So this is it, last chapter of the fic.
Thanks so much to everyone that reads it, comments and likes it. It means a lot to a writer when u guys leaves feedback.
I've come a long way writing in another language and I know I still have a lot to improve, just glad I can do it in this amazing fandom.
I plan on doing more fics, I still have a karamel one to bring it to life, but after that I'll take a break to deal with my offline projects. Inspiration with me comes out of nowhere, it's crazy, so I might come up with something new sooner than I think.
I love writing Oliver and Kara, it feels so right. I consider them my crackship since I know it will never happen on TV, and usually I have no problems shipping some and writing others. Arrowverse is all about entertainment and fun to me, and as long as we can have fun and entertain ourselves, I am up to it.
I know a lot of ship wars are happening now in the whole fandom from all 4 tv shows, I just hope to help distract everyone from bad stuff, and spread love out there. We need it.
So I hope you enjoy the last chapter and thanks again for the support. It means a lot.
It was late night at Star Labs. Everyone was still at the cortex, recovering from the fight they just had with Legion of Doom. Cisco hugged Felicity in a corner as Diggle came in with the rest of team Arrow for news about Oliver.
- We don't know… - Cisco said sadly and full of worry.
- I'm glad Kara put that bastard on his place – Felicity said full of anger in her voice – Malcolm tried to kill his own daughter, John… This was really low even for him… I can't, I just can't…
- He is a bastard. It's a shame we can't kill him again. – Diggle said sitting beside them
- It would screw the timeline, but is good to know future him will suffer. – Cisco said.
In Star Labs corridors, Julian and Caitlin sat on the ground, their backs resting on the wall, both completely exhausted from the surgeries they just did. Caitlin's nerves were taking over her once again and she was fighting hard not to have a nervous breakdown.
Julian took a look at her, noticing her inner struggle. He reached for her hand and squeezed it, smiling at her.
- You did it, Snow… We did it.
- We don't know yet… They can die at any second…
- They won't – He said getting closer to her as he looked into her eyes, his hand still on hers – I have faith in you… In… Us.
Caitlin looked at him, smiling back as she heard that last part. It was sweet of him to be there for her through the whole craziness that her life has become.
- I'm glad you are here, Julian. Thank you. It really means a lot. – She thought for a second and kept going – You know, your invitation for coffee is still on? I would love to, after everything that happened…
- Sure it is…
- Perfect. – She said getting closer to him as her lips brushed his slowly. – Let's just wait 'til everyone is fully recovered. I felt so proud watching you work with me; you have no idea – She smiled
- We make a good team, Snow – He said, closing the space between them, kissing her slowly as his hand caressed her cheeks.
Kara took a deep breath inside the medical area, after looking at how Thea was doing. Then, she walked slowly to Oliver's bed, her hands covering her mouth as tears fell down her eyes. She couldn't feel like stopping them from falling anymore anyways. She was used to see him all so strong, fighting others amazingly, she forgot completely how risky it was for him, being only human. He was a remarkable human being, he had skills she only dreamt a person would have, and still, he could die at any second. She got closer to his bedside and sat in a stool, caressing the side of his face slowly. There was a bunch of monitors around him, so many wires connected to his body, a huge bandage around his stomach. It all looked like a horror film she hated watching so much.
- It is so weird to see you like this… - She said in a weak voice as she wiped her tears from her eyes – I'm sorry I didn't see it coming. I feel responsible for this, somehow… I should have thrown them into space the second we got back, none of this would have happen… You wouldn't be fighting for your life like you are now… So, I'm sorry – She sobbed as more tears came from her eyes.
She got up feeling nervous. All that waiting got on her nerves quickly. She started pacing around the room as she looked at the ground, taking a deep breath.
- It's so messed up… Everything. I wasn't supposed to feel like this, I was supposed to come here, help you guys and go back home to my Earth. I'm not even from around. I'm not even human… I don't know how this works, I mean my cousin does a pretty good job and he has Lois, a human… - She looked at his bed, smiling to herself – I'm rambling again, I know… - She got closer to him again, taking his hand on hers, caressing it slightly. – I wasn't supposed to care for you the way I do, and I fear that this will bring nothing but suffering for both of us. Everything you told me before that first kiss of ours, I thought about it as well. I had millions of chances to kiss you and never did because of that. Now you almost died and I realized I never told you about this. I don't know if you are hearing anything I say, but I'll say it anyways…
She wiped her tears one more time from her face and put her hair behind her ears.
