only slightly nervous under her intense gaze. Her passion was raw and intimidating, and, although he knew he could match it every time, it almost always momentarily caught him off guard. "I know you do, Helga, and I love you, too -"

"Oh, Arnold, you have no idea," she exclaimed suddenly, her voice dreamy and breathless. "I love you with every ounce of my being, every cell in my body, every beat of my heart! I've written poetry about you, volumes and volumes, and I can stay up all night singing your praise and pouring words from my soul onto each and every page! All dedicated to you, my love, belonging to you, as does my soul. Every night I dream of your beautiful face, your mesmerizing eyes, those soft lips I often fantasize moving against my own..." She sighed, almost violently, her warm breath blowing against Arnold's startled face. He was used to her monologuing in his name, of course, but he had never seen her in as far gone a state as she was in then, and he was worried... He knew how spacey she could get, (though, he knew he wasn't one to talk, considering how often he fell into daydreams), and he usually was addicted to her dramatics, but there was also an element of concern, due to the fact that she was clearly unaware of her sudden exclamations. Through his worries, the warmth for her in his heart spread from his chest to the tips of fingers, and he couldn't help the grin from crossing his face if he tried.

"Oh, Arnold!" Helga began again, desire dripping from every syllable. "My beloved, my darling, my reason for facing this cruel world - kiss me, please, bestow upon my lips what I so desire!" She drew closer to him, pressing her body tight against his, and she grabbed his head, pulling his already-puckering lips to her willing, eager, enthusiastic mouth. They met in a way they never had before: eyes squeezed shut, lips firm and passionate, chest flushed against each other, hearts pounding in perfect synchronicity, hands moving rather frantic along the other's body, minds racing in an admiration so strong they could hardly stand it. They moaned deeply at the same time, the noise coming straight from the back of their throats and passing between slightly parted lips.

After the body's demand of oxygen broke the two apart, they pulled close together, but far enough so they could still see the other's eyes. Blue met green, and the second it did, that sturdy connection that had formed between them the second their eyes had met, returned ten-fold.

Arnold sighed warmly, staring at her with renewed adoration. "Are you aware that you're the most beautiful girl in the whole world?" he asked quietly, and grinned goofily when she giggled softly in response. "Yes, Helga G. Pataki... love of my life... you are so beautiful, so passionate, so perfect-"

Helga leaned forward at the same time as Arnold, their mutual intention being another kiss, but the moment their lips brushed, Gerald's voice called through Arnold's radio, "Hey, Arnold -"

The pigtailed girl ripped the radio from Arnold's belt and shouted into the microphone, "Not now!"

A very faint response of "Not now? Who the -" was heard, but his voice disappeared when Helga tossed the device over her shoulder before returning her adoring attention to the boy in front of her. "Oh, Arnold -" she cooed softly, inching towards him again, but when she suddenly swooped in to capture his lips, he turned his head away, and instead received a kiss on the cheek. She leaned back, a slight scowl on her face, and she said, "Hey, what gives?"

Arnold laughed, giving her back one last stroke, and her nose a quick peck before he said, "Sorry, Helga. You know I always want to kiss you, and I do love you more than anything, but we have to stop the bulldozers, remember?" At the blank look on Helga's face, he forced down his chuckles, realizing that laughing at his girlfriend's expense was never a good idea, (considering just how hot-tempered his girlfriend truly was), instead gently pushing her away so he could stand independently. "The neighborhood, Helga. We have to save the neighborhood? Or else I have to leave you, no matter how hard we try to stay together?"

A look of recognition flashed in her eyes and she laughed sheepishly. "Heh heh heh... right. The neighborhood. You leaving. Staying together..."

There was an amused twinkle in Arnold's eyes as he gave her a fast and deep kiss on her lips. When he pulled back, she had a dreamy look on her face and he grinned and added, "Staying together. Forever." He fought back a swoon of his own as the very idea, (married to Helga... living with Helga... falling asleep with one Helga G. Shortman in his arms... raising children with Helga... running the Boarding House with Helga... growing old with Helga, and knowing he'd never have to leave her, not ever...), crossed his mind. "We can finish this later. But for now - come on. We can still make it!"