- It's been a really long time since I felt this way, you managed to wake up some things on me that were hibernating. You better get better Oliver Queen. You better fight this and get the hell out of this bed. Your team needs their leader. Your city needs their mayor, your friends needs you, this world needs their hero, the Green Arrow… I need you. I tried your scare tactic on the fight, it worked. I actually could understand more from your point of view. I know in the beginning I was judgmental, and I know sometime later I said I respected your ways, but today… Today I could see it with my own eyes, how it was like it for you. And I can only imagine everything you've been through, with the life you had and what you suffered… You are an admirable person Mr. Queen. You need to keep inspiring people.
Kara said her last words to him as she caressed his hands. A noise came in from his monitors, beeping out loud and she got scared. She couldn't understand nothing of that and she looked around desperate as she saw Caitlin and Julian coming in a rush.
- He's having a cardiac arrest – Caitlin said as she prepared to help Oliver, but stopped as she saw the look on Kara's face.
- Let me… Please
- Kara, there is no time…
- I know. I know how to do this… Trust me, please.
Kara once in her life did this with her own fist. One punch was enough at the time and she was feeling confident she could do it again. She just had to be careful not to kill Oliver or make things worse. The right amount of strength from her would do the trick. Caitlin looked at her with uncertainty as Julian looked like Kara was the most insane person he had ever met, but they decided to trust her on this. Kara looked at Oliver's chest, trying to focus her strength so she wouldn't make things worse. She took a deep breath and punched his chest, right where she should give him a cardiac massage. The monitors went back to normal and Oliver started opening his eyes slowly with a painful face. He slowly put one of his hands where Kara had punched him as he looked at her with a blurry vision.
- Ouch! What have I done to deserve this? – He teased her, giving a small smile.
- Bloody hell, it worked. – Julian looked startled at the scene while Caitlin smiled, hugging Kara
- We will let you two talk. – She said as he grabbed Julian's hands and brought him out of the room with her.
Kara looked at Oliver in complete shock. She couldn't believe it worked. She only did it once in her life, and almost broke the person in half at the time. Now in Oliver, there was just a huge purple bruise where she had punched him.
- Let me start by almost dying and scaring the hell out of me – She said in a serious tone, sitting next to him once again.
- I'm glad to be alive… Bruised, but alive. Thank you Kara – He looked at her – So you actually used my scare the hell out of people tactic and it did work?
- You were listening – She said looking at him wide eyed. She hoped he was listening but she had no idea he would. Now she was more nervous than ever.
- Every single word – He smiled at her while feeling much pain, but ignoring it and reaching for her hand. – And please, don't think even for a second that this is your fault. You were amazing out there, all badass fighting that idiot. I'm glad you were there with us. – He completed, looking proudly at her.
Kara grabbed his hand slightly, trying not to hurt him more than she did already when he gave a small tug, bringing her to lean on him in that small bed.
- I don't want to hurt you Oliver, you are still sore – She said worried trying to stand up beside his bed.
- You won't. And this bruise right here, I will wear it proudly. Supergirl's punch that brought me back to life – He smiled pulling her to him as she leaned on his side.
- You have bruises all over your body and your stiches might open if you don't rest Oliver Queen. Please, be still – She said in a serious tone as she brought her face closer to his, giving him a small kiss on his lips. She rested her forehead on his, breaking the kiss apart as she looked deeply in his eyes – This is for you surviving.
- I need to survive more often, then – He whispered to her as they kissed again.
Three days later, the news that Oliver was alive and well, but needed recovery spread all around. In Star City, the news was that the Mayor was attacked and recovering in a secured hospital far away, so his vice would take over for a while. His team from Star City kept protecting the city while he was gone, with help of team Flash from time to time. Fel Andar was safely locked in one of Star Labs special cells waiting for Kara to pick him up and bring him to DEO at Earth 38.
It was early in the morning and Sara laid beside Snart in her room inside the Wave Rider. They decided this was their last goodbye so they spent the night saying their goodbyes properly. Sara didn't want to wake up, she wanted for the night to last longer, but the Sun came in and made her heart ache even more. She turned around, facing Snart that looked at her in such a caring way it made her heart jump.
- I hate mornings – Snart said as he brought his lips to Sara's neck, giving small kisses and making goosebumps take over her body.
- I know, so do I – She said as she brought his face next to hers, kissing him one more time, slowly and passionately.
They broke apart as Sara sat up in her bed, bringing one of the sheets around her body as she got up.
- We don't always make the smartest decisions… I know I always complicate things… I have to give you this – She showed him a small blue pill
- What is that for?
- You have to forget everything Snart.
- Why? – He said getting up, not bothering to cover himself, making Sara blush – By the way you weren't that shy last night – He teased, finding her reaction quite funny - What is happening?
- I don't like this ok, I don't like having to say goodbye to you again…
- Keep me on the team then.
- I can't, it will mess with the timeline…You will never be recruited and never will join the Legends… We can mess with everything, even things that are happening now… You have to go back, with no memories of all of this since the Legion took you from the timeline.
- I don't like this Sara…
- I don't like it either. But we both knew this day would come.
- I know – He said as he hugged her from behind, his hands going to her waist – I know it has to be this way. I just had to try – He teased her, smiling as he kissed her neck on more time. – I will take this pill, but not now. Just give it to me when we get there, in my timeline. It will make things easier.
- Deal – She said as she kissed him one more time. – She felt him holding her by the waist walking backwards to the bed and bringing her with him as he kissed her passionately.
Back at Star Labs, Oliver was full recovered now, still having to rest more and be careful, still sore, but fully alive. He sat inside the cortex by himself as Barry came in.
- I'm glad you are alive man – He said hugging Oliver – I know you are not a hugger, but you are in no position to argue right now – He laughed, making Oliver laugh as well.
- No one is happier than I am.
- Debatable… I've seen Kara… - He teased Oliver.
- I'm just glad everything, all this craziness, is over – Oliver let out a breath he never knew he was holding. – What? – He said looking at the expression on Barry's face.
- I'm not that sure you will be that glad that everything is over man… - He scratched behind his ear – Just talk to Kara… I know you are dying to; she is as well… I can see it…
- That's true… I want to. And this is the hardest part. – He looked at the ground getting lost in his own thoughts.
He always knew someday they would fix everything and go their separate ways. He wasn't expecting it to be so fast. It made him think of all the time he wasted with not so important things and now it was late, late to think about it and to regret anything.
The Wave Rider was ready to time jump again and return every one of the Legion of Doom to their original timelines. Everyone was at the Star Labs hangar saying their goodbyes to each other.
- Next time we will talk more – Sara said hugging Kara – I'm glad everything is ok now, and please, take care of yourself. Someday we might visit your Earth, it seems like an interesting place. – She smiled letting Kara go
- I'll love to have you all there. And thank you for everything. This was a true adventure. – Kara said smiling back at Sara.
Sara reached for Oliver, hugging him.
- Never again scare us like that Ollie or I will come back to hit you in the face – She said teasing him, but looking deadly serious at the same time.
- I promise I'll try – He smiled back at her, hugging her as well. – Are you going to be ok?
- I'll manage. And you?
- Same.
They exchanged knowing looks thinking about each other's situation. They both knew things wouldn't be easy but they would deal with it somehow. The rest of the Legends said their goodbyes and went back to the Wave Rider. Team Arrow, Kara and Team Flash watched them disappear in the sky.
- After everything I've seen so far, this is still weird for me – Dinah said still looking at the sky while Diggle put one of his hands on her shoulder.
- I know the feeling.
A few moments later, it was Kara's turn to say her goodbyes. Fel Andar was knocked out again and tied up at on the floor as Kara hugged everyone. Oliver stayed a bit far away from everyone, with his arms crossed, looking at the ground. When Kara said goodbye to the last person there, they all went back inside Star Labs, leaving Kara and Oliver behind.
They looked at each other quietly, as Kara walked in his direction, stopping right in front of him.
- I will miss you… - She said as he stood quiet, just looking at her. It broke her heart to see this look on his face. She hated it so much they had to go their separate ways. She never wished so badly they were from the same universe, but sadly it was not like that. – Please talk to me… I don't want to feel like talking to myself here… - She looked nervously down at her feet.
Oliver held her chin with his fingers and lifted her face up again so she could look into his eyes. He stepped closer to her, his other hand going to her waist.
- I'm sorry… Is just that… Talking about it makes it real, more than we know it is. And…
- It hurts, I know.
- More than having a sword driven through my stomach – He said in a serious voice and Kara looked at him, surprised – I'm used to pain, but this one took me by surprise.
- Malcolm did take everyone by surprise with that…
- I'm not talking about the sword.
Kara stood still, looking at him not sure about what he was talking about.
- I'm talking about the pain of saying good bye to you.
- This isn't a good by… - Kara smiled taking his hands with hers when Oliver bluntly interrupted her.
- I love you
Kara dropped her hands to her sides, letting go of Oliver's, looking at him in completely shock. Her eyes were wide while looking at him, her mouth were hanging opened in a O and she was trying to find words to say to him… She took a few steps back, turning her head to the side, thinking. Oliver looked at her more nervous that he ever felt before. He was sure about what he felt for a long time, but almost dying (again) made him wake up. He knew they were doomed, but he couldn't let her go without her knowing how he truly felt. Kara walked slowly away from him, lost in her thoughts as Oliver closed his eyes, feeling a different kind of pain in his chest. It was a risky move, but he had to. He knew it was kind of selfish, but he had to. He took a deep breath and start walking away when he heard Kara's voice.
- I understand now…
- What? – He turned around looking at her.
- The pain Sara felt earlier. – Kara said walking closer to him as she spoke. She fought the tears that insisted in trying to fall from her eyes – The big what if, it's a really terrible thing to think about, to have the desire to test waters even when you know it's doomed from the start, and testing it anyways. And loving every single second of it…
Oliver gave a few more steps towards Kara, grabbing her by the waist as he kissed her fully on the lips. Kara kissed him back with all she got, bringing her hands to his shoulders, her hands going to his neck, bringing his face closer to hers. Their tongues danced against each other in a slow motion as they savored the moment, holding each other as the world could end any minute from that moment. He pressed her body against his, feeling every single part of her insanely closer to him, driving him insane by the second. They should have done this sooner, he thought as he kissed her. She looked at him, breaking the kiss apart as she caressed his face with her hands. She smiled sadly at him as he kissed her again, more passionately this time.
- I was right – He said as he kissed her cheeks, going to the base of her neck, whispering in a low and sweet voice to her ear as she closed her eyes. – Your lips are amazing and I could spend my whole life wishing for more…
Kara caressed the back of his neck as she heard his words. His mouth on her neck, kissing her like that was driving her nuts by the second. Oliver was an amazing kisser as she expected, he surely knew how to make a girl weak on her knees. His words combine with all of that was purely heaven to heart and made everything harder than it already was.
- That's the beauty of memories. Even if we are worlds apart, we can keep this moment forever.
- I would love to visit sometime – He whispered to her ear as he kept giving her small pecks at her neck.
- And you will be more than welcome. This don't have to be a goodbye. It is one I see you soon moment. What hurts is the last thing we see, but it doesn't have to be like that. It can be about the last thing we feel.
Oliver smiled at Kara as he heard her sweet voice. He felt lucky, even if they were about to be apart for a really long time, as he could feel inside him. She was pure Sunshine, a bright light in everyone's lives. She always had the right thing to say when he needed the most and were always so positive. He would miss her like hell, he knew it. Kara brought her mouth closer to his ear, with a single tear coming out of her eyes, touching his cheeks as it fell down.
- Close your eyes honey – She said in a whisper.
Oliver closed his eyes slowly, feeling her tear falling down his cheeks. He felt her breath closer to his face as she whispered to him.
- I love you too, Oliver Queen.
Her voice was pure music to his ears, low and sweetly going directly to his heart, making it jump like crazy. He felt goosebumps like he never felt before. Next, he felt her lips softly brushing against his. He opened his mouth granting her mouth access to his as she deepened the kiss while still caressing his neck with the tip of her fingers. He felt a chill down his spine as her tongue explored his mouth leaving that strawberry taste all over his mouth. His hands tightened around her waist as he was eager to feel her closer to him one more time.
He felt a sudden whoosh of air and felt an emptiness, opening his eyes noticing she was gone, and so was the unconscious alien that laid all the time on the ground. He brought his fingers to his mouth, closing his eyes again and remembering her soft touch and kiss against his skin. It felt like a good burn he never felt before and suddenly realized what she meant.
She was right, it was about the last thing you feel. And he felt like heaven.
She was right after all, this was not a goodbye, he thought as he smiled to himself.